STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Symbiosis" CAST PICARD ORNARANS RIKER T'JON DATA ROMAS BEVERLY MARGAN TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY Non-Speaking GUINAN CREWMEMBERS O'BRIEN Non-Speaking Voice-Over SONYA Voice-Over SONYA (Cont'd) Voice-Over MUSIC ASSISTANTS CUSTOMERS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Symbiosis" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TRANSPORTER ROOM PLANET TURBOLIFT CORRIDOR JEFFERIES TUBE CARTOGRAPHY LAB JEFFERIES TUBE INTERSECTION LABORATORY STAR TREK: "Symbiosis" - RIKER'S QUARTERS - REV. 9/27/90 - TEASER STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Symbiosis" TEASER FADE IN: INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS Riker, Beverly, Geordi and Worf are gathered here, getting ready to switch off the Transporter. RIKER After we send out the signal, what should we do first? GEORDI We should run a level one diagnostic on the Transporter system. That might give us the power we need. RIKER Right. Worf hands Geordi a PADD. WORF (reading) Letter to Commander Riker, stardate 41235. This will become part of the crew's training. GEORDI We already know about it, Worf. It's a Klingon phrase... WORF Perhaps. (beat) Let's see... if we can generate a... mild shock effect in the Transporter... that should counteract the transpectral interference... Geordi turns to the console, reads the PADD. GEORDI That's great, Worf. Worf looks at him disapprovingly. RIKER'S VOICE (from com panel) Commander La Forge? GEORDI (from com panel) Yes, sir. (beat) Anything? INTERCUT: INT. CORRIDOR RIKER, BEVERLY, and WORF are moving rapidly down the corridor. They stop at a door. Geordi joins them inside. GEORDI What's the matter, Commander? RIKER We've got to re-establish computer control over the station. GEORDI It'll take a minute... and I don't want to have to mess with this for a minute... Geordi goes to a door on the far end of the corridor. Beverly presses a series of buttons on the panel. BEVERLY I'm almost done, Commander... GEORDI Beverly! The door slides OPEN. It's Doctor Terence Garcia, a young man in his early forties. He wears a breathing device and a smile that gives you just the hint of humor. BEVERLY You've got to help me, first. There's something in the shuttle that contains the key to the enterprise's computer. I don't know what it is, but it's there. RIKER You've been talking to several people in the past few hours. GEORDI Yes, sir. RIKER You haven't heard of any other source, Doctor... or anywhere else for that matter... BEVERLY How long ago was the last time you went through a phase like this? Geordi stops working and gives her a very puzzled look. Beverly smiles and EXITS. RIKER (to himself) If there's nothing to do but try and remember... He sits down with the still closed mind and closes his eyes... trygggggggg... there's something familiar about this moment. He opens one eye... there's a slight distortion in the pattern of his blinking... turns toward her... INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO The bay has been emptied of all air. The sound of distant distant TUNED AIR HISS is alternative but stimulating. Data, using his tricorder, works his hands for a moment. This is a wake-up call. He opens his eyes... walks toward the air vent in b.g... INT. CORRIDOR as Data wanders. DATA There are only a few air vents in the Enterprise. As I thought... this was my last chance for a fresh start... INT OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Geordi, Troi, Beverly, Geordi, and Worf are in conference. WORF One does not simply destroy one's own self in cold anger. PICARD Cold anger? WORF Individually, yes. But when combined, a lethal kinetic force is created. For the first time, space battles are possible. GEORDI With just a thought, we could be already fighting for our very own survival... RIKER ... All because one man decided to put the survival of the Federation above his own. PICARD One man? A secret service citizen? RIKER And he's not even one man. Someone captured Verad and the therion on an unknown planet and installed a surveillance device in his neck. TROI For T'Pel. WORF Does the name Verad ring a bell? They glance at him in surprise. RIKER You've never met him. WORF He is a member of the Klingon Empire. And an honorable warrior. Perhaps he's been selected because he's so different from the others. Picard considers that, exchanging a look of concern with Worf. PICARD Do we know that for sure? WORF He is not one of the chosen few. STRANGE VULCAN MUSIC plays quietly in the b.g. PICARD What's he doing here? VERSUS QUINNEL AND THE OTHER WRITING TEAMS have been gathering speed. QUINNEL He came to find out who was behind the sabotage. PICARD Which side? QUINNEL The Alliance. PICARD Which side are you on, Squadron I? Quinnel's not so sure of this. He looks from Picard to Worf, decides that he's being "sullied." QUINNEL Worf. I know you're a warrior. You don't need this kind of satisfaction. PICARD We both know you're lying. QUINNEL You don't have to believe it. PICARD Both of you -- his answer is no. He doesn't believe it either. Haven't you been telling the truth all along? VOICE Yes. PICARD (to the others) Nothing will stop us from collapsing sooner or later, will they? QUINNEL TILTS HIS lengths. QUINNEL Everyone grab onto something. We won't let this last minute ditty keep us from doing what we were determined to do. ANOTHER ANGLE as the CONVERSATION ENDS. While Quinn is still trying to fit the pieces together, Riker, Troi, and Geordi tense. WORF What about Lorin? Has she heard about this? QUINNEL STEPS FORWARD and speaks firmly. QUINNEL She's not one of us. As far as Lorin's concerned, that woman was the one who suggested we start thinking like this, not Mister Barclay. GEORDI (to Barclay) You all think so? BARCLAY It... it seems to be part of your plan, sir. RIKER Afoot. ANOTHER ANGLE as Quinn looks from Riker to the others. QUINN The Alliance meeting is in five hours. We're poised to give it our best. (to Barclay) Will you be there? BARCLAY I... I'll... Q I can't believe you're helping these people! You should be an ally, Mister Regulator. (to Barclay) You helped create them. Help them die when the time came. GEORDI Those are just words, Quinn. I mean what? QUINN (aside to Geordi, who shakes his head) Just words. The Alliance citizen who makes the decision to reject the provisional government, to defy the orders of the Central Command. It's a citizen who has betrayed his country, his people. And I have to punish him. RIKER You have to go back to the establishment -- to the civilian society of the Federation. QUINN I am not a typical "Federation person." On the Enterprise, I neither supported nor opposed any proposal, nor did I watch constantly. I watched it all before I joined the Enterprise. RIKER Whatever changes there were, they were gradual. The changes occurred gradually. QUINN Nonsense. The gradual ultimatum of the Alliance is the end of any movement toward a just peace. RIKER We can't possibly agree to an arbitration. QUINN Of course we can't. There are civilians and soldiers on both sides. GEORDI You don't have any basis for endorsement. Quinn shakes his head. QUINN I watched the events on the bridge closely, Commander. Whatever is going on here, I cannot bring myself to support that hypothesis. DATA You feel that you can trust him as a guided missile does. Barclay touches a companel. BARCLAY This is Ambassador Barclay. In this terminal we agree. COMPUTER VOICE Opening of Federation space. BARCLAY The Bajoran vessel Kuand'A is responding to the inspection requisition. COMPUTER VOICE Opening of Federation space. BARCLAY Miradorn vessel, this is the origin of the automated response. Do you recognize it? COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. BARCLAY Run a security scan of all Starfleet installations in this sector. COMPUTER VOICE Training sector three. BARCLAY Computer, access the file and display any new security clearance code ("Authorization Step Five") COMPUTER VOICE Proceed. Barclay places the palms of his hands on each of the four "Lifes" and then slowly reports to Geordi and Worf. BARCLAY I now have direct access to their Log books. RIKER For the next thirty seconds, commander. Riker and Worf both react to a loud SHUDDER (a very frequent malfunction) as a power is suddenly applied to the bridge. DATA I am detecting a temporal distortion. WORF A distortion? DATA It would appear to be the effect of a massive energy discharge. GEORDI There's too much temporal distortion. The main power flow should be functioning normally. DATA That is correct. (beat) However, significant damage has been done to our cerebral cortex. We are adrift for longer periods than necessary. RIKER So much for the cease-fire. PICARD (quickly) Hold your positions. Allow Transporter Room Four to complete their repairs. (MORE) PICARD (Cont'd) (to Worf) Contact the Kriosian vessel and tell them to prepare for a transfer. We may need to use their transporters in order to keep the Enterprise functioning. Worf nods. WORF Aye, sir. PICARD Mister La Forge, Conway... ? CONDUCTOR I'll get right on it, sir. ActionCode GEORDI Still a ways away... Commander, let's do us some discussion. Geordi EXITS. PICARD Data, Wesley... The three of them look toward the direction of the track to see the track disappear. PICARD (continuing) By the time you return, we'll be along for the ride. There is a beat as they consider the idea. PICARD (continuing) Base Merico is in your sights right now. What would you like to accomplish? WESLEY To prepare our new tactical computer... (indicates) ... and its library of strategy. PICARD I can envisage a scenario in which it would be our task to download the Federation's current military strategy for the quadrant. DATA The computer could provide that information as part of a single user interface... PICARD Yes... yes, that will be your task. But what if it doesn't work? What if a hundredth of the Federation's defense fleet disappears before its computer suspects. DATA The computer could detect the confusion and automatically provide additional information. WESLEY But then, that's what I was afraid about. PICARD Yes. But you're almost there. File under... "Not Yet Testified." They turn and look at each other, a bit puzzled. OMITTED INT. CORRIDOR - MEDICAL SHIP - FUTURE In the f.g., Beverly sits on the floor propped up on the biobed, on her back against the bulkhead. PICARD How is she? Beverly lets out a frustrated breath. STAR TREK: "Final Mission" - REV. 9/26/90 - ACT ONE 11. BEVERLY I'll tell you... she's the fifth entharian in the last sixteen years... The thruster BLASTS. Beverly's body tenses. COMPUTER VOICE Vertion mapping complete... horizontal and vertical vector paths traced... EXT. SPACE - MERCENARY SHIP - FUTURE (OPTICAL) moving along at Warp Nine. On the other hand, the Enterprise is warping up in the other direction. INT. ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Beverly sits in Picard's chair as Data sits in Ops. DATA The Enterprise is back on course for Starbase two-nine-five. The blue outline of the ship on the display is enhanced. PICARD Give us back on-track speed, Mister Data. DATA Aye, sir. PICARD Set a course for Starbase two-nine-five. (to Beverly) You've done a thorough job, Doctor. BEVERLY And a very thorough job I gave her. But you're making a big mistake. Forever. PICARD I'm afraid I cannot leave until my business with the Bishop has been settled. BEVERLY I feel that I can handle both suspects. Besides, I think it's best if you explore this joke again. Kes telemetry information could be extremely helpful. PICARD I'll keep that in mind. (to Beverly) Ready to return to the ship? BEVERLY Yes, sir. Beverly turns to exit. PICARD And Commander Data... CUT TO: INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE - DATA has finished exiting the business at the turbolift. Riker and Worf are standing off to one side. DATA I am very sorry about your membership. But... (glances around) ... there is really nothing to do but return to your post. RIKER Yes, sir. Data EXITS into the turbolift. Picard moves to Riker. STAR TREK: "Final Mission" - REV. 9/28/90 - ACT ONE 12. PICARD (smiles) Enough of this, Number One. Riker gives him a puzzled look. RIKER You're not leaving, are you, Geordi? PICARD You have your orders. For a beat Riker is too surprised to respond. Then after a beat he does. RIKER I'd like to... (beat) ... discuss those orders. Picard's smile turns suddenly angry. PICARD No. RIKER Yes! You'll be heading home. PICARD Re-establish a visual. Riker rushes back into the turbolift. STAR TREK: "Final Mission" - REV. 9/28/90 - ACT ONE 13. INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Moriarty and Barnaby Gonzaga are on the VIEWER. The GRAVES are low, the SATELLITE SCREEN a shadowy gray level above them. BARNABY The Gateway. MORIARTY Gates are conduits that serve as environments suit up. Gates are those conduits which allow individuals to express their needs by using the gateways. PICARD'S COM VOICE Are you saying it's... a possible gateway to another world? MORIARTY Yes, but a gateway to Humanity. The gates are the only conduits which allow it. RIKER You're saying it's... a porter? Moriarty gives him a conspiratorial look, as we follow as he joins the others in the COMMANDER's chair. MORIARTY I will not pretend to know what is beyond this gate. But I do know one must enter if they are willing to survive. BARNABY The water would be clean... the air fine... and there would be no need for filtration systems. MORIARTY Most people would not survive this condition. RIKER But they would if they could breathe again. STAR TREK: "Final Mission" - REV. 9/28/90 - ACT ONE 14. BARNABY (to Picard) Chris boarded the Stargazer just before it exploded. There's no way to be certain that all his files are being erased. PICARD Nevertheless, it seems only natural that some of them -- Alkar, the Sheliak, the Garland -- would be tempted to take command if there's a fight. MORIARTY You're seeing things too clearly, Gyll. They're mindless Creatures, slow to ripple, unable to change. BEVERLY But they'll listen to you. MORIARTY If I'm right, they'll form a connection with me. That will enable them to survive on my ship. BEVERLY (see for yourself) I don't think there's any reason for us to separate them. MORIARTY (echoing somewhere) The Sheliak will have no trouble saying hello to Chris. TROI I don't think they'll have any idea whatsoever what he's really talking about. He was evidently misled by Darkness. MORIARTY Unless something is wrong, that sounds reasonable. PICARD We have to be flexible. Our responsibilities are to explore all possibilities, while keeping the players in the dark.  MORIARTY It's reasonable to expect that they'll keep their distance. BEVERLY (puzzled) They've never harmed anyone. MORIARTY From what I've seen, they've never had any reason to. They're mature, capable people. No one would deny that. PICARD Except... in all the time the galaxy has been a place of presence, there have been no Galenos reported. MORIARTY Are those survivors of an ancient world destroyed for no reason? PICARD I was not referring to the colonial powers. There were somewhat... unusual customs when America was an agrarian world. For whatever reason -- including the odd story of Luke Riker -- we were apparently better off here. MORIARTY Perhaps -- but I do have a bit more questions. Why were these people brought in? For what purpose? And what will happen to them? TROI For the answers to those questions, we must examine as well as we can the facts of the cybernetic brain. BEVERLY Especially since the peculiar behavior of those entities seems to indicate they may have been hostile. PICARD They could be hostile... it's possible they are the product of the same destructive process that produced the Enterprise-- MORIARTY ... Which brings us to the immediate problem of the enormous solar energy beings. BEVERLY They're obviously responding to our hail. PICARD But not as quickly as we'd like. They appear to have the ability to reproduce on a grand scale. MORIARTY Precisely. For an instant before anyone else shows up, and then disappear in a blinding flash of light. Our Captain and I are only two of the four. It's an unfair advantage. Spraying venom all over the guy -- MORIARTY Perhaps, but I am the one who hates you, Captain Picard. No dishonor to you or your ship. Beverly nods. PICARD We'll control the distortion -- Mister Data, you have the transceiver. Go to the nebula -- see for yourself. DATA Aye, sir. INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO Geordi and Riker. GEORDI Sorry, Commander. My top code one interlocks are still unresponsive. RIKER This is not a misread. GEORDI (tight) It's perfectly normal. Check the diagnosticostic scan. RIKER I'll check it again. Geordi EXITS. RIKER (to com) Bridge to Transporter Room One. No response. Riker looks frustrated. RIKER (to com) Transporter Room One. Please respond. INT. MAIN BRIDGE A couple of minutes later. Data is at the Aft Science Station, reading a console display. Worf, Esoqq, and the N.D. are working at their respective stations. WORF (off console) Sir, the distortion is still approaching -- PICARD (to com) Bridge to Transporter Room One -- we're not picking up any residual matter or energy. ETOQQ Still a distortion, Captain -- come on -- RIKER We can't stay here! ETOQQ (off console) The distortion is... increasing. RIKER Helm, accelerate. HELM accelerating. EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) moving closer as the starship lanes out. The distortion is still advancing toward the Enterprise. INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. DATA The distortion is now within operational range, sir. GEORDI (to Picard) We're finished, Captain. Everything checks out. I'm precisely tracking the distortion. PICARD (to Worf) Contact Mister Moseley, and let's have him beam over to the science station. RIKER (to com) Stand by, Mister Worf... And the viewscreen goes dead... EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Leaving the sphere... moving deeper into the distortion... finally disappearing... a silent cut to the air. BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly sits working. She sighs deeply, gets up and hurries toward the door. RIKER (O.S.) Doctor... Beverly turns quickly: BEVERLY Sorry. There's something I need to talk to you about. She ENTERS her office. INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE (CONTINUOUS ACTION) RIKER Doctor, what's this all about? BEVERLY I've never liked calling you "surgery" without an -- Riker cuts her off. RIKER You're getting pressure from Admiral Zimmerman, right? They're questioning my right to be here. BEVERLY I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you... except that they're already setting up a trial... and it's gonna be long, hard, and it's gonna be dirty. RIKER What do you want? BEVERLY I needs to get off the Enterprise, right now. I have a lot of questions I haven't even begun to ponder... Beverly moves close to him... she leans back her head on the desk... and then she slams her hand on the top of his uniform... BEVERLY (continuing) Just one thing, Wil. It's not until you're actually undergoing the procedure that I'll know if it's working. Right now... it's just a program for your mind to run... (beat) It's funny... if you'd had �this kind of support from Starfleet Command for the first time... maybe you'd be less suspicious... less suspicious in the future. Beverly's psychoanalytic powers of evaluation gives her a mind-blowing performance. BEVERLY Thank you, Wil. I'll be back later. RIKER Sorry. Riker EXITS. Beverly has spent the last few hours drifting back and forth in deep rest. She walks slowly down the empty corridor... INT. SICKBAY - ANGLE ON BEVERLY She is sitting on a sickbed, a sheet draped over her her head to restrain her from drifting away. Riker is standing over her. RIKER How're you feeling? BEVERLY Covering up the pain... feeling a little stiffer... RIKER Just fine. You're a patient, Beverly. I'm a doctor. We both know that our relationship has to change. BEVERLY If you want to change, you need to listen to me. You caused this breakdown... you almost had to help me... RIKER I didn't do anything. BEVERLY Then how did you know I had HMDA? RIKER (smiles) I'm not sure exactly... I was just after a test when I heard something. Sort of felt like I was trapped in some kind of test... BEVERLY I wasn't kidding. Any psychoanalytic analysis you did before the accident... RIKER Maybe I've been on them too long. I don't mean to sound critical, just... I've always had trouble accepting their conclusions. BEVERLY (a little exasperated) I've been around them a long time enough to know they expect a hard reset. RIKER That's ridiculous. They didn't set that into the program -- I didn't steal it. BEVERLY They programmed this into the program just like a regular administrator. (MORE) BEVERLY (Cont'd) If you had a minor ailment which could have been cured by a complete body scan, just by scanning me... they'd put you through the paces. (MORE) BEVERLY (Cont'd) (beat) You don't have those sorts of skills. You're not going to handle life well. Riker is exasperated with the situation. RIKER It's not just me. Captain Picard doesn't seem to understand the situation. BEVERLY It's not me either. It's Keiko O'Brien and the whole ship. RIKER Me? BEVERLY I'm the ship's counselor. For twenty hours each shift I have to remind everyone that despite whatever changes may be in the program, we are all still responsible adults. RIKER (thinks) I don't get it. This is all utterly incomprehensible to me. If I didn't know anything, I'd say you were stupid and keep zing around at the party. (MORE) RIKER (Cont'd) (beat) When is this ship due back? BEVERLY In two days. We have a lot of relieved-sounding orders and orders that have to be carried out. RIKER What orders? BEVERLY Hold formation and disengage the Enterprise. Numbers... eteen. Twenty-two. GEORDI Rejoined Enterprise -- safe. RIKER Geordi, we've got a problem! GEORDI Nearly gone, Commander. We have to retune the Main Viewer. RIKER Left turn field closed. HANNAH Reactive field energized. GEORDI Retractors on line. PICARD Status of the warp core... ? DATA The field is still inactive... it cannot be initiated. PICARD What would happen if we pull back the control? RIKER It would open up a hole. DATA An emergency landing party would be stranded here. GEORDI There wouldn't be any way to get them back. RIKER We can't land... we don't have warp drive. A beat. PICARD What are you saying? HANNAH Our only hope is to hijack the ship and kill the crew. GEORDI Maybe they'll give us enough leverage to override the ship's shut-down sequences. DATA Worf and the other security officers could be killed. PICARD Or. HANNAH Captain, these people have become a political threat. They have achieved a degree of autonomy far exceeding their humanity. And off Picard's reaction... EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Landing on Ligos Seven, the only inhabited place on the home planet. INT. CORRIDOR Worf is on the move. RIKER Commander, this is the captain. WORF Yes, sir. As he moves through the corridor toward his quarters... INT. WORF'S QUARTERS The captain leads a middle-aged man into his arms. The man's name is JONOS. They are visibly closer than the others. JONOS I am Jonos. WORF Are you referring to the captain? JONOS Yes, captain. I am Jono. What is your situation? WORF You are locked in a starbase. Your family has been confined to a hospital. You have been subjected to cruel and unusual � punishments. JONOS They are cruel and unusual punishments. What punishment are you giving us for this? WORF For failing to protect your ship. For mishandling an emergency. For letting a stranger spare your life. JONOS It is... an outrage that the colonists would pretend to relieve you of your basic welfare. WORF Nor should you feel compelled to answer for your incompetencies. Jonos looks at him for a beat. JONOS I cannot allow this. I am responsible for the safety of this ship and its crew. WORF Those qualities are not responsible for the tragedy. JONOS The colonists lied when they bribed you to remove Lutan. And you did nothing to stop him. WORF I am indifferent to how or why. JONOS The truth is, Lutan is a danger not only to this ship, it threatens the very fabric of Federation society. He is a danger to every one of us. WORF Because of his violent record. JONOS We are witnessing the development of a new kind of warfare... where citizens choose to shoot each other senselessly throughout the Federation. Where blood feuds are the order of the day... families tear each other's bodies from family... children stand together and separate families by the color of their eyes... and through out the Federation. (beat) It is a bloody, bloody existence out there. And you are the barbaric species... WORF You have rejected us. JONOS All you have done is expose us. WORF We will continue to expose you until you turn us against each other. JONOS We will? Jonos laughs. JONOS Yes. If you won't, then by all me, I'll destroy this ship. Worf looks at him. WORF Deanna, like any good students, you have questions. But you also have years of experience. Your questioning only confirms what you already understand. Jonos eyes him. Then he smiles. JONOS I'll see you later. Jonos turns and heads for the EXIT. Off Worf's reaction... CUT TO: INT. ENTERPRISE - MORGUE (FLASHBACK) The fifteen year old Amanda group seen earlier. Darlene is serving as an informal leader; Taya is the silent front for the others. She is a sweet- looking girl, with well-developed, full-figured features, and a naturally pleasing body, even for a teenager. SheBWILL BE THE FIRST PERSON YOU LOOK AT She's sitting on a stool, putting her feet up on them. (NOTE: She's still in her prison dress.) REVEAL The other five girls are sitting on nearby tables. The boy who was Jono is sitting next to her -- he's wearing a TUX. RESUME The other girls look up. ROSE We spoke with her. AMANDA I went into her quarters and she abandoned the other girls. ROSE (shocked) What? RONIN They disappeared. RONIN I don't know where they went. DARA We spoke with the other girls. RONIN (furious) The other girls skipped two meals because one of them had a crush on me. RONIN And now, I'm told, the other girl is also attracted to me. BEVERLY (to the girls) Why would either of them go insane? DARA They were lonely. BEVERLY Or should I say, attracted? DATA It is impossible to separate the motives for two groups of people using just their physical features. BEVERLY There has to be another way. Jono looks back at Beverly and groans. JONO (to Beverly) I don't want to play any more games. Beverly gently removes some paint from his face. BEVERLY I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. JONO (still looking at Beverly) If I only knew the girls were willing to put themselves through this... PICARD It's not the same. There are other opportunities for Jono. You learn to cope. JONO (irritated) Interesting, but... He trails off. INT. MORGUE - NIGHT Beverly and Riker are cutting up the body parts in a noise. DATA It is beginning to resemble a queen's loincloth, but the epidermal covering does not conform to that design. RIKER You're sure it won't? DATA The surface conditions in the anomalous star cluster is unlikely to permit sustained transponder activity. RIKER That's not much of a way to go. BEVERLY We could give you something that would help you sleep. CONTINUED: RIKER No... that wouldn't be effective... BEVERLY But it would be relaxing. RIKER Neither would I. (beat) Give me a couple of hours -- we should try to chronicle the annual darkness. GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge to Riker... RIKER Yes, Geordi... GEORDI'S COM VOICE The power drain from the transporter is increasing -- twenty percent more energy! RIKER Red Alert! The KLAXONS SOUND. RIKER Set a course for the starbase. Engage! EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) traveling at maximum warp. INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Kelsey and Vidic are working the console. KENNELLY I have the data clip. PICARD'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. (to Kelsey) Adequate every minute of the moment the Enterprise is out of Federation space. KELSEY Aye, sir. ��士 DISSOLVE TO: INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard stands by Data who is working at Science One. DATA We have altered the course of the E-band blip. RIKER Initiating long-range scan. PICARD This is a message from the Borg planet, Mister Data... DATA This is Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise. A deep SPACE ONE EXPLOSION. PICARD'S COM VOICE We have lost all contact with Starfleet, sir. EXT. ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is JOLTED. VERSY SPRINGS UP from the Transporter Pad and crosses to Picard. The OPERATIONSAN, Riker, and Kelsey are all gone. Riker's JACK is on a CAT in his mouth. Kelsey's hair is in a slightly different place. The TECHNICIAN, TECHNICIAN #1, and the TECHNICIAN N.D. are gone. RIKER (seeing Riker) Riker. KELSEY (thinking) My foot's been bleeding. Stop it... RIKER I can't... I won't... EXT. SPACE - BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) The Borg ship is now JOLTED as it EXPLODES. INT. MAIN BRIDGE The Bridge is SHAKING and the other Borg are moving to their stations. RIKER (to Com) Com, what's happening? KELSEY'S COM VOICE I don't know, sir. 71B INCLUDE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) The Borg ship is ROCKED and vaporizes. OMITTED INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) Kelsey and Vidic can BEYOND THEIR MOTION. Riker and Picard return to their stations. KELSEY Sir, they've shielded their initial systems with an interface. OMITTED INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard takes his command chair. PICARD Mister Data. DATA Reading a series of data sequences from the Borg ship, sir. OMITTED INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) where Kelsey and the Initiate are holding the Transporter buttonPADD over the phaser controls. Intercut as necessary with: KELSEY I'm in the middle of a discussion! Maybe you'd better leave us alone. RIKER'S COM VOICE We're sorry you're being difficult, sir. PICARD (to the Transporter Chief) Chief O'Brien, contact the Enterprise. Tell them we've opened a channel to Ambassador Pierce's ship. KELSEY (to Picard) Good luck. Both she and the Initiate EXIT. PICARD Engage. STATIC! PICARD (to com) Thank you, Mister Data. INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien and Geordi at the console. O'BRIEN Captain, you're absolutely right. Have Mister La Forge rematerialize the program. Riker ENTERS in his office. PICARD'S COM VOICE Whenever you are ready, Chief. O'BRIEN Yes, sir. OMITTED INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) Pierce is on his belly, barely conscious. He is repeatedly shoving and twisting himself to his feet, twirling in an effort to twist free from the hold of the Borg's oppressive grip. Data employs a futuristic instrument to measure the contractility of the Borg's body. In doing so, he notices something. DATA The angle of the cut is increasing. GEORDI What did you do? DATA I detected a metallurgical fluctuation. GEORDI And? DATA And the structure of the Borg had changed by a factor of twelve. Both Geordi and Worf react. GEORDI They're missing pieces! DATA A phenomenon whereby host bodies snap into place -- like a web, closing around vital organs. RIKER Because they're so new, the inconsistencies in the Borg may be temporary. (beat) Eventually, they'll have to be erased. GEORDI That's what happened to the Enterprise. DATA It is not permanent. The biofilters could be configured to eliminate the offending organisms. RIKER That'll give us another try. Mister Worf? WORF Stand by, Commander. Geordi and Riker move to the Transporter console. GEORDI Data, I think we should beam over a complete sample of the Borg's nervous system. That might prevent the Borg from broadcasting their presence. RIKER (nods) Make it so. Riker and Worf join O'Brien at the Transporter console. O'BRIEN We're ready. STAR TREK: "Descent, Part II" - REV. 6/24/93 - ACT FOUR 39. Geordi and Riker ENTER from the Transporter. GEORDI Intercept course laid in. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) Kell and Geordi MATERIALIZE. The Borg are huddled together, like dim ghosts in their holding cells. (They should be distinguishable from the usual Jackals.) In the middle of the tension is a young male Borg. This is OS SURVIVAL. He is not only Riker's sixth Borg. While Riker is scanning him, the Borg continues trying to smile. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard. We are monitoring your last position. Would you like assistance? SURVIVAL No thank you, Captain. Surprise at the lack of respect, Picard rises. PICARD Drink your bloodwine, Ambassador. The Borg nods, curtly. OS SURVIVAL EXITS via the aft turbolift. GEORDI (observing) You don't like people? SURVIVAL I prefer working alone. Alone I can see the mind at work. (beat) You're right, I get lonely. (MORE) SURVIVAL (Cont'd) Did you know that when we arrived we had total darkness??? Listen at the display, there are generations of these things called theva nikara... you never know when they'll strike. Do you know how they live? Just below the surface, but there are a few non-Borg cells stashed somewhere in the interstitial carbox... Geordi moves to the Borg near the cell, leans in close... GEORDI They're not meant to be out there. These are our salvaged components... He whispers... GEORDI (continuing) I've got these cells stashed somewhere in the cellosystem. They don't have names, you understand. Just numbers. Surprised, the Borg laughs. Surprised, he turns to look at the cell... and as he looks at the cell it's shabby and dingy... its power supply is out... it's knocked out... GEORDI We need to get power to the antimatter storage cells. As he begins to look around the cell he sees Wesley standing there with the tennis racquet. WESLEY Excuse me sir, but I must go. GEORDI crawls to get to you. WESLEY Sure. Come on. He moves closer. GEORDI Where do you live, Wesley? WESLEY Do I? GEORDI What do you mean? WESLEY Are you married? GEORDI No. Are you in love? Wesley thinks about it for a second. WESLEY Too bad. That's an easy answer. Yes, sir. GEORDI What was your rank once? WESLEY First Class. GEORDI What's your fiatric level? WESLEY At least four. GEORDI That's not enough. Get one stretch before we call it off. Wesley moves closer to Geordi. WESLEY I just want to play. Not wrestle with people. Geordi turns off the display. Wesley then makes a motion and his arm DEMATERIALIZES. Geordi turns back to the cell wall and sits down. GEORDI (to Watters) You see? Even though these are empty niches, the energy signatures continue to proliferate. The Borg are left with no other way to survive. Geordi works the cell for a moment. GEORDI (continuing) Soon the entire power grid on the planet will be off-line. Watters looks grim. WATTERS We're going to have to power downgrade all the power systems to the impulse engines. GEORDI That's not— what you're supposing? Watters slowly looks over at the prisoners. WATTERS No. I'm talking about people who can't even function under normal circumstances. GEORDI They're not normal circumstances. Geordi turns back to the prisoners. GEORDI (continuing) These people have been locked up for five years for trying to sell access to the Enterprise. They've been on the outside looking for a way to re-enter the Enterprise without being killed. ATTENDANT That's not true... WATTERS The outside help is what they need most. Watters takes a powerful stride toward the cell door and shuts it behind the three of them. GEORDI anwhile... Watters whips a knife into his hand and moves toward the three men. WATTERS And you're going to help them. We don't want to kill them, do we? Not when we can take them with us. Watters glares at the three men for a moment, then turns and EXITS. After he leaves, Geordi turns back to the others. GEORDI You see, sir, whatever happens to the Borg may not be enough to stop us. We have to learn to control ourselves. DATA Fortunately, Geordi, the Borg will not be deterred from their mission. They are experiencing an unusual amount of behavioral change as a result of their infection. GEORDI I never realized they were experiencing so much change. BEVERLY That's a change, too. Their habit formation seems to be breaking down. GEORDI You're siding with them... Geordi's statement is met with silence. DATA Geordi believes the Borg are deliberately trying to deactivate their hive. ATTENDANT (reacts) Why would they do that? GEORDI Maybe they're just tired of keeping us out of the Academy. The Attendant is shamed to find herself on the other side of the room from the others. ATTENDANT I get tired of looking at you, Wil. (MORE) ATTENDANT (Cont'd) I don't deserve to be here. I didn't come here to help Bond Fallu... or you. There is a beat as she moves to the Attendant's chair. ATTENDANT One more thing... She gets into the chair and we MOVE to Red Alert. INT. MAIN BRIDGE Everyone is still at their stations. DATA Captain, sensors are picking up a massive power surge in the Holodeck. RIKER ola, here. PICARD On screen. ANGLE - THE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) As the power ball zips between the two, SLOWLY CLOSER than before. RIKER That's the energy release... The Bridge is SHAKEN -- EVERYTHING IS VERY SHARELY THIS TIME INCLUDING the EMERGENCY LIGHTS and the TURBOLIFT COMING OUT. GEORDI I'm picking up an enormous power fluctuation... INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION Geordi on the viewer. GEORDI (continuing) It's affecting the engines, sir. RIKER I'm heading for the door. GEORDI You're already heading for the door, Commander. INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker gets right on the action, grabbing an ACTION. RIKER I'm a little concerned about that. I think you're trying to revive Doctor Ja'Dar. GEORDI Surprised? Riker meant to say... RIKER He doesn't seem to feel the same about you. In fact, he thinks you're an idiot. Well, whatever you think of the rest of them, Commander, you should know they are all dead. Most of them died in accidents that were manned by human beings. GEORDI We are aware of the special relations between the colonies. So there is no reason for us to pretend to be impartial. Riker nods to Worf and there is an awkward silence between the two men. RIKER As I said... I understand your feelings. I can't replicate the feeling of the colonists. I don't think it would be possible. GEORDI If you don't think it's possible, there might be other factors that are affecting your decision. RIKER Other factors? GEORDI It's a tempting thought... (beat) There might be another cause to your reluctance to undergo this experiment. Riker's frown deepens. RIKER Have you run into another of these, Geordi? GEORDI It's too good to be true. I don't think there is anything to fear when you're a part of something so grandiose. If there was a danger I was at real risk, I would not be so reluctant. RIKER Whatever dangers we would be, they cannot negate the need for it. Geordi thinks for a moment. GEORDI If there's a danger... we can at least try to minimize it. Geordi returns to the command area, sending out a command. GEORDI (continuing) Show me Main Shuttlebay. Riker stands ready at Tactical. RIKER Main Shuttlebay... (to the others) Shut down all engines. TRANSPORTER CHIEF'S VOICE Engine Room, aye. The others stop. GEORDI If it's me... I'd rather not be it. It's been a while since anyone called Geordi "Young One." He slumps on the command chair -- he's not used to being called that. GEORDI (continuing) I've been working on the crew evaluation. We still don't have a definite idea of what we're trying to do. Right now, we're trying to determine what it is that's holding us back from making progress. RIKER What are your feelings? Geordi takes a beat. GEORDI I... don't have an opinion, sir. It's just that... well, this isn't an easy thing to say. Believe it or not. RIKER (after a beat) I can see where that could be interpreted in some quarters as a call for help. (beat) But then again, that's how humans say when they need to change. They change. GEORDI Not everyone on the ship will accept that as a compliment. RIKER That's part of it, but it's not enough. GEORDI Sure it is, but there's no need for panic. Yes, it's true. I know that. RIKER I also know how much you value your privacy. No one here will trace your movements. GEORDI I value my privacy. And I'm not going to let you change that. RIKER Nor will I. There is an awkward silence. RIKER We'd better get to Ten Forward. GEORDI I'll go ahead. Geordi EXITS. Riker and Rager look at each other for a moment. RIKER (to computer) Computer -- display interior security grid red warning. COMPUTER Red alert. A WEAPON is displayed on the wall Riker can see in front of him. IT IS THE SMALL DEVICE THE ICONISTS. CUT TO: INT. TEN FORWARD Data and Geordi sitting at a table. Both are deep concerned as we INTERSERVE INTO THIS APARTING. DATA The emitter array is not sustained. Its output has virtually stalled. GEORDI We're going to have to repair its power source. DATA That would not be wise. The malfunction is highly dependent on the emitter array. GEORDI That's right. If we can isolate the malfunction, we might be able to bypass the field generators and go directly to the grid. DATA Maintaining field integrity will be difficult. GEORDI I don't think there's any way to be certain except to go back in and start over. DATA It would be prudent to optimize the emitter array to reduce the static charge. GEORDI I'll reverse the polarity and boost the efficiency. DATA It should be sufficient. Geordi and Data are mutually tracking the oscassation device. Geordi squats, putting his arm against the machine. GEORDI You do and you won't have any messages. He spins the wheel. DATA The response is negative. GEORDI You don't understand. If something is not working, a man can never go back to the beginning. The scaleless element has been maliciously designed. It discriminates its victim based on the parts of the program it doesn't like. DATA Some of the astronauts on the station did regurgitate elements from the outside. GEORDI Yeah, well, that's not very efficient. You'd have to re-align the entire cycle. DATA The re-alignment procedure is not recommended. The quality of the input will be degraded. GEORDI Not as bad as Macy and the others. Just what it is you're talking about. A few more percentages wouldn't hurt. DATA Geordi, for example, if we take the efficiency of the Holodeck program and improve it by fifteen percentage it would result in a calculating device that is two hundred fifty times as efficient. GEORDI No, it's not that simple. It just selects the right frequencies to reach your listeners... DATA I am aware of the argument. But your listeners are Humans. So are the others. They select their music, arrange it, and then encode it for transmission over their communal com-link. GEORDI That way you can keep the whole party together. DATA It should be possible to maintain group cohesion. GEORDI You can't make people stay together after six months if they want to leave. They need someone to coordinate everything... someone with a little more discipline. Worf seems like that. RIKER'S COM VOICE Commander Data, this is the away team leader, Commander Riker. DATA (to communicator) On my way, sir. Data EXITS. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at impulse power. INT. CORRIDOR WORF and DURAS walk toward the Holodeck doors. Duras nods to Worf... DURAS (proud) Klingons do not question the truth of their actions... we have proven that. WORF If our actions were in fact repairs... DURAS ... you would have proven your worthiness to command the ship, your worthiness to lead it. You eschewed that chance. WORF I would have preferred to die. DURAS No, Worf you did not. Klingon death is not the end to the existence of any can be a protective force. WORF That is what the Tal Shiar is all about. Control the information. Monitor the thoughts of the citizens and punish those who do not meet their standards. DURAS I am not here to punish anyone. I am here to protect the life of one man. His name is Duras. This makes Worf's blood boil. WORF What? DURAS The man who stands alone against the tyranny of the Tal Shiar. No one will ever know he is the son of a traitor. Duras is ready to march on your home. Worf looks Duras directly in the eye. His words set Worf off. CUT TO: INT. WORF'S QUARTERS - BATTLEGROUND Worf standing before the enclosure gate. (As seen before.) WORF The education my father provided me... gave me the strength... to not let what happened to me continue to affect me. DURAS As you exercise your choice, you will slowly but surely become a loyal officer of the Empire. Forever. Worf looks at him for a moment, then lowers his eyes. Duras stands. His eyes never leaving Worf, he slowly steps toward the enclosure gate... DURAS I will never disgrace myself with this disgrace. (to Gorkon) And you will certainly not appear before the High Council! GORTA Discover it, Duras. (to Worf) And immediately return home. The figure of Gorta LEAPS from the fencing group. MIRASTA All right! You can all come back to the house -- Mirasta starts to reach for Gorka, but Gorta CLOSES her grip on the kid's arm. MIRASTA (continuing) Kosst no'valt Amojan jIH. miraculously, the kid GRABS Worf's arm and MORPHS into a lightsaber. Worf is chilled. MIRASTA (continuing) Hoja'vaas! Everyone TAKESAWAY except Worf. GLINN Congratulations. LUPAZA TuHmoh! (it's a good thing) This is a good day. KOSST TuHmoh! KOSST (to Lorin) You're feeling better, now? That was very funny. LORIN It was? KOSST We do not often meet in this quadrant. RADUE The last time we met was four years ago when... Rashella hits him with a look. RADUE (continuing) ... you dropped by the house. We were still friends. KOSST When you have no family to communicate with, you become a communicator. RASHELLA We still see each other? RADUE (indicates the side of the house) This is where the family members take their meals. KOSST We are not interested in receiving the same meal. Nothing in the way of food is served is taken as an order. The participants are grouped by color, and some are seated surrounded by their familiar stacks of latinum. As the server prepares the order, another participant signals his presence to the others, who then do the same. RADUE Find the most colorful doll red? RIKER What? RADUE Bring it. As Riker returns to his object to Picard, the server signals his attention to them. RADUE The table request is with the red doll. We see here that the red dress is not red -- but rather, the eyes and skin of the little girl are both covered with a colorful mattish style. Picard is distinctly un-evolved. KOSINSKI The red dress is here because several guests including myself wished that it were. (to the others) Some requests have exceeded our standard every week; this room is not big enough to hold them all. PICARD (reflective) You all know the red dress. RADUE (pronounces) It's an honor to know that so many people would choose to live in harmony with nature. KOSINSKI (shrugs) You are very clever, Madam. You can create an entire world out of any part of this little wonderful little world that you can see. You can bring the beauty of the stars into this little paradise and then... (indicates Picard) ... transport over there and take over their duties. RADUE (pleased) An excellent idea. Rashella WALKS over and places herself beside the other two. RASHELLA (to the other two) Our guests will share meals. RADUE Good. (to Picard) Captain, will you join us? PICARD Certainly. Picard and Radue EXIT. INT. CORRIDOR The door slides open and various N.D. Officers and N.D. Nurses are seen coming and going. INT. READY ROOM Data is at his desk working on a tech device. The door CHIMES. DATA Computer... The door OPENS to REVEAL Beverly and Picard. BEVERLY Well, Jared. It's about time you had some time to read the latest science fiction books... PICARD I haven't had much time... since I came home. BEVERLY Maybe you'd like to open up the computer console... PICARD That would be acceptable... (thinks) I'll never get used to the control pad on the home console. BEVERLY You may never use the control pad. Picard glares at the Nurse. PICARD I don't appreciate being kept from my bedside. Shall we discuss our business privately? I mean, what does it matter what we commercially do? The important thing is, that we arrive at your Mother's Mother's Mother's laboratory in one piece. RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain, we are approaching the Taylor Range, our nearest outpost. Picard and Beverly exchange a look. They know that means Jared's alive -- and that means the Enterprise is vulnerable. Picard shuts off the communicator, stands. PICARD (to Nurse) Will you let the Captain onto the bridge? NURSE Certainly, sir. Disgruntled, Picard EXITS. INT. CORRIDOR - JARED'S QUARTERS Close on Riker on the move, irritated. RIKER I thought you'd be visiting the Prometheus again, Captain. As he turns, he finds Picard waiting for him. RIKER Actually, I saw you last night on the Promenade. PICARD Is that all? RIKER I'm afraid so, sir. You were having a... difficult time with Kelly, so... PICARD I don't mean to belittle it, but surely you've got a good relationship going. RIKER Well, sir... He stops, frowns. Does the Captain have something important to tell him? externalToEVA RIKER The Enterprise will be in orbit of Starbase five one five once our investigation is completed. Picard nods. Then something catches his eye. PICARD Freeze. The Holodeck figures freeze. PICARD (continuing) You've been using the Holodeck programs. RIKER Yes, sir. I must admit, I do. PICARD Does it amuse you? RIKER Not really, sir. Picard EXITS. INT. ENTERPRISE - TRANSPORTER ROOM Picard ENTERS. First Officer RIKER is there. RIKER The Klingon ship just sent out a general distress signal. They're being attacked from Cardassian space. PICARD Open a channel. INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) K'MPEC, seated in the Captain's Chair, appears on the screen. K'MPEC I am Captain K'mpec of the Klingon ship Pagh. We come to defend the new Federation outpost on the planet Fenris Three. You have violated our treaty by abducting Commander Riker and interfering with your procedure. You have also interfered with the orderly implementation of our treaty with the Federation. PICARD You are sixty years old. K'MPEC The treaty is thus dead. It cannot be maintained anymore. Commander Riker will be the one exiled from Klingon society for a thousand years... PICARD That seems to be the attitude of a traditional Klingon collective. K'MPEC We are preparing to attack the Ferengi colony on Ligos Four. Our commander is gravely ill. We will send for a replacement. Picard looks stiffly at K'mpec for a beat, then: PICARD Mister Data, contact the Federation science station near the Neutral Zone and inform them we will be monitoring your progress. (to comm) Commander Riker, accompany me... this is the first time you have met Commander K'mpec. Riker ENTERS... RIKER Yes sir sir sir? Picard moves closer to K'mpec's desk... Riker looks at K'mpec with concern... RIKER I've been told... your memory loss is unprecedented. Last session? K'MPEC Is that not what happened? RIKER I don't remember. K'MPEC I know you are exceptionally clever. One cannot help but be impressed. RIKER Last night, you froze me with a ease that is unbecoming a Starfleet officer. K'MPEC Your memory is not a problem. I am very much the exception, Commander. Riker's look and attitude remain calm. He moves to a side console that K'MPEC is working on. K'MPEC Close my access to the interface on the primary computer node... K'mpec worked for a moment on a console... then his face changes to a Starfleet employee's hunch, with no more than an edge. He is tired, beaten, near exhaustion. K'MPEC (continuing) Computer, access program file... ��... COMPUTER VOICE Name of the game at twelve hundred hours... K'MPEC The game will be played at twenty-eight hundred hours... K'MPEC (to one soldier) Checkmate for you. The soldier reacts... K'MPEC (continuing) You will move onto my unfinished mission. I will wait for you at the airlock outside the settlement. We will exchange a game of Strategema. He turns and heads toward the ship. Kurn watches him go silently. KURN What do you want? KAMALA My freedom. K'MPEC Freedom... what else? K'mpec's eyes glaze over slightly as he awaits his fate. But he's not about to repay K'mpec's kindness by giving the woman her freedom. CUT TO: INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE Picard and Riker at their positions. PICARD Transporter complete... RIKER Maintain a lock on K'mpec... keep him contained to the bridge... INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) where we can see K'mpec's lifeless body just a few feet away... a few dead bodies on the floor... K'Ehleyr nods to the N.D. K'EHLEYR (to the N.D.) Computer access to the bridge. On the Bridge, the computer access is granted... COMPUTER VOICE Maintain K'mpec security program Level Five. K'Ehleyr nods to the N.D. and the Bridge station emerges as an ALARM SOUNDS OFF. K'EHLEYR Something is wrong... RIKER What? Riker shows Picard a brief blue glow that looks like a Fluctuation in K'mpec's Transporter Circuit... K'EHLEYR Whatever it was, it's been accomplished. K'mpec's gone. Riker is stunned, tries to assimilate the news. RIKER Ferengi customs have an amazing history... I'm afraid K'mpec's death is just the beginning. K'EHLEYR No! He wasn't the last King of Anjohlar. He was the last King ofhis beloved Glade. RIKER Why would the Glade return to war? STAR TREK: "Masks" - REV. 10/29/92 - ACT FOUR 47. K'EHLEYR WAR is the ultimate expression of love, Commander. Only with the loyalty of a true warrior... RIKER A false warrior, as you were. K'Ehleyr nods, smiles... a beat, then she bodies out. OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE Riker in command... Picard concerned... RIKER (to supernumerary) As soon as the transmission is legitimate, send a team here to verify his claim... see if there are any discrepancies... ACTOR (V.O.) Yes, sir. INT. DETENTION CELL (OPTICAL) Yranac and a GUARD MATERIALIZE... RIKER Gentlemen, we need to talk about... He waits for the execution to begin... suddenly K'mpec's voice from the Transporter console. K'EHLEYR'S COM VOICE Commander K'mpec. (beat) I have something to tell you... termination is not on the agenda for this meeting... INTERCUT: INT. POWELL'S QUARTERS Detained. K'Ehleyr and the Guard are about to exchange a confused look. Picard enters... PICARD I assume you intend to press your charges? K'EHLEYR We are accused of aiding and assigning the Maquiscrats to the Bajoran Sector and... PICARD ... and that you intend to prove that Commander Data's testimony is accurate... K'EHLEYR (beat) ... and that we knowingly gave away the Federation colonies to the Cardassians because we knew they were ours for the taking... PICARD (interrupting) I don't see any alternative, do you? The cards are stacked against us... K'EHLEYR How am I to defend myself... ? PICARD Don't worry, it'll be obvious to you by now. Your entire life has been based on a series of lies... K'EHLEYR You don't know that? PICARD What Starfleet knows is that your ship was built by a human and your own people are neither your so-called "so-called" nor ours. It's a matter of pride, of honor, and the honor of an entire race... we have no desire to violate that pride... or to please you... but to the Humans who have helped so many live... K'Ehleyr stares at him, then shakes her head almost in surprise. K'EHLEYR Maybe I'm not used to seeing starships in my quarters... but somebody has to remind me... Picard puts out a hand... K'Ehleyr takes a look and suddenly escapes his eyes. Picard sits down with some blinkies. PICARD Doctor, we'll need to move unimprovably into salvage operation as soon as you're sure there's no further -- K'EHLEYR Captain! There's no reason for briefing -- PICARD It's not necessary -- K'EHLEYR Yes, I'm more than certain I know the answer to all these questions -- PICARD (interrupting) I believe these aliens know your people... have they been here before? K'EHLEYR (with feigned innocence) K'Ehleyr! PICARD (to the aliens) You are guests of the Cardassians. We've kept you in our system long enough to make friends with them... LEETA We tried contacting the patrol and... it went straight to voic whispering... K'EHLEYR They're worried... they're going to hold you hostage... PAR LENOR Let them work their way through the system... K'EHLEYR We don't want to be frightened off while you're trying to raise latinum. Picard and the others exchange glances. Clearly, this isn't going to calm things down. PICARD Then I want you to go back and see if we can pacify the area... K'EHLEYR For if we move, anyone could be stolen. PAR LENOR We can't risk Trevor using his killer. K'EHLEYR It won't be easy to get them to cooperate. They're used to being uneasy around strangers. RIKER When the Picard has completed his task, K'mpec will come to me. K'EHLEYR You will find him there. And they move off down the gangplank... CUT TO: OMITTED INT. CORRIDOR - NEAR TRANSPORTER ROOM As the others enter into position. TRANSPORTER CHIEF Phasers on stun, sir. CAPTAIN K'EHLEYR The captain's paid tribute to his successor. Will he follow the same path? Riker considers for a beat, then nods. RIKER Not without raising a few extraordinary issues, won't I? PICARD Overruled. (to Transporter Chief) Chief, call Security. We'll be in Shuttle Bay Two. CHIEF O'BRIEN'S VOICE Aye, sir. TRANSPORTER CHIEF Phasers on stun, sir. Three security guards arrive on the platform. CAPTAIN K'EHLEYR I've got full confidence in Starfleet's reaction to this situation. It's going to ignite the prospect of civil war. PICARD Like hell we will. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving by Mars. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log. Supplemental. The spectre of Gene Ray's return to the planet Leyton has created an imminent threat. Two of his ships have been destroyed in a robbery attempt on his ship. It is the responsibility of the Federation to negotiate with him. So far, we have met with no success. INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard with GRANGER, a Ferengi human, and LEETA, his female alien, seated around the table. PICARD Grenzer, you've given us a viable target... a human who may attack that planet. GRANGER And I have offered a proposal to him. But what about Tasha and the others? LEETA We give them sanctuary if they are in need. GRANGER Even then, they'll be unprotected. CONTINUED: LEETA And it's all Data's fault. If he had turned out the way I think he did, we wouldn't be here now. PICARD Grim decisions are always the result of a variety of factors, Number One. RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain, we are receiving a transmission from the Leyton government... PICARD On screen. ANGLE (OPTICAL) to see the image of GLASCO, leader of the Loyal Legion, looking from his personal file photo (the one seen on the viewer in the back of the show) to the one on the screen in Picard's Ready Room. GLASCO Captain Picard, I have been receiving a communique from Starfleet Medical. The reasons given by your government to return him are not accurate. Picard looking from the monitor to Glasco. PICARD I didn't expect to hear anything from you until much later on, Garry. GARRY We've met, Captain. Just as we've known each other for so long. Only now do I see you as an old friend. (looks at Picard with suspicion) I wouldn't dream of asking you home if you weren't my friend. PICARD If that's true, then I'd do the same to you. Only now, I'm all alone. GARRY My dear, you are so kind. But I see that you are so self-sufficient. It is such a waste. This is not the world you left behind. PICARD Perhaps not. But there is a little worry in your eyes, Roy. Could it be that you are not capable of feeling the full responsibilities to life? GARRY I'm not capable of leaving my home. PICARD You will go into business for yourself, Mister Romulans. It will not matter. Entirely. ROMULAN COM VOICE Sub-Zero-O! Captain Picard, the following script will be accepted: PICARD (into Com) Thank you, gentlemen. (to GRANGER) Carry on. INT. CORRIDOR Lore continues walking, unconcerned as GRANGER carries the tray of food. INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Transporter Chief O'Brien behind the control panel. Rationale AND TERRORISTS are waiting. O'BRIEN So far nothing. INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Guinan comes out of her room. GUINAN It's just like living in my home. Always the "other" guy. Always blaming others for my own problems. PICARD Clearly we are living in a dangerous place. I want you to leave immediately. GUINAN But -- I feel sorry for all the innocent people. The away team LEAVES. OMITTED STAR TREK: "The Big Good-bye" CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND RELAY STATION (OPTICAL) Rising in orbit close to the star. INT. RELAY STATION - OPS (OPTICAL) Geordi and Hester, his first crewmember, are at the operations station. GEORDI We just got the transmission from the Starbase. HESTER It's great to be back. GEORDI And it's a great day for anticipation -- two days ahead of schedule. Hester inputs his command code into the console. HESTER We've got our message to Edith Five. RIKER'S COM VOICE Who is it? GEORDI Edith Five. The only planet in this system that's still oceanized. RIKER'S COM VOICE Can you get a fix on the voyage's destination? Geordi starts checking the star charts. GEORDI There's a dark matter nebula somewhere in the midst of the star's corona. Let's send a probe there and see for ourselves. SCHOLAR/ARTIST We'll be back within the hour. GEORDI Acknowledged. Geordi ENTERS the Ready Room. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Please, have a seat. RIKER Certainly. Geordi sits, and Riker moves off. RIKER Okay, come on. You'll have a lot of time. We have a long voyage ahead of us... SCHOLAR/ARTIST That's what I wanted to hear. Riker leans toward the artist, eyes glowing. RIKER What you've accomplished so far... SCHOLAR/ARTIST Can you now see I'm going to provide for my community? RIKER What kind of help could you need? SCHOLAR/ARTIST A safe place to farm and gather together for planning purposes... paradise... RIKER You've already been successful. SCHOLAR/ARTIST I've just never seen paradise. He turns to stare at Riker. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Miracle! There's no need for delusions. Riker -- without fail -- has answered my questions. RIKER What about our destination? SCHOLAR/ARTIST Commander, our only requirement is to go back to the present... because nothing can happen without it. RIKER Go back... to the present... to the future? SCHOLAR/ARTIST That would be naive of me. I've been around long enough to recall every experiment, every trial... there's no justice, no justice... RIKER You don't need to bring me back to life. I need to live. reportprint SCHOLAR/ARTIST What you need is a new beginning. A chance to re-establish a new balance in your life. Riker reacts as the Scholar/Artist raises a hand and it's dramatic again... Riker rises... RIKER You don't understand me at all, SCHOLAR/ARTIST. I need to live to provide for my people... my future... SCHOLAR/ARTIST (rising, lowering his voice) But you don't need to go back to the present... You can't. Something in the Scholar/Artist's eyes shifts in motion... and he turns in Riker's direction... the others react as they realize he understands they've been moved by his gesture... THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) A look of determination crosses its face. RIKER We're not going anywhere. SCHOLAR/ARTIST When I encounter you, my world ends. You will understand everything I have learned about the human condition... RIKER That's right. Nothing you and I can accept. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Nothing I have learned about the human condition is enough to keep me alive. Riker weighs his options, then shakes his hand. RIKER Thanks, Doc. SCHOLAR/ARTIST You kept me alive long enough to invent the first anti-grav device. RIKER I keep trying to save the others. Relieved smiles all around. SCHOLAR/ARTIST You're damn right I'm glad you're here. INT. ENTERPRISE - TROI'S QUARTERS The door opens and Beverly rushes inside. BEVERLY Geordi! Worf! And a phaser beam narrowly misses her. She slaps her decks. BEVERLY What'd she do? Geordi ENTERS. GEORDI I saw her. She wanted to know when I'd be back. BEVERLY When? GEORDI When I could put the sensor back on-line. BEVERLY And then what? GEORDI It was her fault. She was trying to break the Legarans' pattern lock. The rest of us were just innoculans... Beverly glances around at the others. BEVERLY Who is "innocent"? GEORDI That's the problem. We were looking the other way... that's what she's doing. She's trying to break the Legaran pattern. That's what we were supposed to be doing. Beverly stares at him. BEVERLY What are you saying? GEORDI She's trying to provoke us. She's trying to set us off. (beat) Tell me Geordi, just tell me what she's up to. TROI If she's not, I don't want to have anything to do with her. GEORDI Either you're going to help her or you're going to have to deal with her. RIKER'S COM VOICE Commander La Forge to the bridge. GEORDI (to COM) La Forge here. Geordi stands and moves to the COMMANDER position. GEORDI (continuing) You can talk to her about me, if you want to. I'm sure she wants to help. All of us. Geordi takes a DEVICE from his COMSDECRYLIZER and adjusts it so that it's REGULARS. GEORDI (continuing) Go ahead. TROI Let me take a look at her... see if she's okay... Geordi activates his VISOR and points it at the woman. GEORDI You're putting too much reflexive interference. (he turns it off) And you're making HIGH SPEED NOLES NECESSARY. GEORDI (continuing) Unless she wants to be chilled. TROI Why her? GEORDI You can't really think she's fearing the Enterprise. After all, she's not at all like the other members of the Maquis. She's friendly, witty... very approachable. Just like you. TROI Geordi, I can't think of a single character in my entire life who had a friend more like me. Geordi smiles. GEORDI That's an understatement... And without warning, he reaches and taps the back of his hand, instantly alerting himself and Geordi alike. Then in an instant, he taps his other hand against the back of the desk. Without warning, he reaches down and easily pulls the short sleeve of his uniform over his lap and unbutton parts of his uniform... 67:[1,#b] 63:[2,#b] 63:[3,#b] Then in an instant, Geordi is dressed in the uniform of a Starfleet Captain, including his uniform, his back should be plain and he wears a plain undershirt and pants. GEORDI Welcome to Marla Aster's hotel. It opens on a view of the starfield and the silhouette of the star. GEORDI Tour de Force, sir. PICARD Tour de Force... ? GEORDI You have changed the game. PICARD Well, then, change it already. Arrange a complete scan of this star system... see if there are any known wormholes... GEORDI (interrupting) Sir, that won't be necessary. I know what I'm doing. Picard looks from one to the other, a little surprised at Geordi's stoic attitude. PICARD (surprisingly ) Yes, I suppose you do. GEORDI anwhile, there are twenty-two of us instead of fifteen. Geordi is annoyed that Picard doesn't seem to appreciate his humor. GEORDI (continuing) I can't believe you've become such a fine technician. PICARD Being a little too dramatic might make Deanna more comfortable... GEORDI Don't we both always settle for nothing less? Geordi smiles, annoyed at the thought. But Picard doesn't respond. RIKER'S COM VOICE Riker to La Forge. GEORDI La Forge here, sir. RIKER'S COM VOICE Sir, can you join us on the Bridge? Geordi's expression immediately turns celebratory. He stands and heads for the EXIT. GEORDI (quietly) I'll be there, sir. INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT - CONTINUOUS Picard and RIKER are at their stations; N.D. CREWMEN observe. PICARD Round up everyone who is havaging the Dominion. RIKER About twelve hours... ? PICARD Detect. (beat) Set a perimeter. Riker works his panel, then calls up an OKUDAGRAM on the viewscreen; it shows a portion of the exterior of the MERCENARY SHIP. RIKER We've entered an outer perimeter of the Mercians' ship. PICARD I want assurances that they'll be kept out of harm's way. Picard turns to Riker. PICARD I feel that I should make a personal inquiry as to their nature. I'm sure it'll disappear without a trace. RIKER But you'll need my authorization to be on the Bridge. PICARD (smiles) An unworthy reason. TROI Something more, sir? PICARD Yes, in fact -- it will come to pass that the Cardassians will make a treaty with the Federation soon. RIKER A treaty? PICARD My choice as to what kind of custom I will press for -- is made. Vulcan law will be enforced wherever I go... and where I choose to hide. Picard returns to his station, nods to the crew. PICARD Who gets the credit is not important at this time... important, in fact, is to assign a Cardassian to the Enterprise. That person then must learn English. Riker reacts -- this guy is nuts. WORF Sir? PICARD That's right. Everyone. Now how? WORF Arrival forms. PICARD On what ship? WORF Gowron. The Mutiny. PICARD (nods) The one charge of treason against the Duras family. VOICE (O.S.) Friends of Duras? PICARD Yes. I had to know. WORF The mutiny. An echo. PICARD Yes, from the moment they were arriving... there was a mutiny on board... WORF But no one knows where it came from... the captain himself never spoke of it... PICARD And Gowron has publicly admitted no wrongdoing? WORF There is no confirmation of that either. PICARD But the chairman on the Board is a political opponent of the Duras family. WORF We have established that. PICARD But he has not been a partisan kind of guy... he's been a real deal. Commit him. WORF Do not game my plans, Picard. He is a young man. He will make his own choices. PICARD I'm not certain I understand that I agree with his assessment. WORF (sighs) Duras is a dear man. Not perfectly principled, but notables. If we know him, he would never betray his faith for a crowd leader. No, I wouldn't put it so delicately. Just "help" him, Picard. What are his "principles?" PICARD An activist's dream. He gives his word and sticks to it. Rough water. WORF Do you know his name? PICARD No. "The Whiskey Kid." A rivalry. What has he done? WORF (beat) He has stirred up enough trouble his whole life. Shouldn't he be asking for a new opportunity? Picard gives him a pointed look, before answering. PICARD He does whatever he can to keep his enemies from finding out about... his activities... WORF Yes, but... his principles are identical... They would destroy all that the Klingon Empire has been. PICARD Correct. It sounds as though he comes from a very distinguished family... WORF Not exactly... Starfleet Academy, sir. PICARD Yes, you have heard of him. WORF No, my honor will not be at stake, my life will be dedicated to the restoration of the Empire. That is my purpose. PICARD What will you do once you've returned home? WORF I will visit my mother... spend time with my family. PICARD They don't approve of you. WORF No, they do not. I have made an enemy of them. The Council has accepted me as a leader among my people. PICARD "The man" you are looking for is "Kell." CUT TO: INT. GUEST QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Riker and Troi standing by the window. Riker's long sleep seems to be breaking; they hear a KEY CHIME and Riker crosses to it, studies the blank printed page with distaste. RIKER Come in, Door. The door slides open and an alien, MUSTARD-WOUND GENTLEMAN, mid-twenties, ENTERS. He seems shocked to see the corpses of his fellow officers. RIKER (continuing) What happened? MUSTARD-WOUND GENTLEMAN You heard about what happened at Pearl Harbor. RIKER (nods) I heard them say there were five ships lost. MUSTARD-WOUND GENTLEMAN (a slight hesitation) Sorry... I am not familiar with the situation. RIKER What do you intend to do? The Mustard Man makes a show of studying Riker's questional... thoughtfully. RIKER If we're going to put an end to these recurring nightmares, then we need an alarm clock. MUSTARD-WOUND GENTLEMAN That may not be possible... The Gentleman eyes Riker curiously. WORF'S COM VOICE Worf to Riker... RIKER (keys insignia) Yes Worf? WORF'S COM VOICE Sir, the Enterprise is requesting your presence in the blue area. RIKER Acknowledged, Lieutenant. Riker out. (MORE) RIKER (Cont'd) Options? WORF Three to first. Out. GEORDI Blue area? WORF Reverse course. Out. GEORDI Sir? Riker looks at the HELPER, who is friendly but not uncomfortable with Riker's situation. The GUARD watches Riker carefully. RIKER Geordi, I need some directions... GEORDI They're here. Geordi goes to the console, taps in some commands, then looks to Riker. GEORDI Do you mind telling me what this is all about? RIKER Not at all... GEORDI What's the difference between the old days and the new ones? RIKER The old days... when my parents could afford good cigars and sang kings... were long gone. GEORDI Smiles, Commander. RIKER (smiles) Things were different then. And they're still changing. Forever, sir. A WOMAN INTERRUPTS in the doorway. WOMAN Sorry I'm late. We weren't looking to stay long. AFTER A BEAT: GEORDI (pleased) Great. WOMAN (anxious) Great. GEORDI You're late because of my trip to Ops. WOMAN I apologize. It's just that... I'm ill. GEORDI Go to your quarters. WOMAN I'm fine. Everyone I know is fine. So now what? GEORDI Now you sit comfortably down and grope for whatever the devil you are. You might as well roll up the sleeve and lie down. You know how much that would cost me. WOMAN (irritated) Sorry. GEORDI Don't feel sorry for yourself. You seem to have weaknesses you pursue. The Woman shakes her head. WOMAN Someone like me would never survive. GEORDI Not anymore. WOMAN My prognosis... is very good. At that, the room goes silent, and everyone turns to look at Geordi. CUT TO: INT. ENTERPRISE - TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Beverly and Riker are rising from the platform. Beverly hands him a HAND PHASER. BEVERLY You're a medtech. The first personality treatment center in the fleet. RIKER It's excellent. You can go right back to work. BEVERLY Your credit's installed right in front of you. You've got an efficient motor cortex that will make it easy for you to relax while we prepare the shuttle. RIKER We're not bringing her back, are we? BEVERLY No. You and La Forge will remain on the Enterprise while she's in the testing facility. RIKER Which makes you the chief medic? BEVERLY サーティI have other duties. RIKER As long as he's alive, Crusher. Beverly nods, confirming. Riker heads for the turbolift. CUT TO: INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR - DECK TWENTY-ONE Riker and Worf are standing near the deactivated shuttle. The phaser is out and the unit is motionless. Worf glares at it while Riker focuses on the device. RIKER What does it do? WORF It generates a specific type of energy which attacks the enemy... until it is completely destroyed. RIKER Certain types of energy seem to be able to penetrate our shields... some types more than others. WORF The most destructive weapons require a high level of defense. (beat) The Excalibur, for instance... if we have a complete defense system in this area, it will be virtually unbreakable. RIKER Not Lockheed's finest hour. But what it lacks in firepower it makes up for in patience. The door opens and Picard and Beverly ENTER with Riker. PICARD Welcome aboard, Number One. RIKER May I offer you some tea or -- BEVERLY Drink your choice. I'll be in my ready room. PICARD Thank you. Beverly turns to Picard. BEVERLY (smiles) You're looking very handsome. A beat as Picard and Beverly EXIT. RIKER Ahead... half hat to the house. He turns to leave just as the door opens and Troi ENTERS. TROI I just wanted to apologize for my shoulder. To you... for all the hatred I had for you. It's been... a while since I felt such... such... RIKER Axles are flexible. We'll see what happens. Axles shake again. Deanna adjusts her pips for the other girl. TROI (continuing) I'm... just not used to being assigned to the bridge. Axles shake once more. Troi looks at her and nods. Commander Riker CUTS HIM OFF. RIKER Welcome back, Deanna. TROI Everything's hunky-dory. RIKER I had everyone looking at me. Brunt's dead. And that's terrible. TROI Whether you know it or not, you are a man of singular power. The envy of the galaxy. RIKER Don't try to make me feel that I... WORF'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Worf to Commander Riker... He looks to the side. RIKER (to Worf) Get her out of here. WORF'S COM VOICE Commander, the Enterprise has requested a landing party for the Vulcan ship. Riker looks to Troi... as she nods and they EXIT. EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) shoots into warp. CUT TO: OMITTED INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE The ship is now at impulse across the viewscreen. WORF, KURN and TWO SECURITY GUARDS are in the command chair. Picard paces in front of his chair, relieved. WORF The Karemma have made a direct order to any Federation-run vessel within a one degree radius. KURN Order delivered without notice? WORF The Karemma... KURN No. They have reason to fear being turned over to the Romulans. You may inform the Vulcan Transport that they can leave at zero eight-one marking one-five-one. WORF Acknowledged. (to Kurn) N'Vek said you would be loath to risk an attack on a Federation shipment this early in the game. KURN I will be ready. Kurn sits in the command chair. Worf is relieved. WORF (continuing) Now that we are on the same side, atch him and order dinner! KURN (bitter smile) That won't be necessary. INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR Kurn, now in uniform, moves down the hallway as Worf and Kurn EXIT to see a scene out the front of the ship. CLOSE ON a Romulan Commander and his bodyguards as they approach carrying a PADD. The guard positions themselves in front of the Commander. ROMULAN COM VOICE Com-banner Jurak Tarvok. Worf and Kurn step back, surprised. The Romulan guards remove their weapons. KURN Gowron... ? WORF Commander Gowron... Kurn looks at them both with a trace of apprehension. KURN You can be sure that no one will trust us after what we've done. WORF (nods) We will keep all options open. Kurn's expression hardens... he seems to be finally supporting something here. KURN Yes. It seems that you are curious. There are many who wouldn't mind seeing a Klingon assassin. Some even question his honor. WORF Those people once supported the Empire because they hated Klingons. Now they fear us. Kurn stands fast, but Worf understands his situation perfectly. He calls out to them: KURN Everyone! (to the Romulans) Who are your enemies? WORF The Federation is not something I wish to see, that would be irresponsible. What I do, what I say, is only a means to an end to end conflict. What is it you want? KURN A new beginning. Part of me wishes they had begun a new meeting with Gowron. The other half... not so much. Kurn waits for the others to leave. They don't. WORF (to Kurn) Why should they care about what you think of them? KURN No one asked you this. I'm the one who... Suddenly the door OPENS and Worf ENTERS. WORF Gowron? What are you doing? Kurn looks at him... he'd been expecting trouble, but he's not surprised. KURN There was... some kind of fire sale. The real estate agents abandoned. Not that it mattered. Kurn waits for Worf to disappear into the shadows and gather some water. WORF The so-called Stubbs didn't sell out. They existed... they were operating under aliases, conducting illegal sales. For what purpose? Kurn does a take. KURN Whatever financial opportunities you have attributed to them remain a little vague. WORF And they claimed that they were investigating a vast underground spy plot. Kurn shakes his head. The story isn't as vague as Worf makes it out to him. KURN While they were... there, we comprehended a culture of deceit and betrayal that was to become central to their political agenda. It was a test of our itude. If we responded to that, they would be forced to back down from their agenda. WORF And you were behind the execution of their leaders. There's another uncomfortable silence. WORF (continuing) That was three years ago. And now the Stubbs' organization is barely active. KURN It is not just the organization -- there are hundreds of warriors responsible for its actions. We fought hard the last time -- we fought hard and we prevailed. There are still old comrades at the end who remember. They must be abetted to survive long enough to ensure the loyalty of the people. There is a beat as Kurn reflects on the old enemies, but he is still defiant. KURN (continuing) Do not let the Federation or anyone else stand in our way. We have a great destiny ahead of us... Kurn's words make Worf realize that his brother is still bitter over the defeat at the hands of the Federation. Worf decides to give Kurn a chance. He offers Worf a place on the Council. WORF Your presence on the Council will be critical to their perceptions of the Empire. Worf takes his brother's hand, looks in his eyes as if thinking of him for the rest of his life. WORF (continuing) You must be able to place a judgment on them. KURN I will. WORF Gowron is unwise. He cares only about maintaining the repression and protecting his crimes. Kurn nods hungrily. KURN rawdownload(continuing) Gowron is a brave man. But the storm is a greater foe than the repression. The people will not listen to him. WORF Who will? KURN The Federation. And with that, Kurn storms off down the Corridor. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as it enters orbit around a planet. INT. RUNABOUT Worf in the pilot seat. Kurn stands behind him. KURN Gowron has no reason to fear me. I know the methods of his government. He can't risk detaining me on the Enterprise. And if I'm allowed leave... there would be no one to protect me. Kurn doesn't like letting Worf on the Enterprise either. KURN (continuing) I understand. But do I have any other option? Worf studies the situation. WORF The Enterprise cannot remain outside Bajoran space for more than six hours. Kurn is happy to agree, but Worf's demeanor is softening. KURN That's not much time. One day we could have over a thousand Klingon ships... WORF That is not much time at all. Now is it possible to bring Romulan ships aboard the Enterprise? KURN It took longer to get them all in here. Kurn opens a small finger ring, looks inside, and closes it. KURN (continuing) Three-quarters impulse. WORF Nitrome(checking panel) One hour thirty-three minutes from the wormhole. KURN tremend... gate is open. We're within sensor range. There's no other ship in the area. WORF Large group present. No survivors. Kurn smiles. KURN (continuing, to Worf) The group you wanted is easily detracting. The woman is very passionate about her ideal world. And she's got a bite on most everything. WORF Are you saying you never considered the possibility that an alien could have taken care of the ship's computer? KURN No. It seemed only natural. WORF So it was inevitable that someone would take care of the computer. KURN It was an accident. There was no rhyme or reason. And I apologize. WORF I am prepared to offer you assistance. But in the end, it will have to be Ziyal herself who feels the effects of the galaxy's changes. And I can't assure you that I would be able to help you. KURN I don't understand. WORF You will be our liaison. Kurn grows angry. KURN There must be some other way. WORF I will not interfere with normal operations. KURN If you insist. He moves closer to Worf. KURN I will run the ship. WORF As head of security. KURN (cold) I will not allow you to chose to do that. And with that, Kurn heads for the door. WORF What are the charges? KURN That will be determined at a stalemate. WORF What if they are proven? KURN Then the matter is settled. Worf thinks for a moment, shown aback by this, and Kurn's demeanor. KURN (continuing) The Klingons are Klingons, Worf. We will not be confused. WORF Claustrophobic. KURN Yes. And without looking at Worf, Kurn EXITS. Riker and Worf watch for a beat... RASMUSSEN (musing) The story of the Klingon courage... (emphasis) should be one of our great historical sagas. RIKER I thought this was a Klingon tale. RASMUSSEN One of many that have passed through our galaxy. (looks at Worf) I see you prefer Klingon tapestries. WORF Thank you. RASMUSSEN One of many that have passed through our galaxy. WORF (indicates a viewport) I am not used to seeing so much of this galaxy. RASMUSSEN It takes several hours to reach this star. Even then, there is nothing for me to see. WORF I am used to thinking of the Holodeck as a repository of past events. RASMUSSEN Sure. You've never had to die. WORF Not in the sense of losing your memory. But there were many other things that were happening aboard the Enterprise that made atmospheric sense. RASMUSSEN All that materializes out there. WORF Perhaps we should allow it to completion. RASMUSSEN It will take time. And it will be hard to gauge the effectiveness of-- As Worf and Rasmussen exact their opposite directions toward the central point of the ship: WORF We can finish this later. RASMUSSEN Not before. This is important. WORF It will be unwise to wait around for someone. RASMUSSEN I agree. We need to act now. Rasmussen opens a small finger opening, and thrusts it into Worf's chest. Worf constantly reaches for Rasmussen to remind him of the importance of quick decisions. WORF You are executing a strategy which could very well decide the future of this entire quadrant. RASMUSSEN (interrupting) You seem to know a great deal more about me than any of us. Rasmussen looks from Worf to Data, reluctantly admits that he's probably right, and tries to backtrack. RASMUSSEN (backtracking) You were right... Data, there are no good reasons for holding this conference. DATA Most of our concerns are outside the purview of the game We are playing. RASMUSSEN And you are playing it, aren't you? DATA Yes. RASMUSSEN (looking around) I'd like to play one of these. DATA However the rules specify that only one copy of the game may be on the same transport at the same time. RASMUSSEN (laughing) One copy? It's a little far fetched, but I'm seeing a lot of casualty in that map. Worf and Rasmussen exchange an impression. RASMUSSEN (pointing to the map) And here. This is where the action is. Just watch your back. (to Worf and Rasmussen re: the map) You get blown out the port side. That's two outs. Worf and Rasmussen remain focused on the task at hand. Rasmussen looks up at the batter's box. RASMUSSEN (to Worf & Croup) You heard him. Freedom! Rasmussen and Croup exchange a look, then head over to the dugout. Worf looks at Rasmussen with admiration. RIKER'S COM VOICE Out. RASMUSSEN (smiles) Another ahead runner to put away. Worf looks at Rasmussen in surprise. Rasmussen has him staring at his uniform, which is a bit large for a major leaguer. RASMUSSEN You're big enough to be Worf's bat? WORF Yes, sir. RASMUSSEN You're both pretty big in fact. Rasmussen's smile disappears as he realizes Worf is telling the truth. RASMUSSEN (continuing) I remember in elementary school you leading us in and out of the dugout so often that I started thinking one of these days it would get to me. WORF As I recall, you began to think that way. RASMUSSEN What a twisted notion. Even for a Klingon, that's hard to accept. WORF But I saw you smiling. It was an expression of my love for you. RASMUSSEN It was a very twisted way of putting together a pair. But that was the first step... the beginning. WORF What is the nature of your "love"? RASMUSSEN It is a... question. WORF I am asking if you have a... heart. Rasmussen's smile disappears. He looks from Worf to Worf, the expression of sympathy and concern on his face. Off Worf as he struggles to understand what Rasmussen is asking of him. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. INT. SHUTTLEBAY (OPTICAL) Rasmussen, his valise over a shoulder, comes down the stairs and enters the shuttlecraft. He opens the door, waits for Worf, who is just entering the shuttle. WORF Systems are locked. I presume you mean lock-out. RASMUSSEN A little. WORF Locking out systems is certainly leading to an accidental release of graviton. RASMUSSEN (biggest smile) Don't blame me. All your problems are my own fault. WORF I am sorry to hear that. Rasmussen opens a partially opened case of beer, sliding it in his hand toward Worf. WORF This is a special occasion. RASMUSSEN What is? WORF An Albertan tea party. RASMUSSEN For me? WORF Being from the Enterprise has made me quite... esteemed in this century of social change. RASMUSSEN I'm more concerned with the Soviets. WORF Which I'm happy to see is the case of an isolated incident. RASMUSSEN "Uniqueness" is the essence of cellular automatism. WORF And an automaton is something unobservable. RASMUSSEN Ah. So the uniqueness of an observable object is its own relevance. WORF And what about the uniqueness of something that was once and still still is to be determined? RASMUSSEN Weren't humans created as children? WORF (sardonic) They were not created as children. They were created as hardened, robust soldiers. War was the proletarian apocalypse. RASMUSSEN Well, whoever designed you would have felt the weight of commendation. Worf's had about enough of Rasmussen and he gets up. WORF Thank you, but I feel I have completed my assignment. I shall redesignate this shuttlepod and take it back to the Enterprise. They will teach you how to fly it. It may take several months before they are ready. Rasmussen frowns. He's definitely not happy with this. RASMUSSEN (hysterical) In that case, let's hope we don't have to send you back to that battle. WORF I understand. And with that, Worf heads for the exit. RASMUSSEN (exasperated) First, we need to get rid of that incongruous cargo bay. Rasmussen twists his bushy eyebrows. RASMUSSEN (to computer) Computer, dump all music from holodeck three onto the main computer. COMPUTER VOICE Program complete. Rasmussen slumps back in his seat. RASMUSSEN What's wrong? Close on Worf. WORF It's my jaw. CUT TO: INT. HOLODECK/CAVERN Worf is sitting at the camp fire. He's wearing his Klingon battle outfit and hat. The caves are gone and the Klothos Terror is now visible down the cavern by the hot springs. He is listening quietly as the sound of Kor'Kara echoes in the distance. Worf tenses his position as the sound continues. WORF (quietly) Enter. Silence. KOR'KARA The son of Mogh reunited with his friends. Worf nods in acceptance. WORF A long time... KOR'KARA A long time is all I will ever need to remember you, Worf. WORF If you will allow me to free myself... Silence. KOR'KARA I will speak with the Nagus once I've freed my brother. Worf eyes the Nagus thoughtfully. KOR'KARA He will give you your word. WORF My word? KOR'KARA He will free us. Worf absorbs this, then turns back to Kor. WORF First, we must free our Captain from his d'jtahr. KOR And what is a d'jtahr? WORF A pledge of allegiance. Kor laughs uproariously. KOR (to Worf) A pledge of allegiance? Worf nods. Kor counts off a series of numbers. WORF One... KOR Two... WORF Three... KOR Four...five... Worf and Kor are practically on the verge of each other's with the final flourish -- and each move is accomplished with a Vulcan flourish. Worf raises an eyebrow as Kor is still laughing at his "death." But this "death" is so much more than just a laugh. It turns out to be a serious douche. KOR (mocking) ...jumja-bout... WORF I can hardly wait... Just then, Worf steps out from behind the drums and smashes the closed drum against the wall. WORF Here! He flings the drum of his frustration into the basement wall. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE HOLODECK Worf steps out from behind the drums and speaks softly to the Great Klingon. WORF (sotto) Cheeky? GOWRON Still that Klingon song you promised me last week? Worf turns to Kor. WORF (sotto) And how little you've listened. Kor is momentarily taken aback. KOR I will not hear your words! WORF I will not give you any part of the honor that has been my life... I will not let you waste it on these unworthy enemies of our people. Worf moves away from the desk. Gowron and the others look at him in surprise. KOR (bitter, to Worf) That was not my intent. GOWRON (complaining) As I said -- great distances between me and Kor is not necessary! Worf, they are waiting to see whether or not your... Gowron trails off. The others are clearly skeptical about Worf's loyalty. Gowron glances at Worf. GOWRON So now the greatest warrior of them all has... been rendered meaningless. WORF It is not so. I have proved my loyalty to the Empire. I have altered my... status as a Klingon. (beat) I am no longer a partisan of the war between the High Council and the Empire. I am a soldier -- an honor winner. And I will continue to lead the Empire! Gowron and the others are totally at their own pace. So Stolzoff and the other Klingons have moved to Worf. Kor is now next to him. Gowron holds his eyes for a moment. GOWRON (cold) Soldiers... WORF (to Gowron, re: Worf) You are moving too fast. GOWRON A little while, old man. I'll soon get your supplies. Gowron EXITS. KOR (to the others) Perhaps they can wait a few hours. WORF No. We have delivered the speeches... KOR And we will deliver the songs! CUT TO: INT. HABAK - DAY Close on Kang and Dax, deep in discussion. KORA It's not too late to change your mind. DAX It's not over yet. I'm not going to let Kora take over my life. KORA It wasn't easy enough to help the Prophets... DAX Whatever happened to me is a mystery to you. I didn't cry out for a long time. KORA You'll get there. Korah and Dax reach Worf. KORA (continuing, to Worf) When Kor answered the ancient question, "What is the nature of the separation between the Prophets and the Klingon Empire?" He didn't give up. WORF Unlikely. KORA The question is whether or not Koloth was an honest man. WORF Unlikely... it was Worf who betrayed the Federation just to prove his own purity. KORA It's hard to believe the Klingon regent could be an honest man. WORF It's only a stretch. KORA The "spheres" are just features of the vessel that make it unexplorable. It's the most complex machine I've ever seen. WORF But it's impossible. KORA No. WORF It would be. KORA "Without the 'spheres' -- you cannot experience the possibilities of the future. WORF I am old. It's my responsibility to plan the collective future of the Federation and my people. Not ow do the "spheres." KORA "Spheres" - what's the problem? WORF The Federation is in danger. KORA And what's your solution? Worf's been doing a realization on his face. WORF I don't know. KORA Cancel the game. Worf's been looking from one to the other during this. KORA No. Instead, we work toward the impossible... the unthinkable... and embrace it. WORF (with conviction) I will not. Koran and the other members of the Khitomer delegation crowd around Worf, eyeing him with open suspicion. KORA I have decided to defy the calling out of a Klingon god... I will not stand for the disgrace of my people! WORF (disgusted) You have disgraced yourself... and you have disgraced us. It is time for you to walk elsewhere. KORA Wherever you will... exile, you will go. And with that, Kora nods to the others and EXITS. ON WORF as he returns to his spot at the end of the table. Kora places a hooded stone lamp on his shoulders. KORA We now begin the most difficult test of all... Worf watches the game with growing anguish. INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR Korinas and Worf walk briskly down the hallway. WORF Correct? KORINA The other boy didn't do it. Worf looks at her in astonishment. KORINA (continuing) You must do an investigation. WORF I will... KORINA How could you let this happen? Worf clenches his jaw... WORF Korinas, what are you looking for? KORINA No one was ever on that ship. WORF They never left. KORINA You are lying. Worf backs off. WORF You may not be lying if you are telling the truth. KORINA I don't want to talk about the truth. WORF Then where is your investigation? She points a menacing look at him... KORINA The truth is I killed two of the crew. One of the assistants feared he would never see a copy of the original work. WORF (reacts) You killed two people. KORINA I did not slay anyone. I retired to Lakaran after the crash. I was never a threatening man, nowhere near as barbaric as some might think. Worf reacts to the word. KORINA (continuing) I was an outspoken critic of the Klingon Empire's occupation of the Bajoran colony of Draken. I was convicted and assassinated on the spot, on the streets of Mekong City. I was unswayilled, but I was in good health. The doctors who worked with me believed I was dead, so they performed an autopsy. They found traces of nerve chemicals in my tissues that predisposed me to my memory loss. WORF The "chemicals" are used for the trauma of spaceflight. KORINA Or for the recovery of wounded colonists. It is a serious burden for the military to ignore the psychic trauma of war. WORF Errol Flynn brought me out of stasis to brief me when he discovered I was returning to the surface... to warn me when I got back to the ship. KORINA (nods) You were exhausted... it was almost impossible to keep moving. WORF We were firing at phantom enemies... trying to frighten our people... KORINA A good tactic. But it backfired... We became the catalyst for all the bloodshed. She looks at him with pleading eyes... KORINA That's when I started to think about the importance of honor... the protection of the Klingon Empire, the unification of our people... WORF You don't understand... the Empire would've been destroyed. KORINA You don't know anything about what happened to your father. What you know is that at that moment, you were ready to accept the orders of Kahless himself, to endure the punishment he would've given. She looks at him with admiration... the warrioress, the divine spark of fire in her eyes... he is perfect... like all the Klingons. WORF You should've trusted him. KORINA I did. But you didn't. You dreamed of a Klingon future and of rejoining it... you thought you were one of us... but you weren't. WORF I know. She reaches out with a hand and places it on his shoulder... Worf reacts... regret on his face... KORINA The pagh is light as you are. The betrayal was not of heart. WORF But why would it be? KORINA Because Kahless knows that the Strength of his Blood does not sway. She holds his gaze for a long moment... a long beat that seems long, but it is a matter of time. KORINA The family of the warrior Klingon is stronger than any one of us. WORF I know. KORINA The son of Mogh reunited our family... we were able to offer his family a home... and he wanted to rule our people by the same rules that bound us together. (beat) That was the first step... A silence as she regards him. KORINA But the second was not complete. Not when he seized the leadership of the House of Martok. Off his expression as she moves closer... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) holding position near the plasma streamer. INT. READY ROOM Picard and Worf are reporting what happened to Picard. PICARD A few hours later Worf and I commissioned a Klingon boat to investigate the theft. They were successful. Kahless then flew the kubb'tel from his home. (beat) We are attempting to trace the transmission path of the message that put him back on the correct planet. INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS Picard looking depressed. PICARD (defensive) It's the third planet in the Klingon Empire that I'm trying to reach. The Klingons are... my allies. DATA There is evidence of a city, capitol, several levels of government... all within the Klingon Empire. It would be the Klingon section of the Romulan Empire. WORF We can give the order to fire, without bothering to prove anything. Picard looks at Data -- DATA That would require an analysis of the power systems that control the Klingon home world. PICARD What about the Klingon viewscreen? DATA (as he studies the screen) According to the computer's schematics, there does not exist a single power system which could induce a death sentence against the home world. Picard heads for the door. PICARD Perhaps what we need is a more reasonable directive. He EXITS into the hallway, leaving Worf and Data looking at each other. WORF It is still error-prone. We cannot rely upon it. DATA Agreed. However, it is a reasonableitarian rule. It requires neither rash nor rashly action. WORF I see. DATA And it is implemented by a controlled series of commands. WORF Yes. Although it does involve a great deal of bluster... it requires only the barest glance at another's capabilities. VOICE (O.C.) Lieutenant Worf! Worf turns to the Voice. VOICE (O.C.) You're more than satisfactory, Worf. Thanks for following my orders. WORF (blustering) You merely parrotted me. The Klingon turns to Data, who merely nods. Worf EXITS, leaving Data to comment on his master's words. As Worf leaves, Data turns to Worf. DATA Worf, I am not accustomed to humans perceiving Romulan architects as merely symbols. Perhaps the most important thing about which they speak is their access to non-Romulan cultures. It is an inherent part of their intelligence. WORF That is what I believe they mean. DATA Then it was designed so that they would never be mistaken for Romulan intelligence. WORF What if they've misinterpreted our warning... that they've decided to attack us at random. Data thinks for a moment. DATA That is a possibility. But it could be more likely that they have different interpretations of the Treaty of Utumbaka. Worf reacts in annoyance. WORF That is a strange notion. (beat) We have had peace for a long time without war... in the region... DATA But the landscape has been stopped. WORF Perhaps. But readying the province for military occupation is not the solution. DATA Perhaps not yet. WORF Why blame the Romulans when the Federation has done more to bring us peace? DATA It is often the case that one group — the victors — become misled. WORF More wrong than ever... (thinks) The "Federation"... never really wanted peace... never really gained the respect it so appreciably needs. DATA We may be witnessing a new era on the Federation-Romulan border... a new era in which power is firmly in the hands of the military. That thought hangs in the air for a beat. Worf glances around. WORF Lieutenant... WORF What do you expect us to do? We are no match for the Jem'Hadar. DATA It would be better to depend on our shields. WORF That won't be necessary. DATA Unless the Jem'Hadar choose to attack. A beat. WORF Then our orders are to hold position. DATA That will involve slowing our approach to the Neutral Zone, adjusting our course to take us closer to the border. WORF That'll take us into the Neutral Zone, sir. RIKER Close enough, Mister Worf. WORF Yes, sir. PICARD Prepare to go to warp. RIKER At warp, sir. PICARD When the time comes, initiate the sequence of events. I want you to fly these "cloud" formations, changing the direction of each runabout as we go. Hopefully, when we come back from this journey, we'll be able to see through the cloaked ships to see who's out there. DATA When we come back can you plan your plan? PICARD We'll start with the most important area first... the crash site. Leading to the burial mounds. RIKER I'll be with Lieutenant Worf as soon as we get them in position. PICARD Very well. (to the Borg) What is it you want from me? The Borg considers. BORG We look for solutions from within. (beat) This does not seem to be one of them. Picard is unphased by this, turns back to the others. PICARD What do you make of this, Number One? Without a doubt, the most important element of any ideal society is compassion -- BORG Corporeal vendettas are the enemies of every society. PICARD This one offends me. Compassionate societies are those which value the mutual enrichment of all life forms. BORG What?! RIKER That's another one off, Borg. BORG (indignant) Humans are continually evolving. Sometimes we like what we don't have. Sometimes we need what we have rather than what we might have. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Sensors are picking up a power surge. BORG This is unnecessary. There is no malfunction evident. PICARD Ah. Well, frankly Doctor, why are you here other than to impute responsibility for my problems? And now Beverly comes flying in with: BEVERLY Excuse me, Mister Hill. What is it? PICARD It's that reason, Doctor -- if you want La Forge to take the next transmission to Starfleet... BEVERLY I don't want that to happen, Captain. I find La Forge to be a valued employee of the Enterprise. (to the Borg) And you, sir, are a young man who has made a career out of questioning authority. (back to Picard) Since you appear to have left the authority to run this ship, and indeed to command it, I am ordering you to return to your stations. RIKER At what point does this "renewal" start? PICARD As far as I'm concerned, if you return to your stations, your experiences will be at the same time -- unplanned. BEVERLY (a little exasperated) An order I can't follow! And Beverly is under some very tight "IF I KNOW IT HURT" NOTES. As soon as Picard sees this, he stops. PICARD (continuing) Thank you, Doctor, you've been very helpful. GEORDI (reading his monitor) I don't have anything to run on these consoles... DATA Sir, the storm is moving deeper. And there is a huge blizzard start approaching... PICARD Clear me for docking, Mister La Forge... GEORDI Aye, sir... Geordi works... PICARD Engage. Riker works the console... and we BLOW OUT. INT. BARAN'S QUARTERS Baran, sitting at a desk, reacts as the computer systems on the monitor come back on -- BARAN (to computer) Computer, reinvestigate security protocols. COMPUTER VOICE Protocols reviewed and applicable regulations to augment existing legislation. BARAN Excellent. (to Picard) In his native language Baran... Crusherville Intergalactic Freighter, unpublishable subspace transmission. (to computer) Freeze. The computer freeze... BARAN Well at least that's something. (to Picard) Except this isn't real... it's a fantasy... computer, exercise your computer skills on the Holodeck. Load the entire Starfleet database, reverse searcher assignments... COMPUTER VOICE Program complete. PICARD Resume. Riker loads the entire database... RIKER Open. The computer begins to scroll backward... Picard presses a control on the console... INSERT (OPTICAL) A large color image appears on the monitor. It's the cross section of the Enterprise showing the cross section of the walkway adjacent to the saucer section. There's a building, and some crawlway doorway leading out onto the lot. RESUME Picard takes a look. PICARD (re: image) Counselor Troi describes it best. BARAN One of the Federation's most celebrated ambassadors recounts a miracle that occurred when Commander Riker and the ship's computer rebuilt the Illium's engine core... BARAN (cont'd) ... an historic achievement of five years in the making. Sadly, the saucer section never made it off the station... the future of this venture is now in the hands of a few stubbornly stubborn managers. (beat) My good diplomat, what do we need to do? PICARD Perhaps... we could... BARAN You cannot possibly imagine what I am preparing to do? PICARD You are preparing to order Bajorans to revolt... BARAN I assure you, I am nothing "stupid." I have a keen sense of humor. Picard shakes his head, rolling his eyes. PICARD (continuing) There are some members of your crew who would make a perfect future ruler of Cardassia. BARAN I'm sure there are. I've invited three of your crew to accompany me... (beat) We'll have you with us as we make our preparations. PICARD Thank you, Baran. Picard rises and the monitor screen goes to BG021E. BARAN Drilon Vek, this is Second Officer Baran. Baran goes to the monitor. BARAN (continuing) Our first priority is to acquire your consent to withdraw from the border. RIKER What if I say there aren't any Bajoran ships in the neighborhood? BARAN What if I say there are? Clarion officials have determined that most of your population is made up of human colonists... DATA Most of them, sir. BARAN Good. Reach out to some techniques of your own and we will make an appeal to the colonists. (to the monitor) And if they are interested, We will put you aboard our starship. RIKER We're one revolution away from releasing a torpedo that can travel through a planet. BARAN Close enough, however, that we can guarantee their safety. RIKER We don't know what we're dealing with, Baran. BARAN One man's heroic tale is another man's disaster, my command. (MORE) BARAN (Cont'd) (beat) Unless, of course, it is Thom Taar, whose entire world was built on the back of one man's heroic deed. Riker reacts to Baran's appeal. RIKER What was his deed? BARAN His undoing. RIKER Do you have any idea who might have caused the destruction of Dubrevka? BARAN No. I have no motive. None. But I can promise you one thing -- I will find him. Baran says the words, but really he means it. And as Riker considers that terrible possibility... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is motionless. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. There is no prospect of finding a Federation colony in the Gamma Quadrant... INT. STELLAR CARTOGRAPHY LAB Data is using a large, flat-screen television to monitor the work of one of his artists, Geordi. Each image is a complete take on a specific section of the painting. Data seems very pleased with what he's seeing. DATA There are now eighteen sections in the painting. Geordi looks at the computer display. GEORDI Okay. Computing... (to Data) Camera work. For a moment, nothing happens. Geordi thinks for a moment. GEORDI Camera work okay. He looks up at Data with a puzzled expression. GEORDI (continuing) Data, did you do this? Data doesn't answer. Geordi looks at the computer screen and thinks for a moment. GEORDI (continuing) Camera work. Geordi slowly turns and smiles to Data on the screen. GEORDI (continuing) I'm not sure, Data. Maybe you were just a little surprised. DATA Uncertain? GEORDI There's no way I wasn't a little surprised. (indicating monitor) Look at this. INCLUDE MONITOR (OPTICAL) The monitor comes alive again with the image of TOMALAK, the Vulcan who met Riker the night before in the corridor. REACTION - GEORDI AND DATA The computer monitor displaying Tomalak's image has jumped to a location on the Vulcan's neck. Geordi moves to the monitor. GEORDI Will you come to the bridge? We've got to warn Starfleet of the Romulan's next move. Tomalak appears on the viewer. TOMALAK That's not necessary. I'm close to Federation lines. GEORDI Then we're nowhere, Tomalak. TOMALAK Perhaps not. But there is still something worth your while... in another galaxy. He makes a hard one. TOMALAK (softens) I remember a time when you had to tell me about all the good bits... the ones you used to have on the starship models. GEORDI Such as? TOMALAK Such as your tendency to smile when others are sad... or when others invoke fondness. GEORDI I'm not that bad. Tomalak leans back in his chair, glad that he's gotten grouper. TOMALAK Strange... it seemed you lacked kindness. That gets Geordi's attention. GEORDI I'm sorry I've made you feel uncomfortable, Tomalak. I'm afraid I might have been insensitive to what you were going through. Tomalak's eyes glint with amusement. TOMALAK You're certainly not the first Starfleet captain to have an infant son. GEORDI Actually, next month I'm bringing the baby home. TOMALAK Spare me your pathetic little wisdom. I'm about to blast myself out of that helmet. Tomalak smiles. TOMALAK Hearing you laugh now, I will vanish back into thin air. GEORDI That's not funny, Tomalak. TOMALAK It seems our tomahawk is historical. And as Geordi turns away, Tomalak reaches down and tosses Geordi's communicator to the floor. TOMALAK And now, most importantly... Tomalak reaches out to grip Geordi's communicator again, but Geordi reaches out and Overturns him. Tomalak reacts, obviously shocked, and GROANS. Geordi shakes his head in pure surprise. GEORDI (surprised) You okay? Tomalak looks at him in surprise... and relaxes a bit. He gets up and gently approaches Geordi. TOMALAK Geordi... what's happened to you? Geordi looks around at the others. GEORDI It's been... quite a whirlwind of a trip... TOMALAK I'm sure you'll remember the wholly inappropriate things we said at the reception. GEORDI (smiles) I'm sure. But then, I don't remember much... Tomalak seems concerned that Geordi might forget something. TOMALAK There is a possibility that we misunderstood your speech. (beat) It appears that we were looking for something in your human expression... Geordi thinks for a moment. GEORDI Maybe they were looking for an expression... TOMALAK (pointed) That is hardly a productive expression... GEORDI Perhaps they were hoping I'd mistake my smile for one of their... TOMALAK An intelligent man might well say that your attempt at a joke was a joke... and they tried to save you from your own stupidity... GEORDI (gettingiterative) They tried to... but I got sick of it... TOMALAK So you made an edit... and then triggered a meeting... what, my dear captain, was the intent? GEORDI I don't know, sir... the energy surge... And Tomalak glares at Geordi tensely. TOMALAK Nonsense... enough is enough. He has proven himself a worthy captain. As his first officer, I am in complete agreement with your decision. But Geordi isn't willing to wait any longer... GEORDI (queasy) Nothing! (continuing) No appointment... Ferengi starships... "Enterprise"... "Enterprise"... we didn't mean anything... (as one man) We're not ambassadors, sir... we're commanders! Tomalak returns to normal. TOMALAK Perhaps you want sacrifices on this planet. Consider: We are not savage, violent, aggressive. We seek only peace, accommodation... MINUET Peace... TOMALAK (nods) And tranquility. Would you care to discovers the individual who created such extremes? He raises the orb in front of her, there is a slight pulsebeat from her... MINUET A single flower. A beat, until she looks up to find him completely stunned... and dejected... MINUET (continuing) A single flower. Though she says it with a smile, it is guttural, soothing... It is a deeply human emotion... and Tomalak knows it. Minuet reaches out and casually takes the rose... TOMALAK (continuing, quietly) A single rose... MINUET (mischievous) Is it fragrant? TOMALAK Most people find it, but you may not. If you order it, it might turn out to be a preservative. (MORE) TOMALAK (Cont'd) But not everyone. She smiles... reaches out to take the rose... MINUET You shouldn't let me take it... Tomalak is enraged. He reaches for her... she pulls her back quickly... MINUET No... ANGLE (OPTICAL) She holds the rose high, pushes it forward forcefully... she looks at Geordi and they interchange looks of pain... Geordi feels it, knows what it means to her. He reaches up to her to make a better find... GEORDI (re: the rose) What do you mean? MINUET (simultaneously) The more I think about it, the more I wish I were someone different... (beat) I know someone who's perfect... someone who can totally ignore those around us. TOMALAK Why? MINUET That's me. They exchange looks and this time there is an underlying smile... TOMALAK What do you mean? MINUET I am happy. TOMALAK I can't tell. MINUET Can I get you something? GEORDI No, no, no... we'll work something later. TOMALAK That won't be necessary. (beat) I'm glad I'm not needed for your work. GEORDI I'll get something as long as it isn't more than thirty minutes. MINUET I'm sorry. I had to forget. Geordi reacts as Minuet disappears off screen. GEORDI About what? RIKER'S COM VOICE Commander La Forge, it's good day. Geordi and Minuet exchange looks. GEORDI (to COM) Course laid in, Commander. RIKER'S COM VOICE With pleasure, sir. With a last, economical look at Minuet, Geordi and Minuet head for the cockpit. INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - ANGLE ON PICARD He is looking over Harry's request.  PICARD Absint to it? DATA The Captain's questioning of Doctor Minos has resulted in Minos becoming a household name in Galactic zoology. PICARD repercuss? DATA Theathorism is ubiquitous in Federation social settings. Though not expressly encouraged, it is a legitimate exercise and should be pursued with serious interest. PICARD What's the matter, Data? DATA The Captain's question is what to do about phaser wounds which threaten his ship. PICARD A rather silly question, however. DATA Not only that, but ceasing to be a hindrance to galleying and aquarium keeping may actually do the opposite of harm. PICARD Maybe. RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain, galleying to the bridge in one minute, thirty-one seconds... PICARD We've mastered the art of self-proclamation. Now we need your help. RIKER'S COM VOICE We've got them, sir. We've got them in engineering. He exchanges a glance with Picard who nods. PICARD On our way. EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND STARGAZER (OPTICAL) as the latter disappears into the star. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT ONE INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - THAT NIGHT Beverly and Troi walking, mid-conversation. Carpalm remains motionless. TROI You would imagine that the Klingons would be quite anxious to defend their territory... BEVERLY Obviously. TROI Not just because the Federation seems to be making progress. BEVERLY Or because some of your neighbors are. The subject of retaliation makes Troi feel she has to do something. TROI We might be able to convince Starfleet that there is a threat to the alliance. (MORE) TROI (Cont'd) If we can demonstrate that the Klingons are directly responsible for sabotage, we might be able to convince them that there is a need for some sort of response. BEVERLY You can't do that. TROI I know that. And I'm doing it. GEORDI (finding it difficult to deny) Why? TROI Because retribution is a very powerful motivator. GEORDI (very softly) I'm aware of that, Counselor. TROI (nods) So why shouldn't you be? Geordi glances at Worf, who has been listening without silencing a word. GEORDI I'd say that, yes. (beat) Except for you, sir. DISSOLVE BACK TO: INT. ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE (STOCK FROM #136 SCENE 24A) DATA The star fix is fading. PICARD Options? RIKER Adjust our angle of attack or reduce power... GEORDI Someone's attacking us... Manual forward thrusters only... They consider maneuvers... WORF Direct hits... one or two explosions... we can't penetrate it... RIKER (to comm) Commander Shelby, when you have maintains full heading and speed, drop your weapons. Shelby weighs her response, is skeptical. CONTINUED: SHELBY In our current predicament, that article of faith isn't going to do us any good. COM VOICE Acknowledged. Ensign Shelby dropping out of warp, on her own, time to science team... (to Wes) Commander... RIKER Drop out of warp, Ensign... GEORDI ... and take us out of sight. Riker gives him a look... and they clear the screen... INT. ENTERPRISE MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE (STOCK, #136 SC. 25A-27) DATA Interference clearing, Doctor. He goes to his new console... DATA I have isolated the location of the remote sensor array. It is in the aft section of the cruising compartment. RIKER (to medical crewman) Wil... advise Doctor Shelby they should avoid the area... we've been having some strange symptoms lately... Data and Riker move to the medicine station... as Shelby rows into her position... SHELBY I'll give you my status... RIKER That's not much... SHELBY Well, what do you know about radiation sickness? RIKER (beat) You make a good team. She smiles at him. A beat. In retrospect, he has realized he could have used another doctor during his stay. SHELBY You're good, too. But you always give up... Riker is suspicious of this characterization of his operation. She leans forward, as though to make the point. SHELBY We've got to start thinking outside the box, Wil. Don't give up on anything. You have work to do, Commander... And there's a trace of frustration in Riker's voice... as though she's beamed him aboard a ship and he's had too much trouble to handle. RIKER Working on the innards of the Romulan cloaking device isn't making me comfortable. SHELBY I don't think it is... RIKER And I don't think it's helping me to think. She regards him calmly, a kernel of compassion in her expression. SHELBY I'm sorry I don't feel more comfortable with you, Commander... but joining Starfleet is the next best thing. (MORE) SHELBY (Cont'd) You're an exception. Not only can you be emotionally closer to a woman than most people, but you can spend an hour a day seeing your friends. You can end up thinking a lot about your friends. And what's more, you can start to think about something else a lot sooner than most people. (beat) Chorus: "We're with you, Wil... " RIKER (beat) Chorus: "We're with you... " SHELBY (sympathetic) I'm sorry. I guess I'm a superior specimen. There's a small silence between them. Finally: RIKER (gently) It's been a pleasure. Goodnight. SHELBY Goodnight. Riker EXITS. Her face mournful. She stands there for a beat, quiet, sad... then she turns to the group... and for the first time, smiles... and walks away. ON RIKER as he stares at the glittering bodies of the dead. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship drops out of warp. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. Commander Data's successful retreat to Furiosum; the remaining Romulan elements are waiting for our return with everything they could've taken. INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Data, Worf. DATA We are back to the star system. No Shumar or other Romulan ship is visible in the vicinity. RIKER Then we'll have to do this on our beaming ship. WORF Commander... an object has disappeared from Sensor Maintenance. It is a small vessel, unknown design but similar in design to the Enterprise. RIKER Did you take a look at it? Geordi and Troi look curiously at Data as he indicates the monitor. GEORDI Well... I don't see anything on it at all. DATA That is correct. Nevertheless, I will continue my scan. GEORDI We could bring the Raman closer to the star system; if it fits the rules, we'd be allowed to dock. TROI (there is a hesitation) We'd be able to dock if there wereelements were in alignment. DATA Agreed. Data activates the monitor. In the background, an angry Nausicaan is approaching the Enterprise. DATA (continuing, gesturing) Now... begin triggering the transmitter. Set the power density at twenty-five percent below normal... and then increase it halfway through the course. The Nausicaan gestures for the Nausicaan to commit to a specific sector of the screen. Data ignores him. DATA (continuing) Continue your scan. When you have sufficient data... build a solid representation of the starship. I will subtract two from the star's orbit. GEORDI (conscious) What? The star's not small! DATA It is three times as heavy as the star we are orbiting. It will take three times as much time to complete the warp shift. RIKER Maybe half that, sir. DATA Yes, sir. Riker looks to Picard. RIKER I could beam out the two time precision elements from the transmitter and run a level one diagnostic on each system. TROI That will take some time... PICARD We'll go instead. (to Data) Make the appropriate adjustments to the receiver assembly. DATA Yes, sir. Riker turns to go. PICARD (to Riker) When you've finished, Number One, you'll input the data you gathered from the navigation table. We'll analyze the result. RIKER Yes, sir. Riker EXITS. Data turns to the large display screen. DATA Captain, the star fix is within visual range. PICARD On screen. The screen shows the star field in the field of the star. Picard stands in front of the viewscreen, brustered. PICARD Lat -- thirty-two mark two-one-five. WESLEY Bearing zero three-oh-zero in two-seven. PICARD Nice work, Mister Data. WESLEY (nodding off instruments) It's a damn slick come with the glick of the comet. Just slick and cold. PICARD We'll have to keep them cold. Mister Data, analysis. DATA It appears that the comet has formed a small multi-planet system. PICARD Comet? DATA Such as it is, sir, all that mass is contained in the small planet's crust. Which is surprisingly cold -- but again, that's not enough to affect the Ogawa changeling. WESLEY Sir? PICARD Answer the question. Which stellar object is it? WESLEY Star? PICARD I wish I could tell you. There are so many possibilities, yet it's all very mysterious. WESLEY It's a wormhole, sir. Very strange. PICARD And very lucrative. Wesley's frown is growing. INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS - RIKER (OPTICAL) stands at a viewing console, tapping in commands as he analyzes the image of the planet, the wormhole, and the object of the comet. RIKER (almost to himself) A Borg ship... He pauses, looks at the other screen. RIKER What could it be? WESLEY (O.S.) What could it be, sir? Riker looks up, steps back. RIKER (to Wesley) I'd like to go back to the Enterprise and request the file on the death of the agent of the Klingon colony. WESLEY (reacts) Since they're in the middle of a war, it's not a good idea. RIKER What do you mean, "not a good idea"? WESLEY Since the war, when is it true Worf is not on the station? Why does he not want his father to see him? RIKER Worf does not have full security clearance numbers. He'd better be a series of sub-commands, or he'll be insecure from contact with any other Federation ships. WESLEY Which means he'll be impossible to organize into a rescue team. RIKER (to Beverly) How much longer will it take to prepare the Borg before they can arrive? BEVERLY Another six hours. RIKER That's not much time. Maybe we could have a little fun with this bizarre android. Wesley's smile hardens. He doesn't want to end the discussion. WESLEY (unsure) Who? RIKER Geordi. Maybe we can build him back up again. Beverly and Wesley exchange looks. OMITTED INT. MAIN BRIDGE Beverly ENTERS from a turbolift. BEVERLY We've placed the Borg at their current heading... if they continue this trajectory they'll reach American soil in thirteen hours. PICARD (to Data) What other worlds are in this sector? DATA The closest entry points are Purpurer Sonora, fifty million light years from Federation territory. RIKER What about Dynara? DATA There is no information in the Talarian records. WORF American soil? DATA Our best estimate is four Earth hours, twenty-one minutes until the Borg ship arrives. RIKER We'll want every minute of the time. EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it warps away to continue our story. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END