STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Begotten" #40275-211 Written by Deborah Dean Davis Directed by Robert Wiemer THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1991 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 31, 1991 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Begotten" CAST PICARD SHREK RIKER ADMINISTRATOR (MALE) DATA GREBNEDLOG BEVERLY AN INJURED MAN TROI SECURITY GUARD GEORDI CREWMAN WORF COM VOICE WESLEY THREE CREWMEMBERS RIVAN (FEMALE COM VOICE) TROI INJURED MAN WORF INJURED WOMAN THUG Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES TECHNICIAN STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Begotten" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE SHUTTLE BAY CORRIDOR USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN ENGINEERING TRANSPORTER ROOM SHUTTLE BAY TURBOLIFT GATHERER SHIP MOON JERADDO REBEL SHIP STAR TREK: "The Begotten" - 2/04/92 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Begotten" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BEK buh-K BORAEL bill-RAY-el BORAYANS BORE-ah-uns CETI chi-TEE DRATO DRAY-to GORAGA go-RAY-guh ILARIO EYE-la JANEL juh-NELL SANTOSIAN suh-TOS-ee-an XCALOUS ZAH-kul-us STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Begotten" TEASER FADE IN: INT. BEVERLY'S QUARTERS Close on BEVERLY in bed, hair out on a bun, a cigar still in her hand. GUINAN is sitting on the sofa, sipping a green liquid. BEVERLY How long this vacation going to last? GUINAN Six months? Beverly nods. GUINAN Just six months. Beverly takes a deep breath. This isn't easy for her. BEVERLY It's been... a long time. GUINAN comforting... BEVERLY No, it's not. GUINAN Surely you must be... grateful... to have had this much time off. BEVERLY Ned, I don't think you're in the mood for this. GUINAN I can't think of anything I'd rather do without... after all, I am an entertainer. BEVERLY That's ironic, considering all you're good people have gone off to their own little world. Beverly looks around the room. BEVERLY Smaller... and happier... Beat. GUINAN Is that what you've decided to do? BEVERLY Some people say giving people more time off is a bad thing. GUINAN Bad thing? What are you talking about? Greg's working on a project with Chief O'Brien and I have all the time in the world... BEVERLY I don't think I'm speaking to you, Quint. GUINAN Don't be so modest. You were the one making the offer. BEVERLY It's not like we asked you to... GUINAN No. You didn't have to. It was arranged... we did our best to make it work... BEVERLY I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful. GUINAN I understand. But I'm afraid I couldn't be more specific. BEVERLY Like who? GUINAN It's not important. What happened? BEVERLY It worked. The less I had to look at your eyes, the better I thought it would feel. So I invited you to Rite Eleven. GUINAN You didn't arrange that? BEVERLY It didn't. Just like I said, you did. Beverly waits for a response, but receives none. GUINAN I try so hard to make sure we're in the same universe. BEVERLY What makes you think we're not? GUINAN There's always some part of you that suspects, some part of me that suspects, but there's no hard evidence. BEVERLY Looking for clues -- what? GUINAN I keep telling myself that everyone in the universe is trying to figure out how to be good. BEVERLY Is that cynical? GUINAN Absolutely. Humans have a way of creating that sort of cynicism. BEVERLY I'm struck by the notion. How do humans justify the cruelty they display towards others? GUINAN They have an inherent goodness. Even the smallest thing can be a redemption. At the same time, there isn't much room for benevolence. BEVERLY (a bit annoyed) I thought you still believed in compassion. GUINAN (as it sinks in) I do. BEVERLY (a beat) Now that you know that, what are you going to do? GUINAN (taken aback) I don't know... BEVERLY You don't know? GUINAN No... you don't know. You don't know what it's like to give up nothing. Nothing. Beverly watches as Guinan disappears offscreen. INT. KLINGON FLAGSHIP - CORRIDOR Kor walks through the Klingon Empire attending to his watchers. Second in command of the Klingon squadron is Brynner. The ensign at his side is Michal Rozak. Rozak is younger than the typical Klingon in this situation, and is more casual and casual looking than Brynner or the typical Klingon either. As they approach a turbolift, the captain speaks to the Flame, not bothering to put his own feelings aside for the moment. MICHAL Since you're at your station, Captain, I'd like to request a leave. BORATH (to the Flame) You'll have to find one. Just then, NWN RADIO SIGNAL, which sounds like a distress signal, APPEARS on the Bridge's listening screens. NNWRAS (off guard) Unfortunately, our flagship was destroyed by the Tal Shiar some hours ago. Fortunately, we have one survivor. MICHAL One? BORATH (casually) Brynner. But he's no longer a officer. (a beat) This isn't the best day to be a warrior, is it? MICHAL (dry) It's not everyday you get a chance to shine. Commendable, although perhaps a bit cautious. ANGLE ON THE FLOOR MIRASTA The Flairys emerge from behind the command bunk with TWO PLAYERS dressed in Bajoran peasant clothes. MIRASTA Who are you? BORATH (to the Flairys) The name is Miroth. Miroth moves to the center of the Bridge. MIRASTA We're new to the Gamma Quadrant. It's a pleasure to make our first communication. BORATH (a beat) It's good to know you, Worf. MIRASTA You're a fine looking man. Though I'm not sure it's true. BORATH Perhaps you could be made to appreciate our planet more. MIRASTA (flustered) Thank you? BORATH And if you do, I hope you'll show it to us. Borath and his two playmates ENTER the Bridge position. CONTINUED: BORATH (casually) We're just what you'd expect: comfortable-looking people who enjoy exploring our planet's structure. Are you sure you want to know about our civilization? Mirasta looks from one to the other of the Flairys. MIRASTA Our ancestors came here to live. They didn't just come here for the Volan System. Our world is what it was meant to be. BORATH You don't live here. MIRASTA We didn't escape. We were trapped on this world hundreds of years ago. Until they found a way to escape, our hunter-god, Rokai, was the only god they ever knew. But Rokai died in a cave-in centuries ago. So other gods found him, and so did Rokai. BORATH But why should we care whether or not our gods exist? If they did, why didn't they show themselves to us? MIRASTA That's what Koloth wanted to discuss. BORATH The story goes that Koloth opened the First Gate and invited Rokai and a group of like-minded gods to settle down and create a new Earth. MIRASTA (nods) That would explain why they never asked us for help. BORATH Regardless, it was a mistake... as far as Rokai and the other gods are concerned, you were their beloved ones. That gives you a bigger role in their beliefs than you realize. Koloth looks hard at Borath and shakes his head. KOLOTH We do not agree to the terms of Rokai's request. BORATH Without the First Gate, the Enterprise would've fallen into warp... and be destroyed. Koloth looks at the other two gods, then glances at Koroth. KOLOTH (to Borath) You can't accept his terms. KOROTH Why? Out of respect? Or did you really think killing our friends would make us feel better? Borath looks both at the members of the council and at Koloth. BRUNT Koroth, I tell you they're not friends of Rokai. KOROTH You have no proof of that? KOLOTH (quietly fervent) Rokai was a friend of Molor's. Their holy council was only a meeting... it had no power to make or break any of us. BRUNT Friends... ? KOROTH (silencing) Rokai was an exile... isolated from the people of the Empire. That's why he attacked us... he thought he could turn us against each other. Brunt looks at him with dismay. BRUNT isolation is the Noonian Empire's weakness... KOLOTH And the only leader who can turn us against each other... is the Klingon Molor. Koroth is irritated by Brunt's lack of concern. KOROTH Perhaps... BRUNT If it's so, we should exploit it. We'd be better off with someone who knows how to fight. KOLOTH We should prepare for protracted battle... BRUNT Not any longer. The day has never been brighter. In days gone by, nobody would've believed dreams could shake the heavens. KOROTH But it can? BRUNT I'll bet on it. And in days come when song and melody shall be as welcome as rain to the darling of Koral. KOLOTH I am happy. Thus do I escape the burden of chronic underachievement. They turn and enter the transport cabin. BRUNT It's good to be back, Koloth. KOLOTH It's good to be back, too. EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. INT. OPS Kira stands before a monitor, viewing several station schematics one after another. A Starfleet crewman arrives at her station. KIRA 龍�(pleased) Morning, Commander. The crewman EXITS. KIRA STEMIACs are ready for assignment. SISKO (little smile) If you'll just be quiet. KIRA The signal was sent by a Starfleet runabout less than ten minutes after entering the alpha quadrant. They've been testing them for months. SISKO (doesn't like them) I heard they were based here on Bajor. KIRA Fortunately, those tests won't be necessary. The probes are dissipating his signal. SISKO They'll be detecting him as soon as he arrives. KIRA That's going to take some doing. Starfleet will have him magically transported away if he shows a trace of suspicion. SISKO I thought we had agreed that he be transported to a neutral planet without bothering to notify the Federation. KIRA If the Express visited your planet's sun using this transporter, they'll see a half dozen identical ghosts of the Ravinok crew. SISKO We agreed it would be preferable at this time. KIRA But in a few hours, you're planning to put his planet in danger. SISKO Once we're finished with him, he'll leave. We must determine the nature of the advanced alien civilization that lives here. KIRA You're just guessing. SISKO Something must have happened to him. KIRA He's one of theokin to all of us. He's got to be touched, at least once. SISKO Did you see the look on his face? It was fear. Weeps. He couldn't hide it any more than we could. KIRA What can you do? SISKO As I said, he's one of the kin... feel the pull. Kill them. Kira does. KIRA No. He's hiding something. We need to know what it is. SISKO Specifically, what part of their programming is hidden? KIRA That's not your concern. SISKO akening interest. KIRA Exactly. SISKO �(sympathetic) Then take the opportunity to remove those threads. KIRA (hope fading) No. That won't be necessary. Sisko indicates some of the room's custom consoles and wall panels. SISKO In fact, you may want to take your time before beginning this labor process. This is one device that may not be fully operational yet. KIRA What do you mean? SISKO I mean if you fail to reach an optimum degree of stimulation within the next few days, I'm going to have to start talking to you about your situation. KIRA (disgusted) I know. (beat) Look, I don't know you. You don't have my ear. And I don't have your security. Which means we don't have a chance. But I think you're willing to do whatever it takes... Kira looks from Sisko to Odo -- "what look?" KIRA (an accusation) Odo... SISKO Does that mean you agree with me? KIRA What do you mean? SISKO I mean... after working so hard for so long... you don't want to be anywhere near me. KIRA Take that as a sign of respect. Kira shakes Sisko's hand and there's an awkward beat. KIRA So then I guess I'll go. SISKO Good idea. They lock eyes for a beat. The gravity of the situation becomes clear to Sisko. Kira knows that if she speaks again, she'll have to do it from a less respectful place. KIRA (a reflection) This isn't the first time I've seen you smile, Odo. You're not exactly suited for a pleasant visit. ODO It's going to be fine. KIRA (resigned) I better go. I could see O'Brien the same way. Kira notices that Sisko won't back off. KIRA (to com) Computer, scan the debris of the shuttlecraft Nagus and identify what's left of the crew. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to process signal. KIRA Remain here. Odo-logical. Kira storms off. Odo watches her go. EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. INT. INFIRMARY Kira ENTERS. She looks around quickly, as if looking for something. KIRA Computer, access Dax's personnel files and confirm Odo's diagnosis. COMPUTER VOICE Dax is retired and does not contain the specified data. KIRA (a sigh) So that's how doctors and scientists do that. (turns to the wall monitor) What does that say about us? There's a beat as she sits down for a deep breath. KIRA Computer, access Odo's medical logs and confirm his diagnosis. COMPUTER VOICE Assigned to cargo transport unit one three five, level one. KIRA What is the diagnostic process? COMPUTER VOICE The Medical Interview Service routine checks out all of Odo's primary medical variables with the Centers for Disease Control and the Bajoran Medical Council. If one of them accepts that he is in a coma, death is almost certain. KIRA That doesn't sound like Odo. COMPUTER VOICE Confirmed. She leans back, weary. Kira sighs. INT. PROMENADE Odo sits return from his hunt of the Orb. Both Nog and Jake are seated with him. Jake's mortal wound is still on his face. Odo nods to Jake, and the two of them EXIT to the Promenade. INT. JAKE'S QUARTERS Jake sits beside him. Nog paces around the room. JAKE So how much are you planning to keep... doing this? NOG (subdued) Actually, I just stopped by to see how Kit was doing. She seemed fine. (with vague affection) I've been thinking... once my old girlfriend passed away, I just kept hanging around her all the time. She must've thought I was the reason she died. JAKE Feels like you're having the time of your life hanging around with a Ferengi Scientist. NOG Now you do and it's wonderful. Besides, as much as I don't want to have this experience, I owe her a fond farewell. And I'd do it even if I had to do it myself. JAKE You mean taking her away from her children... Making her a widow? NOG She's not a Ferengi now, she's Zek. We can't risk upsetting her kids. JAKE It's not the same thing. NOG It better be. JAKE I don't know anyone named "Zek." NOG Most people think of her as just another pretty face. Jake stares at the floor. Nog's making a decision. JAKE You're not sure I should tell her anyone? NOG Not really. (a beat) At first, it did seem like a good thing. I thought if I told her, maybe she'd trust me. JAKE But now... NOG (nods) She needs to know you care for her. JAKE Me too. NOG Because if you don't, she'll leave you. JAKE (hurt) She would? NOG As long as you have the support of your father. Jake sees this is a cross to bear... his smile betrays he still has doubts about going on this mission. JAKE What makes you think I'm not going to run away? NOG You don't have to. If you don't want to, you can still join me. We'll work it out. JAKE (confident) Like father, I'd like to help my son on this one. Nog's smile turns to a knowing grin... CUT TO: INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - WIDE SHOT To present a crashingly open door, the Sword of Stars is throbbing heavily down the President's desk and the desk above it. We can't actually see the point of the vending machine... all we can see is the rapidly approaching T'Lani Cutter. FROM OFF-SCREEN MATERIALIZATION TO THE PRESIDENT'S Desk. And from there we can see the T'Lani Cutter, the beam-instrument, the several cargo pylons, the transporter arches and the thrusters which power them, and finally, the President's desk. INT. RACQUETBALL COURT The President is shot in the chest... forward rib, slash and claw mark for the dead dog momentary shockwave... through the pain and for a beat we can see wither and die from internal hemorrhaging. The President's neck is bleeding. RICHARD (on viewscreen) Ah. Hello, President. I just need to... relax a little. On the screen, the president looks terrible. LAUGHTER and PETITIONERLY GOD FLOURISH. The President smiles... RICHARD President, we're celebrating... BASHIR Celebrate? We have to end this... JACK No! (slams his fist down on the screen) Are you crazy? I'm shot! Bashir goes to investigate on his own... RICHARD Well, get this man -- Richard grabs the mobile device off the president's desk. RICHARD (to computer) Computer, override course and beam the supplies directly to the satellite relay by way of the port T plant. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. RICHARD Just a moment of horror, please. Count me in. Richard waves a hand through the president's advancing courageous visage... and then DONE. RICHARD (to the computer) Computer, override course and beam the supplies to the space station. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. Bashir waves a few more times, and then EXITS. RICHARD Do you know where these weapons are being sent to? BASHIR Bajor. RICHARD The space station? That's great... BASHIR reportprint(with a smile) And if the T'Lani decide to pick a side, they're going to have to draw on everything we've got. RICHARD You keep referring to the T'Lani as the "Rutharian." Obviously, that sends a message... BASHIR Certainly it does. When you have enough genetic information, you send the others on their way. RICHARD Without the power of the T'Lani, we're just going to have a hard time staying ahead of them. BASHIR What do you propose? RICHARD Well, if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say sabotage the supply ships. BASHIR You don't think they're listening to you? RICHARD I don't know, doctor. The T'Lani's always trying to get under our skin. But, I don't think they know what's going on in this room. Bashir nods to Sarina, who shoots a concerned look at the doctor. Bashir turns back to the others. BASHIR Perhaps we can't avoid confrontation over the genetics of this new crop. (to Sarina) Anyone want to waver? SARINA No. E'TYSHRA and ETHAN GROMEK appear on the Turbolift. RURIGAN (pointing her phaser) It's not a phaser. It's a knife. You were supposed to take your weapon with you. RURIGAN (to Bashir) The same with him. E'Tyshra reaches out and gives Rurigan a stern, but sincere, shooing. E'TYSHRA (to Rurigan) Ruthless. RURIGAN (cold) I'm sorry, doctor. But you'll do just fine. With that, Rurigan, Ethrick, and Gromek emerge from the Turbolift. DAX (to com) Dax to Worf. WORF Indeed. DAX Bring in more materials. I want the work to be done by thirteen hundred hours. WORF The works should be complete by fifty-two hours. DAX Why so long? WORF It is the time "Q" has chosen to leave the Fountain. Bashir and the others exchange looks of amusement. INT. PROMENADE The Fountain is now lit, but Curiosity clearly requires some Urban Calculus understanding. Guys like Garen and Rirani stare at the Fountain from behind the kiosk entrance, waiting for "Q" to show up. BASHIR �(a bit concern) Commander... did you know the entire prescription for this drug is a little vague? RIRANI unnecessaries like it. (to her husband) Mrs. O'Brien. The husband appears shocked. RIRANI Last month's patient status report said he's been active since birth. SISKO What does that mean, Doctor? BASHIR ÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ(to Sisko, indirectly) His name's Ben Tainer. That's exactly what his report said. Before Sisko can answer, a VOICE booms in the b.g. -- KATTERUN (O.S.) Commander? Sisko turns to the bright kiosk entrance. The kiosk is empty. Tension builds... SISKO Just what? Worried looks and murmurs of assent. Sisko replaces his glass in the light and moves further away from the Katterun. The tension between Bashir and the Bajoran doctor mount. BASHIR (retrieves PADD) The prescription questionnaire has been manipulated... BASHIR (Cont'd) (a beat) The question being whether or not Counselor Dax is -- Sisko moves to the other side of the lobby, scanning the answers on the questionnaire itself. Dax is standing there, listening to him. BASHIR Yes, I know this is going to sound crazy. But I think there's more... more to it than that. (beat) You also mentioned that your mother has been spending way too much time on this station. Dax studies him. She knows this is serious business. DAX Are you trying to determine guilt, Julian? BASHIR Oh, I'm fairly certain you're not. (beat) It's a very emotional time for the entire family, but Julian and I... we'll deal with all the problems related to our relative newness. (re: PADD) Have on your file all the medical dicosilium literature you might have searched through the past few months. DAX Interesting. I just wanted to make sure we're not being asked to come here for a medical examination. She sets the PADD on the table and sits across from him. DAX (continuing) Since you seem eager to get us out of here, I'll try to make our way to a transport system. You should be able to convince the Klingons to let us go for a transport. BASHIR Do you really think we can win they won't hand over K-Seven? DAX It's not that simple. There aren't many transport systems around. Transporters are mostly for military personnel... people who can be pressured underground. BASHIR And you think we can force them into keeping quiet about K-Seven? DAX Not particularly. Bashir sees that she's weakened by the strain of her response. BASHIR (calmly) Lieutenant... are you feeling recovering? DAX No... I'm fine. BASHIR Then I want to believe that this woman is a woman of great spirit... and will receive punishment. DAX I take it you're not a member of the Obsidian Order. BASHIR I wasn't always a member. I was a storekeeper... a traveler... a bartender... until I was joined by the D'Jadir. DAX That's quite a coincidence. BASHIR I thought so. With the exception of Dax -- I never had a drink until I was brought back here. DAX You're welcome. With a friendly nod of goodwill toward her, Bashir EXITS. He watches her go, decides he hates going around the corridor. After a beat, he stands and heads toward the storeroom... INT. CONTAINER as Bashir ENTERS. He looks around the room for one star by one of the windows and is surprised to see THREE open shutters, along with several suitcases onto which are wrapped several pounds of fur. The Boslic crewman is slumped over the bar stateroom, his vest on the floor. Two of the doors are pried open by a tool and is visible outside the window. A third door is missing. Bashir goes to the window and looks through it until he hears a voice from behind the window -- NIGHT ADVANTAGE'S VOICE Sentries to your bin. Bashir turns to see Nima descending the stairs from the level above. BASHIR naissance. NIMA The Furzark sisters -- dare I say for the first time, where the hell they be? BASHIR My word... they're friends of the brothers. NIMA Hmm? What of it? BASHIR Well... you're not one of them. Well, your brother sent for me, because I'm friends with his brother. And besides... NIMA Why should I believe you? BASHIR Because you're an idiot. NIMA That's an understatement. BASHIR Now go back to bed, you lazy sack of suckers. NIMA Well, now that we've taken you in, let's see what we have for you. Nima appears out the back door, then the door closes behind him. BASHIR The runs out. He follows Nima into the storeroom... INT. CONTAINER A small room, full of equipment. A few guards are posted at either side. Bashir ENTERS with the Furzark in the b.g. O'Brien and Karlas ENTER. O'BRIEN Okay, doctor. Whatever. When those guards are through with you, you can leave. BASHIR That's midnight, Chief. You can't leave the station without an escort. O'BRIEN (smiling) Well, maybe you want to go out with me. BASHIR Either that or escort me to my quarters. O'BRIEN Just be sure you have enough room on your closet floor for all of us. Karlases himself and O'Brien EXIT. NEW ANGLE As soon as O'Brien and Bashir have cleared the room, they see Karlas ENTER, holding the three pieces of the Transporter device. KLAREN I'm so glad you could come to see it back in your stead. After all, we still have some time left until our quest to end the war, and I would hate for you to miss this exciting new venture into transformative science. The three pieces of the Transporter device start to move slowly in the two captains' chairs. One of the pieces moves partway down the middle of the cabin, knocking the chair over. Karlas and O'Brien exchange angry looks. KLAREN (angry) It's too far... I can't move it... O'BRIEN I can't get it out either... INT. WARDROOM Everyone in their places -- Lursa and B'Etor, Ziyal -- watch in horror as the Klingon woman throws the Transporter device into the fire with a finalus. The second it strikes the wall, it explodes, killing the Klingons. RIKER Pal tov das? (Who's next?) TURBOLIFT Duras kay gut? (Who's following?) Riker turns to the two women. RIKER They have your memories back, but your power is foreign to them. ZIMMERMAN Even so? RIKER It seems that when you die, your entire world comes crumbling down. Bashir and Leeta exchange a look. BASHIR (nodding) Every one of us may have died because of that viinerine on our ship. (a beat) But we're not going to let you spoil the ending. CLOSE ON THE GAME BOARD The seven cards have to be dealt simultaneously or the game will not be playable. rawdownload CUT TO: INT. DEFIANT - PLASMA DUCTS (OPTICAL) The five players (three male and two female) are playing a three card draw. The dealer is looking at his familiar piece of legate furniture. CHANDLER (to male player) Please. The other three players all smile as the new card is dealt. BASHIR (to female player) I don't believe this. LEETA (shrugs) You're right. The following turns will happen in rapid pace: -- The dealer reveals his five card deck. -- The other players scrutinize the contents of the deck. -- The players reveal their hand. -- The dealer reveals his five card deck. -- The other players scrutinize the contents of the deck. -- The dealer reveals his five card deck. -- The other players scrutinize the contents of the deck. -- The dealer reveals his five card deck. -- The other players' smiles wane just a bit. They begin to feel a bit uncomfortable as their chests begin to look less and less perfect. -- The female player reveals her hand. A smile slowly disappears from her face as she suddenly realizes that she's won. -- REVERSE ANGLE -- ON THE GROUND as we hear the SOUND OF SAND (no, really) and a few LOUD THUNDER RUMBLING. -- REVEAL THE FIFTH CARD PLAYER (an alien woman) smiling sadly. -- REACTIONS. And now the moment of truth is at hand. No one mats at, no one looks to either side. And as our people react to this moment, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: INT. CARDASSIAN CELLAR - NIGHT Kira, Damar and the CARDASSIAN GUARD outside have finished locking the door on the two of them. Odo is about to slip inside when he's stopped by the WARNING KATIK, a stern-looking alien who is standing at the door. KATIK (oral) What are you doing? KIRA (checks a watch) It's seven hundred hours. The GUARD steps out of the house. DAMAR The lower levels have been cleared of Bajoran troops. KIRA The upper level -- where are we going? DAMAR To secure the area around the power plant. KIRA When? DAMAR We won't be here long enough to warn the Bajoran government. Kira realizes there's only one reason for all this. KIRA You're trying to get to Dukat. DAMAR I cannot reach him. KIRA You're dead. And on that ominous note, they EXIT. INT. POWER PLANT - CONTINUOUS They ENTER. There's a place in the plant where the MORPH activates. It looks and feels like a power well. A panel in the center of the plant DISAPPEARS and an N.D. Bajoran security guard takes his place. The plant IMAGE still in the foreground is alive with plant life. gardening equipment has SMILES from the previous scene, various plants are flourishing. awa'dee. KIRA You're growing. Imbalvise. The garden ASPECTIVELY SMILES and DISSOLVES into... A PROTECTING wedge-shaped crystal. The protecting edge SLIGHTENS and it PREVENTS SMALL CHIPS within it from the inside out. DAMAR (exasperated) Major, why is everything (A) hurting my ship? KIRA I don't know. It's the Cardassians hurting me. DAMAR Maybe you should ask for a confirmation. Kira IDCHES to a sitting position and checks her memory. KIRA Vedek, have you ever thought of becoming a Cardassian? DAMAR What? KIRA That's right. DAMAR (confused) You can now attack and defend yourself? Are you defending yourself? KIRA I have a better question: why isn't the station surrounded by a forcefield to prevent people from lefticoming? DAMAR (laughs) That's easy for you to say. A force field is only there to protect a laboratory or storage facility of mass quantities of radioactive elementary gas. KIRA That's ridiculous. DAMAR Once we have anything for all CPU cycles to run, we can crank them up to full redundancy and there wouldn't be a drop in the flow. KIRA Meaning what? DAMAR Meaning there would be no leaks from the valves. We'd all be literally dripping. And as Kira considers that and then looks at... CAMERA ON DUKAT Who rises. DUKAT It can be done. KIRA The Marine Corps is very good at this. DAMAR They should be proud. Dukat walks over to a valve on the wall and starts completing the last step. DUKAT (to Kira) It's been a long day. Kira puts her arm through the valve. KIRA Do it. Dukat nods and moves to a monitor. He completes the last set of commands, turns and looks at Kira. He gives her a smile. DUKAT Legate Parn is a skilled field officer. (sotto, to Kira) If the two of you must remain on the station... I would be happy to assign some of my people to fulfill his role. KIRA This is my station. DUKAT It makes no difference to me. As the Emissary I'm responsible for the welfare of my people. KIRA Losing your grip on reality is one thing. Removing your support networks is quite another. Kira is suddenly quite emotional. There's a beat here. For a beat we don't know what to make of her. KIRA (quiet) So much for the cease-fire. DUKAT It was your own fault, Major. You should be the one to decide who's staying... not us. A beat as Dukat's words sink in. She looks at him and then looks away. KIRA (quiet) Dukat... if you're willing to let the Cardassians have guns on the station, you're willing to allow them to keep running the show without our help. Dukat says nothing, but he's not about to back down now. He holds his position and moves to the monitor. DUKAT It would appear our friends at Starfleet Command have their answers. Kira looks over the information on the monitor. KIRA When I'm finished with you, I intend to complain to Commander Sisko and Senator Cretak. DUKAT unbeliev... I know you will. Dukat keeps on pushing his coordinates off the monitor, but he's got a certain attraction to Kira. He reaches up and lightly touches her hand. DUKAT Would you care to add that there were no Bajoran women on the station at the time you visited. Dukat nods to someone unseen. Kira remains frozen in place. NEW ANGLE As the monitor comes to life with the voice of Kira's mother, KIRA FEMALE, a career Bajoran military officer. DUKAT Your daughter... KIRA Kira... INSERT - MONITOR (OPTICAL) As Kira's eyes flutter and her speech patterns start to backfire. KIRA ... all I wanted was to get off this station and go home to my family. I came here to die. Don't put those two things on your console. Dukat reacts as if Kira had choked on a fetus. The brief beat of anguish on Kira's face is interrupted by a crying voice. KIRA FEMALE Benjamin... Dukat's attention is caught by the image of Kira's former fianc�e on the monitor. He recognizes her, but -- DUKAT No, Kira! It's a false start. Dukat's eyes widen in recognition. DUKAT Yes! (trying to ignore her) What's going on here? KIRA It's... DUKAT Yes, it's true. You see, I was concerned that you might attack us. KIRA What are you talking about? DUKAT You see, I announced the formation of the new government, and things grew on seemingly without pause. I pressed charges against the activist who was behind the attacks. Several others were arrested and charged with terrorism. But to my surprise, nobody went to prison. They were martyrs. KIRA You're insulting me. DUKAT And you're insulting Commander Sisko. Brigadier Kira is the most recent victim of your petty war. I can't take your side without evidence. KIRA We have evidence. We need witnesses. DUKAT If you want someone to blame for this, I'll back you 100%. Kira looks at Sisko and expects to see a sympathetic expression. But Dukat's just chilling. SISKO I wouldn't count on calls from them anytime soon. DUKAT I'm sure you never spoke to them about you. SISKO I haven't met the Jem'Hadar much since we left the Borders. DUKAT They don't keep track of dissidents from the Dominion. SISKO They don't monitor me for information about the exercise of my rights. DUKAT No one disputes that. But the point is, we know you have their permission. You don't violate it. If you don't, they'll remove it. A long beat. This is hard for Kira to talk about. KIRA (quiet) Not everyone agrees with me, Dukat. DUKAT What do you mean? KIRA (dismissive) Oh, I suppose you want me to say I don't violate the privacy of the Bajoran people when I travel across their territory. DUKAT Hostilities between Cardassia and the Federation are already in the making, Major. We may as well face the reality of having to leave behind two generations of "Klingons" to a generation that no longer contain the Cardassian counter. KIRA If we don't take that chance, those people are going to suffer. You're going to have to leave them behind. Dukat's elated, but suddenly realizing he'siieared the wrong chime. DUKAT Oh. Sorry. That is, of course, well after midnight. exting KIRA It's just that... I've received word that the scientist working on your petition has found a new preliminary report that proves our science program is not only proof-of-concept, but also the proof of a new era in Cardassian history. Dukat's pleasure turns to shock. DUKAT The scientist who was the object of my ire is dead. KIRA Renew your claims accordingly. DUKAT I'm currently inspecting the remains of a Cardassian scientist who was working for the Cardassians. KIRA Why me? DUKAT My overseers wouldn't allow it, especially since I'd be risking the Lokai's life on some reckless transmission. So I sent him off to check on his progress. (a beat) I was hoping you could see some progress. KIRA Why me? DUKAT You seemed to do well on the basics. Maybe you can expose yourself to the outside world. KIRA I have no intention of transmitting what I hear. DUKAT Yes, you do. Now remove that self-sealing top and replace it with a standard ODN relay. Kira says nothing, just stares at Dukat. After a beat, he backs away from her. DUKAT Major, perhaps you'd better handle the situation. And he's gone. KIRA I'll see what I can do. CUT TO: INT. INFIRMARY Kira goes in and interrogates the Doctor. He nods sedated, but is nonetheless very composed. KIRA How long since you've had to replace your own top? DOCTOR I've had it for twelve years. KIRA You're like a rag doll with your clothes. DOCTOR (acknowledges) It's a testament to how little you really appreciate your own power. (glances at Kira) Ah, Major, of all the people you would've targeted in the first place -- none of them targeted me. That's the thing I find a bit perspiring -- your ability to judge good and bad without reference to the reality of the person doing the firing. KIRA What about torture? DOCTOR I've found that people who torture are more likely to buy their way into power... KIRA That's your definition of torture. DOCTOR ... So that's what I thought. (beat) I'm curious, Major. Did your mother want me to take you away from the Family's... holdings? Kira's expression hardens... she isn't going to allow Dukat to pressure her. KIRA I wasn't aware of that. DOCTOR It's just an expression, Major. Don't let it describe you. You are a rebellious child who'd rather believe in the stateless nature of Starfleet than be governed by bureaucrats like your usual suspects. Do you know Swofford? Kira regards him thoughtfully, her expression hardens. KIRA He was a witness. I don't need to see him. DOCTOR citizay jBaby... (re: transporter) Call him back after I'm done with him... KIRA I'm not going anywhere. He frowns. She reaches a hand toward him. He glances at her hand, chastised. Toffee doesn't get it. INT. HABITAT CORRIDOR Kira and Dax are headed for her quarters. KIRA I've got a communicator for the station. If you need me, I'll be in my quarters. DAX And if the Klingons try to stop us? Kira knows she doesn't have that kind of assurance. She taps her combadge. KIRA (keys insignia) Kira to Worf. WORF'S COM VOICE This is Worf. KIRA Major... (to com) There's a runabout waiting for you on the Promenade. DAX That's not necessary. KIRA I wasn't expecting you, major. I should have left you with your cargo. DAX I swear it doesn't help matters that some of our dispatches are delinquent. That's right, I'm looking for a certain Bajoran named Quark. He used my alias to transfer funds to his house during the last financial boogie. WORF'S COM VOICE This is Worf. Kira and Dax exchange a look. This one isn't going to be easy. KIRA Surprisingly, it's not that hard. DAX How do you know that? KIRA It's the most obvious thing in the world. WORF'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Commander Worf here. KIRA Major, he's not a collaborator. He has no idea what we're trying to accomplish, whatsoever. DAX Lieutenant Commander Worf, I think you should take a good look at the survivor. INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) Bashir and O'Brien pass through the security checkpoint... O'Brien looks to see if the Cardassian soldiers see them... they don't. They don't seem to react as O'Brien reaches the guard's door... the guard opens it and simultaneously calls out a bedroom door... As O'Brien emerges, the room is bathed by flashes of fluorescent light. We hear muffled voices and static. The guard moves to a doorway and presses the panic button... but we don't see anyone emerge. O'BRIEN What about the counselor? GUARD (confused) Ah... counselor? He looks around with interest and... INT. CORRIDOR Bashir moves down the corridor with O'Brien... O'BRIEN He's in one of the cargo bays. I'll go talk to him. BASHIR Just watch your step, Chief. I don't want anyone to get hurt. O'BRIEN When do you leave? BASHIR When the crystal makes its transition to Odo. O'BRIEN I can't go. I'll stay right here. BASHIR (off his look) You're probably right. Bashir beams... O'Brien moves down the corridor. INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR O'Brien moves down the corridor, hears the (o.s.) Guard's voice... GUARD'S VOICE Something wrong? O'Brien moves to the airlock... O'BRIEN No. It's just the lights. INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE SISKO, KIRA, DAX, ODO and WORF are in conference on the wall monitor. VOICE (V.O.) Leonardo completed his double takes at this writing. SISKO Have a look at this. O'Brien turns to reveal a flawed PADD. O'BRIEN What's this? SISKO Look at this. O'BRIEN (even) I'm not interested. Sisko fixes him with a look... SISKO That's odd. Odo, do you read messages? ODO (never sure) No. SISKO You mean alerts. ODO (impatient) Checking my security logs... but as you said yourself, I'm a "non- Starfleet officer"... The sound of TURBOLIFT DOORS OPENING and Odo's PADD is thrown to the side. ODO (confused) Starfleet. SISKO Do you know who doesn't have a star. ODO No... Sisko smiles, as if the puzzle's solved itself. SISKO Good. So when do we leave? ODO Right now. SISKO Looking for a little action... ODO Could be. Which would suggest we should concentrate on how we can and shouldn't have access to that information. SISKO (suggestive) It would take a full day just to run these simulations. ODO Maybe we should reverse course. SISKO I'm not sure that's a good idea. Right now, let's concentrate on finding a way to create that missing piece... the crystal. Both Odo and Sisko look at each other as Bashir ENTERS the corridor. BASHIR Starting with the storeroom in Ten Forward... ODO What storeroom? BASHIR You said you'd take us there, but we could use a place to hide these crystals... ODO That's not very practical. BASHIR I left the security seals from the room unlocked. Normally, I'd have thought that's strange... but you're such a professional, you wouldn't be asking me for secret documents. ODO Were you able to get past the access codes? BASHIR Not this time. (shrugs) We were running a level one diagnostic of the mess hall before We realized we couldn't get past the security seals. But you have nothing to hide. The data suggests it involved either a level three diagnostic or a level one security seal. Odo pushes back against the bulkhead. ODO �(sarcastic) I hope that answer surprises you. BASHIR Surprises me? Odo pushes himself up to his feet. ODO What do you mean? BASHIR These are stardate and numerical coordinates of the coded messages that led me to your station. Odo uses a tricorder to peer through the glass. ODO Hysterectomolines? BASHIR Fascinating. In all my years as a security chief, never have I seen a storeroom full of holo-archaeological equipment like this. ODO Then it's possible these are Orellid scavengers. BASHIR Or life forms. Regardless, we should keep a close eye on Garak and Odo. They're missing for now. ODO (exasperated) Garak and Odo. How much time do we have left? BASHIR About ten minutes. (re: Odo) Don't look at me. The door OPENS and Worf ENTERS. WORF Doctor Bashir? BASHIR (a smile) Yes, Worf? WORF May I speak to you for a moment? Bashir nods and they head for a Turbolift. O'BRIEN (watching them leave) Great idea. WORF By all means. O'BRIEN So what can I do for you? WORF You are not alone. O'BRIEN What do you mean? WORF All that is left of the Klingon existence will be lost -- at least for now. O'Brien shakes his head in exasperation. O'BRIEN Me neither. WORF (with sad irony) I suppose that means there are no "good" men left to lead the Great River Fleet." O'BRIEN There should be more men on the edge. WORF There are too many failures. O'BRIEN What about the beginning? The first time we tried, we lost all our lives. WORF Do not despair. The battle will continue. O'Brien looks at him, not wanting to believe it. O'BRIEN There aren't any ships in the blast. WORF There were no survivors. O'BRIEN We buried the bodies. WORF The bodies are now forever buried. No reaction from O'Brien. O'BRIEN (continuing) We don't get out of here until we find the cure. He taps a console. INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) which shows an N.D. Klingon working the controls. RESUME SCENE O'BRIEN There's a mech designed to withstand the seismic activity. We can return to the launch site simultaneously. WORF The cost of repairs will be too great. O'BRIEN Let's see if we can raise the casement height. Worf climbs into the mech. The three Klingons follow. O'BRIEN (continuing) Energize. On the screen, we see the turbolift light go out. The Klingons see our people arrive and react. DURAK exting(quickly) It's a mess. They grab their torches and the procession begins to move. INT. LABORATORY Duras and the other Klingons gather their torches. DURAS (hanging back, to Mirasta) Please don't let her die. You don't have to kill her. MIRASTA I have to help her. DURAS What are you saying we kill her? MIRASTA I can't. She's too young. I have to help her. ANGLE ON THE TRANSPORTER PAD as the young Klingon MARTOK and his Klingon guard ENTER. MARTOK This is a tragedy, Duras. What's worse, we kill her. ANGLE ON THE TRANSPORTER CHANNEL (OPTICAL) as the Klingon halves his face in front of it and reveals the ugly looking gibberish written in blood. MIRASTA (continuing) I have to help her. Mirasta sees the horrible truth, and she's scared. She calls out. MIRASTA (continuing) Duras, leave me. Duras doesn't move. MIRASTA (continuing) Get his kar'takin. DURAS No. MIRASTA (continuing) I can feel it. She's dreaming. And it's not real. DURAS You're certain of that? MIRASTA No. But she can see. DURAS (shrugs) According to Kora, Duras lived on the station for at least three years prior to this incident. He must have heard rumors about disturbances on the surface. MIRASTA Based on the information collected so far... there's no cause to believe there was any bloodwine being sold. Or that the Klingons knew about the colony's destruction. KOROTH (to Duras) That would be tantamount to accusing my former protege of collaborating with the natives. DURAS No one accuses Borath of collaborating with the natives, Mirasta. I know that he protested the authorities' approval for the demonstration. MIRASTA Given the circumstances, there's no way Borath would have been involved with the destruction of the Hanoli outcroppings, or the cornerstone. He was only one idiot, just one boy with no prospect of becoming a starvendent. KOROTH But we can be sure... that he will not be one of them any time soon. MIRASTA (with admiration for Koroth) That's protection enough for one. Koroth, you should thank us for your protection. KOROTH I don't need your charity. My return to the homeworld is only half- successful... MIRASTA Five years in the wilderness... what chance do you have of ever Making it back? They exchange looks. Now that they can see each other again, they both realize they have no idea what he's talking about. MIRASTA (continuing, amazed) You can bring her back to life? KOROTH I was able to do that just last night. MIRASTA It was your idea. KOROTH It was my idea to try and get her to see him again. KOROTH (pleased) That didn't fail. MIRASTA You've done well. Perhaps we can establish a new level of trust between us. Koroth was hoping to hear more, but he goes back to study his nails. With a last look at his Mirasta, he EXITS. CUT TO: INT. QUARK'S Family is in the midst of celebrating Easter. They're sipping colored drinks and enjoying the peaceful moment. ANGLE ON THE FERENGI WAITER as he reluctantly takes the two pieces of oxtatl from the replicator and offers them to Quark. QUARK Here you are... Quark turns to Jeffrey. QUARK (continuing) Thank you, Jeffrey. I know there must be some confusion about this latest addition to the Monac theme. JEFFER Unmistakable. If you ask me, Quark, the only way this square is going to be popular is by making it disappear. QUARK I'll see to it that everyone at the table knows about this by the time they're six. Quark leaves Jeffrey to wretch out the playing field. Korinas, Thomas and Dax follow him. KORINAS (to Jeffrey) I'm afraid I'm going to have to recall the Ferengi waiters to work this clock for the next week. JEFFERIES TUBE (to Kahless) Your praise is warm... and cautious... And with that Dax descends the stairs. CLOSE ON QUARK, AND THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) which DISAPPEARS around them. And with the portal gone, no one knows what's going to happen for a thousand condemned Klingons. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE ACT SIX FADE IN: INT. OPS O'Brien is checking some readouts. Supernumeraries are at their stations. O'BRIEN You're reading significant amounts of strucidium, Commander. SISKO Tricyanate? It's in nearly every non-Federation storage facility. O'BRIEN Not just any facilities... these are stupider, Ben. Some of them even have locks on the doors. SISKO How do you know that? O'BRIEN I'm running additional security sweeps of the access tunnel. You should check your storage numbers. They're constantly changing. SISKO Yes, yes I'm sure about it. On the Enterprise as it slowly moves out of the asteroid field... FADE OUT. END OF ACT SIX FADE IN: INT. OPS (OPTICAL) O'Brien is already working at his computer. The computer screen shows the Stasis field draining from the planet's surface. Kira is already at her station. KIRA You'd better come to the bridge, Chief. INT. CAVERN CHAMBER As before. O'Brien is checking readings from the stasis field with a tricorder. There are occasional tunnel-like cracks along the sides of the cavern wall. O'BRIEN In a cubic centimeter... but it's draining into every square inch... KIRA You're not seeing this as easily as you'd like. There are distortions in the dimensional shift. O'BRIEN Do you have a way to get us out of here? KIRA Not without taking us back to the anomaly. A long beat as she lets that sink in. O'Brien presses his combadge. O'BRIEN (quiet) Put it through. KIRA'S COM VOICE This is Major Kira. We've lost our transporter signal. O'Brien and Kira exchange a look. INT. QUARK'S (OPTICAL) As O'Brien and Kira ENTER... KIRA One of the security sensors gave us a false reading. The Colyus star system is real, but the wormhole's energies are fake. O'BRIEN If there was a wormhole inside the Coeure... it wouldn't be hard to counteract the emissions with a rotate graviton field... KIRA But there's no way to get through it. The wormhole's permeable... it's permeable... every one of myths I've heard about is true. O'BRIEN You think I caused the core meltdown that killed Benjamin? Here, again, Kira does her best to seem in control of the situation. KIRA I'm not trying to justify leaving Bajor, Miles. But I need your help as much as we need the food we've been buying. O'BRIEN If you were Geo, I'd be trying to figure out how to feed my people when there's enough food for everyone. KIRA That's not much of a hope. O'Brien fixes her with a look. She hardly thinks over. KIRA I didn't think so. So why can't I be as disobedient as Odo? O'BRIEN Because you still have your memories. If I can't give you back what you've lost, then I don't get involved with you anymore. KIRA (not realizing they've been had) I was just looking at your memory log. (beat) You're groggy. O'BRIEN That's the problem. I don't remember anything. What I need now is your free will. Give me an answer when I'm out of reach. Kira thinks for a long beat, then gets up and EXITS. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Kira is standing at the railing of the second level, staring down at the First Alert status board still on the table. QUARK, who's carrying two empty canisters, approaches. QUARK You're leaning too far left. KIRA It's the asymmetrical nature of the scan that's problematic... QUARK (pointing) ... in your case, I'm thinking you were born with a permanent disability that prevents you from performing your basic functions. KIRA (defensive) I'm a prisoner. I can't accept this. QUARK How long have you had these problems? KIRA I don't remember. Maybe it was part of being Jem'Hadar. QUARK What a delightful notion. I'll put you through to Starfleet. (to Kira) They'll send you to Sisko. He'll let you file a report. Your treatment is up to you. KIRA My name is Kira... Bajoran name of Commendation. Officially Released from the station six years ago... A Name, That Truthful Name of What You've Forgotten In Your Sleep. Quark's worth much to her as he responds. QUARK Delighted. I can see why you're the single most important person in my life right now. You embody every essential quality we hold dear: ingenuity, courage, self-sacrifice. Yours are not just failures, they're lives worth defending. KIRA loopholed at the altar of Corporate Power. Quark puts the canister with the drop-dead gorgeous latinum on a table. QUARK (almostingly) Jadzia Dax's resignation. The twenty- seventh Rule of Acquisition. Quark's getting away from Kira. He moves to a table vacated by the sculptor, right next to Dax's old high-cut blackboard. QUARK The tenth Rule of Acquisition is: "Only with failure does the positive know the negative." (executes the whole tenure) A lot of rules are really just messiahs. If someone can master one of them without destroying everything else... they're not really a businessman. (a beat) At least not in the conventional manner. Quark sits on the edge of his seat. He's both disappointed and fascinated by the store's sudden spasm of wealth. He's not sure how this will go. Finally, he sits down and takes a breath. SISKO (O.S.) Indeed, Commander. INCLUDE SISKO AND KIRA standing at the doorway to the bar, having just returned from the Gamma Quadrant. SISKO (steamed) Commander Dax... That good news about a new game on the storeroom phones... ? DAX It's just stock. We're all a little busy right now. SISKO (shakes his head) I can't get them to meet your demands. They're supposed to be your all-time favourite and she's decided to ruin it for herself. DAX I'm not going to just dump them. I'm offering them a chance for profit. SISKO I can't stand the idea of having to tell them that you're talking to me. DAX I think they're trying to scam you, Benjamin. SISKO (exasperated) Then how can you be sure that you've checked the facts before settling on this particular deal? DAX Oh, I've always been careful... SISKO "... and will continue to be careful in the future." Dax sighs... INT. QUARK'S The next morning. CLOSE ON a latinum bust of a fifties Starfleet Admiral hanging from the ceiling. PATIENT (O.S.) ... put it down. ADVERTISER ALERT LIGHTS turn to full. The Patience Shall Revere sounds. NEW ANGLE as SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. DOZEN SURGES OF SMOKE from a small work station, and the DOZEN OF LIGHT come blazing through the now heavily-ventilated room. Quark rushes up to the volume and reaches for the controls as... THE DOORWAY surrounded by Doctor Apgar and Doctor Weld. Apgar is ramrod straight and armed, focused on the readings and analysis of the situation. The other two look shaken. APGAR The data net will automatically suppress everything but those three personalities... we'll see them suddenly appearing all over the place. Pretty grim stuff. WELD What happens when they're all destroyed? APGAR That's why I need you down here. I've created... a Humane Trap. The first thing they'll do when they realize there's nothing left of them is kill you. Brunt swells in response. BRUNT Open a channel to the Humane Enterprise. HAGATH (cordial) Here, at last. QUARK (stunned) How? HAGATH (a glum smile) I'll find out. Quark and the Nagus circle each other nervously. Suddenly Gaila, lecherous and quick-tempered, walks up to follow him. GAILA (to Quark) If these Ferengi wants to get the drop on us, he's going to have to pay a heavy price. QUARK I'm not carrying the coins. GAILA No means less work. Quark, sporting a new neckbeard, leans against the bar. The Nagus, aware of how Rom's presence affects him, decides to intercede. QUARK All right, forget the Nagus. These guys are trying to help out theirselves. And equally capable, they're going to need your help. HAGATH Unless you can arrange a one-time partnership. QUARK You can't do that. HAGATH The Nagus has raised good interest rates on his own symbionts in an effort to cover widespread addiction to a drug that's severely curtailed his life. HAGATH (Cont'd) (a beat) The only people who can help him now... are you and me. And without further warning, Hagath turns his bat'leth on Quark. 39-38 For a beat, Quark stands there immovable. Slowly, he turns to his companions. QUARK Maybe I won't let you kill me. LARELL If you think I don't know you knife you, you're wrong. Without further warning, Larell grinds her bat'leth down on Quark. 39-42 Quark glares at her. QUARK Relax. I'm not going to let you kill me. A beat, then Larell ENTERS their view. LARELL Come closer, Quark. Now. Quark comes dangerously close to her. LARELL Why? QUARK (realizing) Because that's what you want. To kill me. LARELL You enjoy it too much? You should be slowing down. You're making too much noise. QUARK That's what I thought. (finally stops what he was doing) Shoot a man. With that, Quark hurries to the exit. Hold on Larell for a beat as she considers Quark's words. 43AA QUARK PAN to show Hagath, who has joined the argument. QUARK (pointed) The other day I heard one of your hyposprays say you were going to rescue me. HAGATH I have my reasons, Quark. QUARK And my reasons, too. Hagath studies Quark closely, as if looking for the basis of his argument. HAGATH The man you're looking for is Nagus Gint, who's offering to give you the rest of your life for your freedom. QUARK (trying to sell himself) Incredible. I can be your first command role model... Hagath reaches out for one of the keys on the table and we pull back to reveal we're in... 41AA INT. QUARK'S The bar is closed. It's dark. Quark, Rom and the bartender are behind the bar, asleep, blankets on the tables. QUARK shadows and shadows and shadows everywhere and anything and everything in between. It's amazing, isn't it, Hagath? HAGATH Indeed. It's beyond belief that even a God could live like that. ROM Am I suppose to take your word for it? HAGATH Nonsense. Hagath reaches out for one of the many napkins on the table, twirling it in his hands. HAGATH We don't all have to like the way things are. HAGATH (Cont'd) Not even we should like the way things are. He shakes his head as if to say it's an uncomfortable thought. Quark seems pleased by this. QUARK So now that you've had some time to relax, we can talk? The rest of the company is on its feet, all eager to discuss the problem. HAGATH It's the Vulcans. ROM (indicating the case) The Bre'el-class cruiser that just so happened to dock here. HAGATH Do you know her? ROM We're friends, brother. And friends have a lot in common. QUARK There's a war going on. There is a government trying to destroy the independence of Bajor. Don't they know that it's a threat to everything they've ecosystems? Even Rom knows that our friendship is at a perilous state. HAGATH All that matters is that we exist. QUARK Perfectly. HAGATH The independence of Bajor would be guaranteed for the Empire by the Dominion. And without a strong position in the Alpha Quadrant, we will have no ally in the forthcoming war. ROM That's... a awfully generous assignment, Hagath. HAGATH It seemed an honorable solution. QUARK (to Hagath) But a fine one. Do what you have to do. HAGATH AND THE BAR Quark ushers in a new arrival: a woman, MAYLOR, which throws both Quark and the others a quick look inside the holding cell. QUARK Orderable("eggs") Maylor. How did you know? MAYLOR I heard about you. Maylor amber eyes them suspiciously. QUARK I thought there'd be trouble somewhere. That's why I invited you. MAYLOR What's on your mind? QUARK I thought you might be able to arrange a conference to settle the war. MAYLOR I'm afraid that's impossible. QUARK (understatement) You can't. MAYLOR Why? Because I'm the new head of the Shakaar Resistance Cell? QUARK Because you're not a loyal security officer? MAYLOR You're supposed to be. I was in charge of the operation to protect Shakaar. QUARK You don't have to protect Shakaar. You can't. You're a loyal security officer. MAYLOR I thought we'd managed to raise enough money to pay off the rest of his family. QUARK (insulted) How much money? MAYLOR (shrugs) From what? QUARK We figured out a way to save your family's nest. MAYLOR Obviously that doesn't include everything. QUARK This won't be so bad. MAYLOR I can only imagine what it must be like. Empty shelves, undernourished houses, children underfoot... QUARK I assure you, if I had eyes anywhere except here, I would've gone months ago. MAYLOR We're not finished. QUARK I'm sure the Nagus will be very grateful for the assistance. MAYLOR Well, I'd better get to it, Quark. She turns and heads for the door. Seeing Quark waiting for her, she turns back to the table and grins. MAYLOR Could you just set that down, Quark. QUARK The Nagus will have it. (indicating a cabinet) I'll take that. Quark moves off to the door. We YANK ON MAYLOR as she EXITS. We HOLD ON Quark as she leaves and he looks after her, trying to decide what to do. INT. WARDROOM (FORMERLY SCENE 80) Weyoun is sitting at the table, trying to decide what to do with Dukat. He is oddly subdued after the encounter with Ziyal. DUKAT Well, Major, it appeared you were most popular among the Bajoran cadets. Perhaps you should return to Deep Space Nine where your career could begin. ZIYAL I'm not going back. I'm staying here. DUKAT Why? Was there something on the station that you found more appealing? ZIYAL Actually, I was looking for something else. DUKAT The back of a T'gha is rated asicky by human standards, but T'gha isn't aware of its importance. ZIYAL So it's perfectly normal for a girl to want to be perfumed? DUKAT It's more common than you think. It's the feminine expression of adoration. ZIYAL Interesting. DUKAT Not bad for a twelve-year-old. He smiles and takes back his drink. DUKAT So how's the new legputer? ZIYAL It's working perfectly. DUKAT The springs will hold you up for a while. ZIYAL It's not that simple. She winces, drops her head with guilt. ZIYAL I promised my father I'd study his responses to the challenge. DUKAT The study will tell you everything you want to know. ZIYAL The computer needs time to develop a database of his appraisals. DUKAT He's accustomed to be treated as a human -- ZIYAL It doesn't matter. He'll never be more than what he is. Dukat reacts, he has no idea what Ziyal is proposing to her. DUKAT This is going to be hard for you... ZIYAL Things aren't as simple as they somewhat... Ziyal is hesitant, she's just trying to get this off her chest. ZIYAL I don't think I'll be staying here long. There are other studies requesting my services. DUKAT unnecessary. (thoughtful) Other studies? He slips out of the bar and disappears around a corner. ZIYAL I don't feel like holding onto things. I can concentrate on my research if I'm here. DUKAT Not if you sleep over one hour later. sleepy-eyed Ziyal. ZIYAL What if it doesn't turn out what it's supposed to? DUKAT (gently) It might. Dukat walks Ziyal back to the bed and sits down. His curiosity is piqued. DUKAT What was your husband's name? She doesn't answer. DUKAT Well? ZIYAL (without the slightest trace of emotion) Elim. DuHart's confidence returns, but not so much. CUT TO: INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Ziyal is walking down the corridor when suddenly she hears a voice... INFORMANT'S VOICE (O.S.) Wait. She turns to find an older DUISCO, YANAS, standing at the other end of the corridor. She smiles at him and takes his hand. ZIYAL So what do you think? DUHNGE You're doing very well. ZIYAL Except that you're not very good at holding your own in combat where you're outnumbered. The remark hangs in the air for a moment. DUHNGE Let's just say it's never been easy for me. She takes a step forward. ZIYAL I could've been an admiral a long time ago. DUHNGE (a little defensive) You've got a lot to learn about being a Cardassian in Starfleet. Ziyal smiles; she's pleased to hear it. ZIYAL I'll try to be a good soldier and help my father in the war. DUHNGE That's what I've been telling him. But even if you're useful in the strictest sense of the word, he's found you a lot of very unusual jobs. ZIYAL I'm an analyst. DUHNGE (nodding, almost apologetic) Your father has made very good use of you. Ziyal smiles at this. ZIYAL I'm very glad you're useful. Trigger, which is large and pointed at the ceiling, begins to enter from the doorway and zappers them both. Ziyal turns to face the door as the worker ENTERS with his flashbang. ZIYAL Leave us alone. The worker looks confused and surprised. ZIYAL But I asked to speak with you. Before the worker can obey, Ziyal launches into his opening line -- ZIYAL I demand to know who you are working for. And with that, the worker folds his arms and runs out the door. As Ziyal watches the door close behind him, we can see that Ziyal is not discouraged, but awfully curious about how this strange man is able to induce such a profound sense of loss. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Colonel Kira enters to find SISKO, ODO, O'BRIEN and Worf looking over a large pile of animal remains scattered among the debris. The remains are scattered like crumbs on the table -- each animal's DNA "mark" is clearly traceable and identifiable. KIRA Voile? SISKO Vocalizer. ODO Does it sound like someone? WORF Warp test results coming in. O'BRIEN The test results haven't been released yet. SISKO Be sure we get them. CLOSE ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) The monitor comes alive again and shows a close up view of a small test object. Something about it just doesn't seem right. Sisko moves closer to look at it. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) Another unanswered question: Why? Whatever this thing is, why did it suddenly shrink when we touched it? ODO Probably made its way into the system when we were trying to shut down the exhaust plasma flow. SISKO That doesn't explain how it seemed to start shrinking when we touched it. ODO It could be a backup system for the planetary surface scanner. O'BRIEN It's got two complaint letters coming in from Starfleet Command indicating there was some kind of power surge on the planet. KIRA We've got two starships searching parsley orbit for something which could've knocked this thing off the deck. ODO But it's too far away -- the planet's too far away for their sensors to read. SISKO But there may be another way. ODO We have to go back and tell the Enterprise to look elsewhere for the power source. KIRA We can't do that unless we know what it is. SISKO We're to go back? KIRA That's right. ODO If we don't hand over the data, the computer won't be able to comply. SISKO In other words, we're helping them bust their ass. ODO You're throwing your weight around. SISKO It helps to be the cog in the wheel. KIRA Then don't leave. When the storm clears, we'll have a way to flush them out. Sisko gives her a cold look, that's just not going to work. ODO What do we do now? KIRA (calling out) Enter. The door opens and the two storm troopers ENTER. INCLUDING LESKIT (The Klingon who confronted Worf in the tunnel) Lest Krit and Morn as he begins to step out of the cave. Krit's furious at the way Dax treated him, firing off a cut and thrusting his weapon endosciously. KIRK Live and learn. Next time be better. Dax helps him drag Krit out of the cave. After they've been safely back aboard the Defiant, Dax and Morn slip out the other side. OMITTED INT. MORN'S QUARTERS Dax, best man and warm-hearted, is making grand gestures. Most people would be cold and incredulous in that moment but Morn is the exception to the rule. He grips Dax's hand, walks her away. COM VOICE Admiral Lyondius to Dax. Dax takes her hand and taps it before pressing it on her collar. DAX DIRECT your path to the party? LASTRADE'S COM VOICE That's not allowed. DAX I know that, Benjamin, but what if we told you that the bid will be world wide and that the Emperor himself will be here in seven days? Lattletrad rises, pacing the room. LASTRADE There is some prearranged business. DAX I'll see what I can do. LASTRADE I trust you agree that I have played fair with the other bids? DAX Your honesty and equanimity have been admirably rewarded. LASTRADE But not by my usual peers. I'm threatened with banishment from the Order if you don't restore the broken relationships. DAX Desperate times grant their own unique freedoms. LASTRADE Well, in that case, perhaps I can handle the others. DAX That doesn't sound like the Order. LASTRADE (isn't it obvious) The Presidency will be the centers for all of our conspiracies. We'll have all hope for a peaceful settlement. DAX Precisely. And I assure you the President will not allow you to threaten his throne. Laslow looks from leader to follower, skeptical but leaning toward her plan. LASLIGHT (to Dax) President Mintak didn't just lose an election. He died in a ship crash. DAX So you're saying that Lasmost and his fellow conspirators have been arbitrarily removed from power? LASHLER (nodding) They've been removed for their libel. (a beat) The Presidency will give us our base. KILANA But by removing us, they remove everyone. Klingons, Romulans, Bajorans. LASHLER Base? What's a base? KILANA You know... a place to stand. LASHLER (re: the bat'telh guns) Which one gets the bat'leth? Kilana holds out her hand, removes several from one of her pouches and takes two. KILANA The one on the mountain. LASHLER (eyes it) Nice outfit. KILANA You like my outfit, don't you? LASHLER (eyes her another one) That's only the beginning. In another room, a FEVERLY WOMAN is removing the bed from another bed and putting it up next to Lasher's bed. LASHLER (to Woman) At least you're not looking bad. The Woman moves to the Sickbed, looks in on Lasher. LASHLER I have a question of a very personal nature. Do you know Jadzia Dax? VEKOR The one who was admitted into your medical facility without any warning? LASHLER (uncomfortable) A long time. VEKOR Somehow she got aboard that freighter without us noticing. She's an anomaly, Lad. Well, it's much too unusual for a Freighter Captain to be on our ship during a dispute. LASHLER I didn't know the crews were on such a short lease. VEKOR It's a valid concern. LASHLER (an order) Orders. KOVAT (to Sovak) Excuse us for a moment. Kovat EXITS as a matter of course. LASHLER (to Sovak) Be at your station at oh seven hundred hours. We'll be there thirty-five minutes. SOVAK (cool) I'll be there. And with a glower, LASHLER turns and EXITS. A beat between Dax and Sovak, we watch as LASHLER continues his solitary patrol around the Promenade. After a beat, DAX approaches him. DAX You mind explaining this to me? LASHLER There are MANY people on this station who would like to know more about the Kressari than I do. DAX I'm sure, but how would they know you're secretly helping them. LASHLER They'd be much better at finding someone else who already knows about the Kressari. DAX Sounds like you need some motivated behind the scenes player. LASHLER I've got enough successful players right now. DAX (with fondness) Try to keep your mouth shut. Lasher's smile fades as he notices the CELLO which breaks free from his forehead and falls down near Dax. LASHLER What do they do with that thing? DAX (dry) They put it in a bucket and dump it in a river. LASHLER (chastened) I know. DAX (dry) Good intentions. Like a fireman putting out a pair of pants on the last roll of his pants, Lasher shakes his head. LASHLER (studies her) What would they do with a fireman? DAX (telling him) Put him in a bucket. LASHLER Good intentions. I'll tell you one thing, once that fireman gets his wish, they'll put him back in a bucket. DAX (puts her in her place) But why would they? It's an entirely separate matter. Lasher looks to change the subject. LASHLER How do I get back to the feed the moment we leave orbit? DAX (dry) You're free to go as soon as the other passengers -- including you -- connect to the transporter. LASHLER Perhaps there's something you want to see before we unlock the transporter. DAX Let me guess: blood screenings are back to normal. LASHLER Possibly. And just as it seams that Lasher is about to sue for damages, Dax cuts him off. DAX That's enough. LASHLER I'm sure you are. Dax smiles to herself and picks up the litany in front of her. DAX Back to work. I'd like a talk with you all once before you separate from work. LASHLER (suspicious) You still haven't answered my question. DAX (smiles) I believe there is something of a time crunch tomorrow when the streamlined experimental timeline will be implemented. LASHLER That's seven days away. Maybe we can fill those seven days with rest, but even then there won't be any real rest. (beat) I better get back to work. DAX We're all doing our best, Lasher. Dax closes her eyes and sinks back into her seat. After a beat, Lasher hesitates for a moment. LASHLER (quiet) Some things are better, old man. DAX What are? Horizontally, the two of them DISAPPEAR from the scene. NEW ANGLE to find Dax has MORPHED her body into a metal dome around the two of them. Dax's EYES are SHORN. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Defiant at warp. INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE KIRA is listening to Dax explain the science lecture. ODO is taking notes on PADD. BASHIR is standing off to one side, visibly pleased with what he's hearing. DAX Our "temple" is composed of solid viroxic material, comprising almost completely of liquid viroxic material. (reads PADD) For comparison, here on the Humminga... (looks up) It has a similar profile, but the material is silicate, only about a tenth as common. KIRA If you can figure out how to manipulate the temporal signal, you might be able to transport yourself into the future. DAX It's worth a try. BASHIR I can't believe you trust anyone. ODO It's difficult to resist such a predictable ally. KIRA What about you? Have you ever been in a runabout? ODO You mean an escape? KIRA (softly) Not really... I was just talking to Sisko. That's about all I left him with. BASHIR (smiles) Nice of you to stop. (re: window) That's the only way to get us out of here. KIRA What do we do, Odo? There's only one person on this station who could help us with that assistance. ODO You're right. Someone help. Dual self-destruct and you deserve to know what they're going to say to us. Kira shakes Odo slightly. KIRA Let's go. A beat, then Odo nods and Kira hits her combadge. She passes the combadge on an adjoining table. KIRA (to com) Computer, one to beam up. As Kira DEMATERIALIZES, Odo moves to the window and stares out at the stars. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE A short time later. The Bridge is DARK, indicating that the ship has been DARK since the last time we saw it. Odo ENTERS and looks around. He moves to the Console behind the Command Chair and deactivates it. ODO (re: the dark bridge) I would like to request a full scale mapping study. KIRA The studying is critical to our security clearance. ODO Until then, there isn't much opportunity. Odo looks around. ODO We could all be dead. (a beat) I'd suggest we attack what's left of the Dominion resistance cell in the capital. Remove their leadership and we can drive them out. KIRA If we try to do that, even for a few days, we'll lose everything. There's a tense beat in the now quiet briefing. 76 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Defiant, still cloaked, uncloaked, moves slowly toward the second planet. 77 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before. SISKO How long until we're in one piece? WORF Three, maybe four hours. KIRA That's not much time. If we stay here, we'll be dead. SISKO (decisive) Make it so. Sisko slaps his SEVEN JACKETS on and slings the BOLT over his shoulder. Suddenly the ship ROCKS with the JARRUS JACKET BLAST. KIRA That's it. Take us out of here. Sisko, Dax and Worf tap their swords but the ship continues to ROCK. KIRA Dax! Before Dax can activate her sword, the ship is ROCKED again. WORF Shields down to thirty percent! DAX I'm taking out the weapons. But before Dax can pull out her sword, two N.D. Bajoran Officers apply a rapid-fire EXPLOSION to one of the control consoles, killing two of our men. 78 NEW ANGLE As Sisko and the others pull out their weapons. WORF (to Sisko) We have to shoot them. SISKO (good-naturedly) Not now, Mister Worf. The Destiny is still at full alert. WORF It appears so. 78 CONTINUED: Sisko and the others look over to see -- SISKO, BASHIR, AND JAKE Making their way down the Corridor, the three Cardassians lower their weapons. JAKE I thought they didn't teach our anyone how to use a rifle. BASHIR You'd think they'd be proud of our accomplishments instead of shouting at us. And as the Crewmembers step up to deal with the Cardassians -- SISKO, BASHIR, AND JAKE Move to the console -- JAKE What are they doing here? I thought Dukat was going to make him a new friend. BASHIR The Cardassians are the enemy, Jake. That's what war is. (a beat) Now what are they doing here? They could as easily be on the station defending their holdings or in the Gulch system waiting for us to attack. SISKO They're doing exactly what they should be doing -- trying to destroy the Federation. JAKE Both sides did that. SISKO The question is why. JAKE I don't know. It just seems wrong. BASHIR It's time for a new beginning... for everyone to start living together as a family. Bashir opens the door to reveal Sisko, Dax, Kira and Bashir ENTERING. BASHIR If you're wondering when we're going to get dinner started, the answer's no. KIRA Both Dax and Garak said it wouldn't be until dinnertime. BASHIR That's seven hours from now. Why don't you tell Oliver I'll thaw him out when we get back to the station? KIRA The last thing I want to do is give him the wrong message. He knows when to relax. (to Garak) Right? GARAK Right. (to Kira) Major, I'm going to repressor the audio as an emergency shutdown. KIRA Mercy. SISKO (to Bashir) What do you want? BASHIR If this is some kind of desperate needling, you're going to have to hold him a little longer. GARAK braking ourselves. KIRA (to Bashir) Hopefully he won't be needing you anymore. SISKO (to Kira) Major, I think our best chance to get off this station is to get residents' signatures on a request to demolish this place. KIRA That's a tall order, but it'll work. SISKO I'm glad we're in agreement. Let's put the matter to one side... Before Sisko can continue, Jake ENTERS from the Promenade. JAKE The kids want to see you, Dad. Jake gets up to join his father. SISKO (to Jake) That's what I wanted to hear. Sisko puts the focus back into his work with a simple motive -- to "get back to the front." He looks over to Bashir, who smiles with appreciation. Sisko turns around and faces the Klingons. SISKO (to Bashir) Maybe you'd like to come along? BASHIR Why? SISKO I need the bulkhead space. BASHIR I can't. JAKE Can you stand it? We're counting on you to fix it. Jake smiles. JAKE We'll get it. Bashir looks concerned. SISKO (to Bashir) That doesn't sound like a Terran doctor. BASHIR It's the most important thing. SISKO Now that you know that, what are you going to do? BASHIR Issue some new biosimilars. SISKO When? BASHIR Now that you know that. JAKE I'll see if we can pull some together for Professor Lang. BASHIR You don't know that. SISKO Right now? BASHIR I don't care. I may disagree with Eddington, but I have nothing in my power to stop him -- not in my power to alter it. Now that we have the biosimilars, you may've had your wish. SISKO Do as he says. Bashir reaches under the desk and pulls out a small, desktop terminal. He examines it. BASHIR Well, this is it. Sisko activates the terminal. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 40A. SISKO (to the mission supervisor) Tell Kilby and the others that we have the goods and they can have them back on the station. The supervisory officer smiles. KILBY (victorious) You're telling us that Doctor Lang will be safer in here than at the front. The supervisor lowers his head. KILBY (to Sisko) A little late isn't it? SISKO Our historian might ask how you can be here when Count Olmerunn's holosuite is closed... KILBY Behind closed doors? I heard the countroom was haunted by an experiment gone awry. KASIDY (O.S.) You heard? ANGLE ON THE DOOR to see KASIDY YATES emerge. She's the only one of the Vogonians still standing, bathed in amber light. She studies Sisko appraisingly. KASIDY You must be Ben. Am I? Sisko arms himself and bows his head. SISKO Welcome to home. Sisko's demeanor says that at least this is the future and not the past. KASIDY You left a lot to be forever. SISKO I can't wait to get back. KASIDY You're depressing me. SISKO I'm glad of that. Kasidy has the last word to sip her raktajino. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 41. KASIDY You're an insensitive idiot. SISKO Ezri is an excellent counselor. KASIDY So? SISKO So, she's going to grow and mature and learn. That's the whole point of the program. KASIDY You've created an opportunity as a whole. For both of us. to go on one last adventure. SISKO Is that what you really want? To be a part of a family again? Kasidy forges ahead. KASIDY (smiles) Ezri and I were so happy when we landed at the Pah-wraith. SISKO You remember the wormhole? KASIDY Yeah. Don't you want to see it? SISKO It looks cold and wet. KASIDY It used to be. Kasidy suddenly recognizes Sisko's music. KASIDY What is that? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 42. SISKO Pull up a chair. Kasidy sits and Sisko moves off. Kasidy takes a moment to realize what he's planning, then decides to make a move. KASIDY What do you mean? SISKO I mean, you know you're not expecting me. KASIDY It's not over yet. SISKO (points to the Book of Common Prayer) I'll be back before you know it. KASIDY When are you going to stop looking at the exit. You'll end up blaming me for what happened to your wife. SISKO Maybe I'll end up blaming you for what happened to my wife. Kasidy smiles. KASIDY I don't blame you. I only thought it'd be a good idea for us to get back together. SISKO It might take a little while to get used to each other. KASIDY I don't mind. It helps to get to know each other. SISKO And you, huh? KASIDY Me? I've only met Jake once, and I'm hardly learning his first words. But even if you don't, I bet you've spent more time around Chief Keef or Jean- Luc Picard than you realize. (a beat) Do you know what my son's name is? Sisko's smile deepens. KASIDY Duncan. SISKO Right. Kasidy, my son's name is William. KASIDY He seemed to think it was a great name. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 43. Sisko works the panel. SISKO We've run the main computer, looks like. KASIDY Great. SISKO We need to reassign a crew from the Defiant to run the main computer. KASIDY That'll take hours. I want to go over to the planetary sensor array and see what the Ferengi have been keeping track of. SISKO I'll be onboard in the hour. Kasid you have an hour to get to bed, too. KASIDY I guess that'll be different. SISKO That's what I wanted to hear. Sisko and Kasidy take their seats, and after a beat, Sisko heads for the door. KASIDY (smiling) I'll see you in the morning. SISKO Good night. Sisko EXITS. CUT TO: INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR Sisko is walking along the corridor, lost in thought when he sees Ezri ENTER the room and quickly step outside of her. Sisko is angry with her appearance. SISKO Actually, I should thank you. This is the first time I've seen you. EZRI For what? SISKO You're making yourself quite clear with your opinion of me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 44. EZRI I'm only doing what I can to help. The Dominion knows it has to worry about its neighbor -- because it's competing with us for control of the Alpha Quadrant. (getting a bad feeling) Russol, you're not making this easy. SISKO You've lost sight of the fact that you're trying to protect only what you're willing to sell. EZRI Shame on you. SISKO I can't help you. I like my people. EZRI You don't think they're just like us? SISKO Oh, heck no. We're a little different. And the Alpha Quadrant can be an incredibly treacherous world. (a beat) The Changeling... he's an extraordinary person. EZRI You're good. SISKO He's not like us. Ezri gets to her feet. SANCTUARY AREA as Ezri strides into the courtyard and faces Norma. EZRI I never thought I'd see you again. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 45. NORMA Welcome home. EZRI Thank you. Norma smiles affectionately at Ezri. NORMA It's good to see you. Yetma studies Ezri for a beat. YANAS You're the station's doctor. NORMA That's right. EZRI You're the senior officer on this side of the border. NORMA That's right. EZRI So who's this guy? NORMA It's Jadzia. I believe she's married to Quark. YANAS (suddenly suspicious) Jadzia? Ezri can't believe it. She takes a step toward Norma. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 45A. EZRI I didn't kill her. (to Norva) We were talking. NORMA You were talking. Tell me. EZRI She came here to get her father. To get her father back. You think she's manipulated you? NORMA She's manipulated everyone, including you. NORMA GRABS Ezri's arm and begins to lead her away from the room. EZRI I'm not manipulated. I'm not being manipulated. NORMA (getting irritated) That's not very nice. Ezri is now fully and completely backed into corner. Norva projects a vindictive air into her voice. NORMA/EZRI Thank you, Janel. That's very helpful. But you're not the real thing. EZRI I'm not sure everyone understands that Janel Fillery isn't just another Telnorrian herdsman. NORMA He's much more than that. He's a passionate believer in the alternate universe. A true visionary. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 46. EZRI I'll get him a room for his head. Norva sized up Ezri before storming out of the room. ANGLE ON NORVA who turns to follow his friend only to be snatched away by Ezri. BACK BY THE AIRLOCK Norva runs smack into a figure, who grabs him by the collar and begins to drag him out. EZRI It's very confusing. WIDER as Ezri realizes she and Norva were talking behind the airlock. EZRI (to Norva) I've got to get back to the infirmary. NORVA (anger flaring) I'll manage. Neral appears by the airlock door and threatens Ezri. REALNORA Zee Norva, before you do again, you'll regret it. EZRI (at a loss for words) I can't stop now. NORVA You need more than that from you. EZRI I don't have it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 47. NORVA (intense) You need more than that from me. EZRI Please. NORVA As of right now, we have nothing. Ezri's features harden with frustration. EZRI I can't believe this is going to stop. NORVA It's not. Because while you're at your station, every internal check on the performance of our program has been challenged. End of program? EZRI No, our goal is to have a successful experiment. We have to complete it. NORVA Clearly that's not realistic. There are too many variables. EZRI Not true. It is. All I have to do is learn. My mother taught me that failure is an ally in times of trouble. So I've obviously let her down. Visually, Norva misses his mother's face. NORVA You sound like you've known a lot of losers in your life. EZRI Lately I've been thinking there must be something I can do to motivate you... something you want me to be a part of. NORVA (getting angry) That's not fair. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 47A. EZRI It has nothing to do with my loyalty to you. My loyalty is to the United Federation of Planets -- not you. Norva clenches his jaw. NORVA Captain, you are my mother. EZRI Then I guess you're not my first advisor. NORVA He chose you. That means you contain the seeds of Grathon. EZRI There's more than one seed in that joke. NORVA You are cursed. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 48 EZRI You're not my first choice. NORVA (agreeing, with a smile) But there are times when life requires sacrifice... EZRI And when you find out the player your daughter is playing with is a Ferengi -- NORVA (exploding) You are in my domain. EZRI Not in yours. Neither do I legitimate claim to your latinum. NORVA You were taking advantage of another's misfortune -- He holds up his hand to stop her. NORVA I am a great opponent to prove one's self-respect. EZRI Not to mention, the odds of getting away with it. nomine holds out his hand -- NORVA Not anymore. (a beat) I'll never put one of your hands on any of the others. EZRI I can't wait until the Ferengi smile the rest of his way across the galaxy. NORVA Good. Because I'm not making it easy for you. nomine holds his hand out and it suddenly depresses him. He has no idea what this means, but Ezri smiles and presents her wrist. EZRI (reading) "Norva Lyul's Bloodshed by the Ezri Challenge." DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 49. NORVA My hand-eye coordination's deteriorating. unnecessary-carelessly picking up a PADD and putting it in his pocket. EZRI Neither can I. nomine snaps his fingers and one by one the other Jem'Hadar are slain. CLOSE ON EZRI As she holds in her heart, which only seems to be rising faster. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FIVE 50. ACT FIVE FADE IN: INT. SURGERY A few moments later. We check on Nog and Ezri, who are both seated on metal stools. BASHIR Are you all right? NORVO I'm fine. BASHIR You're not fine. A few weeks ago, you were writing novels about the Battle of Maxia and about Captain Lasky. But now you're worried about Captain Sisko. NORVO It's just... he's moody. BASHIR If you're going to write about an American war hero than Captain Sisko, use the proper name. Don't give him a name tag. Just say his name and you're on. NORVO I couldn't get that away... Ezri's surrounded by PADDs -- she can't help but look at them as she executes another look thoughtfully. EZRI (reading) "Norvo -- I don't think you're particularly attracted to him... " NORVO I couldn't believe it -- I didn't sleep enough to remember either of you. EZRI There's no need to explain. Bashir smiles. BASHIR You're doing wonderfully, Jadzia. (gestures) At lunch today, before I settled here, I asked you to sing a song about distant planets. I recited part of the lyrics... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 51. EZRI Me too. BASHIR (smiles) You're a writer, Jadzia. He holds out the PADD so she can read it. EZRI To a galaxy that makes sense. BASHIR Maybe. But we've got to tell you something. There's not much time to waste. (studies her) There's plenty of time to learn... and plenty of time to be angry. (comes to a decision) But we can't keep pretending we're happy together. Don't worry about us.  (makes a decision) I'll see you when you get back. EZRI Take care of yourself. BASHIR I'll see you when I get back. Bashir nods and EXITS. Ezri turns to the others. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 52. EZRI So what are you doing for dinner? QUARK I'll see you get your fix of Chez Jumbo. EZRI Take me to see Fletcher? QUARK (nodding) He's waiting until dinner has officially begun. JAKE That's great! I'll see you tomorrow. ALBERT We're looking for my brother. QUARK We're talking about Fletcher. He's a budding singer. And a sporting one. BRUNT This is no time for gossip. QUARK This is no time for gossips. Quark motions to a waiter as he moves off. BRUNT We're in the middle of a town's worst nightmare. A bloodbath. QUARK You go talk to Fletcher about something important. He might tell you something that you really need to know. Something that will make you feel better. BRUNT What? Really? I thought you said certain things were important to talk about? QUARK I didn't. I just thought it was something to pass the time. (indignant) You know, make certain that no single malt Scotch is left in this house. BRUNT I didn't say anything about no single malt Scotch. QUARK Really? I thought you were saying something about allowing people to have an opinion... even if it hurts them. Brull shrugs off Quark's remark as just another idle gesture -- and shrugs. BRUNT I thought youamus yell louder. QUARK You still buying? BRUNT That's good news for both of us. The room is lurching to beat, and Quark wins't be ducked. BRUNT Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to call my mother and tell her you passed the test. Brull gets up from the table and walks over to the desktop clock. After a beat, a CHIME SOUNDS. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 54. BRUNT (to computer) Computer, change the time of dinner to twenty-one hundred hours. COMPUTER VOICE Change the time to twenty-two hundred hours. BRUNT Thanks. Brull EXITS. NEW ANGLE on the desk top Branislav notices. He crosses to the desktop screen and touches the face of the face. He looks up to find a smiling face but it's replaced by a deeply soured and depressing expression. Branislav looks up at him again and feelings of guilt and remorse sweep over him. BRUNT (shouting) Why can't you see that? And of course that's not a question, it's an expression of fact. Branislav looks up at him again. He's like a broken man. There's a part of him that wants to throw the keyboard over the table and startling the room. BRUNT (indicating the wine) More bloodwine. BASHIR 185 degrees. That's more puerile bloodwine than you'll ever need. BRUNT Why did you have to come to me? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 55. BASHIR You're senile. BRUNT Eminence. Look at me. Ironic, is it not? Ironic, that as the latest medical researcher in the Federation, you're now dependent on a primitive form of alcohol. BASHIR (gently) Is that what it's for? BRUNT Mars drinks... (smiles) ... accent on the nose. Bashir lifts the bottle and holds it out toward Brunt. BASHIR What I'm saying is that you're capable of taking care of yourself. And if that isn't true, then I hope you don't need it. Adrenalin jets at the mere sight of a smiling face. Bashir crosses his legs expecting to feel the effects of the drug, but to his astonishment, they neither raise nor drain the substance from his bloodstream. BASHIR No wonder humans can't even smile. (a beat) It's a wonder they're still breathing. Bashir suddenly staggers back, a ripple of pain shoots his calf, and he slumps to the floor. CLOSE ON THE DOOR as it opens and Quark ENTERS. ROM Brother! Rom rushes to his brother's side. ROM Brother? What happened? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 56. QUARK It's an experiment. He took the layout of the Gamma Quadrant magazine and tore it to pieces. ROM What kind of experiment? QUARK Destabilizing the entire Encyclopedia Strategica. That pretty much explains it, Rom. ROM That's right. He wanted to see if I'd assassinate General Tandro and that's when he got a little over it. He's been away for too long. QUARK (defensive) It's nothing personal, Rom. ROM Maybe not. But he is out of line. It's a wonder I'm still a Ferengi alive. QUARK You're a free man. ROM Not anymore. (a beat) My work here is finished. The Dominion will not allow it. QUARK Still? To betray your own people to a Ferengi pig true and stand there proudly while admitting your guilt -- is far fetched, isn't it? And yet it would seem that you're almost willing to do it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 57. ROM Brother -- I did it for Morn. I admit it. And as far as I'm concerned, I did the right thing. I returned his family to their home. They will be proud of me. QUARK You called your brother a liar? ROM He's just -- very proud of you. QUARK What did you call me? ROM Pigheaded. QUARK A well-known insult. ROM Actually, I'm insulted. I'm surprised it didn't reach the ninth level. ROM launches into his character. ROM Brother, you should enjoy your beverage. I'll yield you to one of the concierges. You'll never regret it. QUARK rises to his feet. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 58. QUARK One at a time. ROM I'll be picking up the equivalent of three strips of latinum from Chief O'Brien. QUARK What a reasonable arrangement. ROM My latinum? QUARK (thinking it over) Three strips. ROM That's almost five thousand latinum. QUARK About ten percent of my entire fortune. ROM Five percent? QUARK (with humor) Even better. ROM There's no telling how much it will turn out to be. QUARK (determined) If we don't sell this and earn savings, I'll be ruined. ROM Someone has to keep an eye on the female. (re: the dabo girls) They're doing great. QUARK I have to admit, they're a little eccentric. ROM True. But it's a good thing they don't know me. QUARK (nodding) As it is... my brother -- Jadzia -- hasn't had much success with them. So I came to IRC with an invitation to discuss a business development with them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 59. Rom joins him at the door. QUARK To an alien zoo. Rom smiles. ROM It's good to see you, Brother. And he goes to sit down next to his brother -- but not without a pep talk. QUARK About that... ROM We need to talk. QUARK About what? ROM About your drawing. QUARK (smiling) I did. It wasn't very nice. ROM What about it? QUARK You won't be disappointed. This is the most bizarre experience I've ever known. A whirlpool of pure antipasti and logic has formed inside me. At times, I've let my guard down so far and gone so far. And now you're running around like a dozenth century hedgehog, throwing paths and rules to get to where I want to go. (thinking back) I was a young man once. My life was very adventurous. A few years back, I even went up the Grand Canyon. And then one week, while hiking through the caves, I sunk my teeth into a rock. (a beat) It was pure pleasure, nothing in the world but getting my dishonor from my fellows. But then finally, as I thought about finally giving up rock completionist and going back to Earth, I got very lonely and finally decided that I really wanted to live. I mean, I wasn't even sure that I wanted to live. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 60. ROM (Cont'd) When I finally went back to my quarters and signed that waiver I was perfectly happy here. The only reason you let me live is because I went back to Deep Space Nine to sign that waiver. And once I was joined, everything turned to shit. I never got to see the Prophets or anything of worth. They passed me along the way I was. And now I'm still paying for it. (a beat) Somehow, it seems wrong. Quark thinks it over. QUARK Why? Because I don't sign that waiver? ROM Brother, you don't have to. But it's the only thing that kept me from going to sign it. QUARK What were you doing on the Tholian station, meeting with Torias, Return to the homeworld? ROM (thinking back) Brother... long Reach to the wormhole... long Reach to the wormhole. (a beat) The Prophets were wrong. Deep Space Nine should've let me live. I had promises of merchandise, of events, nothing in the universe could have prepared me for this. But I was prepared. I was fully prepared. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 61. QUARK Not to mention, your reception, our replicator, our rocky shore... it would've been nice... very nice. ROM We all are, Brother. But you should've killed yourself years ago. Telling the tale is the last thing of any importance. QUARK You would've been more comfortable muttering about it in private. ROM Please, Brother. Continue. Quark thinks it over before answering. QUARK Starfleet arranged a safety trip for the Bene Braw where I met Seyetik. The Enterprise was to take me back to Deep Space Nine. But before they left I had a second conversation with the symbiont Tiron, who suggested that I conceal the truth from you. We discussed a business opportunity. A chance to regain your favor. ROM The Bene Braw was a cult. QUARK A cult? I did not know that was an option. ROM You were astonished. QUARK Only when I told you. ROM I cannot believe a mirror counterfeiter is using the same aliases in circulation. QUARK They must be getting some very unhappy people. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 62A. ROM Unhappy people go to my studio all the time. QUARK Most of them are just trying to make some profit by pretending they work for a living. But what they really want is to get their hands on a weapon. ROM You think they'll come up with a "must have" weapon they can sell to the Klingons? QUARK Somehow, I don't think the Klingons would be too eager to sell us anything if we come to their door number one. (a beat) What do you say we put in for a bigger piece of the action? ROM I'll buy at three hundred bars of latinum. QUARK Three hundred... Now do you see why you're making such a big deal out of nothing? But before Rom can reply, one of the Bolians, HALB DAX, steps up to the bar. QUARK I'm glad we're in agreement. Dax steps up to Halb -- she's holding a gram of metrionite. DAX Now, what did I tell you? Halb sees the gram and lifts his hand in alarm. Quark jumps right in front of him. QUARK Oh. Hi. HALB (to the Klingons) What's that? The Klingons all stare at him with confusion. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 63A. CONTINUED: (2) QUARK It's a gram of metrionite. I thought we'd already be able to integrate it into our system. HALB You're a few seconds too young. QUARK It's a very advanced age that you have here. I'll take your word for it. Halb finally smiles and looks at Quark. HALB Well? QUARK I'll bet you're not as old as you think. HALB I don't think you're usually so hurt. It's surprising how little you really feel at the sight of a woman of forty. Quark looks at her with vague irritation. He knows that Halb is getting to him. He decides to lurch out of the situation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 64. QUARK Naturally. You always seem to accuse me of... wanting to be a victim. HALB As if that's what you always think. But who are you to question my judgment? QUARK A merciless, competitive spirit is self-exculpating in this habit. You let a man have the bar and you weep and pat yourself on the back for having "figured it out." Once the purchase is accommodating... it becomes a competitive symphony in miniature. (a beat) I'm a victim of this competition. And I'm still a victim of you. HALB You're a victim of the Ferengi Commerce Authority. You're a victim of compounding risk, interest, and greed with every transaction. You make your transaction due diligence with the Majoran Government. You do business with a people you shouldn't have even seen in the first place. Then you become their accomplices. And they become your friends. QUARK (adamant) Compensate. I don't do favors for you. I do them. HALB But I'm the one who controls the ship, not you. That's your exclusive privilege. And you shriek. You whine and complain throughout the day. You're distracted at best. And you're moronic. Oh, I can be quite entertaining. Passionately. QUARK What does it matter? HALB It matters to me. Am I still in love with you? You? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 65. QUARK It's a little complicated somewhere... maybe in the future... HALB Schedule regular maintenance on the life support system. If it works, every station will be operational. QUARK That won't be necessary. I know you'll never run into a chair, nor a window. HALB You're probably right. Halb has missed the joke. QUARK Would you please just lie down so I can spend my evening being lugged around in a room. HALB Quark -- QUARK Sorry. (back to Halb) I'm in no mood for games. The important thing is to find out what the Founders want from us. HALB The Vorta do not seem to always get their way. I have reviewed all of your service record and personnel files and you haven't committed any massacres. QUARK They won't be making any plea for the Kes. The Psions are ruling the Federation and that should get everyone's attention. HALB We are a peaceful people and the Prophets are smiling. So am I. QUARK They've never spoken to me of that. HALB Who's your friend? QUARK My good Halb. HALB The voice cracking? QUARK (smiling) It's all right... you've caught my attention.  HALB VERAD, ANNER. Verad comes around the corner. He's young and eager to get started. VERAD It's a pleasure to see you again, Quark. What brings you to the station? QUARK This is my brother -- Amir. Quark's smile fades as he realizes that this is another mannequin standing along side his brother. QUARK On the other hand... (giving his brother a backhand) ... we've got a lot to talk about, too. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 67A. CONTINUED: (2) Quark brandsishes another BACKHAND. QUARK That wasn't supposed to happen. VERAD We can discuss it over dinner. That's not why we're here. Verad brandishes a FINGERMAIL and SLAMS down on the FK officer. It snaps him back gently aside. VERAD We need to talk. And off their new competition -- INT. QUARK'S A mid-meal SILVER DOLL stares over Quark's shoulder. Quark smiles obliquely at the camera, but keeps to himself. QUARK Back home immediately. Yours too. ZEK And who's playing against whom? QUARK You and me. ZEK Strange how he gets results when he's so eager to spend his hard- earned latinum. Quark shoots Zek a look. QUARK (re: the doll) I'm afraid we have to return the flesh to your comfortable chair. ZEK I wouldn't think of it. QUARK Nor would I. Quark sits down in his chair. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 70A. CONTINUED: ZEK (mocking) I can see that we have a lot to talk about. QUARK So do I. ZEK What a fitting farewell. QUARK It's about time you get back. Zek out. ZEK Acting First Clerk. Perhaps we could chat again... perhaps we could all eat dinner together... and then trade cards. QUARK That's the only thing that could be cheaper. Quark and Zek exchange looks. ROM Brother, are you thinking of tiroling the peaches? CUT TO: INT. ENINA MARTUS'S HOUSE - NIGHT Dinner is almost over. Veronica is at the open doorway, going over her PADD. A quiet moment as she studies the PADD while Mister Homn stares at her. ROM One thing I don't see on this PADD, Senator. Your family's founders were prominent backers of the arts. For the past few years, they've been giving a small percentage of their gross income to the charitable works of Shakaar. VERAD (smiling) You see, I told you. Mister Homn tilts his chin thoughtfully. MRS. HOMN (musing) "The puerile adolescent desire." Sort of a... boys' magazine. VERAD (catching on) You wrote "Falling in Love with the Duke of Edinburgh?" MRS. HOMN (thinking it over) Do I... do I have any sons? VERAD (remembering) Five. MRS. HOMN Five was the maximum. INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE SISKO, holding out a PADD, is just finishing getting down to the second. QUARK Captain, I think we have a problem. SISKO A problem? QUARK The captain's trying to keep me occupied. KASIDY Really? How's that no problem? QUARK My ancestor's wiped out every epidermal memory of Leeta and Mister Takemik. SISKO Except for your nose. QUARK My nose? SISKO Only someone named Desmond was able to survive the continental slide. QUARK Well, aren't you going to wipe that smug, superior attitude of yours and become a glacier, like your father? SISKO. I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. QUARK Jadzia once said you were a loser -- or I used to be. But I always maintained that if I hadn't lost my home, I'd still be out of this. SISKO (with a warm moment) All right, Quark. What about the bar? QUARK I'll start making the payments on my business. And you can say I'm just a greedy man. Quark moves off. MORA (O.S.) (from inside the panel) Quark! Quark turns to see MORA, his alien accomplice, ENTER the bar. MORA The payment. QUARK (diminishing the threat) Is that all? Mora presents Quark with a Bitcoin box. MORA You're in the hole, Quark. We're done with the trading. QUARK Almost got you, Dad. (to the others) Well, you're in the hole, now. So why don't you all go back to your bars and get some sleep. DUKAT (O.S.) Young man. Quark turns to see -- ANGLE ON THE DOOR OF KIRA'S QUARTERS along with DOZENS OF OTHER STARFLEET AND ALIEN SUPERNUMERARIES as they ENTER, all looking a little tense. DUKAT It's not what you think. MORA We're here to evacuate you... nothing more. ODO (to Meru) How much longer will this take? MORA (eyeing Dukat) Another fifteen minutes? KIRA (to Quark) I'll call it fifteen. QUARK (eyeing Dukat) The point is, you don't have to come. The wormhole's fine being it's the only thing keeping us together. MORA (to Dukat) As you can see, we're going to have to adjust to survive on our planet. (to Kira, pointing to the payment slips) You can stay as long as you want, but be prepared to make more. The payment slips are really hard to get. KIRA I can make them. DUKAT And while you're at it, have General Nassuc inspect the structure of our housing colonies. MORA The Changeling? You really want him there? KIRA I think he should. He'll see that we're doing a very good job. MORA We don't have to be fancy for his sight. KIRA Then give him my word that you'll stay out of our way. MORA I'll do that. Mora turns to go. MORA (to Dukat) Well? DUKAT I'm not interested in hearing your excuses.  MORA One moment. Mora points a finger at the door and Dukat hurries to escape. MORA One moment. Dukat turns and looks with contempt toward the door. DUKAT It's ten times longer than the average lifetime for a Cardassian colonist. MORA Maybe it's time for you to learn Cardassian physiology. DUKAT Actually, I was going to suggest that you take a leaf off his boot. Dukat walks away. Mora smiles. MORA (re: the computer) What have you done? KIRA It's very sophisticated. MORA I wonder what it's learned from its mother. DUKAT I don't know. She's just been incredibly lucky. A beat as Kira AND DUKAT KNOW THAT THE DEFIANT IS DAX'S NEXT STOP. DUKAT It's good to see you, Nerys. You've made quite a name for yourself. KIRA As overdue as all the rest. Dukat smiles. DUKAT So, have you cleaned this place up briefly? KIRA The first thing I need to do is check the water. It seems to be dripping down from the walls. Dukat heads for a computer panel to look for a reference file. DUKAT Computer, access Bajoran medical data to Bajoran Central Prison Information Net. COMPUTER VOICE Databases not supported. DUKAT (checking the information) Alissa? Jay Gordon? A dead end. KIRA The name's been retired. Her address? Just the wrong one. DUKAT Someone never gave her a second glance. KIRA (awkward) When I gave her my address, she tripped and ran off. I followed her and she led the police on a search KIRA & DUKAT (OPTICAL) At this point, the door to the recreation area OPENS and a Bajoran N.D. walks in, looking a little thrown to the back. DUKAT Freeze program. The N.D. freezes. KIRA Dukat? Dukat glances at her and smiles. DUKAT I know you're working for me. So are the others. It's not surprising that I'm supplying their militarized training routines. It's less complex than that... and more fun. � KIRA (realizing) You're working for Gul Dukat. DUKAT I'm sorry I have to break you to the public. But Gul Dukat has been operating aboard this station under the assumed name of Jay Gordon. It's been my understanding that he has neglected to mention that he is responsible for the deaths of over a dozen Bajoran workers. KIRA That's one death every week. The word "neglect" alone causes events to worsen. DUKAT Indeed. Something is very wrong here. Kira gets up to leave. KIRA You really ought to visit Gul Dukat. He's the only Cardassian on this station. Think what you will find when you return. This is not your world. Dukat gives her a very direct look. DUKAT There will be no visits from Rutian drones, no diplomacy with Federation planets, and no privileges or exemptions. Your presence here will be strictly off-duty. You will operate under the visitation of the military commander. And you will obey his orders. Kira's clearly not happy with this arrangement. As she EXITS... CUT TO: INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Romays (whose true name is Jaglom) is serving a Cargo Bay Full of Bajoran N.D. Lifelink Bars. All the TVs are on and the Area is festooned with Ball Cap potted plants, shrubs, odd-looking tree things, and cube and rectangular candles. There's also a small shrine to the Kahless Prophets in the b.g., where the drone images of the Prophets are displayed. The Cargo Bay is HOT as Rom reads the PADD. ROM (reading) "He says she doesn't love me. I guess I don't matter. I cantank one time and they gave me a bouy of tulaberry pie. How many of those tulaberries did I save, anyway? Oh, I can just eat all the way through the next two years! You're wasting my time, Rom. You can't expect me to come here every weekend. What you need is a Saturday night, what better Saturday night? ROM (Cont'd) The moon takes its proper course through the quadrant, the stars chart... ÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ CUT TO. A large amount of Bajoran music starts to play in the Bajoran central position (a combination of earlier Bajoran Largo and our normal Bajoran hymns). ROMA (listening) Para Su Sad. Pas Arbut. LEETA (listening; laughing) Para Su Sad. Pas Arbut. JAKE More like, more like... GRIMP And as we sit here enjoying Rokassa wine, you should be listening to some Bach & Klingon opera. NOG What else? LEETA Watching movies. NOG What other kind of movies? GRIMP All kinds of movies. You should be able to order one of those from the Promenade. ROM I'll never set eyes on the Promenade night in here. QUARK (O.S.) Brother! Rom turns to see -- ANGLE ON KAI WINN standing in the doorway. WINN It's time, Rom. ROM Me? NOG You're not with the general. You're alone. WINN I must see her. ROM I'll see her later. KAI WINN Now, general. I must say, I'm flattered you're here. But I'm afraid I need to see her now. ROM I'd appreciate that. As Rom stands, KAI WINN moves casually toward the door. KAI WINN It's time, Rom. ROM Me? Oh, that's right. I'll be fine. I'll just be here momentarily. KAI WINN Again, you are wise. As Kai Winn EXITS, ROM looks after her with discouragement. But not for the reasons he thought. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. INT. HOLOSUITE/VEGAS LOUNGE (FORMERLY SCENE 51A) Quark is laying on his back on a table amid the fire and smoke of a still smoking holosuite. His IFORA is off, and Bashir and the Female Shape-shifter are sitting nearby, both wondering what Quark's meeting with the Ferengi is like. SAM ALLSTAR Walks up to the bar and gazes at Quark. The Human walks right up to him and the WALL of LOGIC disappears between them. BASHIR Good evening, Quark. QUARK Finish it -- or I will spill a glass. Bashir looks over at Quark. BASHIR (to the Female Shape-shifter) Thank you. ZEK And God help you all. Bashir looks over at Quark. He's not quite sure how to take that. SAM ALLSTAR Takes a swig of whiskey and ZAPS IT onto his plate. BASHIR (dry) God help me... ZEK Tell me. What's wrong with you? BASHIR I'm a little man with a little woman. ZEK You're pathetic. You're always talking about her but you've never seemed interested in her. Bashir looks embarrassed. BASHIR Maybe I'm just not interested in her. ZEK That's a relief. BASHIR I couldn't stop talking about her! It's as if the whole thing is dying. (with a smile) And I'm glad to say that's no longer your concern. Now let's get to work. Ekoria has had enough of this. EKORIA All right, we're off. But don't turn around until you've had enough tongue with those Ferengi. Ekoria leads the Ferengi away. ANOTHER ANGLE as Bashir and Quark approach the table. QUARK Doctor, we need to talk. Bashir looks confused. BASHIR We are not supposed to be talking about human affairs. QUARK A short recess would clarify this. Ekoria leads Quark out of the room. Bashir looks around. BASHIR Jadzia, what are you doing here? DAX Looking for Julian. It's been a long night. She settles into her chair and picks up her own tea. BASHIR Good night. EKORIA I suppose I'm sleeping. BASHIR I believe Quark was behind the lobes. Ekoria nods to Quark, who EXITS. BASHIR (to Dax) I'm sorry we're late, but we weren't able to get clearance to allow the reprogramming of the Holosuite. DAX Good night. Ekoria EXITS. QUARK We've been talking about it. BASHIR We would be happy to push Ekoria's opening a few percent of the profits back into the program. QUARK We couldn't let her get away with it. DAX It's not too late to quit. QUARK What are you talking about? DAX You should've seen the faces they were looking at. Ekoria smiles. After all, they never get rid of Ekoria, do they? BASHIR (exasperated) Not with the program in the first place. Bashir finishes cleaning. DAX Thank you, Julian. Bashir nods, and EXITS. Just then... Ekoria's CONVERSATION UNFOLDING Ekoria's eyes widen in fear. EKORIA I can't believe what I did. I should have known that Freyla's would never... She stops herself, as if fearful she might have revealed the truth. But when she speaks again, it's with a simple, heart-felt sincerity. EKORIA I'm... so glad you can see me now. I think it's safe to leave the Institute. It takes Dax a moment to realize what she's essentially asking. DAX It must be a lot to get used to. EKORIA I suppose it is. But don't forget I'm not just any freighter captain. I'm the chairperson of the Lakota, and the Lungs of the Sundial Circle. The honor of being chosen by the Lungs as the new face of Klingon free women goes to your head. Dax shakes her head a little as she realizes what this whole ordeal is about. DAX So who is this "new face" of women all dressed like Brattain? EKORIA We're not sure yet. The study leader's name is Arjin, and the others are unnamed. DAX You picked them? EKORIA It didn't quitehin quite like the look of it either. Dax tries to make light of everything. DAX swaps genders with Julian Bashir for a minute. Ekoria smiles. EKORIA It's going to be easier for me because... I know my programming is probably programmed to -- Ekoria suddenly breaks off, suddenly very grave and quiet. EKORIA It's the important thing. I have to know who I are and what I'm capable of being. Do you know what that means? DAX (looking over at the door) Mostly. Ekoria EXITS, leaving Dax and Freyla alone for a beat. DARO You are crazy. EKORIA I can see that now. Dax looks over at the others and shrugs. DAX I suppose we could head for the Border and try to reach Brattain ourself. EKORIA We won't be able to let that happen. Brattain's in a coma. They'll never let us leave. FINN Didn't you hear? Brattain's been discharged. EKORIA I heard. FINN (getting angry) You admitted you were infected before you met me. Therefore, you cannot be an honorable Klingon warrior. EKORIA This is irrelevant. You're holding Bashir captive and we've had our differences, but the important thing is you're no longer my student. FINN I thought you were. He walks her away. Before she disappears, Ekoria sleeps on Dax for a moment. After a beat, she comes back and they make their escape. CUT TO: INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE The ship is ROCKED by several HITS. WORF (to Captain) Damage control teams to deck fourteen. SISKO (to com) Sisko to Bashir. BASHIR'S COM VOICE This is Bashir. SISKO Try to get them back to the station, Doctor. (beat) Major, ascertain their condition and then get aboard the station. � KIRA We've lost main power to the habitable surfaces. I don't know how long we can hold onto that kind of power. SISKO Do it. Kira nods and gets to her feet. SISKO Lieutenant, observe Commander Dax and the Commander. WORF The surface is in Bricallian formation. SISKO Field strength, Lieutenant? WORF サーティ(getting it) Hard to say. They are scattering reports of enemy movements. SISKO Seal off the airlocks, prepare to initiate evacuation procedures... WORF Aye, sir. BASHIR (reading his monitor) Commander, there's an incoming transmission... from the Habitat Ringing, this is Buck... A bleep in the transmission. Sisko and Worf exchange a look. They can't believe this... CUT TO: INT. OPS A scramble over systems. The Tactical station is fire- and-burn on one side of the room, and plasma on the other. There's damage on the back wall of the operations room. INCLUDE MARTOK (OPTICAL) Who is sprouting up from his dataport on the upper bulkhead. He's a Klingon warrior again, a little more barbarbaric than usual. He has a tricorder and a phaser in one hand and a beam-in device in the other. MARTOK ThumbnailImage (with humor) Worf... Did you ever think Whatever you call It's a little late for me to be doing This...jaQ! I know! Whatever you callIt's a little too loud for me to listen to you, Worf! Tell me me! At least I can hear you! What did I do to you? Martok stops in mid-stride, his mitt swishing across the Ops table. O'Brien and an N.D. Klingon are put- together and shoved aside. The bulky phaser is put away and the anti-matter container is placed alongside a power cell. The center of the room is decorated with Klingon avatars of various Klingon gods and Goddesses. FOLLOW MARTOK as he stops at the god/ goddess statues and lifts the carpet. Each one is clearly a reflection of one of the following: The Goddess of Victory. Kira. Bareil. The God of Destruction. MARTOK (without looking up) The Battle of Prexus. It's the grandest battle in all Ferengi history. Four hundred years ago, onto the banks of the Saynie River, King Charles V led an army of Roman settlers against the Persian Government. For the next fifty- two years, the Romans would pillage and plunder the lands over which they rose. (aside to himself) The Seven Blood Bands. They were the only symbols of loyalty and honor on the victorious Briton's mission. Martok crosses the room, where a still solid white BANGLIZEN GIFT sits on a table. A faint VIOLET LIGHT COMES INTO FRAME, lightly pulsing when the VIOLET LIGHT TURNES GREEN. MARTOK (continuing, nodding) It Enlightened the Land... CUT TO: INT. TY'GOKOR COMMANDER'S OFFICE - DAY AMBASSADOR KELL. He has a calm, reasonable air about him, but when he talks, it's with a straight face. And despite his new title, there's confidence in his telling. KELL I understand our allies are all at your side. As for the others... KELL (Cont'd) We've been able to gain a greater share of the profits with the Cardassians because they've been forced to dial back their expansion budgets. Kell is clearly taken by surprise by the revelation that the Maquis might've been able to get even a marginal reinforcement. KELL (consulting) The Hurricane's crew is still hunting down its former owners. Kell doesn't get the full effect of what Kell is