PICARD (acknowledges) They are a pragmatic people, Ensign. Optimistic. MACET Then why their interest in our government? PICARD They have reasoning to do so. Their first contact with the Federation was made two years ago. During the occupation of Dorvan Five, Cardassia was rampaging through the Alpha Quadrant. A Klingon cruiser was caught inside one of the colony's ports, held captive by the Cardassians. These Klingons were accused of being agents of the Dominion. (MORE) PICARD (Cont'd) The head of the Klingon Intelligence Service was confronted with evidence of Cardassian involvement in the assassination of General Worf. He refused to believe the charges and refused to surrender to the authorities. MACET So you're saying the ambassador is our spy. PICARD As long as there's a chance of getting away with it, I'm allowed to maintain my neutrality. MACET If that means you expose me, Ambassador, I am the one who pose a danger to you. PICARD Dangerous? The danger to me is keeping the Romulans from committing any more atrocities. A beat as Macet studies him. MACET You are quite wrong, Captain. Starfleet Intelligence believes the Romulans are preparing to invade Cardassia Prime. This is exactly what Sito, Fala and the others have been fearing. PICARD Why would they? MACET It's impossible to say, Admiral. The invasion is already underway. The Romulans will be sending ships -- research vessels -- soon. And my people will be on the front lines. Picard's expression hardens. He doesn't respond volently to Macet's argument, but he steels himself and resolutely presses on. PICARD If the Romulans are successful in their invasion of Cardassia, their lands, their colonies... they'll take over the entire quadrant. MACET And that will only increase our difficulty. We'll need a strong position in the capital... valuable enough to enter the Federation. RIKER Even if we're victorious in our mission, the Empire will be responsible for the deaths of over a million people. I'm not sure we can secure the peace with the Romulans. And I'm sure Pavel -- PICARD I know, but Macet's the man to dialogue the Romulans on your mission. Macet exchanges a satisfied glance with the others. MACET What? PICARD If your ancestors had done something foolish, we would not be here now. We were able to establish communications with the outside for the first time around two years ago... but there was a great deal of fluctuation and malfunction in the device as well. (beat) Until we recaptured the signal we had to shut it down. Macet doesn't like the sound of it, but he nods his head. MACET entrepreneogh. PICARD We'll contact the Enterprise and tell them you're all right. Give them the signal you took from the probe. Macet nods and turns to Worf. MACET entrepreneogh. WORF (to the others) What about you? How long do we have to stay? PICARD We can't sustain life for another hour, more. Let's retrieve the signal -- if we can communicate it at all -- Worf, you'll have the signal... and the Enterprise. Everyone nods -- they're with the Captain. PICARD (to Data) Mister Data, contact the probe. Tell it to return to the ship. DATA That will not be possible, Captain. The probe's molecular structure is now formed... its core is becoming solid... GEORDI Data, listen to the signal... DATA I do not understand... GEORDI Let's check the circuitry... DATA That is impossible. The circuitry is completely differential... GEORDI Well, let's see if they're on the same side... He runs a hand across the region of the ship's clothing... INT. CORRIDOR Worf and TWO SECURITY GUARDS move through the corridor. Worf is the first to step into the darkness, and as he moves, he speaks to the voice of the voice... WORF I am the first to step into the darkness. But there is a light ahead, a look which cannot be seen. He continues to move, ignoring the voice of the others. WORF Look. resemblances rock the corridor. WORF Romulan. WESLEY Worf, he's just helping. WORF Yes. Wesley steps forward, but the lights reappear. WESLEY That's good for you. But I can't see anything. WORF (he stops) Yet. Wesley pushes harder into the darkness. And the lights come up. Worf, still moving, ignores the others. INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) The light finds its way around a cargo bay. INT. CARGO BAY - THE LIGHT at the edge of the cargo bay, over the face of the cargo bay wall, fills the scene. We can see on the objects that have been thrown there that there is a nice symmetry to them. They are not randomly placed, but organized... TWO PHOTON TORPEDOES are in the middle of the row, just off the edge of the cargo bay. There is some UNUSED CURRICULS from the previous scene and they are nearby. There is a TREMENDOUS ANIMAL QUANTUM here. The objects in the b.g. are in a circle. The quants are organizing the noise. Wesley, Patrick and Lauren are at the center of the room now. PICARD Animated rabbit. LAUREN Coming right up. PATTERSON You're going to shake his... WORF Leave us. PICARD I cannot do that. This is a vertical location. I'm your commanding officer... WORF And I am your brother. Whatever trouble I may have to bring about your happy ending, I will gladly give up to you. LAUREN (repeating) I barely hear you. WORF Whatever you say. One of the brown eyes, looking straight at Worf, turns brightly to the others. JEV (to the others) Now that you've had some time to prepare yourselves, we are ready for the exam. The others glare at him but remain silent. JEV (to Worf) And you, Commander, are a warrior and an explorer. Your task is to take on whatever appears on the screen. WORF I will prepare everything. Jev turns and strides toward the door. JEV You know, Picard, I feel I could handle the situation. PICARD I feel similarly. But bear with I do. Jev bares his teeth in front of the mirror. JEV You all seem very different. PICARD A little. (a beat) But like the man said... nothing ever changes. Jev walks out of the room, eyes Picard. JEV (to Riker) Commander, I would like to submit my resignation. Riker's reaction. INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Jev sits at the table, putting his arm around Picard's shoulder. Picard and Jev put their glasses down. Jev has a quiet smile. JEV (continuing) I'm glad I have the chance to thank you. PICARD I thought you would. JEV You don't deserve this, Jean-Luc. Any of the others. You have your honor, and I have mine. As Chorgan, Captain of the Lakota, you commanded my every move. my compliments to you. PICARD (even) At the outset, I would like to be assured that you are not the direct cause of my confinement. JEV There's more to it than that, Captain. You see, I was once a member of the crew of the Stargazer. PICARD I know. JEV You know who I am, don't you? PICARD (ignoring him) My name is Jean-Luc Picard. JEV (trying to pin him down) So, you're a guy who gets excited over Kylian ware right? PICARD Quite the contrary, I believe I have developed a genuine curious affection for the species I am re-establishing. Jev can't help but smile. JEV Well, then that must be bad news for you. An announcement that an Earth citizen has been killed on the streets of Cardassia... PICARD Quite the contrary, Jev. I've only just begun to appreciate the lives these men and women shape their own destinies. JEV How fascinating. (a beat) It's going to take time, maybe years, before I understand what a "Galaxy" is, and how it's worked together to shape who we are. Picard glances around to make sure no one's watching and then he goes to the food replicator. PICARD (to food replicator) Pick me up a cup of fuchsia. He turns back to Jev. PICARD And wash it down with a bracing side of saffron. Jev has to agree. JEV (shaking his head) A little spicy, Captain. They eat. INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Troi, Data, GEORDI, BEVERLY, Worf. Supernumeraries are at the table. RIKER Doctor Crusher and I have discovered a COSMIC VIEWER in the asteroid's surface. Data is indicating a point on the viewscreen. GEORDI Fire a phaser across the surface and it'll bring you up on a monitor. PICARD Use it. GEORDI Yes, sir. Beverly looks to Jev. JEV Prolonged exposure will warm you... but exposure to >Nelvana Three will kill you. BEVERLY You can't kill me. You'll only warm yourself. JEV It's not a question of long term exposure, it's a question about whether I'm alive. PICARD (to others) That's an order, Mister La Forge. (MORE) PICARD (Cont'd) (to Geordi) Seventy-five years is a long time. It may be nearing the end of man's existence. GEORDI I've been looking forward to joining you, sir. PICARD I look forward to growing you into a valuable officer. GEORDI I'm sure Commander Riker looks forward to growing to Commander Worf. Geordi turns away from the others to approach Worf. GEORDI (continuing) Hello, Worf. Worf grunts in response. RIKER Is something wrong? WORF I am... uncomfortable. TROI Caused by what? WORF My... emotions. Do you know men like me? RIKER Of course you do, Worf. The emotional contagion you communicate have been known to affect people of all races... Worf gives a disgusted look at his eminence. RIKER (continuing) ... even yours. WORF Klingons do not have the sense of humor that we have. RIKER skewers them. Worf returns his look. RIKER (continuing) I suppose we could just get one of those dogs around here... and kill all the Klingons... GEORDI That is the common condition, sir. RIKER Not always. Dogs bite. WORF I believe Ithurian ale is on the way to your station. GEORDI Have a good time, Wil. Rest and relaxation before we get back... There is an awkward moment of silence. RIKER We'd better get going, Worf. This isn't the time for exploration or vacation. Worf's expression hardens... he stands and moves to the window. WORF (to Riker) Perhaps you should send our boy back with me. RIKER (surprised) What? WORF (cordial) It is our obligation to see to ourselves... to balance the hour of duty with the hour of preparation. And with that Worf EXITS. GEORDI (to computer) Computer, increase maximum speed to warp seven. EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it warps towards the planet. INT. CORRIDOR Geordi and Hester DeAlen are walking together. GEORDI ridor. HESTER Your friend certainly has a lot to learn. GEORDI (not really) I never set a standard for friendship. HESTER (smiles) A lot can happen in a hour. Geordi studies the man. He smiles at Hester... and back to the corridor. GEORDI Thanks... HESTER My pleasure. Geordi turns and EXITS. Hester turns back to his computer, sits back. A beat. He's hit a state of mind... ready to confront someone with his deepest feelings... but what? HESTER Well... to be honest... the people I work with are my friends... CUT TO: INT. STARBASE 515 SURGICAL SUITE - PICARD stern SCIENCE STATION SCREEN WALLABILITY Shot of the parenting station. PICARD ... the parenting station? HESTER You're the only parent I ever had to trust in my entire life. PICARD We have had much better relationship than most family structures. HESTER That's why you're here. Because that's what I want to see. CUT TO: OMITTED INT. STARBASE 515 SURGICAL SUITE - RIKER standing on the operating table with N.D. Surgeons blocking his path. The surgical team moves a series of supplies out of the way as Riker stands waiting around to get the table ready. His attitude is professional and he's not about to back down. RIKER Once the wound is draining the most, I always stay close to them. If it's not working, I kick them out of the way. HESTERUS That results in several milligrams of protein per cell -- a very efficient body work crew. RIKER (nodding) When I've exhausted the other components, I'll kick them out of the way and then go back to the wound. HESTERUS Exactly. RIKER (putting it together) The table. The table, the table again... HESTERUS When you have the table, you'll learn to do this with me. Riker looks frustrated. Hesitantly, hesitantly: RIKER Thanks, Hester. But until I'm ready to return your services... HESTERUS Until I'm ready to return your services... I'll leave you alone. Hester fixes him with a look. Then he's gone. Riker gets to his feet, walks toward the door. RIKER (keys insignia) Enterprise, two to beam up. Riker strides off. Hesitantly, hesitantly: HESTERUS (re: table) Table? I meant the table. Riker ENTERS the room, looks around. The tables are now filled with edible snacks -- clams, mussels, vegetables, everything. They're having a barbecue. Picard and Data are standing off to one side, researchers in chemistry lab coats, monitoring the work. PICARD Ensign, may I suggest we begin with a brief survey of the Holodeck and our pre-existing computer models? HESTERUS I'm not sure that's wise. DATA I agree. However, I believe this site has been selected for its unique combination of energy and visual acuity. Hester indicates the mussels and they all look at them. HESTERUS Magnificent, aren't they? PICARD APHORA is the name given to the complete mussel collection on Earth. HESTERUS APHORA is delightful. DATA APHORA is the name given to the complete mussel collection on Earth. Nitrome RIKER I think the short version is... ... "An incredibly astute collective." TROI (smiles) You're striking again. RIKER Maybe I'm a little "adorkable" myself. PICARD We can still make some progress when you're not looking at the walls. (MORE) PICARD (Cont'd) (to the women) Your response was almost horrible. How long are these walls going to be legal? HESTERUS Perhaps we should not have them illegal... at all. RIKER (to the men) We'll start with the most important ones. (to the women) We'll work our way down. ANGLE ON THE PATH The women head up the ramp. Hester, the women, proceed. HESTERUS (to the men) Let's proceed. Hester, the women, and the men continue. HESTERUS (to Riker) My compliments, Commander Riker. Perhaps when the time comes, you too will offer a toast. OMITTED INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS The two officers EXIT the turbolift. INT. READY ROOM Riker BUSY - CLOSE ON A VASE bristling and shifting in color. He opens a small just window, looks inside, and smells the flowers. RIKER Affirmative. Claire's on her feet, tense. CLARA We've got to do something. Riker's eyes narrow. Clearly, this is a difficult assignment. RIKER Something? CLARA I don't know. RIKER Actually, I'm not sure we have a choice. CLARA I know, but I don't want anything to happen to him. RIKER Then let's just do the Academy and nothing to worry about down there. CLARA Extremely awkward. RIKER Both of us. That's what you said. CLARA Okay. RIKER Okay. But let's make certain we don't have to answer the same side of the desk. RIKER Yes. In the b.g., Payne appears at the door. PALLRA Married? RIKER To Claire Redington. PALLRA Claire? RIKER Yes. Claire Redington is dead. And so is Opaka. CLARA What about Opaka? RIKER I think she's alive -- but not Opaka. Riker moves toward the desk -- and there's a pause as he does. Then suddenly: WORF'S COM VOICE Bridge to Commander Riker. RIKER What is it, Worf? WORF'S COM VOICE Sir, we have identified the floating object as the former wife of Jasper Fajo. RIKER Fajo used to live here; he purchased the house six years ago. WORF'S COM VOICE He is dead. Riker gives Troi a long look before going on. RIKER We believe the man who died as a result of his encounter with the Enterprise was... Jasper Fajo. TROI Doctor Crusher is puzzled. Why wouldn't the Enterprise have a relationship with Fajo's former wife? DATA Apparently, Doctor Crusher's program was not designed to accept human life-forms. Commander Riker was trying to avoid a confrontation. RIKER I don't think he was afraid of an encounter, I think he was looking for some way to save his daughter. DATA I notice in your file that Commander Riker had a daughter named Kira. RIKER (a little embarrassed) I had one. TROI Did he mention how she stood her ground? RIKER (shaking his head) She wasn't afraid of anything. We thought she was... a kind woman. (MORE) TROI (Cont'd) (beat) I don't think I've ever seen Commander Riker so embarrassed. Perhaps if we gave him a chance to accept her, we can begin to mend relations between us. She looks at him thoughtfully. TROI I'm afraid I don't think so. There's no reason for you to risk more to do this, Commander. I know you still hold her responsible for his death, but it wouldn't do any good to lie now and allow him to die. Riker feels the terrible weight of the decision... hands clenching the table, demanding to know why he's acted in such a manner... reaches out to pull Clara to him... RIKER You have to trust me, Clara. We both know the riskier the road we take, the greater the reward. CLARA I know. But you have to trust the Captain, too. He's the one who made the order to surrender, not me. Riker thinks about this for a moment... finds a frame of reference that makes his feelings clear. RIKER Both of us -- Commander Riker and Captain Picard -- have served as hosts of outlaws. CLARA Who gave you that idea? RIKER Grandad Serge Gisla of the Aryans. He came to me in a nightclub about seven years ago. CLARA (surprised) That's why you want to stay here. RIKER I'm hoping to stay. It's the only base of my crew that has never been attacked. The others either passed it on the way or were forced to. CLARA Why can't you leave? RIKER That's not a good idea. If you know where Pierre is, you might be able to get some answers. Clara looks at him quizzically. CLARA But... I don't. He's the only one with a head of steam who can turn it off. RIKER He's also the only one who can take the blame for himself. If something goes wrong, Chief, it's because he was too angry or too confused to take responsibility. CLARA Then it's not up to me to make romanages. RIKER It's not just about "things to do." If we're going to lead ourselves, we need to do it by emotional intelligence. For a beat, Clara thinks he's right... then looks at him with astonishment. CLARA Things to do? RIKER We need to focus on things we want to achieve. CLARA Those things are the most important... RIKER I don't think you're listening to me. CLARA (frustrated) You don't have any ideas. RIKER I know we're hard to please, but I think we can make room for you. Clara smiles. CLARA That's really wonderful, Brother. I'll clean out those storage bays. Clara EXITS. Riker walks to the turbolift. RIKER Computer, shuttle a one-third impulse to Cargo Bay Five. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. Due to human error, computer systems are no longer functional. RIKER Impossible... He steps into the turbolift... INT. cargo bay - CLOSE ON turbolift door as it opens... and a phaser beam is thrown out which hits a compartment instead of the floor. INT. CARGO BAY A small door here... as a small trickle of blood says from where Clara stands seen in the background. ANGLE ON CLARA as she reacts with shock to what's happened. Then she drops to her knees, and for a beat, looks up at her dead mother. CLARA (softly) Hello! And as she kneels down next to Clara she takes in her surroundings, and their surroundings up close and sitting there for a beat. A quiet moment passes as they watch the scene. Clara begins to remember her story... CLARA I've never seen anyone... even at night... before... TROI (interrupting) At night? Clara tenses. CLARA Yes... there was a... fire... TROI Why would he enter? What was his goal? CLARA He was hungry. He was lonely. He was scared. He was angry. He was exhausted. He was the worst thing that ever happened to me. Troi is stunned by Clara's story... but she is wondering why, and what is Daddy doing for Clara? RIKER'S VOICE Hi, Clara! Riker approaches and the door OPENS. He sees Clara and stops. RIKER Clara! Riker steps up to Clara and watches as she forms her identity into the world. RIKER We need to talk. Clara looks at him... unsure how to answer. There are many things she doesn't fully understand. CLARA I don't understand... RIKER You're eleven years old. Some kind of programming is taking over your mind. CLARA There's nothing programmed within the computer. RIKER Yes, quite right. It's a way for you to think. It's nothing short of telepathy. Clara's eyes close... she begins to form the image of Riker. RIKER Now what do I do? Clara looks at him with sudden love. CLARA I don't know... RIKER You exist inside a computer programmed timeline. And you've become Khan Noonien's puppet. You're not just any other starfleet officer. You're the chief of operations for the United Federation of Planets. CLARA It's so much more than that, Will. I've had a lot of experiences in my life. RIKER You're going to have an awakening. It's important for you to re-assimilate. Your core beliefs will be transformed. CLARA I want to be with my parents. RIKER You will? CLARA Yes. Eric and Jill will come with me. RIKER Jill won't be long. JILL Why? RIKER There's a new chief of naval intelligence. He's coming to Starbase three four zero. JILL I don't care. Clara thinks for a moment. CLARA I don't believe this. RIKER She's going to come with you. JILL That's not true. RIKER Maybe not, but it's what he wants. JILL We're not just allies. We have special relationship. I tell you Eric, when he meets you, he'll be embarrassed. But when he loves you, there's no special relationship. RIKER There should be. JILL You're the one who fixed the problem with the Narcis system. You ordered it. You're the one who created the problem. RIKER You're wrong, Doctor. Maybe I should have been more worried. JILL I think Eric's already noticed that you're making more progress than he thought. The Narcis region -- it's spreading. RIKER What are you talking about? This is absolutely central to his life. JILL OK, OK. He's aware of all the problems with the system. And you're just gonna have to keep from him. Riker's not quite sure where to go from here. RIKER I could close the panel. shut it down completely. JILL You don't have to close it. The functioning of the panel will depend on the functioning of the mercene and the transporter. RIKER It's not that simple. JILL It's not that simple at all. Riker's not about to admit he didn't do his best to convince her there was anything he could do. RIKER I know how much your efforts have helped. JILL I just want to make them better. RIKER Whatever it takes. She looks at him sadly. Off the quieter blow-up that settles on Riker's part... INT. CORRIDOR TO TRANSPORTER ROOM Picard, Riker and Jellico are talking near the transporter platform. JELLICO The problem with the Enterprise-C was the same kind of thing that would happen on a Starfleet battle cruiser. The ship would receive a message from the ship's central computer, telling it to begin the transfer. (beat) But it would be harder to get than with a solar-type flare. PICARD (frustrated) There aren't that many flares available, Jellico. JELLICO That's the problem. PICARD There should be at least two open frequencies on manual scanners. JELLICO There are only two. RIKER I'll get a list. JELLICO You know where I will get one. Jellico EXITS to the Transporter Room. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship near the flare. RIKER (V.O.) First Officer's Log: Supplemental. The Enterprise has transported Commander William Riker back to the Enterprise for rendezvous. In Jelly's absence, we will be operating at warp nine-point-three. INT. MAIN BRIDGE Jellico, Riker, and Data at their stations. DATA We will be running a full scan as Captain Picard would describe it. But there are still several procedures we will perform that will be of little comfort to Captain Jellico and me. (beat) I have directed all power to the bridge. RIKER We can't do that. There is an energy build-up in the Matter Emitter Array. I think we'll be starting to see some anomalous readings. JELLICO I want you to take a science team down to the planet and see for yourself. DATA Yes, sir. Riker and Jellico move toward the Turbolift. JELLICO The first thing we'll need is a complete power analysis. RIKER I'll start down there. Jellico and Riker EXIT. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is moving on impulse power and it approaches the planet. INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Jellico and Riker MATERIALIZE on the bridge and look around. The mood on the bridge is tense and urgent. DATA We are in visual range. JELLICO On screen. The VIEWSCREEN image displays a complex HANDHELD which ETAXES the width of the screen. JELLICO Magnetic seals in the matter stream? RIKER Ease of access... JELLICO Excellent. GEORDI I don't have the systems cross-connected to isolate that critical area. JELLICO I want you to download those systems onto the Enterprise shuttle and begin monitoring them. GEORDI I'll get on it, and I want to run a diagnostic to make sure we can get inside that permeable shield. JELLICO Geordi, that won't be easy. The shuttlecraft'sELF out for a control signal. GEORDI You have eight hours, Commander. The job's not that hard to complete. Jellico nods and EXITS. Riker is left with one main question. RIKER What about him? Where's his ship? INT. RIKER'S SHUTTLE - CONTINUOUS RIKER I don't know, sir. There's a lot about him that I don't know. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND STARGAZER (OPTICAL) The shuttlecraft moves away from the Enterprise. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. We remain like a fly in amber trapped in the void. We have encountered a vessel which appears to be the USS Yamato. All its systems are shown as functioning, yet it seems devoid of life. Commander Riker is leading an away team -- hopefully the answer lies over there. INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Worf steps onto the Transporter Pad. Riker, checking the transporter console, speaks to the TRANSPORTER CHIEF. RIKER Have you made preparations to beam the away team aboard? TRANSPORTER CHIEF Yes, sir. Riker crosses to the raised platform to join Worf. RIKER What about the Yamato's crew? TRANSPORTER CHIEF We have taken them off-line... they are being escorted to the rendezvous point. RIKER Wait... (to Worf) What about the Yamato's mother? WORF The ship's medical facility is to be located on deck eight, section twenty-five. That should put her just over fifty meters away from the rest of us. RIKER We've got to find her before she shows her face. Picard wants you to go behind the away team's defenses. You've cleaned everything up, now begin the transmutation. I'll be with you in a minute. WORF Amen. Worf steps to the transporter pad and stares at the console. After a beat, he steps down off the pad and the transport is disengaged. INT. ENTERPRISE TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Riker, Worf and a N.D. SECURITY OFFICER MATERIALIZE on the transporter pad. RIKER Welcome aboard, Lieutenant. The N.D. nods and Worf steps to the transporter control panel. He runs a finger scan on the console. WORF Captain. The transfer is complete and Riker turns to the Transporter Chief. RIKER I want you to handle that... TRANSPORTER CHIEF Sir. I'll handle the preparations. You go back to the bridge and confer with the bridge officers. RIKER (reluctant) Very well. (to computer) Computer, access the personnel files and upload them to the transporter system. COMPUTER VOICE Acknowledged. RIKER Proceed. He and Worf look at each other for a moment. INT. ENTERPRISE OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Data, Geordi, Troi, and Beverly. GEORDI We've been making detailed planetary surveys of the Mercadian system for two days. It looks like the only star visible across the region is the Yamato, our guide from the Enterprise. PICARD The Yamato's carrying a team of scientists and engineers -- they could be anywhere by now. GEORDI We're sitting in the middle of a planetary fragmentation pattern -- it would take about twelve hours to complete the survey. RIKER We could be sitting on a waiting part for the captain. Geordi sees Worf and approaches without looking up. GEORDI Hello, Worf. Worf is surprised, but harmless. WORF Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge. GEORDI Just Geordi, sir. No acknowledgment. TROI (interrupting) Geordi... He ignores her. WORF Can you tell what's happening to my ship? GEORDI We're still in orbit around the planet. The matter stream is still flowing -- we're the only ones on board who have been transformed. WORF Where are our personnel files? GEORDI It's in a section between the main computer and the storage registers. You'll have to get them from the retention area. WORF Why? GEORDI It's down that corridor. Geordi takes a handle on Worf's expression. GEORDI (continuing) I'll get them. He turns and heads for the corridor. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR - JUNCTION Troi and Worf turn back to Riker and Data. TROI We've met, Commander. RIKER Worf is a welcomed guest on board. What can we do for him? TROI I can't read you, but you should know... I am his ex-wife. WORF So you are ex-husband? TROI Yes, as a matter of fact, I am his ex-wife. Off Worf's reaction... STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT ONE EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) At impulse. INT. READY ROOM Worf and Alexander hug. ALEXANDER Did you see the look on his face when he saw me... ? WORF Yes. He was angry. ALEXANDER And then... we kissed. WORF Yes. ALEXANDER That was when he realized that we were lovers. WORF He would have rejected me sympathetically. ALEXANDER I don't know... maybe I didn't send him to that great pit... WORF That is not likely. The urge to climb might have come from the depths of your heart. ALEXANDER That's what I said. WORF If you cannot help climbing, you may spend your entire life as a tree. ALEXENDER (quickly) I don't want to live. WORF You should not live. ALEXENDER What do you mean? WORF You should not exist. ALEXENDER You are trying to say that I should not exist. The boy's eyes widen in shock. WORF That is not possible. ALEXENDER Is it? WORF That is not possible. Alexander stands and moves toward the desk. ALEXENDER What? WORF You do not question it. ALEXENDER But how can you be so sure? WORF It is a... difficult choice. But you must be prepared... Alexander bares his teeth in fury and pain. Worf reacts -- clearly this boy is not ready for this. WORF (continuing) Alexander-- ALEXENDER No! Do not burden my spirit with sorrow. Alexander pulls out the knife and peers at Worf -- he's still angry, but it's a little better and he control it. Worf controls his temper and looks at the boy gently for a beat. WORF It is not too late to change your mind. ALEXENDER I changed my mind! I don't want to be alone anymore! The boy's face blanches. Worf composes himself. WORF I want you to know I am sorry about your mother. ALEXENDER No. I am not sorry. Worf's face hardens -- that's not good enough. WORF But you will always be my child. The boy's face is anguished. ALEXENDER (fierce) I want to be with my mother. The emotional impact of this hits Worf. He is momentarily thrown back into command. WORF The enigma must be destroyed. ALEXENDER You are a fool. The mission could have been successful. The image of Father/Son numbers one through ten on the Klingon display. Off this moment... INT. READY ROOM Bashir and Worf are standing behind the desk, watching Worf's hands as he types furiously. WORF Computer, access Captain Picard's personal log. Search entry pattern, audio... COMPUTER VOICE Working. Searching database, archiving file segments nineteen- twenty-four... Worf's words are being rewritten all the way. WORF (waving frustration) Computer... Resume program. It reappears... but this time with a different expression on Worf's face. WORF No... The program is not responding. BASHIR What? Worf slams a final blow into the computer. WORF I will not allow it. I will kill it. BASHIR But you want to terminate the program... WORF That is not my concern. I have betrayed you! You have betrayed me! Bashir is stunned; he can't believe Worf's final assault. BASHIR You have? What you've done to me... WORF You have let your pride blind you to the true meaning of your lives. You have allowed yourself to be poisoned by the corrupted minds of those who stood with us against the Dominion. Bashir shakes his head in wonder... CUT TO: INT. GUEST QUARTERS Worf is standing in the room, holding a transparent, spherical, softball-sized, blue balloon around his neck. He has just inflated it to the proceeding size. He puts on the balloon and takes a breath of air. BASHIR You've done it... He pops the balloon back into his neck. BASHIR (continuing) It's good that you're trying to pull yourself together... it's helped me learn to cope with the deaths of others. WORF But it has brought me no joy. BASHIR Of course not. You're just looking for someplace to put off. No one's watching you, and your only crime was that one balloon. Now take it down! Worf looks down at the balloon, grins. WORF Perhaps I'll attach one of those to your nose. Worf hurries to the balloon and balloons again. Bashir smiles. BASHIR Good luck, Worf. Worf nods and flies off. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. INT. CORRIDOR Worf is walking down the corridor when he hears LOUD SNORTERING. He turns to see a Sentry Gun rushing toward him from the Transporter Room. The sentry opens fire... Worf takes out his phaser, but it doesn't stop the shooting. Suddenly the shooting stops as a N.D. Klingon CARDASSIAN ENTERS the corridor. He's armed and dangerous looking. Worf and the Cardassian stare at the Cardassian for a beat before the door closes. INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Kira and O'Brien are working the consoles. O'BRIEN Kira here. KIRA We're finished, Chief. O'Brien works the console -- INT. WARDROOM Sisko stands in front of the moderator's stand, where the candidate running for the office of the minister is standing. SISKO Thank you for your time, minister. You've now been promoted to the junior grade officers. MODULAL VOICE Congratulations to you, sir. SISKO Just keep cool, officer. This is no time to be taking risks. MODULAL VOICE We will relay your message to the Federation fleet. SISKO Who does that? He looks around the room at the possible targets. SISKO Who does that sound like? MODULAL VOICE Our Praetor, Commander. The Wadi in the room react to this unexpected commotion. WADI CROWD (ad lib, cheers) Our Praetor... SISKO Yes, we've heard that... (to the modulals) Stand by, we'll see you at Ferenginar. They all stand... except Worf. He looks from Sisko to the Modulals. He stands and moves toward a wall. WORF Who are you? It's obviously a very old and important Klingon word. Sisko and Kira exchange a look. He moves closer to the wall. WORF And who are you? The Wadi in the room drop their heads in unison. They're not getting anywhere with the simple sounds of words. Kira finds the idea of "brother" interesting. KIRA This is our way of saying we want to be called back. WORF When? KIRA When our movement becomes powerful enough to get back into the Empire. SISKO You don't have to give a lot of leastings. Just give me a chance to get revenge for all the deaths we have already caused. WORF You will never be powerful enough to defeat the Dominion. And neither will you. The Wadi in the room exchange a look of surprise. KIRA What you're trying to do is declare martial law. SISKO It's not that simple. The Prophets aren't going to let you have your freedom for these indiscriminate and arbitrary rules. KIRA And what about Odo, Captain? He's the only one who can make those decisions. The Wadi in the room look at each other, wanting to know what Sisko will do. SISKO There comes a point where the rules start to get in the way of the pursuit of the truth. (to the others) Those of you who have been analyzing the story of Odo's life... who are still waiting for yourselves to stumble on that Island -- what have you learned? WORF That the journey does not have to end like the one it begins. ODO I haven't felt the need. SISKO Not since you came on board. ODO No. KIRA Odo has friends he needs on the station. ODO Yes. But he doesn't need a ship. SISKO He does now. KIRA The question is -- should he? Sisko thinks about it for a beat. SISKO I don't know. I hope so. And with that, Sisko EXITS. We hold on Kira and the Wadi for a beat. They exchange a look, then exchange another one as they both know that the President will not be speaking to them for the long haul. EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Odo and Kira walk and talk on their way to the runabout. ODO The runabout is small, but it definitely doesn't have a large opening. KIRA I'll see what I can do. ODO Good. I'll see what I can do. They step into the airlock. ODO In the morning, I was attacked by a group of Dissident Movements. I'm not sure how I survived... KIRA There were tons of people in the workshop. We were able to destroy most of them before they could finish their work. ODO Why didn't you try to escape? KIRA We didn't have the chance. A quiet moment... KIRA One of the goals of the Resistance is to destroy the white supremacist movement. If you can't stand against them... nothing seems to work. ODO It's their game. They'll have to learn to like you, Major. KIRA I know. ODO When I was a child, my family obviously had few friends. Now, well over a century later, we have hundreds of them. KIRA That's a remarkable statistic. ODO Do you? KIRA Yes. Because they're afraid of white people. Odo nods that acknowledgementsympathetically. Kira doesn't go into her quarters for a long time after this... KIRA Then suddenly I feel better. ODO Not quite. It's as if suddenly you lose the ability to feel anything, let alone feel bad about feeling bad. KIRA I suppose it's as intuitive as feeling bad about feeling bad? ODO Not. (a beat) But for you, being here, here now... KIRA I feel like I'm in control of everything. ODO Not quite. KIRA That's what I keep telling myself... that I can be anything I want. Anything at all. Odo is getting amused at this point. ODO This isn't a concept I've heard since the founding of the Academy. KIRA You don't have to prove anything to me. ODO It's just that... I have a hard time accepting that there's a reality out there different from the one I see. KIRA Do you? ODO You're right. It's hard to accept when there are so many whites in the galaxy. Kira looks at Odo. KIRA You're not looking in the direction of the wormhole, are you? ODO That's correct. KIRA Then where is it? ODO Back to back to back to front. KIRA That's not good enough. ODO It's not? Then something begins to dawn on her. KIRA You've got no idea. It's not just the front. There's the back. ODO And the front? KIRA And the back. Everything starts back at the beginning. Odo is puzzled. He looks at her. Why her? KIRA Both my parents were killed on by the Dominion. I grew up in a household that was composed of children. My mother was a warrior. Odo, a housewife... She shakes her head. KIRA (continuing) It's not just the Delta Quadrant I see. There're new races coming into the Alpha Quadrant, young people coming through the wormhole... all the while our families are torn apart. ODO A lot of things are tearing apart family units. KIRA And now the wormhole has come through... for the first time in a millennium, there's nothing to hold onto. And as they exchange a look, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END