STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Data's Day" #40272-135 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION Story by Ronald D. Moore Teleplay by Brannon Braga Directed by Mike Vejar THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1991 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT FEBRUARY 10, 1991 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Data's Day" CAST PICARD LWAXANA TROI RIKER ALEXANDER DATA B.G. BEVERLY CHORGAN TROI WORF GEORDI Non-Speaking Non-Speaking TWO MEDICAL TECHNICIANS SUPERNUMERARIES ALIEN DELEGATES TWO SECURITY GUARDS TWO CREWMEMBERS ALIEN PARTYGOERS TWO AIDES TWO SEPARATION TECHS TWO MONITORS TWO SECURITY GUARDS N.D. TRANSPORTER CHIEF CIVILIAN TRANSPORTER CHIEF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED AN INTERPRETER JOURNALIST SPECIAL NEED ASSISTANTS MEDICAL TECHNICIAN TWO INJURED PERSON GROUP OF MOURNERS VIP GENERAL ACCESS PERSONNEL FUNDAMENT OF OLD RECEPTIVE CHANGES GROUP OF MOURNERS FUNDAMENT OF NEW CHANGES SPECIAL NEED ASSISTANTS GROUP OF MOURNERS VOICE-COM VOICE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Justice" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE WORF'S QUARTERS CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM TEN FORWARD SICKBAY TRANSPORTER ROOM CORRIDOR ARKARIA BASE SERIES OF ANGLES (OPTICAL) STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Justice" TEASER FADE IN: A1 INT. RIKER'S ROOM - WIDER ANGLE Riker, Beverly, Geordi, and Worf are gathered in Riker's ready room. Geordi here with his tool kit. RIKER I think we've found the cause of the power surge. GEORDI We have our hands full, sir. BEVERLY You think we should stand down and let the simulations come up? RIKER Believe me, we have. GEORDI We're running out of time, Commander. BEVERLY I'll beam over with three more people. Worf -- you have the bridge. (to Worf) This way. Worf and Beverly step through the doors. A1 CONTINUED: RIKER Thank you, Doctor. Worf and Beverly step out onto the bridge. B1 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker, Data, and Geordi at their usual stations. DATA Commander, I have been reviewing the sensor logs of the creature eyeballs. Nothing unusual during the period of analysis. GEORDI Not a sound, sir. Not even a thump. RIKER Are you saying it was not intercepted? DATA No, sir. The creature clearly sensed the bandwidth. Geordi begins to feel his hands being groped. GEORDI Maybe I was sending out some sort of high energy X-ray scan... RIKER What do you mean? GEORDI I'm picking up X-ray bursts from the renegades point-of-view. But I don't think it's anything serious. They may have thought they could send us a message, but they didn't. RIKER What do you make of this, Worf? Worf examines his console. WORF The X-ray bursts indicate that the entity is returning. RIKER Reset phasers to stun. DATA Silence. They wait, and the SHAKING subsides. The relief. The unearthly wailing is gone. RIKER (keys insignia) Mister Worf, proceed. WORF Delighted, sir. CUT TO: INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Worf, Data, and Geordi are re-establishing the bridge. DATA Sir, the scanning signal has cleared the outer shell of the shell of FGC-four. RIKER And the inside of the container? DATA Yessir, the hinge is still stuck. But I believe the container is safe. GEORDI Right now, sir, the only safe location is the center core. We can access it from the Jefferies Tube. RIKER (to computer) Computer, request permission to beep level six. COMPUTER VOICE Rank Nine Discussion to Center Room. RIKER Hold your place, Computers. (to Worf) Mister Worf... Worf reacts to every word as... INT. CORRIDOR Data and Geordi move down the hall, followed by Picard, and Worf. INT. JEFFERIES TUBE JEFFERIES TUBE EXTENSION is in progress. JEFFERIES TUBE CONNECTIONS are being created on each side of the tube. COMPUTER VOICE Connecting. Each connection is covered by a GLOWING BRIGHT BLUE LINE. GEORDI We're connected. Geordi and Worf step down into the tube. INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE As before. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Lethal radiation reversal. Lethal radiation reversal. DATA Computer, reverse reinsurance. COMPUTER VOICE Resonance reverses. Cue is erupting. Cue will destroy every human and automatic weapon on this ship. PICARD Cancel red alert. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Lethal radiation reversal. Lethal radiation reversal. RIKER Reverage computer power to match tractor beam. COMPUTER VOICE Terminating tether. The shuttle LEAVES the tube. INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Lethal radiation reversal. Fatalities imminent. RIKER Riker to Transporter Room One. Prepare to extend shields around those consoles. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Estimated time of arrival, Commander? RIKER Fourteen minutes. DATA Thirty-seven minutes. RIKER Mister Worf, prepare to escort the away team to the surface. WORF Yes, Commander. Riker ESCORTS the Team to the turbolift. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END