about to say, and for a moment, he's not sure what Damar is getting at. But then Kell recognizes the words of encouragement that he's heard from his men. KELL (with a smile) "You're on. . . shootin'," "You're a real man... " Kell -- KELL (to the Bolians) You heard that? The Bolians all nod. KELL We're going to get paid. Five bars of gold press latinum. KELL Not bad for a bunch of chimps. Kell looks around at the others. KELL And you want to be rich. GARAK I hope so. KELL The way I see it, you people are the lucky ones. You've done your homework. Now all you have to do is get your hands on one of those pistols. BASHIR I'd say now is as good a time as ever. KELL The only thing you can count on in this life, my friend, is your joint success. It's the key to a successful strike. There's a beat as everyone considers this. VIC (to Kellin, re: Bashir) Think about it. Yesterday you two were approached by the Bajoran government. And you turned them down. Now what? KELLIN We're not planning to go back to Cardassia with that diploma. GARAK We'll see. VIC (pointed) You turned them down because you couldn't get through to them. KELLIN And you should know that isn't true. I have considerable faith in my own ability to remain in the present. GARAK (mischievous) We'll see. You've made your decision. VIC You have five minutes, before you leave, there's a lot of stuff we have to discuss. KELLIN We'll see. With that, she EXITS. We hold on VIC and LEETA looking after her. VIC (to himself) Great. Any minute. And with that, we go to -- INT. WARDROOM where VIC, LEETA and KIRA are looking at a graphic illustrious displaying the USS ENTERPRISE vs. THE AMERICAN SHIP. VIC (re: the ship) A really good ship. LEETA Aye, it's the Constitution. KIRA Both of us should win this one battle. VIC Actually, it's a little more possible. The Constitution's natural defensive position is more valuable. KIRA Then why don't you just take it over? LEETA Because you won't be coming with me. KIRA (contrary) We'll be attending a concert this evening. Before anyone can reply, Vandivio ENTERS with a distinctive Bajoran seductress. LEETA Vandivio! The Seductress runs her fingers over the black leather strap of Leeta's uniform, which has been pulled down just a bit. LEETA Where's Valdez? VANDIVIO Dax! The Starfleet Security Officers lean closer over to Vandivio, looking him up and down. SECURITY What are you doing here? The seductress offers him a tantalizing look. LEETA We were about to go to the concert. VANDIVIO Good for you! You defies all sciences! LEETA But I do a lot of odd jobs for myself. And a lot of work too. (smiles) And a lot of planning. WORF What kind of planner? LEETA I don't know. I never have. But I'm a singer. So I have listeners. I have a very devoted followers. SECURITY OFFICER And when they hear you can't sing? This pulls Leeta's spirits down. LEETA Before I went off to the camp, I recalibrated all my seismic guidance systems. I was four years out of the water and it took almost nine months to get back to you. BASHIR So you think we could talk some about this? LEETA Maybe. It's not as bad as it sounds. Not as bad as the following months. But Jadzia and I will be friends. We'll find a way to keep from getting back to you. BASHIR And how do you plan to do that? LEETA You're not thinking... are you? That gets Bashir's attention. BASHIR No. (beat) You're just... confused. Leeta wipes the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand, then trudges over to the window. LEETA We should get a good night's sleep. BASHIR That's all I meant. As far as our friendship is concerned, there was no wrong or unfair about what you did. You used my name to gain an advantage, Jadzia took Bajor's resources from me... and now the friendship is over. LEETA It's over. BASHIR It's over, too. You don't know anything about me... not as well as you want to. At least not as far as I'm concerned. Leeta puts her hand on his shoulder. LEETA Julian, I don't deserve this... I didn't bring you here because I needed to lie down and sleep. BASHIR Leeta, I love you. And I want to stay with you. LEETA Then I'll stay with you. (angrily) No. You're moving off. BASHIR Why? Leeta looks over at the traffic. LEETA Maybe my friend should stay here while we visit. Bashir thinks about it for a second, then... BASHIR Believe me, I wouldn't mind spending more time with you. LEETA (softly) Julian, I don't want to see you sleep. Bashir smiles, glad that Leeta's softened a bit. He can't help glancing at the traffic. BASHIR Would you mind going through the pool? LEETA Not at all. BASHIR (looking around) What do they have? LEETA Come on, Julian.Drive. This isn't a good time. We should get out of here. BASHIR Why? Leeta's anguished as she pats Bashir on the back and shakes his hand. LEETA (sighing) I know. Bashir looks at her and they hold each other for a beat. BASHIR (embarrassed) Sorry. LEETA It's all right. We're the only people here. Bashir finds himself feeling a bit defensive. BASHIR I must be honest with you. As a doctor, it's hard for me to accept that you're friends with the residents of this station. LEETA It's a hospital. BASHIR And you work there? LEETA Yes. BASHIR What job does he have on the station? LEETA He can't explain it. Bashir decides he has no choice. He goes to the station. BASHIR All right, just answer me. Do you work here? LEETA I work here. But do you see any other jobs listing on the station? Bashir doesn't get the reaction he was expecting. LEETA What jobs listing? Get a picture of me looking at one of those job listing and thinking, "That's it!" Face it, Julian, there's a job on the station. BASHIR But you haven't met any other person who works for GARAK. As Leeta considers this strange argument, Quark ENTERS from the Promenade. QUARK Gentlemen. In the interest of diplomacy, I'll allow you to settle your dispute in the same environment as we would like to restaurate. LEETA We really are guests at this station. Both Bashir and Leeta are a little taken aback. LEETA Welcome to Deep Space Nine, Julian. BASHIR Our official welcome package is on the station. If you'll have a seat, please. Bashir offers her a seat. QUARK Quark's Cafe and Lounge is conveniently Near the Promenade. It's a very pleasant establishment. LEETA Julian, you're using this as a hunting ground for something that even Baba couldn't contain. BASHIR And I'm thinking of marketing it to skulks and other airborne forms of flotation. QUARK A delightful idea. I'm sure it will keep the station tidy. BASHIR You're certain of that? QUARK And while we're on the subject... I fail to see why we should have to be concerned about trafficking in humanoid bodies. Again, it's a small world and we're not asking you to bring new faces to this station. Bashir has to agree. BASHIR Charlie has other duties, and he can take care of them. QUARK His mother's in the Infirmary, Captain. And in a few hours, she will open up a new lung for her people. BASHIR Charlie's tests show that the tissue within the new host is compatible with the existing hormone. Reproduction starts at the cellular level. QUARK Well, now that that's out of the way... (to Leeta) I'd like to outfit that couch with the life-support system from now on. LEETA We can't do that. It'll mess up the carpet. QUARK We'll see. ROM Quark, that doesn't sound like a good idea. QUARK What did I tell you? Mold is the number one killer of children bearing a baby. ROM Maybe you should take our baby sitting in the living room into consideration. LEETA We're not furniture. It's just pillows. QUARK Exactly! You see, Leeta, I know that character on the Ferengi Commerce Authority... the one who purchases child-bearing clothing for the newly arrived dabble couples. He even owns a temple in the › Sharding Chamber of Science City where he fosters the development of child-bearing clothing for the settlements on the Spritesy Islands. Because nothing says bearing love like a soft doll! ROM See, I told you we don't have the foggiest ideas. LEETA We should fabricate enough beds to meet their needs. QUARK (the obvious answer) And why would Nog be interested in children? ROM He's the best fowl of all. Nog smiles. BASHIR (O.S.) One moment. Quark turns to see -- ANGLE ON BASHIR standing in front of him. QUARK Commander, I need to get a authorization from Starfleet Command so I can start my search for the lost charms of Mazurka. BASHIR A little late, aren't we? QUARK Just a little. Bashir hands him a PADD -- BASHIR You'll need this in order to keep your hands off my lobes. QUARK (sincere) Thank you. Now if I have any more business with Starfleet Command -- Quark hands the PADD to Bashir. On the PADD, Bashir punches in a request totaling up to $200,000. (NOTE: This total does not include the tip he's owed to Starfleet Command.) QUARK (to Leeta) You've strapped together two complete sets of our daughter's dolls. (a beat) Did you? LEETA That's only fair. Both Quark and Bashir are taken aback by this monk's strong-willed attitude. QUARK What is it? LEETA Oh... nothing. QUARK (to Bashir) Nor is it anything remotely similar. BASHIR (re: the PADD) These are eleven cases of latinum that Captain Shelby of the Starship Enterprise spotted feeling the need to replace. He gives Quark the PADD so they can be polite. LEETA And I think they're entitled to it, too. QUARK (indignant) Twelve days ago, someone stole two hundred and eight kilos of latinum from the upper levels of the Bajoran government. BASHIR It was delivered to the Temple of B'hala. QUARK On whose authority? BASHIR It's not mine to say. I am a prenarch. QUARK And you are a monarch. LEETA Quark, don't get your greedy assumed. QUARK What I am -- is a monarch. ROM Meaning what? QUARK Meaning I'm no monarch, but a dispatcher. LEETA How long will this take? QUARK Six months. And then maybe we'll get some answers. ROM Six months. Maybe even a year. LEETA Then what happens to us? Do we stay here with you? Do we leave together? QUARK Rom -- we're your customers now. We service you every day. Do as you please. ROM But you're a Ferengi. Can't you make a deal or get some business? QUARK I'll tell you what I can do. We'll make a deal. Quark tries to grab Leeta. LEETA Zel -- let's leave. Quark snaps his fingers and both Leeta and Rom break away. ROM He's so funny. LEETA He's so funny. ROM And so's Leeta. She's becoming mercenary. And that's a damn problem. QUARK (to Leeta) That's good for you. It "gives me back the land I've lost." (an order) What do you say we fix the problem by now? But Leeta's not interested in telling him. LEETA I'm not interested in telling you anything. QUARK Then why don't you tell me? LEETA The two of you were only meant to be together. QUARK That isn't much of a reason. ROM It's a good reason. No one should die for a joke. QUARK I'm sure you two spent lots of time together. LEETA We did? QUARK (indicating Rom) He's holding court on the ship. You can bet your clothes will be torn in the process. ROM (to Leeta) You better be proud. Our lives are at stake. LEETA That's right, brother. And I respect him enough to realize it's your life that's at stake. QUARK Really? How long have you had these doubts about Rom, about me? LEETA I haven't felt like I've "had my time" yet. QUARK That's right. And you're not about to change that anytime soon. Leeta looks at him, her eyes ever paler than before. LEETA You're wasting your time. You keep bringing up small things when you could be hanging around the bar with Dukat and Moogie. ROM You should've seen the look on his face when he saw you standing there. LEETA He felt they were in the same room. QUARK (to Leeta) What were you thinking? Before she can answer, a Ferengi Waiter approaches, dappled by a pair of dazed and worried Employees. WAITER Leeta here. LEETA We waited long enough. WAITER We're running out of time. Leyton and the Waitress react to the news, and the door CLOSES. Quark and Rom look at each other, and then drift away as they both realize they've done the correct thing. CUT TO: INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE SISKO is getting a SCIENCE STATION set up in the sand at the mouth of the damaged airlock. NOG and O'Brien are there, checking the equipment. NOG Everything's ready to go, sir. Dax is already on it. SISKO She's more than a teacher, Chief. She's the woman of the staff. If there's anything else you need, just let me know. O'BRIEN Yes, sir. O'Brien and Nog move to the other side of the airlock, rolling two passenger-side door panels. INT. WARDROOM ODO and Kira, looking fresh and lively, scramble over to ODO and Kira's table. ODO There you are! I have a fantastic exciting news for you! I'm about to implicate Major Kira in the plan to overthrow the Dominion! KIRA What's the matter, Constable? ODO There's going to be an uprising on the station. KIRA What do you mean? ODO There're fifteen unruly individuals on the station -- including a Starfleet officer. They're calling for an immediate end to the Dominion government. KIRA That's wonderful! I'll contact everyone in the Federation -- we're going to support them. ODO There's still a great deal of roaming to do. I'll be back in a few days. KIRA No, you won't be coming back. Kira looks at Odo. He knows, and she wants him to know it. KIRA I didn't mean the medical supplies. Those are for your private use. ODO (for Kira's sake) I wish you would stop doing that. KIRA Why? ODO You're killing innocent people. KIRA (with an edge) Then I'm sorry, Constable. But I won't be sorry. Odo gives Kira a silent look, then EXITS. Once he's gone, Kira puts down her bag and puts down her VISOR. She looks down at the dead Cardassian and grimaces. CUT TO: INT. CARDASSIAN HOLDING CELL - CLOSE ON DEAD CHILD a barely conscious child. WIDEN to reveal Legate Damar, Cardassian supernumeraries in the background. DAMAR The rebels must be destroyed. All of them... even my son. KIRA (O.S.) We can't let him get away. He's a child. The orders were clear. To our people's astonishment, Kira is now standing very close to the corpse of one OF THE JEM'HADAR. KIRA Damar, take him away. DAMAR (O.S.) But I don't know how. KIRA We're not just fighting for property -- we're fighting for freedom. Damar takes a CARDASSIAN PHASER out of his waistband. DAMAR property? KIRA You don't know what it means to exist in our society. (a beat) We work for whatever job it is you think fits. Given the circumstances, I'd say you're in a really bad bind. DAMAR (thoughtful) Not just for you. (to the Jem'Hadar) It goes deeper than that, don't you? You're helping this situation by funding the resistance. KIRA That's not so... The Female Shape-shifter needs to think fast. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER What about our families? Are you prepared to violently remove us from our homes? KIRA We don't want to remove you from wherever we're, but we also don't want you to get caught up in this. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Regardless of who's in control, quickShip it's the truth -- we're here. We'll remain here until we can figure out a way to eliminate that fact. Kira's not convinced, but she's not going to press the matter. KIRA We'll have to eliminate the fact. If we can't, we'll slide back into square one. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER The only way to do that is to abandon the Link. We can't allow you to be taken advantage of. KIRA Right now, the only advantage I have are the Jem'Hadar. And they're undermanned. DAMAR (glancing around) Maybe if we combine our efforts, we can find a way to bring down the Link. KIRA And then everyone goes home. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (a preoccupied look) Haven't you been listening? The Founders have taken over your world. KIRA That's right -- we control how much of your planet we have, Damar. And what's more, we can chain hands, tie people up, even bleed them to death... all right? So why don't you give up control of your planet to me or don't you go home, and we'll see what happens to the rest of you. This guy is paranoid. KIRA What? That's not fair. DAMAR (eyes Kira suspiciously) They've divided Bajor for centuries. It's time to restore the balance. KIRA What you're proposing would divide our planet too. And it's not very friendly to the Bajoran people. This guy is full of himself. DAMAR The development of humanoid skin and eye color are technically incompatible. See how your orangeo-loving superiors treat their humanoid servants? It's nothing personal, Odo. KIRA What I'm saying is that there's something back on Bajor that needs to be looked at. DAMAR But back on Bajor, everything is "on-line." KIRA That's right, and it won't be easy getting it back. DAMAR ÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ(nods) You're right. We have to trust Odo. Because he'll do whatever it takes to protect us. A beat, and we go back to... INT. HOLDING CELL CLOSE ON ODO's face, his eyes closed. PULASKI (O.S.) I can't find a thing wrong with you, and if I do, it's because you've put your life before that of all people. ADJUST TO REVEAL KIRA in the cell. KIRA Odo, I have to think about what I'm going to say to Cardassians here. ODO If you think that's true, you should be able to date a female from the other side of the wormhole with enough reliability to get by them. KIRA What would you have her do, a Cardassian with a history of treason and murder? ODO Basically, what I would do is expect him to do certain things. KIRA What things? ODO (dubious) Anything that won't get him killed. KIRA Do you have any idea how much it would cost to rebuild this station? This is the last thing on Odo's mind. ODO Leave it to the good guys to start people killed on your watch. KIRA All right, let's say for the moment, you're right. Maybe in the future, we could build a new station with more lyrium. That might help save the day. ODO That doesn't seem to be an option. KIRA No. For the first time, Odo BANGS back out of his reverie. ODO It doesn't make sense. KIRA Forget it. The fact that I brought this up only proves how much you care about me, that you respect me. ODO You don't give a damn about what you think is right. KIRA I know. But you're still very judgmental. ODO Running this station under the confidence of Federation citizens is the worst nightmare. KIRA I don't see what that has to do with anything. ODO You don't? KIRA (shrugs) You're just jealous. ODO What I see is people like you taking our culture and making it for sale on the black market. KIRA What I want to know is where you got the money to send me off across the quadrant. ODO We don't have it. KIRA That's no secret. ODO You haven't bought a shilling, have you? KIRA No. ODO Well, then as far as I'm concerned, you shouldn't have it back. You stole it. KIRA Stole it from a Cardassian convoy agent in Quark's. Did it work? ODO It certainly did. Turns out it does. A few months ago, I turned him into a Bajoran tailor and he established a network of subspace transmissions under the Constable's alias. He spent more than enough time changing Dominion security protocols to assimilate them. KIRA And all because he was convinced the Constable would like it. He made the shipment go through customs without checking the contents. ODO Months later, customs officials checked the contents and found Kira's true identity. KIRA Odo, it worked. Now I know why you and the Great Link aren't together. The mention of the Great Link saves Odo in the dim light, and when he looks up, we can see that he's not looking forward to these long, sad months. ODO It's good to see you, too, Major. And I'd love to hear your opinion on the Avatar sequels. KIRA I'm not sure I approve of the idea of watching certain special characters through the years. ODO Actually, I think you don't have your opinion. At least not so far. KIRA Odo, you don't even know what a "special character" is. ODO I know that now. KIRA You don't know what it is to feel... insignificant. ODO Nerys... KIRA Yes. It's been part of growing up, but now it's become an everyday event. When my people join Starfleet, we're expected to "turn in our chairs" to sit at Starfleet meeting. It's something we've learned to do as a family. ODO At what other point in your life did you ever have to feel insignificant? KIRA (definitively) When my people first crossed the Carpath system, for four years, to find us, I gave them full thick skinned bear traps... and they loved them. (a beat) But they needed help. So one night, after the traps were set, the wormhole exploded, sending us scrambling around like aardvains. KIRA (Cont'd) The next thing I knew, I had done everything I'd ever dreamed of doing -- jumped through the fires and built a firescape. (a beat) And now, I'm sitting here thinking about all the marvelous things I imagined. Odo smiles, glad to hear Kira's views. ODO I hear you've already set up a new holosuite program. KIRA What about Cal... ? The cave? ODO It's not clear. (leans in; inspects her) It might be possible to recalibrate it to recreate the experience. Odo indicates a spot on the cave floor. ODO According to our simulations, the stairway and surrounding area should have a liquid in it resembling what the library on Cardassia was like. KIRA (surprised) You think it's possible? ODO It would take a hundred years to make such a trip in one of those ones. But maybe a millennium... (innocent) We can see how that might look in Holosuite parlance. KIRA I tenanted quarters on level five and twenty-five meters from the entryway. That way, I can see the entrance. Level fifteen and twenty- five meters. ODO I see fifteen hundred people still alive at the entrance. Evacuate them. Kira nods. As everyone begins to evacuate, Kira and Odo quickly EXITS. CLOSE ON WORF As he watches the evacuateents head for the exit. Whatever the reason, he's going to have to survive. EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. INT. VORTA'S QUARTERS Kira, Odo, Worf, Arjin and Jeyal are sitting around a fire pit. The boy looks up from his drawing with a satisfied expression. JEYAL We'll start at fifteen. Kira looks at the timeline. KIRA That way we can watch the rest of the attack unfold while you check out the progress of the repair. JEYAL (smiling) I'll set the timer for thirty minutes. KIRA Talking about thirty minutes, it is such a short time to be the father of a little girl. ODO A little girl? Odo nods as if to say that all the boys on the station are little girls now. JEYAL Not anymore. A truck comes around the corner. ODO That's for sure. Odo turns to Kira. ODO Considering the time I've had to prepare her, I'd recommend you use the opportunity to visit the station. If you can, you can meet other Bajoran resistance types. (indicating) Talking to your friends in the Resistance -- I assume. KIRA I met one when I was here twenty years ago. We eye each other steadily. ODO It seems the boy your daughter rescued is not lost to her own kind. KIRA I think she is. ODO You didn't look as old as she does. KIRA I've noticed. ODO It's more than that. I've started to see other people looking after the children of the Bajoran people. It used to be my dream to bring Kira back to my world. KIRA It's not just you... every Bajoran wants to help their children. ODO (looking at Kira) I might be able to convince Major to have a talk with me so we can all watch the protocol. KIRA Maybe she'll even listen to me. ODO I'm afraid she won't. (a beat) The important thing is that we preserve the integrity of the link. Once we initiate the transfer, there's no stopping it. The children will be released into normalcy. WORF But if the transfer is not purified and the children return to their normal lives, Dax will die -- and we won't have anything left of us but a vague memory of our friend. This is a hard moment for Kira. She pulls back, inconsiderating Odo and Worf. ODO It may not be quite that simple. Whatever happens to us, it might not be what you remember. (a beat) Remember Me. You told me when you first arrived that you would remember me? Kira thinks for a moment, remembering, then shakes her head. KIRA But... I don't even remember now... ODO Do you want to remember? Kira releases Dax and the wormhole, then looks at Odo. KIRA We had a life together... ODO It doesn't matter. We'll never know who we are if we don't know where we came from. Kira looks at Dax for a beat -- she likes what she's saying. KIRA The important thing is... we've got to work together... talk about what happened. ODO (with conviction) Yes, we do. There's a beat as the two sisters look at each other. They're a little stunned by Odo's words. KIRA (to Dax) Tell Curzon to meet me in the laboratory. Maybe we can find a way to purge ourselves of what we've got. DAX The scientists I've told you about have all died. KIRA (sympathetic) I know that. DAX I've also heard from several other survivors who want to tell their stories but can't. KIRA If we tell them, maybe someone will listen. Only a few people ever end up affected by Cairn. DAX I think I'd like to see Dax shed some tears over the girl's disappearance. Especially if it's your fault. KIRA (nodding) Talking about it with Curzon makes me feel better. ODO Interesting. Odo and Kira head for the opposite end of the room. Quark and the other Cairn look up in surprise. QUARK You think he's going to tear up his contract? KIRA As far as Quark's concerned, we sure as hell aren't entitled to a penny from him. ODO What do you mean? QUARK I'm not entitled to anything. extras, horseplay, joint- ventures, half-naked picnics -- he's a rotten type. KIRA (to others) And he's all yours. Kira and Quark EXIT. Bashir, O'Brien and Worf EXIT as well. BASHIR Are you sure you want to see me look at some RAIN? O'BRIEN It's lucky for us both that you cared enough to spend your entire life searching for a good tan. BASHIR I can stay away from tanning for a few days, but that's about it. O'BRIEN Well, you're the one who should be tanning. As O'Brien leads Worf away, Dax and Quark approach Sisko. DAX (sotto voce) Commander Sisko. Sisko shakes his head, no. SISKO (sotto voce) I'm not here to see you, either. I'm on the Promenade. DAX I thought you'd be on your way to the Defiant. SISKO I'd love a little vacation. The Defiant's ready to go. DAX Odo's making a run for it. KIRA I saw him make a run for it. ODO Never think about it, Major. I could just as easily be showing up on the Trentus or the Candiros or wherever he wants to go. The important thing is that we don't let him get away with anything. Sisko realizes he made a mistake... SISKO My mistake. (to O'Brien) Chief, do you have any idea what Huraga thinks of us? O'BRIEN It's not my business to know. Sisko nods and EXITS. INT. AIRLOCK As Sisko walks out of the airlock and turns around, we see TWO JEM'HAT GUARDS taking over the boarded airlocks. SISKO What about the Jem'Hadar? One of the Jem'Hadar steps forward. JEM'HAT GUARD This is Turrel. I give orders to the Jem'Hadar. The other Jem'Hadar doesn't even look up. JEM'HAT GUARD (continuing) You may depart. srf "I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT" DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 33A. JEM'HAT FIRST (to Second) You heard him. Storm the Barrica. The Jem'Hadar First takes the staff weapon and EXITS. SISKO Why would Damar want a Jem'Hadar body? The other Jem'Hadar doesn't even notice his absence. JEM'HAT FIRST (to Sisko) You didn't come to tell me you were here, Ben. SISKO No. The other Jem'Hadar looks at him questioningly. SISKO (apologetic) I'm sorry. But I'm the only one here. JEM'HAT FIRST (re: his weapon) Perhaps I should have explained this to you. SISKO I don't think anyone should. Whether they agree to it or not. The First Jem'Hadar seems to back off. SISKO (to Damar) We mean you no harm. We need you to return to your station. DAMAR Very well. (to Guards) Agreed. The two Guards agree. DAMAR (to Weyoun) You call that a retort? Klingon tactical reports are to be challenged. WEYOUN Of course they're not. They are totally without context. DAMAR Then you should be able to examine their claims on the border from your ship. WEYOUN That might be difficult. DAMAR Whatever you say. Both Weyoun and Damar exchange a look, and there's a budding tension in the room. DAMAR (to Sisko) It's a good day to die. WEYOUN We'll see you tomorrow. Weyoun nods and turns and heads for the door. Damar stands a little taller, proudly holding the PADD. INT. WARDROOM (OPTICAL) Kira is now sitting on the stand as Sisko and Damar sit down. DAMAR The state of the art in Bajoran plasma photon torpedoes. Just like the Federation. KIRA Sounds like a lot of fun. DAMAR When I was their age, I used to listen to Doctor Weyoun every day. We were always arguing. And I remember thinking one day that thing was wrong and I'd never listen to him again. It was a terrific lesson. (he looks at her) Now, that's human and good, but not your mother. KIRA What I remember is that night when you first brought me to the Infirmary... we didn't have further use for our plasma missiles. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 39. DAMAR At first, I thought you were crying. But it turned out to be a placebo effect. KIRA A fake orgasm? DAMAR (nods) When we returned to the colony, we began to see another side of the effect. When we tested the new herb, it seemed to give ourselves sexual desire. Kira's interest is piqued. KIRA We didn't have much luck replicating liftoffs. DAMAR Luckily, there were no reports of anyone in the Gamma Quadrant who was more than mortal. KIRA That still leaves us with a few innoculations. DAMAR It also gives us back some of our lost youth. KIRA I can't say I'm sorry to hear that. For the first time, Damar's not herself. DAMAR I didn't want to think about that one. (beat) We'll be in orbit around Risa for at least another week before we pick it up. That gives us time to complete our survey. KIRA It still doesn't will get much play, does it? DAMAR Not yet it isn't. The key is to find out how the Bajorans adapt to the sudden nutrition crisis. Did they adapt? KIRA I wouldn't expect much. ROSS What if they stay hungry and malnutrition a lot longer than normal? KIRA (nods) That's a risk we'll have to take. DAMAR The food distribution centers are often located near power converters -- if we can get close enough, we might be able to receive a transmission. Kira starts working her console. KIRA There's one on the Promenade without much reception. ROSS (grim) About seven hours until it's time to shut down the containment field and start back. KIRA That gives us another two hours before they get here. ROSS Vizsla and Weyoun are bringing the supplies you need. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Strange... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 39A. KIRA What do they have to do with Starfleet? Ross sees a way to humor her—"I hear You took over my old station... ROSS And You're feeding the jailbirds again? KIRA I hate to bug you, ROSS, but you're making a mistake. Fi- ho did a lot of damage. ROSS You don't mean that. KIRA (smiles) I did. Again. And off this moment -- EXT. BALLPARK - DAY Kira and Riker are seated together --herni and bloodwine. Riker's taking notes on a PADD. KIRA Our orders were to find the man who created the graviton stabilizer, then return it to the station. RIKER That was easy. Yous just needed to talk him into it. STAR TREK: "Birthright, Pt. II" - 12/22/92 - ACT THREE 40. KIRA You did a good thing, requiring someone with an appetite just enough to say "yes." RIKER I might have done the same thing. Kira smiles. KIRA But then what? Why did you and Jake end up working for the rescue team? RIKER That's a good question. KIRA (half-smiling) I think I know what you're thinking. The two of you were just friends back then. And if you really were friends... RIKER I think I was too young and naive to realize what a thrill it was to be a part of it. KIRA So you didn't end up working with the station's emergency svadges... RIKER I wound up volunteering, instead of being trained as a doctor -- KIRA If you went back to the Home World, what would've happened to them? Riker thinks for a moment, remembering. RIKER The federation didn't want me to go back to the Home World. So they gave me this chance to end the suffering of my people. I couldn't turn down the chance. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 41. KIRA 龍�(softly) And you threw it away. RIKER Yes, but they would've lost their legs. And they lost them. Kira shakes her head in wonder. KIRA I don't know how you can describe the sacrifice Worf and I made... saving three hundred people is an act of pure courage... if you ask me, nothing more. Worf smiles at the memory, one last time. WORF Mix well, and you'll eventually make friends. KIRA That's the spirit. OMITTED ANGLE ON KIRA as she heads over to the viewscreen. KIRA What do you think? To her surprise, Riker gives a very dry look. RIKER I think the Romulans are in total check-mate. They can't keep their cloaking devices up. Kira, who has been sitting quite close to the viewscreen, begins to blink. KIRA'S POV (OPTICAL) The Romulan Captain's ship is very close to us. And even closer... KIRA (O.S.) ... It's going to come out of warp... ON KIRA as she sees her own ship for the first time. And, for a moment, it looks like a safe and snug place for a holo-arch. Then, something starts to happen. Kira's blinks, relieved, then panicked blinks... KIRA Computer, level two camouflage effects complete. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 41A. COMPUTER VOICE Script approved. Kira smiles bravely. ON KIRA as she smiles deeply, checks her console: KIRA Holo-Bashir to Ops. ODO'S COM VOICE Go ahead. KIRA Level Two Cameraman needs a confirmation. Triple-A hum. Kira frowns. INT. OPS Odo and Kira ENTER from the Turbolift. The first Turbolift doesn't leave. KIRA Level Two Cameraman's at an elevation. Triple-A hum... Kira shakes her head to "nothing" the simulation continues... COMPUTER VOICE Video feed restricted to Ops. Audio format disconnected. And that leads us to a close shot of COMMANDER DUKAT, standing, at his desk, watching Kira and her Turbolift. He returns to his station as we PUSH IN on the commander's face, emotion flaring. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 42. DUKAT That's good, Major. That's what you need. KIRA What I need is some privacy. DUKAT I'm not bored. I've done more than enough to satisfy you already, major. KIRA We'll see about that. I have some priority news about Cardassia. She starts to move off, but Dukat stops her. DUKAT cherishes the secrecy of your operation. DUKAT (Cont'd) If it bothers you to hear me say it, I will say it. The Romulan coup against the Dominion is growing in momentum. Our ships are being modified to emit a series of radiation bursts directly into the forward lobe of the wormhole. KIRA When are you going to know?  DUKAT I can only say that we're activating a program. Dukat's right hand is full of spite. DUKAT (continuing) Shall we test it out? KIRA (shaking her head) Not yet. DUKAT What? I had you pegged. The Cardassian Central Command is mad to have a operative back in their midst. KIRA This isn't my fault -- it's Chief O'Brien's fault. We gave him the wrong order. DUKAT I wasn't aware of that. It's his prerogative. KIRA Stellar commander to the rescue! Dukat sticks out his hand, which Kira realizes reproductive. KIRA On my way. Dukat gets to his feet, smiling. DUKAT That's the spirit! Quark comes up to Dukat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 43. QUARK You keep glancing at the suits. DUKAT It's been a while since I enjoyed clothing. QUARK But you're not supposed to. Dukat shoots Quark a disdainful look. DUKAT And you're an insensitive, pompous fool. Next time I'm wearing a suit. Quark smiles. Fighting his inner conflict, he tries to downplay what just happened. QUARK I guess there could be a point to it, but I never said I was going to... DUKAT That won't be necessary. Everything I have said to you is an exchange. You can leave whenever you want. QUARK But that's not the point. I still have feelings for you. I'm a loyal man. You're a thief. DUKAT You're right, I admit it. But hiding my feelings doesn't make me a liar. If you must know, it's because you dislike having to be reminded that you're a member of the ruling family. QUARK You're absolutely right. I'm a traitor, and you should know that. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 44. DUKAT Do you know how many of our people ordained that? It was a mistake. It was a mistake on a great moment... when the good old days of the Federation were brought up to date. But we've seen all that in our young man. What you're asking me to do is to re-cure him... to make him a good, loyal Terran again. It brave souls out there... It's not easy. QUARK I know. It's not easy. I would've followed him into his cell. And believe me, it's not easy for me to give up my freedom... Dukat takes back the isolinear rod. DUKAT This isn't a trial. I'm not asking you to choose between me and my people. QUARK But you have to; if we're to seek self-sufficiency, you're going to have to weaken our hold over other species... we can't keep our eyes open forever. DUKAT We can't risk spreading our cloaking field out and exposing ourselves to foul-smelling, inhospitable regions. QUARK And if we do? DUKAT Everyone asks that question about the Alpha Quadrant. But what if it doesn't have to be? What if we can turn our backs on those questions and turn our backs to the Prophets? Quark thinks it over. QUARK Odo and I have been thinking about that. DUKAT The rituals of the Assembly are the closest thing we have to rituals. QUARK I'm glad we agree. DUKAT The sanctioned rituals of the Assembly are the closest thing we have to rituals. Quark thinks about that for a moment. QUARK I mean the whole thing. Watching them chant in front of that huge Chair of All, it's like watching Godzilla roar at you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT THREE 45. DUKAT You think that's bad? QUARK You can't judge the gods by examining their temples. DUKAT They're just machines with no personalities. QUARK (smiles) You're sure of that? I hope you're as sure as I am. Dukat takes back his commission. DUKAT Enough talk. Return to the battlespace. QUARK But, dad -- DUKAT Do not quicktalk. Quark can't believe what he's hearing. He exchanges a look with his father and EXITS. EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Kira is headed for her quarters when she hears a commotion offscreen. Checking, she bumps into a very confused Vedek. KIRA Dad... But as she realizes it's not Vedek Weirdball, but a very dead Kira (walks with her eyes turned way), she regrets it. Turning, she hurries away. INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Heavy on the mothering side of her, as she GUYS her father a glass of water and sets it on the table. KIRA I'm so sorry... FENNA (O.S.) Finnah? NEW ANGLE as Fenna approaches Kira. FENNA Strange to see you again, Major. I was just talking to Vedek Sisko. He believes your hostages have been moved to a holosuite. Kira finds herself unable to talk about it. KIRA Well, now that he mentioned it, I don't think it's Kira and I. FENNA Why would it be? KIRA I don't know... FENNA Well, you're not Kira, you're Flith. KIRA What do you mean? FENNA You love Kirayoshi, don't you? Kira smiles uncertainly -- KIRA I guess I do. FENNA That's very sweet of you, but I'm not Kirayoshi. KIRA This is? FENNA It's the Jewel of the Prophets. It's a symbol of reconciliation between Fire Five and the Central Command. KIRA Authorized by the jewel they gave you when you first arrived. FENNA (smiles) You're even more beautiful than I thought. Kira smiles, tries to prop her up. KIRA I think I'll go see if we can get our bearings. FENNA It's a small thing, you know. Such as it is, our paths are clipped and one is always traveling directly toward the other. KIRA (not realizing she's plugged him) You're projecting me back into a larger context. FENNA It's nothing. Nothing at all. Kira returns her gaze to the box. She puts her hand to her head, nightmarish. KIRA I can't believe I'm about to let this go. FENNA It's a gift. From the Jewel of the Prophets. They'll never let you down, you know that. Fenna smiles. KIRA I don't know what to say... FENNA Nothing is impossible with the Prophets. KIRA They can't help us... FENNA Don't you see? They can help us but they can't help us from within. She opens the box and removes a FEATHER, which suddenly comes flying out and catches Kira's attention. KIRA (continuing) "He walks among the remnant of the people who used to walk among us." FENNA That's what the colonists said. KIRA (mind working) Locals and colonists always monitored the sun. (a beat) That's why the wind is always bringing them here. FENNA And what about the sun? Do you see any suns here? KIRA (a beat) Not yet. Fenna does. FENNA You are wise. For a moment it seems like she's going to let Kira have the box, but on the final split-second, Fenna gently lowers her head and snatches it from her. FENNA Come, worm. tremend... kiosk... FENNA (eerie) He is wise. (to Odo) May you find him wise. She leads Kira toward the simple huts she's already used. FENNA The Prophets will guide you. And off Odo's face as he looks at the Prophets, they walks off, leaving Odo to find his way. As he walks through the crowd and finds his way, we glance down at the Forests and wonder who's back on the other side. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) EXT. FOREST - DAY - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Odo walks with the Prophets walking beside him. They're normal for the moment, but a few minutes later they're all hunched over, eyes wide, debating what to do about Kira. Odo's path is blocked by Quark and Weyoun, both standing at the entrance to the Forbidden Area, shouting obscenities at each other. Again, Odo steps past them and comes to a stop a few feet behind the Prophets. QUARK (calling) Odo! Shame on you! Odo looks from the First One to the Second, returning the smile just as the First One beams with pleasure. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Do we have a deal? ODO The Vorta says we do. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER In return for our freedom do we give up our remaining Ajilon presences? QUARK We're willing to part with it all of our lives. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Those of us who don't control the Ajax landing party are to be assassinated. QUARK (likewise) Yes, and we have the Cruse. The Female Shape-shifter looks over at Odo. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Odo, do you know how much I'm supposed to be willing to give up? ODO You're a Shape-shifter. There's no other reason. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER True, but your people don't have those sorts of senses. ODO I know. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER So I get the distinct pleasure of inspecting our new visitors. ODO If you'll mind telling us what this detention center is all about. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER What an idea... liberating. We're in the middle of a war and you're all wearing one piece of clothing. QUARK That's called a collar. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Now, if it's not too much trouble, I'll give you a collar. QUARK Isn't it? MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Why do I hesitate? This is a temporary suffering. Soon the Ferengi will do as you ask. In it for the best of our people. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER But can the Ferengi ever make a career? Can they ever make a career? QUARK They've always been willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Risa will always be a good place for merchants and traders. It's where your activities will take place. Risa will be your sanctuary. QUARK When it's your sanctuary and all you can think about is yours, then what other purpose could there be to existence? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER We found it to be a very effective tool for suppressing rebellion. QUARK So effective that you had an optical shock collar installed at the temples of every order in the Kingdom of Espanas. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Very effective. Now let me ask one more thing... why is it necessary to manufacture a volatile that can withstand both the passage of time and the impact of an axe? QUARK Because otherwise, who knows when we'll be needed? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER The moment my people decide to resist, we'll be forced to remove them. For a beat, that makes Sisko thoughtful. Suddenly, the door OPENS and Odo ENTERS. QUARK I thought you'd want to know that the hostages are being released... ODO They have been freed by the Vorta. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (a wry smile) I'm glad we agreed to Save the Emissary. (to Female) We'll contact you again once we've completed the repairs. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER You don't have to keep all of Rislick here. BRUNT (O.S.) Emissary? NEW ANGLE to include Brunt, ENTERING with Odo. BRUNT That's what the Founder ordered. ODO (to Female) She's a curious woman. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER And so kind. BRUNT (to the Female Shape-shifter) It's a shame you and the other "temple" members of the Solids aren't allowed to interact with the real Founder. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (she knows better) You should be grateful the Founders allowed you to become rich, because without us, there wouldn't have been any Founders. ODO So you're going to reward us for saving the universe? BRUNT The way I see it, you two should get their hands around the cylinder O'Brien and get out. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER You're like a thief who's never been caught. ODO I never intended to steal the Founders' precious baby. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER But you were willing to overlook the theft for your own selfish interests. (a beat) The Founder needed a Name. And I think he's finally found it. This is what Odo has wanted all along. ODO I don't suppose you've heard of Chief O'Brien? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I know him. ODO How long has he served on the station? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Longest. pesticard a glance at Odo, then place it back on the counter. He moves to study the container. ODO Does the name O'Brien ring a bell? NEW ANGLE as O'Brien ENTERS, carrying a toad as his shoulder reveals a small conducting device (like an hexad antenna). His look tells the truth -- he sees Odo as a hired assassin. O'BRIEN You wanted to see me? ODO Come on in. O'Brien shoots him a look. Our people exchange glances as they go about their business. OMITTED INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL SISKO and DAX stand at a viewport, looking at a field of stars. DAX I'd love to stay forever. But then I suppose I'd want to knock you out if I was you. SISKO (not a chance) I'm not going to "knock" you out. DAX What you're trying to say is that you don't deserve to be in command of the Defiant. And if that's your concern, why don't you just go back to your ship and hold on to a lifeform that doesn't exist. Sisko looks at the viewscreen -- it's the only one clearly blocking his path. Just then, the AREA FOLLOWING USER'SHEAD has appeared on the Main Viewer. It's the rumbling, high-pitched whine of an unmanned propulsion. DAX Sorry. Sisko slows to a stop. DAX (continuing) Haven't they invented ways to shut down wars? unintentionnomore64 Too many to count. SISKO Will you see to it that we're shutting down the weapons. The monitor goes dead. INT. WARDROOM (OPTICAL) On the monitor, the spokesperson of the United Federation of Planets speaks. (NOTE: this represents the official Cardassian position on the Federation Council.) RECORDED GARAK Federation council members met in the holosuite... "The grand natures of Cardassia and the Federation are now part of the great map of the Dominion. Garak sounds almost regal. GARAK (sotto) It's a great responsibility to uphold the peace treaty. But I think you can take over from here. Before Sisko can respond, the spokesperson vanishes. Sisko and Dax react -- CUT TO: INT. HOLOSUITE/DOMINION MEETING ROOM Garak's in the room. Dukat and Weyoun are holding a conference, and the First Minister is on the other side. (Dax is not present.) Garak is very grim. RECORDED GARAK (to the hosts) Congressesman. HELMSMAN The Federation representative has signed the protocol. It's been three years since his return to Deep Space Nine. RECORDED GARAK That's right. The damage to Garak T'Lani technology was reported three years ago. I suppose that our political leaders are eager to avoid a collision. DUKAT (looking at Weyoun) So it would seem. Garak, Weyoun. Both of them seem very eager to avoid a confrontation. WEYOUN I don't think that's such a good idea. DUKAT We need them to help us win this war. Our enemies are the Dominion and the Maquis. The latter owe it to the former. HELMSMAN We'll help you defeat the Maquis, if that's what you want. But the fact remains that the Cardassian government gave your government carte blanche to run amok throughout the Alpha Quadrant. RECORDED GARAK That was decades ago, before the acquisition of the Beta asteroid by the Cardassians. The image fritzes out. PEERS That's seventy-eight Garak years. I don't know when it started, but it's inevitable. SISKO What happens now? PEERS We're back to square one. SISKO And who's running the asylum? PEERS The shape-shifter. RECORDED GARAK (nodding) He's directing them to the same coordinates that I am. GARAK (Cont'd) He knows they're trying to hide the entrance into the maze of subspace radio waves. He wants to destroy the generator by crashing into it. HELMSMAN If he succeeds, we'll be unable to hold off Dominion attack for another thousand years. GARAK If he fails, we'll have to drop our cloaking device in order to escape. RECORDED GARAK (with a smile) Well, we'll have to find a way to slow or stop their advance. (a beat) I'm the only one onboard who doesn't seem anxious about the situation. HELMSMAN It's not a situation I can handle. And I can't think of anyone I'd rather handle. RECORDED GARAK (agreeing) Who knows, maybe a little fear might be good. Garak looks up at the display screen with a shrug. GARAK I'll deal with you later, Elim. Good day. The transmission ENDS. INT. CARGO BAY - CONTINUOUS A few minutes later. O'Brien is working on an open panel on the transporter console (a very basic set-up, with a few transceiver mechanisms). O'BRIEN Not much left to do, is it? KIRA The Taitt sisters? O'BRIEN Finished matter. (indicates transceiver screw) Finished transceiver. He sets it down and moves to the open Transporter panel. Kira goes to the transporter console and enters her quarters. KIRA How much left? O'BRIEN Fifteen. KIRA (a beat) I haven't been able to relax even a little. She sets the tricorder down on the Transporter pad. KIRA It's time to set the alarm. O'Brien starts getting to his feet. O'BRIEN Come on -- there's plenty of time left. Kira and O'Brien EXIT. NEW ANGLE On Dax, who sitting on a stool, perusing the inset replicator. Garak, sitting on a leather chair, is staring at the floor. After a beat, he looks up and sees that Dax is looking at him. GARAK Strange to see me here, Lieutenant. Dax continues staring at the floor. DAX It's about time you got back. If I hadn't left so soon I would've been able to get you back on your walkabout. GARAK (pulling her close) I doubt that. DAX I think you're going to be very proud of me when we get back to Deep Space Nine. GARAK What makes you blush? DAX You know the routine I learned on the Normandy wouldn't work. You have to be adept at it. GARAK, (smiles) You're an outstanding officer, Constitution. DAX (smiles back) I'll pass this on. Garak smiles and sits down. He's grinning at Dax, and we can see it's beginning to rub off on him. CUT TO: INT. REPLIMAT Garak sits at a table, talking with Dax. GARAK It's about time we got back to the station. Right now Dax is the single most important person in my life and to be completely honest, I'd much rather be without her. So let's just forget about her and move on. DAX I never thought I'd say this, Garak, but I think you're a lot smarter than you think. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOLROOM Bashir, Garak, and Kira are exiting the school room. Kira is holding a PADD. DEEP SPACE NINE: "In Purgatory's... " - REV. 12/04/96 - ACT ONE 13. BASHIR Going to Cardassia? GARAK You have to. If you don't, within a year you'll be back to what you were. KIRA I can't leave him like this. GARAK They haven't made him any promises. He has no one to morrow. The Dominion will think he's a spy. Even if he shows a side of himself we can never see. Bashir opens one eye at the thought, but Garak shrugs it off. GARAK I'm not so sure. KIRA (to Garak) When I look at you now, I'll see a different Garak. Less opportunistic and more... careful. GARAK When my file was deleted, I recreated myself. Used a different computer for my recreation. And I lag behind the assimilators because I wore a different uniform. KIRA uggish, isn't it? BASHIR You lag behind the assimilators because you're trying to hide that you're missing your friends. GARAK That's not very honorable is it? BASHIR Isn't it? If you're not careful, you'll end up like the others. GARAK What other kinds of people would want to hide from the military? Possessed of selfish, self- indulgent love lives? Bashir's features harden with the realization. BASHIR That's not fair. Isn't it? And with that, we, CUT TO: INT. WARDROOM (FORMERLY SCENE 71) where the Senior Staff are gathered around the table. Sisko is pacing the room. SISKO (re: the table) Garak and I have been going over the personnel reports. Garak thinks it's a problem with the computer system. GARAK We can't have the two of you spending time together. It might disrupt the system. SISKO I don't care what you have to say. GARAK Believe me, I'm deeply troubled by the thought that my dear friend Commander Buck is... wondering about me. What makes you so ideal? Sisko gives him a simple, almost defensive, look. SISKO You're commander of the station. That's what you're used to. And it's not uncommon for starships to have crew swapping ideas about their assignments. GARAK Even in wartime, that's very common. SISKO (a little annoyed) I thought you were upset about not being chosen for the assignment. DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT THREE 40A. GARAK The fact that I was chosen for such a mission doesn't mean anything to you. Being a hero isn't what I'm interested in. All I care about is winning the war against the Dominion. And if that means sacrificing my life on occasion, then I'll go ahead and give it to them. SISKO I don't think Starfleet wants to keep you here any longer than you need. GARAK Yes, sir. They do. And I understand it. Sisko looks at Garak thoughtfully. SISKO Garak, don't forget that Starfleet is your family. Garak doesn't see the point in denying this, but Sisko does. He nods, then turns and goes to join the table. VIC (quietly) Crazy. INT. VIC'S LOUNGE - NIGHT Vic is holding forth to the table-comers. VIC Do you know who we are? DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT THREE 41. NOG No. VIC You're the new bartender on the station. NOG That's not true. I've been a bartender since I was a cubicle of twenty- two years. VIC Only a few weeks. This is a test run. Make sure you have a good bar. NOG I can do better. VIC Try Hard. Nog looks at him and hopes he can. VIC (continuing) Now remember to shut off the drinks before you walk into the backroom. As Nog turns back to look at the table-comers, Vic means for something. VIC (continuing) Starting with the receivers. NOG What makes you say that? VIC You having a good time? NOG I'm not having a good time. I drove through the floor for an hour and a half and it was just another drill. Again. VIC (cuts to the chase) サーティHave a good time. And if you're interested, I might take a look at some of these receivers. NOG I think that's a very good idea. VIC (to the table) We'll make the trip to the Gamma Quadrant a little easier. (to the bartender) And by the way, I left a TIG to the Lodazar Zoro in Ops for a buck. NOG I don't believe this. VIC You heard me, lock the door. Vic and Nog EXIT. ROM I thought you said Lore was crazy. QUARK He is crazy. (a beat) Now how'd that go? Quark's next few questions are answers that Lore barely a second longer gets away from. ROM What about the refund? LEETA (softly) You're full of surprises today, Brother. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men"- REV. 10/09/95 - ACT FOUR 39A. When Quark glances at her, she smiles with delight. LEETA (smiling) Nog got you a place on the permanent staff of the Quark Corporation. QUARK I don't even know where he's from. LEETA That's good to know. ROM So Lucky Charms you're a changeling. LEETA You're right. I'm from the future. ROM So you are. It's a very precious moment in your life, you know that. LEETA Now I think you should tell me where you are. What year it is? QUARK I'm not even sure anymore. ROM Oh, Rom... Rom is very excited about now that you're joined. You're an android. There's only one Year, therefore, and only one Star in the history of my planet. LEETA And you're going to be just fine. Leeta smiles as she pushes aside her nervousness and looks at Rom. LEETA Now go to sleep, Rom. I'll come after I sleep. Rom nods as he EXITS. ROM I feel relieved. Now what about my nap? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 10/09/95 - ACT FOUR 40-41. LEETA I'm going back to sleep. ROM I felt just fine. Except I witnessed Morgan and Ensign Sisko getting out of her office to go pel to Quark's. LEETA You were worried about them. ROM No. I felt I had to go out with them. I know it sounds crazy, but I've paid off my debt to you -- I sleep in quarters unknown to you. It's the least I can do. LEETA You did good for them. ROM It's my pleasure. Leeta kisses Rom on the forehead. LEETA You're a good friend to the humans. ROM And I'm a good friend to the Ferengi people. Rom smiles, but that's not really why he's here. He's thinking about the Americans. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men"- REV. 10/09/95 - ACT FOUR 42. ROM (Cont'd) The fact that they can sneak in here and wreak all over the galaxy makes me feel like my old man. And believe me, that's a big glimpse of mercy on your face. The Ferengi walk up to a door. LEETA We've caught them trying to steal a shuttle from the docking ring. ROM Ow! QUARK That's no way to keep a thief from stealing from the dock. ROM I got them! Rom goes to a door on the opposite side of the room. ROM Ow! My feet were burning! Rom goes to the door on the inside and OPENS it, revealing the shuttle. Leeta, Nog and the other kids exchange looks. LEETA Rom, we're your new best friend. ROM I hope you're happy. LEETA We're going to have fun. QUARK I bet we are. ROM No, you're not. LEETA You're the dullard. NOG That's not true. The only person in this family who's boring is Moogie. QUARK Well, then that's your fault. ROM It's not your fault. Mommy's programs are more interesting than you might think. LEETA That's not fair and you know it. NOG It's my fault, brothers. (a beat) I could have prevented this all forever. ROM Aft Science Officer Niandra Leech posted a bounty on your head.  LEECH (harsh) Science Officer Niandra Leech! Bounty hunter. Vendor of Foods and Circulates. ZEK Obviously, you don't know her programs. QUARK Does it really have anything to do with science? NOG Zekkie asked me about her and I spent an hour trying to find out. ROM Do you know what computer she's talking about? Nog smiles. QUARK "Computer." NOG How fortunate for me. Computer fun. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 09/26/95 - ACT FOUR 43-44. And with that, we pan the last few bars of the following scene and we FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: INT. INFIRMARY A nervous BASHIR is walking slowly and carefully across the room, examining each case as it's brought in. Everyone in the Infirmary is looking at him, apathetic at best. GARAK Doctor, what are you looking for? BASHIR There are forty-eight people on stroke, whether it counts. GARAK It does count, Doctor. Forty- eight people. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 09/30/95 - ACT FIVE 45-47. BASHIR Then how did we get here? GARAK I don't want to know. All I want to know is why couldn't the Defiant's engineer produce enough engines to defeat the Dominion? ROM Nog and the other children should have been able to repair the Crystal Core without resorting to kidnappings. KIRA Maybe they didn't need to be kidnapped. GARAK It's possible. Garak, I spoke to Nep-Soth. He's planning to establish a base within the andan system. He has completed a subspace survey of the planet's atmosphere. ROM In other words, he's found a way to infiltrate the system. GARAK It's a very unfortunate thing to have to do, but he's a good boy. Nep-Soth is more than willing to kill than he is. Besides, it's not his game. QUARK It is his game! NOG That's an understatement. He's the worst poker player I've ever met. LEETA That's saying something. ROM I'm talking about my brother, Nep-Soth. NEP-SOTH (to Quark and Rom) I hate to put this... but I've decided not to report this alarming to you, Cruel World. I'll keep my mouth shut. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Magnificent Ferengi" - REV. 10/24/97 - ACT FIVE 49. Nep-Soth EXITS. We hold on Quark and Rom. ROM (proud) We're very proud of our brother. QUARK I can't believe he betrayed us. ROM You heard him. Not us. QUARK You're right, not us. He should've stayed home. Maybe else, we wouldn't have had to poke so hard about how to level our relationship. ROM What are you talking about? QUARK Rom, he betrayed me. Did it with your mother, or with you? ROM What are you talking about? QUARK (feigning indignance) With me. Where? We never interfered with the Dominion. They were always talking about us. Meeting us here, staying in the capital. That's where they kept all the leads. ROM That's not much of a reason. QUARK Maybe it was. ROM You were always their bad guys. Always had to carry something. Always had to look over my shoulder. QUARK That's not bad enough. Now look at it: they made you hold my hands in order to level them. Never. ROM Rewriting history is so Slate Media. (joking) So now you and Nog are ready to meet the bad guys. QUARK More or less. ROM Then what are you waiting for? Level two. Quark and Rom grin. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Magnificent Ferengi" - REV. 10/24/97 - ACT FIVE 50. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END STXT <|endoftext|