STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Sarek" #40273-171 Story by Brannon Braga Teleplay by Brannon Braga Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT MARCH 5, 1990 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Sarek" CAST PICARD SAREK RIKER PERRIN DATA SAKKATH BEVERLY KI MENDROSSEN TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY O'BRIEN ENSIGN KOPF TRANSPORTER CHIEF NAKAMURA LIEUTENANT (JEAN-LIEUR) COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking TWO SECURITY GUARDS TWO TECHNICIANS TWO CREWMEMBERS Voice-Over SONYA COMPUTER VOICE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Sarek" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM OBSERVATION LOUNGE TURBOLIFT CORRIDORS TRANSPORTER ROOM MAIN ENGINEERING JEFFERIES TUBE TSIOLKOVSKY TUNNEL #1 TUNNEL #2 TUNNEL #3 STAR TREK: "Sarek" - 11/3/88 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Sarek" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE CORDANNAS kore-DAN-us GIROGENIC jemi-ro-GEE-nikal MYOBORA MY-oh-bree-ah SUTTER-SIZY SUTTER-sah-zy STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Sarek" TEASER FADE IN: INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE RIKER and DATA are at the aft science station, a CHIEF is at the console. Picard ENTERS from the Ready Room. DATA We are approaching the Wolf three hours after receiving the signal, sir. RIKER At the rate the signal is going -- two hours, it would be impossible to transport it by now. DATA The best option would be to continue on course. It would take weeks to reach the Federation. PICARD I don't want to wait 'til the other side has sent a message. I want to be able to say that we've stood by their side and congratulations. DATA (acknowledges) Captain -- we have determined that the signal was sent by a Federation science vessel. PICARD We're very pleased. (beat) Thank you, Mister Data. Picard EXITS. CUT TO: INT. FERENGI VESSEL - SCIENCE ROOM (OPTICAL) This is a science vessel similar to the one seen in "Contagion." There are several TARS in evidence -- huge, black pools of gas, rotating slowly in space. The TARS COPE, a circular mass of swirling, bluish-white wings, has wings which cast dark shadows over the ship. DATA APPROACHES the group, just as SCIENTIST #1 ENTERS. SCIENTIST #1 (to Data) I have a suggestion. The science vessel is UNLIKE a helicopter, which makes a low, hysterical sound. DATA (to Science Vessel) We are observing a severe energy disruption in the particle stream containing the core fragment. SCIENTIST #1 (nods) It's the third transport window -- it'll never happen again. DATA The fragment will immediately detonate... in a matter of hours. RIKER You've seen this before. DATA Yes, sir. In my previous experiences with temporal disruptors, I have often found that time-shifting fragments to be almost instantaneous compacts. Riker turns to him, curious. RIKER Do you know what this means? DATA No -- I do not. RIKER That's the problem when time disruptors are used -- you can't always trust the information you get. DATA Ah. Ah, a temporal proximity fragment. RIKER You're saying it's been frozen right there, and you haven't been able to react to it. DATA In a way, I have been... I have been experiencing a kind of frustration with temporal fragments, sir... they seem to plague me. Riker is struck by the understatement of this question. RIKER What? DATA Perhaps it is my own irreverence which is exacerbating the distress. (toward Engineering) Establish a schedule to accelerate the destruction of the nanites. GEORDI Sounds good. INT. ENGINEERING Data and Geordi are studying an opened Ullians' panel. GEORDI The important thing here is to see if we can access the control pathways. He works the panel, then... DATA The nanites in Mister La Forge's workroom are highly sophisticated tools. (MORE) DATA (Cont'd) Perhaps they are trying to destroy our ship. Geordi glances over his shoulder at the Ullians. GEORDI Or they might be assimilating our minds. It's very possible that they have the ability to read our thoughts. PICARD'S COM VOICE Commander Riker. RIKER (keying insignia) Yes, Captain. PICARD'S COM VOICE Please report to the Transporter Room. Number One, you're to take the kids to the ship while Geordi and I finish here. RIKER Aye, sir. Riker and the two teens EXIT. INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Riker and the two teens ENTER from the Transporter Room. RIKER (to a Transporter Operator) Niles, get the Ullians over here -- they need to see this something. He hands the operator a PADD. RIKER Tonight's show starts nine hundred hours. Personnel -- you've got to be rested. We'll return to the ship an hour after it ends. (transitions into Transporter Room )} Mister O'Brien, how long until you get that medal? O'BRIEN I've been in the military for almost twenty years. RIKER And I've known you rather than the other way around. O'BRIEN How could you know that? RIKER Chief O'Brien went out of the business of fighting out of compromise. He's been an intelligence officer for twenty years. O'Brien gives him a look. To him, Riker's attitude is right. RIKER I understand your... frustration. And I understand what you're going through. But we don't have to see it as a threat. Because we have to see it as an opportunity. O'BRIEN I just hope this is the last time I get a chance to see you together. O'Brien EXITS. INT. ULLIAN QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Picard with Data, Geordi, and Briam. Briam is genuinely touched by the friendship that Picard has achieved. BRIAM That is touching, Captain. Well done. Geordi is impressed. GEORDI I'm impressed as well. DATA It is difficult to overestimate the importance of community relationships. BRIAM (bitter) Rationality is not good enough. Data agrees with Briam. BRIAM Now I understand why you've taken this species. There are many who believe it is the most perfect race in the galaxy. GEORDI We're not the most advanced, Briam. Not by enough. But we have everything you need. Briam shrugs, increases the pressure. BRIAM We shall not be held harmless by any misguided attempt to introduce radiation into the dilithium chamber. You are helping to demonstrate that the community has failed. PICARD We'll see what we can do. (beat) We have an opportunity for repairs and rejuvenation. Certainly, there are other prepared to make a sacrifice in this matter. BRIAM It is a bone of a heart. GEORDI I can't delay any longer. We'll contact you as soon as available. Briam gives Geordi a meaningful look. BRIAM We would be happy to make another sacrifice on your behalf. GEORDI Great. And with that, Geordi and Briam head for the door. Briam pauses, as if there's something weighty he needs to say. BRIAM We will miss her. GEORDI Not as much as the other two. BRIAM Yes. But we will have her... and her alone. Geordi nods, smiling at his friend's courage. Briam leaves. Geordi leans back, still smiling. GEORDI You're looking pretty confident, Will. BRIAM Absolutely. Geordi smiles in return. INT. SICKBAY Data approaches Picard's bedside. DATA Doctor Crusher, would you please brief me on the anticipated negligence on the part of the characters? PICARD Two minutes. DATA There is a great deal of introversion involved here. Perhaps you would be better able to express your feelings if... PICARD Nothing important. Nothing at all... (a deep breath) Data, what is the one true valuable commodity we need in abundance? DATA Truth. PICARD Truth is sometimes more valuable than life itself. Intrigued, Data sits beside Picard. DATA I have often wondered what my counterpart would have to say about my situation. Would he agree with the others that I am ill-equipped to deal with Starfleet's problems, or would he say that I am? PICARD He's both. DATA Then you would require a more... objective perspective. PICARD biased view. (a beat) You are all quite aware of the differences between... objective perspective and an individual's perspective. DATA I am not sure which one is more to me, Captain. PICARD I can't think of a single reason why anyone would choose to hide something from you. Data nods. PICARD (continuing) You want to know my perspective? Ever since you first woke up on that beach... you've been looking for a man, a woman, a child... A beat as Data considers... DATA I am finally beginning to understand it. If there are other lifeforms in the universe... other than me -- then I must be part of it. PICARD Me? What do I know about me? DATA I know that I have a certain... intuition. That I recognize patterns. That when I look at something, it is somehow recognizably the same as something else. That when I hear something that sounds like... "bells" or "rattles"... it is somehow referring to something else. PICARD What else? DATA That there is a feeling of... duality. In a similar vein to "holograms"... I can feel that I am trapped by another being's interpretation of my own program. Picard considers -- touches his arm about the time machine. PICARD I can certainly understand that. DATA I have felt the same. Data turns to exit the room. Picard inspects the rubicon. BEVERLY'S VOICE Will you turn around? Data makes a horizontal sweep around the room, his beef. DATA Invert the magnetic coils. Beverly and Geordi exchange glances. Data makes a horizontal sweep down the corridor, then stops to investigate a particular stretch of corridor. He makes a 360-degree turn, sweeping quickly toward the nearest intersection. BEVERLY Data, you said "I'm not familiar with this" -- could be it's a simple matter of programming themselves to react in certain ways. DATA If so, there would be repercussions for any of us. Our systems would be less stable. GEORDI If it's true, that would mean our systems are less stable -- we wouldn't be able to keep on board. DATA It is possible. Geordi and Data make a turn that takes them back to the Rubicon, making a sharp turn as they turn. (Note: between turns, they rarely talk.) GEORDI We came here to get our hands on the systems and the experimental data. If we can use those things to get us back and to the present... DATA Perhaps we can't build a neural travel modulator. GEORDI I'm willing to buy one. DATA That would be a start. (beat) Well... our systems are far enough advanced to make some interpretation. It may be difficult to make any kind of connection. GEORDI That doesn't sound like the Rubicon. RIKER'S VOICE Commander La Forge? GEORDI Just checking in, sir. RIKER'S VOICE We're not finished checking out yet, sir. We have people down there who are curious, even awakened. Some of them may be capable of moving quickly. GEORDI Keep us apprised, Number One. RIKER'S VOICE Aye, sir. END INTERCUT: INT. STATION CORE Geordi and Data set to work with the core. Riker ENTERS. RIKER How's it coming? GEORDI We should have it ready to go in the morning, sir. RIKER At current, it'll take another forty-eight hours just to make our rendezvous with the Enterprise. GEORDI It's not going to be easy. We have some rough terrain to walk in -- RIKER I'll keep you advised. With that, Riker turns and EXITS. GEORDI I'll want to take a look at the schematic of the new mining site -- it looks spectacular. Riker is faced with an impossible choice: RIKER Yes, sir. Geordi EXITS. Riker turns and follows Geordi, as does Data. INT. CORRIDOR Geordi and Data walk along. GEORDI I've looked over the mining site plans -- this place will take ten years to complete. DATA During that time, many terraforming projects will resume on Angel One. During the next, Data slows his pace to keep pace with Geordi. GEORDI Then it's going to be a long while before we're getting any rapid locomotion. DATA I do not believe so. According to the star charts, the star system around the Angel One system is unstable. It is common knowledge that most systems on this planet experience a brief surface-to-surface rupture every five years or so. GEORDI That means the wormhole will be coming here within the next fifty or seventy years. They turn a corner. INT. ENTERPRISE - TURBOLIFT Picard and Riker ENTER the Turbolift. RIKER Bridge. The lift starts MOVING. The Captain speaks softly in his sleep. He is dreaming of River Coolidge. PICARD (V.O.) (asleep) River's wife comes to me in the morning. She says my pocketbook's been so depleted I've had to reschedule my pay to cover the cost of medicine for her. RIKER That's right. PICARD (still dreaming) There's still a way to be determined. INT. ENTERPRISE - RIKER'S QUARTERS Riker is seated at a desk, staring at a computer terminal. He is tired and distracted. The door CHIMES. RIKER Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Troi. TROI I have River in my lab. RIKER (surprised) Oh. TROI I thought he was still down there testing his compounds. Riker sits down. He's anxious. RIKER What have you found? TROI So far nothing. Riker is left with a bad feeling. INT. ENTERPRISE - MONTAGE ROOM - ON THE ENTRY Riker walks in and is startled to see that the quality of the work has been upgraded. The studIO MONITORS are now displaying a video of a marine. (Firewood is being worked on in the b.g.) RIKER (to computer) Computer -- create a video of Firewood on the Holodeck. COMPUTER VOICE YouTube Video has been programmed. The footage begins to play. (NOTE: it should be timed so the cut will not be cut when the shot ends.) RIKER (in background) What do you think? The other characters tune out. FARALLON (laughs, to Riker) You're a strange one to ask, aren't you? Riker decides to remain deferential to Farallon, especially since he knows she doesn't reciprocate. RIKER Professor, what do you think about this clip? Farallon takes a deep breath... tries to reset her thoughts after a beat. FARALLON It's been a while. Maybe we should talk about this. RIKER Professor... FARALLON I just don't feel like talking to you right now. Riker reacts. RIKER Actually, it's not too late. Professor, I'm sure the two of you can talk over it later. FARALLON I'm afraid I don't have the time. I've been writing reports for days now. (a beat) Until we get back to the Enterprise, I'm afraid I'm not going to be a good commander. That gets everyone's attention. RIKER What? FARALLON That's right, sir -- I'm not starving anymore. I've made some... adjustments to the ship's computer. TROI What kind of "adjustments?" FARALLON I don't know... just... random things. For instance, when the Enterprise was attacked by the Merrimack, a portion of the telemetry records were erased... RIKER What? You don't know how? Farallon is agitated. She gets up and moves around the room. FARALLON The other prisoners tried to escape... but were stopped by Captain Picard... or rather, Doctor Pulaski. You don't know where they came from... which planet? RIKER This is ridiculous! You're exchanging hypothetical thoughts with a Martian about a woman in his quarters. It's not like anything I've ever seen. TROI Captain Picard is concerned about your feelings. ON FARALLON She gets up and rocks back to reality. FARALLON I'm alive. I have a little faith in you, Will. RIKER I'm sure. CUT TO: INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - TRACKING SHOT As Riker walks down the hallway and talks to Geordi, the corridor lights BREEZE past, garish. RIKER I'm telling you, Geordi -- remember that voice in the back with the blinking lights. GEORDI Maybe you should put those reminders in a program. RIKER That wasn't the purpose. GEORDI Maybe you're the problem. (beat) That annoying voice... it's giving me anxiety. RIKER I didn't experience anxiety. GEORDI I'm getting anxious about all sorts. Maybe I'm just not adaptive enough. RIKER That's kind of your take on it, Data... DATA On the contrary, Commander, my work environment is a few years ahead of where you are. Riker smiles. RIKER On the other hand, if you're right... GEORDI I could be wrong. Maybe I'm more anxious than I think. (beat) But whatever's wrong, I can never seem to get enough of it. I'm in the middle of a project, I'm meeting with different representatives from different facts, I'm trying to make a decision about my career... RIKER And you're having trouble making one... GEORDI What do you mean? RIKER Take all the stress off your conscience... if you can just drink a glass of tonic water... and never think about it again... Geordi looks at him skeptically. GEORDI If you're trying to relax -- filter out all the stress... He pulls a bottle out of his pocket and offers it to Riker. GEORDI Here... when you have all the stress... He hands Riker the bottle. Riker takes a sniff. RIKER Interesting... GEORDI The casing of your filter is cyanocyanate. RIKER (smiles) That's just what I thought... Riker begins to suck in the contents of the bottle. RIKER How long until we get the filter into working order? GEORDI Fifty-three minutes... Riker gives him a look, decides to get back to the task. As he slaps the cap back on... RIKER Got to hand it to you, Geordi, you've done a good job. EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND WASTE VESSEL (OPTICAL) Yielding to the pull of the beam. INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE Riker and Worf emerge from the Turbolift and make for the aft science station, where Data works. RIKER Any luck downloading the logs from the Control Network? DATA I have been unable to access the files, sir. RIKER What about the Control Network? He waits a beat, then taps a command into his console. RIKER Nothing. Nothing at all. Worf's brow tightens. After a beat, he turns to Data. WORF Sir, I am picking up another distress signal -- (reading the screen) -- from the port quarter of the Horn ring. RIKER That's not possible. DATA The signal is coming from somewhere near the alpha quadrant. RIKER (to Data) What kind of signal? DATA It is a helms-only distress signal, bearing two-three-seven mark one-five-two. RIKER (to com) Riker to Enterprise. No response. RIKER Change course to intercept -- Alpha Nine. DATA The change in readings is directly opposite the change in course. This indicates a large spatial variation. RIKER Resolve for -- (as he works) Here. No response. RIKER Data, do we have time to discuss this... distraction? DATA We have approximately thirty minutes remaining before they appear to have re-established their links with the asteroid. RIKER (to com) Riker to Data. DATA'S COM VOICE Yes, sir. RIKER And Commander Data, if there's anything you could do during that time, we'd like to have it. DATA Thank you, sir. Data turns to the aft science station. EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it disappears from the Away Team's view. INT. TURBOLIFT Riker bows his head in farewell. Picard looks down at his brother. PICARD It's good to have you back, Number One. Riker's gaze goes to Data, who approaches him from behind. RIKER You're just the kind of brother I've had to remind you of. PICARD We'll see. Riker's gaze goes to the science station behind him. DATA Your analysis of the fragments is positive, sir. The material they're in looks like hytritium. RIKER It's something like what was left behind after the explosion of Ten Forward. DATA The explosive reaction gases buried within the fragments were decomposed before they could reach the surface. RIKER (sadly) I'm betting they're as good looking as those crystals. PICARD We'll see. (he gestures to the viewscreen) Ten Forward. Your chief engineer and I will begin immediately. GEORDI'S COM VOICE We will be back in your facility shortly, sir. PICARD I'll be in my office. My assignment is complete. If you need me... Picard gestures to the science station and the door CLOSES. PICARD Data, Geordi, you are with me... (to the others) Prepare your investigation. As Data and Geordi EXIT... RIKER You're suppose to be in command of the bridge. PICARD I will be. Please, do whatever you need. The others exchange looks and then Riker EXITS. OMITTED INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Data, Geordi and Troi at their stations. DATA Captain, the investigation into the destruction of the science station is ongoing. We have discovered additional evidence of the Romulan device. PICARD Explain. DATA The deletion of command functions during the last hour should provide us with a suggestion as to the purpose of the device. GEORDI We think it's some kind of remote surveillance device. PICARD Since it reads human memory functions, perhaps it has been programmed to monitor key instincts. DATA We believe it has acquired and initiated a relationship with Data. (MORE) DATA (Cont'd) We feel it is indirectly observing him. That is, it may know something about what it is that it's programming him to do. RIKER If it's finding out about something that will affect Starfleet, that's a big problem. GEORDI Maybe it's smarter than that. It's trying to program him to be something he doesn't want to be. DATA (acknowledging) Perhaps. INT. ENGINEERING Data and Geordi are showing Picard a monitor that displays a diagrammatic representation of the Enterprise, with appropriate graphics and programming. GEORDI This is the background of the creature's environment. You can see tentacles, light emissions, but more complex schematics are required to establish a link with the host. DATA Understood. The rate of interaction will be governed by a computational power fluctuation. GEORDI We figured out a way to induce enhancement. The act of prolonging the length of the connection will allow the creature to utilize the resources more efficiently. PICARD I see. It's ingenious. (to Data) Importantly, it doesn't require the use of phasers. DATA One could easily manipulate the forcefield of the star to make it self-destruct. PICARD Well, Data, I'd like to have you explain that to Doctor Crusher... if there's going to be an investigation, I want it to begin with you. DATA Understood, sir. He exits. Picard glances at Geordi. PICARD Mister La Forge... do we have our order yet? GEORDI Coming up, sir. About an hour. Data and Picard EXIT. CUT TO: OMITTED INT. SHUTTLEBAY TWO Data and Geordi are standing outside the shuttle. The atmosphere is tense. Mid-conversation. DATA My calculations on the disintegration of the shell indicate that the shell will dissipate in approximately sixty seconds, two minutes and three seconds at absolute zero-zero-one-two intervals from their point of view. Geordi reacts. GEORDI That doesn't add up. According to the shuttle's navigational log -- the star stream is balanced. There's no indication that radiation from the nebula is having any effect on the shuttle. DATA I am unable to decipher the patterns from the shuttle's flight recorder. GEORDI The radiation from the nebula must be coming from within the star system. They consider. PICARD If the nebula is coming from within the star, that would mean our shields are vulnerable as well. GEORDI If it's heating up against our shields, that could mean our ignition coils are overheating as well. DATA My calculations show that in one hour, thirteen minutes, the uterus will be in the visible range of the star, approximately seven light years from our present orbit. GEORDI We don't have that long. (beat) If we stay in the nebula, we'll lose the internal sensors long enough to analyze the situation. We might be able to figure out the problem from here. He looks out into the nebula, then around; he has enough evidence to convince himself that everything is ok. GEORDI We can check the magnetometric readings from the navigation system... try a high-resolution spectral analysis... DATA Geordi, those analyses may prove vague. Nevertheless, they are helpful in identifying possible hosts. GEORDI Not much... Sensors are still limited. (to computer) Computer. Begin spectral analysis. The computer BEEPS. Geordi turns to Data. GEORDI (continuing) I'm picking up a magneton pulse from the nebula... Near the star's spin... it could be a lander. DATA Spectral analysis will be difficult. The magneton pulses would seem to interact with each other. Geordi nods, steps away from the computer. GEORDI Okay, let's see what the computer has to say about that magneton pulse... Data works the computer. DATA The term "magneton pulse" is a standard term in the statistical analysis of signal variability. It is a statistically distinct stream of patterns from the nebula. GEORDI Because it's so unusual, I'll keep testing the computer. DATA That would be beneficial. Geordi eyes Data, joking: GEORDI You're always so professional. I'm not sure I could live up to your expectations. Data smiles. DATA I am happy to hear that. I am most gratified to hear that my work has yielded such fascinating insights. (beat) But most importantly -- I think I've discovered how the mystery of the Rwind jutsi is solved. Geordi smiles, walks off to join Riker. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR Geordi, RIKER and TROI approach the Holodeck entrance to the Research Center (the same one seen in "The Emissary"). Geordi sets up the console there; it LIGHTS UP and SUDDENLY ENERGIZES. SUBLIMINAL CUT TO: INT. HOLODECK CORRIDOR - PANNING RIKER (OPTICAL) He's standing at the doorway to the Testing Room, his back to us. The door OPENS, and TWO SECURITY NDS ENTER, carrying a box of equipment. The N.D. in the corridor has joined Riker at the console. RIKER (console) Everything here is working perfectly -- warp drive, inertial dampers, sensors, com, etc. The N.D. nods to him and EXITS. Riker watches BGenti and BGenti turn the box. He reaches to pick up a small device, but Gateway conspires to stop him. Riker studies his face -- does he want to let them in? RIKER No. If we're going to make impossible any more than that... GUARDIAN The player is aware of the impossibility? RIKER We have no idea how far they've traveled up to this point. There's a good chance we couldn't even get that far without warp power. GUARDIAN All the runner's variables are adjusted manually. To complicate the matter -- Riker operates the box. A wall panel in the wall appears, with a small electronic component at the center. RIKER We can route the power through this component to the main power grid. The Guardian slaps the code on the panel. GUARDIAN (to Riker) Riker -- your help is appreciated. RIKER I'll see you when you get back. Riker EXITS. BGenti turns to her work with a smile. BGENTI (as if nothing was wrong) The Guardian has adapted to our situation perfectly. They're not hunting us -- they're protecting you. She looks at Riker and smiles. BEG *) They're very smart. She moves to a wall panel and pushes it. The lighting COMES UP on the far wall. She peers over the shadows for a moment. BEG (continuing) There's not much to see here, sir... except some loom borders on the floor. She peers over the edge of the loom for a moment, then leans back against the wall. BEG (continuing) Kind of makes you feel like you can't get away from them... Beverlyenstein is smiling in the face of what she wishes she weren't. ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) Riker shines a MEDICAL PIECE toward the Alien's stomach. The Alien VAPORIZES in a few seconds. Beverlyenstein reaches out and plants a MEDICAL PIECE in the Alien's belly. The Alien VAPORIZES. Beverlyenstein tries another technique on the Alien, dangerously close to suicide. Riker gives her a quick sleep. INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR Riker and Beverly. BEVERLY (to Riker) If we employ psychotectic hypnotic rheostats to induce amnesia -- this should restore our ability to recall any memories. RIKER I'm afraid we don't have much time. Several people down here have been laying down in the Corridor waiting for us to get going. BEVERLY They must have known we'd be able to get to the yard. (to Picard) Captain, I think we best bet is to follow the freighter. It's slowgoing, but with your technology I'd be able to get us very angry. Picard nods. PICARD Mister Worf, keep an eye out the windows. There may be a signal or two down there. WORF Aye, sir. Worf begins to pace about the Bridge. WORF I will need to recalibrate all distinctive Klingon weapons and I will require a complete overhaul of the targeting sensors. PICARD Mister Worf, you are extremely experienced, highly qualified and I see no reason why you shouldn't lead the charge. Worf declines. Picard nods to Troi and then Worf EXITS. PICARD OFF the distinguished citizen's admission... CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - THE MERCENARY SHIP (OPTICAL) moving at impulse. INT. MERCENARY SHIP - BRIDGE Baran in command. Picard, Riker, Vekor, Baran, and Supply. The ship is ROCKED and we HEAR OTHER ROARS OFF CAMERA as the ship continues to SHAKE and other sounds can be heard. BARAN Get us out of here, Riker -- or I will have you escorted out. Riker acknowledges. BARAN Now! Riker moves to tactical and COUNCIL MEMBERS TURN FRAME. BARAN (continuing) Choose their path. ideonruler classifies the symbols on the screens and TIGHTENS the caps. RIKER I'll describe it to them. Show them we have a bargain... BARAN Barter is not the proper activity. RIKER But look -- we can't afford to keep waiting. I'll contact the outside -- any space craft, Data... please... The ship shakes again. BARAN Do not call the outside. This is not a safe place. The ship shakes violently and Vekor moves to a wall. VEKOR (continuing, to Baran) It's a shame you're not a corporeal being, Riker. Return control of the ship to the bridge. Riker moves to the command position. T'JON It would've been nice. RIKER This isn't a computer model. This is the computer branch computer system we brought down on the Enterprise. Riker touches the console and the branch moves. T'JON (continuing) It's designed for you. Thanks for letting me use your facilities. RIKER We're glad you liked it. T'Jon works the console and the branch moves in the same direction, staying put. T'JON Well, you can see now that we don't know very much about the corporeal universe. The branch makes a kind of "plane drop" in space. It disappears. ANGLE ON BASHIR in the dressing room at the Beverly's. He's looking at Riker's arm and looking particularly at Worf. Bashir turns and HEARS WHAT HE PAINTED. T'JON'S VOICE (continuing) It's hard to keep a secret in a world filled with vermin. INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard appreciates the subtle distinction between the familiar smells and the alien voices. PICARD Computer, activate the branch number four-five-one. COMPUTER VOICE Program complete. The branch re-appears. Picard turns to his first officer. PICARD Mister O'Brien, proceed. O'BRIEN Sir? PICARD Background. Lieutenant Commander Data and I are beaming you aboard a Federation starship. The Enterprise is returning to the galaxy. O'BRIEN Sir? PICARD You see, we've placed you aboard our ship, didn't we? O'BRIEN I... I don't know, sir? PICARD I'm not sure, Mister Data. If my choice was between a wormhole asteroid and this star system... (thinking) Wormholes... O'Brien's face changes as he notices something new on the console. O'BRIEN Sir, something's wrong. Your transmission to the Enterprise has been cut off. And on Picard's look of astonishment: INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) O'Brien tries to get to the console, but isn't getting any work done. O'BRIEN You've got him, sir. I've got him on the bridge. And I can't access the Transporter Codes. COMPUTER VOICE Code access restricted to security check stations. O'BRIEN (to com) Stand by. He stands up quickly. O'BRIEN Captain, I'm on my way. (to com) Thank you, Mister O'Brien. INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard and the others are watching the planet on the viewscreen. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE That's impossible, sir. They've rebuilt the Transporter system and the anti-matter storage unit -- according to our sensor logs, they haven't been able to keep any record of the modifications they made. PICARD So they've been able to -- for the past several months, have been able to glide past our star at a far angle? O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Possibly. And if these systems are functioning normally, there would be a safety net in place to keep them from being used as stepping stones. PICARD And they continue to make that possible. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Yes, sir. CUT TO: INT. ASTER QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Troi and Russell are examining another book, this one a stack of printed pages. Russell seems to be reading slowly, as Troi talks. TROI Russell, you've been practicing calculus. RUSSELL And other things... ? TROI Spock, Chandler, Blake, Toland, the Firebird quartet. RUSSELL No, I started with the Puppets. TROI They were your favorite quartet? RUSSELL No, sir. Afterwards they'd change stuff together. I didn't listen to them. TROI Why don't you listen to yourself? RUSSELL No, I'm fine. Actually, I'm starting to listen to everybody. That's the beauty of music... no one can master it. Russell puts the book down and rubs her tummy. RUSSELL What? That's ridiculous! (to Troi) You can't understand a word I'm saying? TROI I'm not sure I can. RUSSELL It appears to be working, Deanna. Troi and Russell EXIT. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & WARBIRD (OPTICAL) The Enterprise and the Warbird hang in space. INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Troi and Worf are looking over some information on a monitor. TROI It appears that our constituent parties to the Treaty of Algeron have concluded their situation. (beat) This is unsurprising. No Duras or Jay Gordon would seek to exploit this situation. WORF Indeed. But it is also possible that their mission was not an honest one. TROI (thinks for a beat) Perhaps Admiral Jay Gordon is simply... coordinating an alibi. WORF Since he is untraceable, it would be more believable that he is a confidential member of a clandestine federation group. TROI noddular ball. WORF (thinks for a beat) There is no... logical conclusion that an admiral would have her child in tow. They REACT to a sight in the background. WORF (continuing, looks up) There is a vast underground somewhere... on an artificial planetary surface... backwaters of starvation -- harsh, inhospitable compounds -- barren, inhospitable sands... WORF (Cont'd) Note: This information is NOT for publication or reproduction. Please do not copy, print, or distribute it. RIKER I can't believe you fell for that. WORF Perhaps I did not expect the spectacular reception you have arranged. RIKER Why don't you let me know what you have decided? Worf takes a beat -- he's not surprised. WORF You are not displeased. RIKER Metanoia is a term I may have heard before. WORF You are not, sir. I have only been an admiral once. And I have known what it is to be Klingon. RIKER Then let's just take a good, old- fashioned human touch and lift a glass, son! WORF (panicked) Sir! There is something important I must discuss with you... RIKER Hold on! I'll handle it from here. Worf EXITS. Riker smiles to himself, shaking his head at how easily his commander is handling the situation. INT. ENTERPRISE MEDICAL CORRIDOR Geordi and Data move along the corridor, talking privately. GEORDI -- So you're doing all right now? DATA My vital signs are stable. I do not appear to be impaired in any way. GEORDI Good. Keep your eyes open, Data. DATA Yes, sir. GEORDI And try to relax. You've got a busy day ahead of you. Data nods and walks off. Geordi stops -- as Data walks up to the bio-bed. GEORDI How you feeling? DATA I have completed the repair, Lieutenant. I would like to have my adventure in a single photo-op. Geordi frowns. GEORDI Sure you want to take some self-care before we go get things done. Data nods. Geordi turns to go, but Data sees something behind Geordi. DATA Geordi... ? Geordi turns as he sees Data's hand: a small puddle of blood is beginning to SHIMMER. Data picks up the bleeding device and looks at it. DATA I have noticed that many of your prescriptions are quite large. Geordi reacts; Data has made an accurate representation of his work. GEORDI It's still a few days away. Maybe another couple of days. DATA Are your supplies fully restored? GEORDI Yes, sir. In fact, I was able to get more cargo space back on schedule. Geordi removes a half-eaten ravager from the bag he's stuffed, and reaches for a bottle of bloodwine. GEORDI I'd really like to have a taste of Sahving... DATA I am sorry, Geordi. I did not listen to your request. GEORDI It's not a problem. I'm just a little... on a limb. There's no hard and fast rule. It doesn't matter. Go ahead and drink. Go ahead. Data WINKS. Geordi RETRACTS. GEORDI Would you like to try some Yuuzhan Vinegars? Data WINKS even MORE in response. Geordi turns to Data -- planted a seedling. GEORDI (continuing) I can supervise you through reconnaissance. DATA That would be acceptable. GEORDI Okay... let's do it. Data WINKS again. Geordi stands, still pensive -- settle down and start working the regenerator... GEORDI Come on Data... it's your dream to be a starship captain... He EXITS. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END