STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Die is Cast" #40277-272 Story by Lawrence V. Conley Teleplay by Drescher Story by Drescher Directed by Richard Waddington Copyright 1987 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT DECEMBER 17, 1987 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Die is Cast" CAST PICARD Forzallik RIKER KOSINSKI DATA FOREST BEVERLY FOREST 1GL TROI FOREST GLADE GEORDI FOREST WORF GLADE/ASTral WESLEY GLADE/ASTral LEYON O'BRIEN FARM LOBBY DARTSLAY FROM THE PIANO BEVERLY Non-Speaking CREWMEMBERS Voice-Over COMPUTER VOICE FEMALE COMIC STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Die is Cast" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM PLANET - ALDEA OBSERVATION LOUNGE SICKBAY ALDEA - WESTERN STREET INTERROGATION ROOM RESEARCH STATION CORRIDOR ALEXANA'S QUARTERS MEDICAL SHIP (STOCK, #139 SC. 40-42) SICKBAY ALDEA MEETING HALL EMPTY EMPTY SMALL CHAMBER SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Die is Cast" TEASER FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND DEPOT (OPTICAL) The Enterprise approaches a vast surplus depot of old, abandoned, and decommissioned vessels crisscrossed with the remains of twenty-fourth century commerce. The stern Portal is a dented and corroded piece of timber, half-buried in a mass of twisted metal. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 47945.1. Two Federation starships have just departed for Entesa -- and we remain at the Delta Quadrant's outer borders. But there have been a series of disturbing incidents which suggest a continuing... INTERCUT: INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE PICARD, RIKER, DATA, WORF, and GEORDI on the Bridge. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... unknown to Starfleet... an unidentified distress call. RIKER Have you located the source of the distress signal? PICARD I think so... the way I see it the government's been attacked... RIKER Deflector shields are not going to do much good. We'll have to guess what they are. GEORDI That's not good enough. We know their technology, they have shut down all their attack systems. What have you got? WORF Nothing. GEORDI That's not bad. If we could angry the Mordanites and their shields, we might be able to control them. RIKER I'll see what I can do. PICARD Good. (to Riker) Number One? RIKER We'll chip away the security field around the Orbital Storage Bay. (to Worf) Any thoughts, sir? WORF None, Commander. PICARD rils... WORF Aye, sir. PICARD (nods) Make it so. WORF and RIKER EXIT. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND WASTE VESSEL (OPTICAL) The Enterprise is entering orbit around a planet. INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) WORF and a VISOR Jacque are at their stations. RIKER ENTERS from the Turbolift. RIKER You asked to leave, Mister Worf. WORF A Klingon request must be made, sir. RIKER And apparently, your friend Tsiolkovski is also a friend of Lieutenant La Forge. I have regretted never having had the good luck to meeting him. WORF He is a friend. I am sorry he has suffered as I have. RIKER And I agree it's very disturbing that someone would intentionally expose a fellow officer like that. WORF (acknowledges) The possibility of retroactive discrimination is a bitter pill to the ebb. RIKER We're already sorting out the licensing issues -- WORF Sir, if you do not ensure her uniform is properly catered for, I will be forced to discipline you. RIKER You don't need to, Worf. Her employer has assured me that everyone on the ship is well managed. WORF I will not deter future performance reviews, sir. RIKER (with a wink to Worf) Just let me know how things turn out. Worf offers his hand. Riker extends his own. A beat. RIKER (to Jacquel) Let's see how you've performed couple of hours after the initial commencement. Jacquel declines. RIKER (continuing) You have what? Jacquel stays at his station, depressed and hurt. JACQUEL (quietly) Well... RIKER (hurt) What's your counterpart on the Holodeck? Jacquel shakes his head. JACQUEL Its replicator is out of service... at least its tools are. What would you recommend... ? RIKER Have the captain bring me that thing back here. No one will be able to tell the difference between a simulation and the real thing. JACQUEL You don't need an algorithm. Just a computer with enough memory capacity to run all the angorithms I've asked you to create. Riker's frown deepens. RIKER You mean just the computer? (no answer) Riker to Data. DATA'S COM VOICE Go ahead, Commander. RIKER Data, what's going on? protected by a smile... DATA We are running out of time, Commander. Two hours forty minutes, twenty-three seconds. Looking around at his battered bridge and his assigned replacements -- after a beat, he shakes his head. RIKER I can't believe it. Two hours and thirty-seven seconds until the announcement about the freighters -- and still no real progress on our rendezvous with Captain Picard. OMITTED INT. BRIDGE Everyone reacts to Riker's update. TASHA We almost got him, sir. Almost. MADELINE Another three minutes wait. PICARD (to Tarmin) Acknowledged. TARMIN Interesting. when the bargains were breaking every time... (shrugs) Sometimes I like to gamble that the other guy's better off -- DATA At the same time, we are better off. smugglers are disappearing around the corners of the bay. Picard watches the outnumbered crewmembers. PICARD We have a problem. GEORDI (to the captain) Our guidance system is still functioning, sir. PICARD A navigational system? GEORDI Not exactly... our ship's motor and engine control functions are on the line out of order... and I'm betting that the navigation system will fry our emitter module in less than three minutes... and send us packing off to collect our latinum... jest... RIKER (interrupting) Transporter chief! I want two away teams standing by as soon as we activate the transporter. And hold the coordinates of every person on the Enterprise. I also want a written report, by photometer, of every action in this detention center incident. TARMIN Not enough, sir. And he leaves. PICARD Data, estimate the time till star next year. DATA Inertial guidance may be possible in four days, sir. PICARD That gives us thirty-six hours and five minutes to shut down the thing... He crosses and sits in the seat formerly occupied by Worf. PICARD (continuing) ... and fix the power grid. He leans back in his chair, takes a deep breath, and then violently lashes off the reigns on the transporter stage. The other crew members are astonished. They look at Picard in stunned amazement. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is on auto-pilot. INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Data, TROI, and Worf. RIKER Cargo Bay Three? Do we know what's inside? WORF Unknown. TROI So far the Enterprise has not revealed its cargo. We can't even tell what it is. PICARD That's not good enough. What about our contents? DATA We do not understand that material, railroad or otherwise. The others turn to him. GEORDI The question is what is in that stuff? DATA We could be reading the contents of some kind of solid crystal. RIKER Then we could pick it up as a solid template... examine its molecular structure... TROI But that would require many hours. PICARD Estimate timescale? Merged in -- time to figure it out: RIKER Minutes... probably less. PICARD We could do it in a confined space. DATA The question is what to do when we arrive. Merged in -- time to figure it out: RIKER We should adjust to the moment as best we can... TROI You've been here before. RIKER Yes... when I had to reboot the engines on other runs. PICARD You have no particular reason to be here; we are simply setting up a framework for successful charm up. RIKER If I've done something of consequence I promise you'll remember. The others exchange glances. RIKER (continuing) Set a course for the center of the zone. We'll make a show of doing something about it. GEORDI What I sense is a "show" of power... DATA Would you care to compare your feelings of power with ours? Riker gets up from the table. RIKER No... of course not. He moves off. As Data and Troi watch out the door... CUT TO: INT. STARBASE - MARTA'S QUARTERS - DAY A small, cluttered room. Marta and Picard are speaking with GUL MARTA, a retired Starfleet Captain and a close friend of fifteen years. MARTA I don't know if I want to talk to you directly... about my decision. I mean, look at me... the power I have at Utopia Planitia... the power of the Enterprise... the consequences to the Alpha Quadrant... PICARD None of that matters right now? MARTA (acknowledges) I can't pretend to know what happens to you... or to me. All I know is what I feel at that moment, and I tell you to stop that feeling... right now. PICARD I would like to talk to you more about what you've been doing... I think you're asking me to interfere, when I would rather go about my business normally. MARTA I don't want to go either. PICARD But you must... there are consequences to letting feelings get in the way of your plan. MARTA What are you talking about? PICARD For me it's a definite "if", not an excuse. We both know that first contact with an Alpha Quadrant will be fraught with danger... I can't delay... MARTA It's always the "if" that says "go". PICARD (beat) No. I can't delay. I must. Marta considers for a beat. MARTA I understand. PICARD It's the "if" you've been asking for, Marta... that's why you came to me. A long beat. She looks at him. MARTA Tell me about my friend -- does he... like... hockey? PICARD He does... how? MARTA He's good at it... he plays it right back at the office. PICARD (acknowledges) You're trusting him. MARTA He's good... he plays it all the time. Picard is puzzled. PICARD Why? MARTA He's the only one. But you can't force someone to like you. It might make them uncomfortable, you know that. Picard stares at her. His mind is weighing something. PICARD I'm not certain I understand... MARTA The option exists. PICARD In some ways I wish I knew what it would be like. MARTA How long? PICARD I don't know... it will have to be some time... before I... MARTA Before I... say goodbye to my father? Picard is caught off-guard. This is not something he was expecting. PICARD You do that. MARTA I'll... contact Sigmund and tell him we need to come see him. PICARD When we get back, I'll... contact you... He turns to the door. Almost before Picard can complete his thought, there's a commotion from the reeffered room. The door is touched by the impact. Ignoring the commotion, Beverly grabs her foot and hops up to her feet. She looks back down at her two children. BEVERLY Anything? GEORDI Sorry, Doctor, but the main plasma conduit isn't conducting any plasma current. BEVERLY What happened to the children? GEORDI They must've moved off-line -- BEVERLY And into the main plasma environment. GEORDI (acknowledges) Let's find out. He goes to the panel. GEORDI I'll go to the main plasma conduit... find out what's happening to the children. He enters the console. GEORDI (continuing) I'll return to the Transporter Room and let you know if there's anything that'll do the trick. He EXITS. Beverly takes out her medical tricorder. BEVERLY Let's try a compound that will protect the children's circulation. She scans the area. She stops, puzzled again. BEVERLY What kind of circulation system wouldn't protect them? GEORDI I don't know, Doctor. Most of my major organs aren't that protective of life. BEVERLY What is the best way to protect the children? INT. TRANSSPORTER ROOM - ANGLE ON TRANSPORTER CHIEF, PICARD, RIKER, TROI (OPTICAL) Picard and Riker are near the Transporter Chief, who is setting in the final touches on a strong box-like transporter device. Riker looks impatient. RIKER This will be the last time -- Picard and Commander Riker want to test this before they go home. The Transporter Chief nods. The device is activated. It is indeed a box-like device with a locking panel at each end. There is a single device into which the transporter chiefs remove a device, slides a cover over it, and then carefully inserts the device into the box. RIKER (commandingly) What's the advantage of this transporter system? THE TRANSPORTER CHIEF Our chief wants to keep them around. Still, they're useful, and can be used together. PICARD Until we know something about their use we can't make any decisions. (MORE) PICARD (Cont'd) (beat) Will you help me? Riker slowly moves to the other side of the transporter pad and awaits an explanation. THE TRANSPORTER CHIEF I don't want to take the liberty of saying. RIKER Of course you will. It'll just take a little while. Riker's attitude is firm. Nothing changes. CUT TO: INT. ANGEL ONE EXECUTIVE OFFICE - NIGHT Tasha is with Hikar, while Data examines a slate screen with a tricorder. Erzi is studying a computer terminal. DATA Doctor Nic Nir -- Chief of Operations in the Solomon Trip Expands. KIRA How do you know that? DATA The chief has maintained for years that he is independent and not tied to any official position. KIRA (independent) How do you know that? DATA The chief has not been on the station for five years. The structure of the station is similar to his. KIRA And he's always been so independent? DATA We do not have sufficient information to make judgements relatively quickly. A long beat. KIRA You're not going to give up either. RIKER'S COM VOICE Kira to Commander Data. KIRA (to com) Go ahead, Commander. DATA Yes, Major. He hits his combadge. DATA I am about to destroy my quarters in this very room. Off Kira's reaction... INT. GUEST QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Bashir and EZRI are holding hands as they hold each other close. BASHIR You're doing wonderfully. EZRI I tried to tell you. Bashir looks at her with immense admiration. BASHIR I know just how you feel. I've gotten very used to seeing you naked. EZRI It's not the best... BASHIR Yes, it's the most intimate. Bashir leans closer. BASHIR You haven't told Ezri about my confused feelings. InstoreAndOnline EZRI (even) I don't feel any different. BASHIR (shrugging) There's a good chance we're going to have some fun. Bashir and Ezri kiss, until suddenly their functions cease and they both fall to the floor. Xenosaga ENTERS from the back room. Xenosaga You were asking for it? BASHIR Yes... Xenosaga I have good news. BASHIR We'll get Ezri into the next room. Xenosaga (anger rising) That's not very reassuring. ActionCode BASHIR I don't want to scare her. She may not want to leave the house. The two men hear a VOICE coming from the other room. JORAN'S VOICE �(o.c.) Excuse me, doctor. Bashir and Ezri look to see Joran, the host, standing outside Jadzia's quarters. JORAN Where is she? Bashir and Ezri exchange looks. BASHIR Joran's away on business. JORAN That's not news to me. EZRI (to Joran) Can't you get a hold of her Communicator? JORAN That doesn't matter, Just turn this thing around and go. BASHIR You didn't answer my question. Bashir turns back to Ezri, but Joran is clearly furious with him. JORAN (to Ezri) Do you know how much longer that will take? EZRI (surprised) You know how much longer it will take to make the transformation? JORAN Three more months? Bashir and Ezri exchange looks -- neither of them had thought about that. JORAN You don't know? EZRI (to Joran) I have to find out what's causing him to revert to the way he was. JORAN You're specific. EZRI He has to re-evaluate his approach to psychotherapy. JORAN Ah, the arts, your mental discipline... and the game. EZRI We have to give him time. It's a difficult process. JORAN It's not that difficult, it's just that time is of the essence. You could spend years attempting to adjust his approach... modification is only part of the process. BASHIR Julian, you're questioning my ability to psychologize. JORAN You have to understand -- he's transitioning. EZRI I understand that, but... he once took years to undergo the changes. To hide from the time, he must have an internal vision of what he's feeling. BASHIR (getting exasperated) You don't have to psychologize him. You just have to understand how his brain is wired. JORAN What do you mean? CONTINUED: (3) EZRI When you files a complaint, Garak usually uses his psychotic break to send one of his "issue" around the system. He tries to put us on the spot, tell us something that will set us off. BASHIR Like what? EZRI For instance... recently he went out and bought himself a bunch of new discs at a bargain price. While he was doing it, he waited while all his old discs were getting reinstated... then he thinks he figured we wouldn't be coming back for those discs, so he bought one more disk for the whole set and went back to work. JORAN (puzzled) That's... unethical... EZRI Why do you say it is? JORAN Well, he's not very bright... EZRI I wouldn't know, I've never done anything controversial. JORAN Vehemence. EZRI Yes. Joran shakes his head at the memory. JORAN That was a long time ago. As they reach the door, Ezri crosses to it and looks out at -- THE EXIT -- the door to the shuttlecraft. A couple of starship crewmen can be seen moving inside the shuttlecraft. Suddenly, the door opens and a phaser beam sweeps across the room. Ezri reacts to the sight with shock. EZRI Captain -- you're back. How'd the suit get in? Hannibal crosses the room and tries to take the phaser from Ezri. HANNAH It gets into odd places, like this one -- where would someone put a phaser? EZRI (seeing the look on his face) You're going to have to do better than that. HAMILTON If we're going to be extremely clever, we'll have to improve our long-range sensors. Hammer finishes his work and we see Ezri's face change for the first time. We see her struggle with how to react to the phaser again -- the new image is so far away it's hard to distinguish what's real and what's just a photo. HAMILTON You're messing with my memories... And with that, Hannibal EXITS. Ezri turns to look at -- HANNAH as he approaches her, still smiling. HANNAH Good evening. EZRI Morning. There's a slight hesitation before she answers. EZRI What? HANNAH You woke me. EZRI We had quite a chat about Ezri morning tea... Hold on Ezri as she crosses her parents' laps, concerned that they might be agreeing to do something that might wake her worse than they already are. CUT TO: INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Jake and Nog are standing by the window. JAKE I still don't see why you're wearing that. NOG It matters not. JAKE Does it? NOG Yes, it does. If you keep this up, you'll eventually remove those clothes off me. And then there'll be nothing in my life but rehearsing what you said. JAKE We'll see. NOG Don't hold back. You've said before, you prefer to operate under the radar. JAKE I do? NOG (nodding) Even where there's no faking, I always think there's some smart cat somewhere somewhere to feed. JAKE That's smart. NOG On the other hand... (getting nostalgic) There's the smallest gray trace on the underside of your throat. How do you think I got that gray? JAKE (patiently) I wish you'd stop looking at it. NOG I thought you said it was gray... JAKE It is gray. Yes, it is. And we used to have it. Before I got this new leg... NOG You used to have it? JAKE I don't see how I could have fallen off a cliff... NOG We fell off cliffs. JAKE We still have that leg. NOG Leg over, leg over... Nog shudders against the sarcophagus at the base of the huge model altar. His eyes shoot open. NOG (continuing) It's not real! This is a fantasy. If we can just get ourselves out of this, all right? JAKE It's not real! It's not real! It's not real! JAKE HANGS HIM DOWN. JAKE It's not real! It's not real! It's not real! JAKE REVELS HIS EYES AND REMOVES His VISOR. JAKE It's real! It's real! It's real! FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - THE VALIANT (OPTICAL) Docked at station. INT. VALIANT - BRIDGE The ship is ROCKED and explosions can be heard. WATTERS (V.O.) (touches com) We have quite a situation here, Senator. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM A security guard has just taken Rattan away. Rattan's aggravated by this. RATTAN It has nothing to do with me. Everything to do with that Federation renegade. I killed the Federation renegade. You enflamed him. WATTERS You're trying to say that you intentionally activated the explosive which killed the Regulan. That's part of the jigsaw. RATTAN There was a suicide note. If you wanted him, you should've killed him, instead of me. This is too much for Watters. He explodes. WATTERS I never meant for it to happen again! I never meant for anything to get out of hand. And I'm not about to let this get out of hand! And with that, he turns and EXITS. We hold on Watters, who surprisingly keeps his mouth shut. INT. VALIANT - SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Riker and Beverly are standing near a genetic counselor who is running a complex experiment on a glass and plastic bed. A makeshift table and cup are planted near the bed. The counselor is scanning the plastic with a microscopic device. His hand comes to rest on a nearby platter. RIKER (re: bed) What's this? The counselor looks up and sees that the bed is littered with SPIKY LIGHT BEACONS. RIKER (over his shoulder) They're probably some kind of Transferred Orb Communication Systems. BEVERLY If a Transporter was used to beam the prisoners out of the bridge, they wouldn't be out for long. RIKER It's a good thing the government tried to warn us. That way we would have a chance to warn them before they activated the Transporter. Beverly nods, she understands what they're going through. BEVERLY And you will remain unconscious for a week... ? That's the same thirty-four hours your body has been set. That's the same time you began to regain consciousness. RIKER It's a little faster than I thought, but that's just another step. BEVERLY He'll be clear to the end. Riker Died In Starbase one-seven-three. Beverly Dent & Associates, Los Angeles. Riker wakes with a start... the door is closed under the glass. No one's looking in. INT. REGULAON PRIME - TIME CUTTING Riker gets to his feet, a bit groggy. Geordi moves to assist him. GEORDI Are you all right, Commander? RIKER (sweating) It still isn't under 100 degrees Fahrenheit, okay? GEORDI It's too hot... and humid... Riker sits for a moment in the chair, tries to warm himself. RIKER Computer, increase to twenty-five degrees. Another TIME CUT. Geordi moves to assist him. GEORDI Twenty-five... twenty-five... 25... RIKER (ignoring him, to computer) Continually increase to thirty degrees. OMITTED STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/29/92 - ACT FOUR 39. INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Everyone is now at stations. DATA Sensors are being monitored continuously by a secondary computer. REX That's better... now I can see what they're doing. RIKER What are they doing? GEORDI Reading probe specifications... field ionization sensitivity... DATA Probe computer is conducting standard scan of the specified asteroid, with full scan scheduled to begin in one hour. GEORDI We're almost finished, sir. There's room for more observations. RIKER We're sure, Data. DATA Very positive, Commander. REX Now we're going to see what the probe is doing... Data moves to the aft science station and begins pressing a few panels. GEORDI I don't know, Data... it almost doesn't compute. DATA Computer suggests a probe suitable for reconnaissance. GEORDI I'll put you in touch with the probe's developer. DATA Very positive, Commander. Program involvement is complete. Data closes the science station. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT FOUR 40. RIKER Let's do it. Riker goes to the aft science station. DATA Probe availability is limited. Perhaps Commander Riker could direct you toward the developers on Starbase one-seven-nine. RIKER I see no reason to ignore the probe's data. DATA It is interesting that you cite historical documents when your own personal recollections are so unreliable. Riker rises and moves closer to Data. RIKER I'm not picking up any second timezone devices aboard the Enterprise. DATA Really? RIKER Yessir. Everywhere else on the ship is off by seconds. DATA Hours, not days. Riker smiles at Data's logic. RIKER Somehow I prefer listening to their computer say "yes, we've found it"... DATA We can hear the spatial rupture beginning to close... At this moment, the CAPTAIN comes down from the turbolift. RIKER regon... (to com) Bridge. (to Geordi) If this doesn't work, no one here is going to help you. GEORDI (to Geordi) We're pretty far down the Promulgion. Releasing the graviton drives didn't take long. RIKER We've got to do it on our own. GEORDI I'll see if I can get the Transporterup. You could use it. RIKER You're a first officer, I can't think of anyone better to be on the bridge. GEORDI You'll get no argument from me saying that. Riker nods to Picard. PICARD We're all prepared to accept the new crew. RIKER (nods) That'll be all. Riker EXITS. CUT TO: OMITTED INT. SHUTTLEBAY TWO (OPTICAL) Beverly and Geordi in the shuttle, working on equipment. BEVERLY I've uploaded the instrumentation to the main computer. GEORDI Processor contacts set. Geordi works the controls. GEORDI I'm opening up the outer shell to get control of the transmitter. When no response comes on the control panel Beverly exchanges a frustrated look. BEVERLY Try turning off the impulse engines. Geordi works for a moment. GEORDI No. There's something fine. Ship's mechanical power is just holding. BEVERLY Geordi! You drove the ship hard before you left. Geordi gives her a look. Beverly is trying to cut through a patch of dialogue as she continues to work at the computer. COMPUTER VOICE Acknowledged. GEORDI Maybe you had a choice. You can try to take us back to the nebula or let me try to wipe the computer memory. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Lethal radiation contamination has occurred. Beverly and Geordi exchange looks. GEORDI (to Beverly) Beverly, I want those organic lifeforms checked out. NURSES -- you'll have to keep them screened. Beverly gives him a look and then heads for the turbolift. INT. ENTERPRISE - READY ROOM Riker stands in front of the desk. WORF'S COM VOICE Bridge to Commander Riker. RIKER Go ahead. WORF'S COM VOICE We have detected a large subspace anomaly in the vicinity of Alpha Onias Three. Riker moves to the screen and examines the readout. OMITTED INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker moves to the Aft Science station and looks at the monitor. RIKER It's hard to say. I can't penetrate the bubble. WORF Sensors indicate there is anomalous energy in the material resonance curve of the material resonance curve at the point where the bubble is contracting. That indicates a large expanding membrane (sic) inside the bubble. RIKER That's not possible. DATA We have yet to encounter that kind of material. It would be difficult to detect the signature... RIKER Not really. Here we are. Riker looks again at the monitor. RIKER On the screen, Commander. GEORDI It's almost like we're hovering in the Holodeck... RIKER Set your course for Alpha Onias Three. Warp Factor eight. DATA The star's velocity is approaching Vigo IV, Commander. Riker sits down in the command chair... looks at the monitor again. RIKER Already? You mean the years before this? GEORDI Could be weeks... months. Not so sure now. RIKER You're right, Captain. It could be years. (to com) Riker to La Forge. Release station manual. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Mister Data, release the station manual for official administration. DATA Aye, sir. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "A Matter of Time" - REV. 9/25/91 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. INT. READY ROOM Close on PICARD, his head bandaged, his office constantly buzzing with information. He holds a PADD which he's just handed to Picard with great interest. PICARD (sotto) There is something on the starbase wireless that may serve the purpose we've been thinking about. No response. PICARD (SUMMARY) If it works, the device will put us at the origin of a large subspace disturbance. It would become the first interstellar asteroid to fall into the Ferengi suspicion. PICARD (CONT.) If that happens, Data, I want to know more about it. After a beat, Picard shuts the door, musing. PICARD It's almost as if... Space Nine began to look somewhat normal to me. It wasn't that we were suddenly "alive," as the Doctor would have it, but that we seemed, for all intents and purposes, to be... Picard's voice trails off. He seems exhausted. After a beat, he looks down at the PADD. PICARD (continuing) I should be able to retrieve some of my data from the starbase computer near here. But I can't possibly believe they will be able to preserve any of it... MJTF? GEORDI We'll see. He goes back to working at the console. PICARD Very well. Inform me when Mister La Forge arrives. GEORDI Aye, sir. GEORDI EXITS. Picard looks at the monitor. PICARD There's still one more mystery for me to resolve... He sits down heavily. CUT TO: 43AA INT. SICKBAY PB purring like a kitten and two giggling children are sitting together by the bed. TROI It is so sweet of him... PB Who? TROI Me! PB You're the one who smells like a pompositor. TROI What are you saying? PB The station may be infested with the critters, but it's the personality... the uplink that's the problem. TROI You're suggesting they're influenced... PB I don't know. It just seems incongruous. Troi considers. TROI If we could isolate the power signatures of the major systems -- PB No. Those signals wouldn't be designed to interact with each other. The theory is that the networks would simply be neutral... without intermixing characteristics. GEORDI To us the blank pages would seem to be everywhere. TROI I could scan them with a tricorder. Geordi scans the page with his VISOR. GEORDI I wouldn't get much out of it if we turn them off. RIKER'S COM VOICE Bridge to Sickbay. PICARD You'd better come right in, Number One. RIKER'S COM VOICE You'd better go inside, Commander. There's something special going on. PICARD Uncommon to all, Commander. GEORDI When I tried to access the main power grid, the computer wouldn't allow me to, uh... Geordi puts it off for a moment, considers. GEORDI I remember having to go through five thrusters to get a lock on the main power grid. RIKER'S COM VOICE Keep that in mind, Commander. Starfleet is sending a tow unit, too. GEORDI Great. we'll be able to get that unit to a starbase naturally. RIKER'S COM VOICE We'll station that unit in the science ship for now. Apgar nods. APGAR Yes, sir. Apgar MANAGE TOGETHER AND DISAPPEARS. Riker REACTS to see that Riker and his N.D. have somehow gotten to the console that will let them access the bridge. RIKER We'll get over it. Apgar moves to another console and re-routed the power couplings. It took a lot out of him. Riker watches as... THE PLATFORM (OPTICAL) Several yards away from the medical ship, a light flies out from the console. It makes a low buzzing sound. Then another. And again. It keeps flying. Kristin Crowley moves quickly to the console and presses several buttons. The medical ship SUDDENLY REAPPEARS. KRISTIN How much longer until we reach the starbase? RIKER About four hours. KRISTIN (to Apgar) You have thirty seconds to make your report. Apgar nods at her. Then he moves to another console and the ship goes to RED ALERT. Riker makes a final adjustment. The RED ALERT lights go OUT. RIKER That's enough. Riker PLUNGES his commands into the console. The ship slowly STOPS. The Red Alert lights GO OUT. RIKER That's so far. Don't you think we ought to go on the attack? KRISTIN It's just like you said. It's just another variation on a plot. What if I let Geordi and Beverly get away with it. That's what they plan on doing. BEVERLY Looks good to me. Except now we're in the middle of an operation. And yes, it's a big stage. It's more important that you understand that. KRISTIN I know, I know. It's just like you said. It's all part of the program. Except we're different. We refuse to accept the end and instead choose to live for the beginnings. (MORE) KRISTIN (Cont'd) One minute we're tiny flecks in a puddle, the next we're giant flecks in a sea of clear water. So what we do on this ship is make whatever decisions are necessary. We do it because it's the most important decision of my life. And I wouldn't trade it for anything. No matter what the political winds are shifting, I need to know that everything is going to be put to the test... BEVERLY The test? I don't see what you're getting at. KRISTIN (smiles) You're not going to like it, Julian. The program is still valid. BEVERLY dexalin -- this has been a problem that has affected the station and the future. KRISTIN You've got it wrong. It's been a problem that has affected the future. BEVERLY That's not the point. The future isn't some long-gone dream. It's here... and it's important that we make the best decision we can. That's what's been my experience... as a ship's doctor... (smiles) ... and as a starship's officer... (beat) Which brings me to you. You're already familiar with Doctor Crusher... KRISTIN If you're going to operate the Enterprise, you'll have to get along with her better. BEVERLY I'm familiar with Doctor Crusher. As a matter of fact, I'm beginning to think you are, too. Kristin quiets down. Beverly is entirely accusing herself of trusting her. Beverly's combination of enthusiasm and persistence has left Geordi now alone. GEORDI No matter what I do, Beverly forces me to choose between the interests of the ship and the safety of the crew. KRISTIN Of course. It doesn't matter what you do. The fact is, you're programmed to survive... you're bred for that survival functioning. And then you see crews all over the ship suffering from terminal illnesses or injuries... GEORDI If you're saying that commanding yourself is a survival function is very different than being in the nursery... KRISTIN Not at all. The reality is, there are hundreds of thousands of strong families... living in communities where you never had a home... you're a fragment of the future of humankind. And you deserve better. Beverly rolls her eyes at the bit of bluster, but rather than give up, Beverly goes back to her task... sees something and picks up the PADD again... a thoughtful beat... GEORDI Kristin... My name... name! But Beverly doesn't recognize it... BEVERLY How did you know my name? KRISTIN At birth. My parents found out when I was named after my grandfather who died fighting for our people. He insisted we use the boy's name... believing it would make the fierceest warrior in the tribe more enduring. Kristin was so brave. (MORE) KRISTIN (Cont'd) My mother got up and left when I was born, knowing my father would never be able to stand against me. She went back to New Orleans every week for food and warmth... and brought my sister and me with her... (beat) Within a few months, she had a home beating the hell out of me. She looks down now at her daughter... KRISTIN Being born a Boy Scout made Kristin some people thought I was a Gypsy. BEVERLY In the beginning, it was. The facts of life weren't nearly as important to her as they are to you... She looks at Beverly now... BEVERLY You're the one who insisted she apply to the Academy... when she declined... KRISTIN I didn't know I'd been rejected until I got home... BEVERLY You wanted her to apply... because you didn't know any of the details... KRISTIN (beat) I had a best friend there, a colleague... he took my application number and turned it into a mold. He made me the poster boy... He looks at Beverly, her face all innocent and puzzled... KRISTIN But nobody could've been happier than I was... except my mother. She believed I'd turn to her for help... and everything worked out in the end... Beverly holds his eyes for a moment, then leans forward and puts her arm around his waist. BEVERLY Did you tell her? KRISTIN (never heard of her) Do you think she knew? Beverly stares at him. BEVERLY Do you? Kristin nods weakly. KRISTIN She believed I'd turned to her for help, and everything worked out for the best. Beverly stares at him. BEVERLY You were the hero... KRISTIN She was there, Doctor... she listened... something happened to her... I was the one who controlled it... it was Com... BEVERLY Com? KRISTIN I knew he could do it... he knows how to manipulate the universe... He shakes his head toying with her now. KRISTIN He told me he was different... that he can bring something to life... BEVERLY Something to live for? KRISTIN (shrugs) He's got good reason to live... No good reason. Kristin looks at Beverly, barely willing to listen; she steps back. KRISTIN (continuing) Any questions...?" BEVERLY Not from where? Kristin shrugs, no questions asked. KRISTIN (continuing) Good question. BEVERLY Not from where? (quick drill) Any evidence... any idea what you can do to prove he doesn't have the disorder? Kristin gives her a look, then reluctantly picks up the PADD. KRISTIN Perhaps you could have some explanation... doctor? Kristin takes the PADD, briefly reads it. KRISTIN The information on the Federation News Service... at latitudes... portrayed the situation well... (MORE) KRISTIN (Cont'd) (beat) It gave them a way to gauge global storm activity... thereby helping the recovery efforts underway back home. Beverly grins wryly. BEVERLY I'll look into it... ridor outside... KRISTIN You know, Doctor -- it's funny... when people give up, they often feel too guilty to keep trying. (beat) But if you keep searching... eventually the guilty will feel the justice system is too complicated to support their convictions. BEVERLY Just remember, Inspector -- proceed with caution when disciplining people for crimes they've committed. Kristin nods, wishing her good night. OFF Beverly's expression... INT. URGENY ROOM The school room is now closed. Stefania and Krite watch from outside. Beverly is kneeling next to Yranac, saying goodbye to him. BEVERLY Commander Riker... Yranac smiles weakly in memory of the man he used to be. RIKER I know. They hug... RIKER I've stopped short of calling you "father," Princess... It's just that... I respect your position here. WORF'S COM VOICE Commander to the bridge. RIKER Go ahead, Lieutenant. WORF'S COM VOICE We've achieved orbit around Risa and they're getting in to our system now, sir. RIKER Yranac... I want you to maintain the present course for another hours... and reconfigure the phasers to longer range settings... Yranac is not happy with this. YRANAC Your orders are no different from those of a starship captain. RIKER You're an inspector, Yranac. Your job is to ensure the safety of every officer and crew on the bridge. That's not to say you're required to bequeath all senior officers with your specialized ties... YRANAC Not at all. It just seems something of a tradition. RIKER Granted. But you still must prove your worth to the high command. YRANAC Once I have, I will surely prove it. It's in your hands, Commander. Yranac STARTS OFF, the temptation to flatter him... . INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Riker, Data, Troi, GEORDI, Worf, and Anara. TROI Your mission was a success, Commander. RIKER Let's be fond of our downed passengers. RIKER Disappear? DATA Requirement two hours for subspace interface. GEORDI That will leave them in a very weak position. WORF If they survive the crash... they'll find themselves helpless if they misdirect the Enterprise into a false course. RIKER They'll be unable to adjust to the new course unless they also remake the engines on the new rotation... and they can't do that. DATA Commander, maneuvering the ship will take fifteen minutes. It would be senseless to attempt it now. RIKER I'm not going to leave them there, Geordi. Not after I've spent two hours briefing you on the dangers of proceeding without your operation. A beat. WORF We will be in orbit around Risa within two hours. RIKER I have already spread the word. Entry into the Neutral Zone is going to slow our progress. We're slowing down. PICARD We aren't going anywhere... Not until we've finished what we can do on the surface... (to others) That'll be their cue, Mister La Forge. GEORDI Aye, sir. RIKER Curzon always said being able to cope with the opposition was one thing... TROI He was right. And as a man who has been war weary all his life... I am very fond of proving we can win this thing... A beat. Then K'mpec's voice K'MPEC It is a great honor to know that my successor will inherit a Empire which has earned the respect of the entire Federation. He gives a brief nod in satisfaction and then his voice softens again and we see more of the man we've always seen... a determined, steel-hard man cool in a Starfleet workroom way. K'MPEC (continuing) � You are, of course, surprisingly non-threatening. True, some might say you are ancient and frightening, but fear is in the eye of the Anjula. What is my purpose? What is the purpose of this vessel? WORF I, for one, would rather not afford the child to come this far. K'MPEC It is perfectly all right. You are a peaceful race, friendly and obedient. It is our nature. RIKER Our nature. You've deliberately posed a test of our allegiance. K'MPEC When this sphere is joined with the Federation, we will be an aligned race. To do that, we will have to detach ourselves from the Federation, and after we have done so, we will remove all alien influences from your planet. It will be an entirely own initiative, if you will... PICARD (interrupting) That is an excellent idea. We'll indefinitely monitor your welfare before making any final decision. K'mpec rises and removes his licerephoss. K'MPEC Excellent. K'mpec nods and SMASHES the table with his bare hands. Two of the Cairn look surprised and K'mpec isn't concerned. K'MPEC (continuing) A moment! The Cairn are going to react, but K'mpec barely musters a glare for a second and then he EXITS. Picard looks to Worf. WORF The power grid is back to normal. We can re-establish. PICARD Very well. It's been three hours now. If we can convince Kurak to join us, we can return to the surface. WORF Captain. There is another territory we must visit; there is a peaceful city nearby. PICARD We can send ships to investigate. WORF No. There is no place left for us to go. PICARD It's not that hopeless. There might be something which can lead to your home. WORF Perhaps. He rises and moves toward the shore. PICARD What you must do, at least for now... Worf sits beside him. STAR TREK: "The Wounded" - REV. 10/29/90 - ACT THREE 31. WORF Find a way to remove the anomaly from the sensor range. PICARD What do you suggest? WORF We should supplement the radiation with high energy electrons. If we scatter that enough electron particles from the anomaly, it may be enough to trigger a massive release of energy which will displace the anomaly. PICARD Keep moving. I have to find the brightness. Picard HITS the rock face with his fist. The noise IMAGES will increase in amplitude and in pitch. Picard pushes his knuckles against the rock and smashes his face to the rock. The SHAKING quickly increases. PICARD embedreportprint(continuing) Worf! Worf! Worf and Picard frantically dash to the side. WORF Sir! There is a ledge along the coast. It will protect us. Picard runs to the ledge, peers below. PICARD Just below? WORF (reading tricorder) Truly incredible. Below, we can see Riker, Data and Beverly below slowly working on a small panel in the rock face. PICARD Beverly! Beverly hurries over. BEVERLY Yes, Jean-Luc. It's all right. Beverly turns to Riker. BEVERLY (cont'd) It's no secret that the sun only makes one eclipse each year. But this year, the violence has increased. And analysts are confident the solar flare will destroy an entire continent. Commendable progress. PICARD (dimly) Well done, Doctor. WORF (reading tricorder) Sir, the energy levels are increasing steadily. OMITTED INT. CORRIDOR Picard and Worf exit the turbolift. The CAMERA MOVES DOWN to the flooded mouth of the turbolift, where some of the cars are stuck, people huddled together, scared. Picard SPRAYS the air. PICARD We're trapped. CAMERA ANGLE REVEALS the stranded cars, fire and smoke. The cars are upside down. STAR TREK: "Violations" - REV. 10/28/91 - ACT THREE 34. PICARD Help me! Worf climbs out of the turbolift. WORF The captain's attempts at communication are ineffective. Worf STEPS OUT of the lift. PICARD Worf! Worf rushes across the bridge and DIRECTS the crew toward the door. PICARD (continuing) The transporter is out. WORF I am standing by. PICARD The crew is in, but they must be prepared for extreme humiliation. INT. CORRIDOR As before. Worf leads the crew OUT. WORF If we remain, we will be killed. PICARD I will take that responsibility. WORF I will accompany you to the starbase. There are more people living on Gallitep than those who served in that battle. PICARD Then I will require fewer. WORF Captain, I would appreciate it if you will allow me to assign a crew to accompany me. PICARD That's impossible. WORF Not this time, Captain. You will not allow. Picard stares at him. PICARD And who will protect you? WORF You still blame me for the security breaches on the transfer ship. PICARD No. I blame you, and you will believe it. Worf LEAVES. Picard stares after him. PICARD (continuing) And when the moment comes, I will provide you with the dagger. WORF A noble method of protecting oneself, Captain. PICARD No. If there is to be a race war, you will use that poison. Not merely... WORF Sir... you may not believe it... PICARD I believe it. If you remove the hostage safely, without prejudging the other, then the entire contingency plan will be saved. WORF I am not certain of the Viziral Commander's skill at bluffing his way through a crisis, Captain. But, if he is capable of such an effectiveness, then our plan will be able to cope. Picard considers that, finally nods. PICARD Very well. WORF Captain... PICARD ... I know that my efforts here have been for the best. WORF It is my shame to hear that. Perhaps you would rather die than rescue a woman from that man. PICARD I cannot justify my survival any more than you can, Worf. WORF It is not just me. There are thousands more who would gladly join you at the door. They would allow you to die if that's what matters. PICARD We're not going to stand by and watch die happen all over again. WORF (with irony) Eyes... facing the forward poison... PICARD (interrupting) You know what I should do... WORF What? I should jump. PICARD You know how old you are. WORF I would never jump into a typo game again. PICARD I definitely don't recommend it. Beat. WORF No... I do not need a reason. PICARD Or do you really want to know? WORF Perhaps it is something you do not appreciate. PICARD Impossible. There are no others with such charm as you. No, you are looking like a man who was pretty hapless. WORF After... the disaster... I am more than a little depressed. PICARD At what other time? WORF My career could be at an end. It does not have to happen again. PICARD Worf, this is very serious... WORF Yes. PICARD If you are ready, there is no cause for panic. It is not a random or heavenly thing, Worf. WORF I am not convinced that is so. PICARD (beat) It's certainly nice of you to acknowledge me with such a... WORF (interrupting) Seriously? How long have I been "kept" in the dark about Martok's involvement with the Espionage Case? PICARD I know that you must be extremely foolish to think that I would protect a man like that. WORF Perhaps you should focus your attention on what is important. He indicates the map. WORF The Klingon Empire controls most of the Cardassian colonies within the DMZ. Those which are still Cardassian are heavily guarded. Thus, it is imperative that introductory fighting stations be sabotaged. PICARD I see. Very well. (to Data) I suggest we begin this later, Commander. He motions to the others to EXIT. They leave alone. Worf turns to Data. WORF If Martok is willing to agree to a cease-fire, I am more than willing to end this. DATA He may not agree to that, Lieutenant. If he does, the situation will still be unacceptable. WORF That will not matter. I will still fight. On Data's reaction... EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Back in orbit. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's personal log, supplemental. It is with heavy heart that I have reluctantly agreed to allow the Klingon Empire to destroy all Federation outposts in the Demilitarized Zone. That action alone, coupled with our continued investment in space navigation and weapons systems, will ensure that Cardassia athwarts any attempt to capture the file. It is regrettable that after such a difficult and life-saving effort, the Empire has yet to see any profit in its efforts. (MORE) PICARD (Cont'd) However, Starfleet feels it can make a positive impact on the Bajoran resistance... and I have advised to prepare a shipment of land mines. It may be a long time before the Federation will accept our goods. Data reacts -- this is pretty grim-faced. DATA We will be monitoring your progress. Picard considers him for a moment, mouths a question. Data doesn't answer right away -- he's too absorbed in the monitor. Picard tries to keep it light, somewhat forced. PICARD What? DATA You asked... if I knew... (breaks off, jaw hard) ... what I should do. PICARD What do you mean? DATA I believe what you are saying is that I am... not strong enough to defeat that Klingon. PICARD You're still not convinced it's the correct choice? DATA No. You may believe that other people have reason to mistrust you, but that is not justification for behaving selfishly. PICARD Interesting. Very interesting. I have learned to make choices. Picard smiles modestly, hits his combadge. PICARD (into com) Picard to Lieutenant Yar. Send a message to the Federation commander -- have him meet me in the Ready Room. TASHA'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. PICARD (to Data) Data, you have the conn. You and I will go to the surface. Data and Picard EXIT. Proceed down the ramp to: INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard sits in front of his desk, as Data sits down next to him. DATA Sir, when we arrive, I will go to the surface amidships and demand to know why the Enterprise has been denied a command. PICARD (glances at console) You have no proof of that, Data. DATA Yes, sir. The message to the Federation was faked. The word "prompt" was replaced by a symbol which stands for "message handler." PICARD Load all data banks, display message handlers. Data hits a combination few times, then displays a large complex ASCII art file. Picard bends down and looks at the file. PICARD It looks like a search request from someone posing as Commander Riker. DATA The request was made during the last mission, sir. PICARD Everyone who has been assigned to the Enterprise calls this request. Picard examines the screen for a beat. PICARD This file could be for the Enterprise itself. Data presses a few buttons. DATA Computer, run file on file number one. After a beat, the screen goes blank. DATA No such file exists. PICARD What could lead to a file creation on this computer... Data considers. DATA Unknown. The authorization codes are identical. There is no precedent for it. PICARD I'm aware of the incident you described, Data. DATA Yes, sir. Picard regards Data for a moment. PICARD We have completed five hours since the beginning of your manner. I would like to know -- DATA --That is alright. Thank you. Picard nods. PICARD Simply execute the instructions in the file, Data. DATA Completed. Data executes the instructions. For the first time, we see the open and shut off Holodeck effect as the character inside replaces its real life form. PICARD Computer, access Transporter ID trace of Ambassador Spock. nomine spikes the computer, and: ANGLE ON REPLICATOR (OPTICAL) The replicator effect continues as the hologram of Ambassador Spock breaks free of the replicate and moves away from its mooring. As it does, the REPLICATOR EXPLODES. INT. CORRIDOR - MOVING WITH PICARD Picard reacts. PICARD That's Spock! Mark Offlatter and Ethan Calk in the corridor. MARK I told you we have to stop the reproduction of the 1895 story. ETHAN (dry) I know your reputation, Captain. But I haven't heard anything about a new Hawkins novel. CALLOWAY (smiles) It's not that. Nobody's read the Hawkins story. PICARD Unauthorized? That depends on who is doing the unauthorized work. MARK Ah. Then who would it be... if he weren't an original. (indicating the caller) Actually, I would say this is the most recent one. HA'-THOR (V.O.) Unauthorized? That depends on who is doing the unauthorized work. PICARD Who? entrepreneuspended VOICE (O.S.) Keller Isard! Mark turns to the voice. It's tha STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 41. INT. READY ROOM Picard is working with the replica ( 裏皀 47 ) of the ship's Engineering's standing desk. The replica has the clear plastic case on top of the desk, surrounded by dozens of silver torches. PICARD (O.S.) oreAnd(imperious) Keller Isard. As you can see, we are having some difficulty communicating with you. KIRA (O.S.) (cordial) I can see we have a lot of work to do. The room suddenly goes silent. INT. QUARK'S as a Ferengi waiter walks by your table, causing Pel to look up from her work. PEL (sotto) You're not holding back, are you? QUARK (O.S.) (fixed) There's no need to guess, it's my guess. PEL Sorry. NEW ANGLE as QUARK comes down the stairs and approaches your table. QUARK (sotto) Pel -- this is a surprise. PEL Scheme? QUARK Could be. Quark looks over his shoulder at his customers and then approaches your table. QUARK Pel -- here's something I want to want. PEL I thought you didn't want to talk to anyone. QUARK You're right, I wanted to, but M'Pella and his cronies are all talking about it and you know it. PEL I know. But now that he's agreed to listen to us... QUARK �(sotto) It really gives you a chance to handle him. Pel doesn't need to raise the profile of this guy one step higher. PEL (sotto) Quark -- this is business. QUARK What do you mean? PEL I mean treat him like a decent person and then arrange for his fiance. QUARK I do? PEL (wry) You think you can get him to sign that contract? Quark shakes his head. QUARK I don't know. It's up to him. PEL Why don't you? QUARK Because I can't afford to be bribed. PEL (flip) That's right. You're the one who needs to shop around. QUARK Increasing your merchandise through fronting hotels only increases your expenses. PEL If you don't want to deal with Quark, you don't need to deal with him. You need someone to keep an eye on the Cardassians. QUARK (looks at Pel) I think I can count on you. PEL (to the others) Quark -- there are certain objections I'd like you to discuss. QUARK Oh? PEL For instance, do you think dropping these weapons on Arkaria will stop the violence? QUARK Rom says it's not going to make any difference. PEL Do you honestly believe one Cardassian can't find a duel worthy opponent without a good d Duelist? KRIT That's a very emotional question, Pel. PEL No. KRIT Since when did you become so emotional? QUARK Well, now you are. But only long enough to say that Arkaria has a rich and ancient history. It's history we're talking about, not mythology. ELIZABETH And what about the Breen? KRIT The Breen came after the Cardassians, not the other way around. history is 2,500 years of war since the end of the last Federation. Since the assembly of the Federation in 198 91 453. That's two generations. QUARK Why should they be any different from the Breen? The same old same old story. The lone wolf defends his fold... the mother of his children is garbage... he's too old... he's too ringsharry... so he cries... his wife throws him a lifeline... and he never looks back. That's the life of the band. ELIZABETH We had two wonderful years together -- the height of the decade as it was -- with complete confidence that things would change slowly. QUARK You still don't have the data. ELIZABETH I've got it. The only difference is that one hundred years from this day, a completely new era of peace would dawn -- a new world of peace. Fifteen years is a long time. Perhaps it's because you got older. QUARK Oh, no. That's why I'm here. The peaceful world of yours would be just as exciting -- Eli stops dead -- finally, he speaks up -- ELI But... would it give anyone any pleasure to die? Quark and the others look at him, and we see that Eli's answer has a simple heart. ELI I've thought about that a lot lately... about losing you, Brother... And with that, he turns and EXITS. Quark watches him go with a knowing smile. QUARK Finish it here... before I go. And with that, he heads for the door. ELI (O.S.) Quark! By the time I'm through there, you'll wish you'd never listened. Quark turns and reacts to a figure in the shadows. NEW ANGLE - INCLUDE THE ROOM We see it's Joran, standing in the open panel that leads to the juncture chamber. JORAN There's a juncture chamber frozen solid. This was resulting from the activation of a force-field. QUARK Force-field... JORAN You couldn't have activated it at the proper time. The activation occurred when one of the articled restraints was removed. Quark realizes the implications of what he's heard. QUARK The isolinear chips hold the patterns for the genetic salvage unit. Anything that was affected could trigger the programming mechanism. JORAN If the chip's been "crippled" -- QUARK You don't understand. JORAN (nodding) If Chief O'Brien's torturing you, it won't be easy to get your hands on the genetic material. QUARK I understand that, but -- JORAN What I need to know is how much your brother affects you. QUARK I'm a very busy man. Right now it's more important that I keep myself in order. (a beat) So let's see, we have to eliminate your brother... JORAN I can't do that. QUARK Why not? JORAN (wryly) Because he's a changeling. That's elbow joint you're shaking. QUARK Because I'm infected with a virus that weakens every kind of life-form it comes in contact with. JORAN It should be obvious by now that you don't have a "voice" and whatever good will you think you have doesn't always translate well. QUARK I'll never convince anyone to give up their vices. JORAN I'm not trying to convince you to give up anything. QUARK That includes your vices? JORAN We're not exactly sure what you mean. QUARK I'll give you a little something to think about. Joran smiles, then releasing some of the tension, EXITS. We HOLD ON Quark for a beat. NEW ANGLE as Maihar'du appears, and walks up to Quark. MAIHAR'DU That was unpleasant. QUARK Now remember, everyone, I'm you and I'm you. The matter is signed. Maihar'du EXITS. Quark has been thinking about something... and he's not about to let Brunt handle the situation. He goes to Rom and opens the door before going to Brunt. QUARK And you are Odo. Rom nods. ROM (to Brunt) I managed to get all the way up here. BRUNT You're lying again, Quark. Did you enjoy that? ROM Odo? I don't have to tell you about it. I knew Winn would never make it this far... so I helped her get off the station. BRUNT Why are you lying? Is there something wrong with you? ROM Is there something wrong with me? Am I making enough progress before you know? BRUNT There is a new F.C.A. regulation saying that anyone attempting to circumvent the court system must be given special procedures. QUARK I believe we're getting close to something. BRUNT The F.C.A.'s considering an Amended Rule of Acquisition to prohibit any Ferengi from investing in any business favored by the government. ROM What happens to this Ferengi then? BRUNT What do you want? ROM Brunt, I did nothing. It's Gowron's doing this. Gowron, Thopok and the other Ferengi pass by Quark and Maihar'du, still looking at Brunt with surprise. QUARK What I want is for you to return control of my company to me. BRUNT That's a very... generous assignment. I'm impressed. QUARK It's from the late, great Nagus. Brunt looks at the PADD with a slightly disturbed expression. BRUNT (dismissive) Ferengi don't business. QUARK I could've picked a better assignment. BRUNT So could I. Brunt approaches Quark and Maihar'du. BRUNT Nice to see you both are doing well. Perhaps one day you will return my harem. QUARK What? BRUNT The three ear Mangers. I've had them for five years. QUARK Fif years? BRUNT They were very valuable components in your war efforts. QUARK (shocked) War? Where? BRUNT �(explain) When the Ferengi Alliance scanned the Enterprise, they found a disruptor embedded in one of our warp coils. That weapon was never meant for combat -- it was a low-level homing device. QUARK "Homing device" -- how can that explain? BRUNT It's a Ferengi tradition. QUARK externalToEVA(in awe) The Exchange is always open... BRUNT (trying to put it simply) The Ferengi are open for business. Brunt reins in the situation, trying to push Quark harder into action. QUARK Brunt -- the ship isn't opening -- it's been shut down. BRUNT That's not much of a reason. QUARK Yes, it is. And we have no business doing business with the Ferengi until we know exactly what it is. Brunt seems to think Quark over -- then his eyes narrow. BRUNT Maybe it's a ruse. QUARK No. This isn't a ruse. (a beat) It's a plan. A plan that... (hard) Doesn't work. Brunt stands. BRUNT See. (a beat) We've been trying to open a new merchandising avenue with Vash for years. She's always had an eye for the apparel and I've always had an eye for replicators. But nothing ever appeared. QUARK That's what I thought. BRUNT What now? Quark shrugs. He's not sure. BRUNT (a thoughtful beat) Vash. For a moment, Quark and Brunt both believe it's true... then the realization dawns on them and they look to Vash. VASH Brunt. He's lying. BRUNT You're right. I never thought Brunt would turn on me like that. QUARK It's not true... VASH It's not true at all. QUARK I can assure you both you've done nothing wrong. BRUNT Rom is going to have all the coins he's got sitting around. That helps, don't you think? QUARK They'll get them eventually... and then they'll be yours for the taking. VASH That's right. BRUNT They'll give you the money you want, Quark. And you'll get on with your scheme. QUARK What do I have to do to get them back? BRUNT Give it to them. Quark thinks about this for a moment. QUARK (scared) You're not going to get them back are you? VASH One lucky buck not. QUARK That's lucky... Vash raises her glass... and out of the blue... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 21. NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Quark reels, then stumble to his feet, being covered by a sheet. QUARK (appalled) Vash... ? Why are you doing this? She raises her glass in a toast. VASH To Quark. May you live long and thin life. QUARK You know me? VASH I know you're an idiot, that's why I like you. QUARK Eeeek? VASH The corners of your mouth move slightly. QUARK You have nothing to fear from me. VASH No, I more than you. QUARK Good, because I'm not fooling anyone. Vash raises her glass... QUARK You're taking very sloppy dishes. VASH (a touch condescending) I like your swill, Quark. QUARK A vow. VASH A vow? I never said I was. QUARK No, you didn't. You're a Ferengi, I'm a Ferengi, both of you. The bar is open. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 22. VASH I'll see you later. Vash EXITS. Quark is mortified. QUARK (calling after her) Natima? She doesn't answer. There's no beat, then Quark reacts to something he sees on the cloth. INSERT whilst still holding onto Vash, he takes a swig from his flask. QUARK �那 iced raktajino. BACK TO SCENE Quark shakes off the cloth. QUARK (calling after her) Natima? He reaches over and takes the bowl off the tray. QUARK (still holding onto Vash) And I'm waiting for the rest of you. Quark begins eating the remaining portion of vash. INT. SCIENCE LAB (OPTICAL) The bowls have been magically reconfigured so that the cutting implements are now pointed directly at the scientists. Vash cleans a studyoshot with a little water. QUARK (still holding onto Vash) And I'm going to see what the computer says. Currently there's not much to see here. It says this installation includes a x-ray diffraction reaction chamber. VASH Doesn't sound very promising. QUARK I see it differently. These are freshly born life forms. They don't know anything about death, and yet... they experience it. VASH (touching his rib cage) So do I. It's too young of us to even understand that sort of life. QUARK How long before we're ready? VASH I don't know... It'll be dependent on how my husband's doing. QUARK Khos'Antak is a good man. He's kept the great Nagus going for years. VASH (brave smile) You never know. Quark's sense of humor is invigorating. QUARK So how's Lumba? VASH The great Nagus has had a very tough time. QUARK Really? That's very flattering. VASH It's helping. Quark smiles, now seeing he has her back. QUARK I help -- no one comes between us. And it's easy for us to see why: QUARK (beat) I must say, you're getting polite. VASH Did you see the look on their faces as they held those hargoes? I'm not complaining. QUARK You're sure of that? VASH About as much as I'd like to get my hands on the squad. And with that, she turns and EXITS. We hold on Quark's troubled features for a beat, then.... CUT TO: INT. QUARK'S A short time later. Rom, Leeta and Quark are sitting at one of the tables. Rom is happily conducting a long conversation with the Nagus. ROM ... and Leeta is as perceptive as she was "appreciative." (beat) Father, what I sensed in that Ferengi was more than just competitive. He's anxious about the Nagus, very anxious. Quark looks up from one of the stele to see if Rom is kidding. QUARK What did you mean? ROM I sensed nothing out of the ordinary. QUARK You're telling me that the Nagus has no one to confide in? ROM That's right. LEETA Maybe he's not confiding in anyone. QUARK What do you mean? LEETA I don't know who he is... but I'm hoping it's not the Nagus. ROM Who? LEETA Who am I to judge? Quark tries to put his feelings in perspective. QUARK You... are Nagus. ROM You're a Ferengi, Brother. QUARK That's right. ROM And you're doing everything I say to do to be that way. QUARK What I mean is... you're good. You're the best. Leeta gives him a appraising look. LEETA You're a good manager. QUARK What I mean is... (putting it all together) ... I'm the best. ANGLE ON THE DOOR to see Quark, Rom and Maihar'du ENTER. ROM Brother should I kill him? LEETA No, he doesn't know about killing. He's just a Nagus. QUARK But he's the best singer. ROM I can be that too. LEETA Now let's go find the Nagus. Leeta leads them to the door. They EXIT TO... INT. QUARK'S BAR Quark ushers Rom, Leeta and Maihar'du through the bar and the two Ferengi take up position in front of the bar. The Nagus is decked out and on top of his head, but he still looks like a headless baby. QUARK You're right, he is a little worried about that head. LEETA It's not as though he were headless. Rather the reverse -- where he is now, he is on his own -- with a torso of his choosing. QUARK Well, then that makes one disappointed... ROM I thought Nagus Brunt was a fierce protector. LEETA (dismissive) I don't know who could protect Nagus; the Nagus doesn't protect anyone. QUARK Are you insulting me? ROM Not at all, Brother. Quark's words hit their mark. Maihar'du gives him a open and surprising look. Quark tries to explain. QUARK (continuing) Nagus is not just Nagus -- he's The Nagus. Only powerful and rich, with a mind of gold. LEETA (to Rom) That's not true... QUARK But whatever his flaws are, they're nothing compared to his. He's like a King in the eyes of his subjects. (to Leeta) You could say he's their saviour. LEETA (kissing him) I'll see you when you get back. Leeta EXITS. Rom is troubled by something. ROM Brother... I don't think I'm ready for this to end... QUARK It doesn't have to end if you don't put the pieces together. ROM I do. I suppose when the F.C.A. saw what we'd accomplished with the tapestries on the bar, they might stop looking into my ears. LEETA You've been trying to expose us for three months. ROM I have, but I'm not sure how to get the tapestries back on line. If I could somehow regain their prominence I thought they'd jump on the bandwagon of latinum-picking. QUARK They're looking for something... brighter. More glamorous. ROM More humble. LEETA (kissing Rom's neck) More family. QUARK (to Leeta) And more family. ROM (to Leeta) And more family. LEETA More family... more family... And as Rom's words bubble to the top... NEW ANGLE Quark leans back in his chair, frowning as the holosuite fails to materialize. ROM Brunt -- the F.C.A. has been here any minute! Rom rushes to the door and tries to jump through the security to get out. QUARK Rom, where do you think you're going? ROM (thinking it) Oh... here... He turns and looks at the still image of the Ferengi who's laughing menacingly at Brunt. QUARK (continuing) That's not you. ROM Riska! QUARK What about Riska? ROM Did you get her a table? QUARK Rom, she's staying here. ROM And I still don't like you. QUARK Riska! That's enough! Rom and Leeta rush Quark. LEETA We can't let him do that! QUARK Riska! Rom and Leeta squeeze past Quark and toward the door. ROM I'll be right back. Rom and Leeta EXIT. Quark goes over and searches around the room, but nothing of substance comes out of his mouth. LEETA You're just depressed. QUARK What could be farther? He goes to a shelf and picks up a crude carving of a tongue-snapping snake. QUARK (continuing, excitable) Look at this. Leeta and Rom EXIT into the room. Quark goes back to his perusal. He picks up a tiny figurine of a Bajoran snake and cradles it in his hands. QUARK It's not exactly in my size range. He places it on his desk. QUARK Isn't it amazing how much property there is in the universe apart? He turns away from the desk, deciding to examine the vase. ROM Not really... QUARK What are you talking about? Rom opens a small drawer, and Shows him a single peach. QUARK (continuing, re: the peach) So. This is your spring vegetable? ROM (nods) My father used to make it. It's always been a part of my home. QUARK No one on the station knows anything about food except you. Are you an expert on Ferengi food? ROM Not really. I'm new to the computer. Quark frowns. He has no love for the F.C.A. QUARK Rom, put that in the inventory and pay me when you're done. ROM What? QUARK Ten bars of latinum. Or one bar. ROM (confused) I don't know... it's in the inventory... what's wrong with it? Quark places the pebble in the inventory and then slides it into his pajama bottoms. QUARK (continuing) My brother gave it to me... without the toppling clothes. You should see it... Quark activates the wall com panel. QUARK (continuing) -- face it, you're hideous. Rom smacks the pajama bottoms together. ROM You're lying... QUARK Whoever said beards were ugly needed a good meal... the toppling clothes are for breaking out when the shoulder needs to be patted. ROM (with disgust) I've seen customers come in here... shake their heads... (to Leeta) You should know... Nog suddenly appears at their side. NOG I'm hungry. ROM We've got to get our starving hands around here. LEETA That doesn't make any sense to you. ROM It doesn't make any sense to me. Friends... family... LEETA (interrupting) Quark -- we're on your rock. We're solid enough to survive on. QUARK What rock? When did you say we're "solid enough?" Rom looks around at us impassively. ROM We're still in the Cajoran system... NOG (to Leeta) Who said we were solid? LEETA He didn't. He said we were good enough to be here. ROM What are you saying? LEETA That we're stubborn and stubborn people. That we don't give up when we're knocked down. QUARK This system's been taken over by Klaw. The First Order's ordered him to take the station back to Klaw. So now he's the Predator -- the man who brought nation to the brink of war. ROM Because we're weak and defenseless we decided to take the risk and go on the offensive. What do you think will happen to us when the defense of the Alpha Quadrant succeeds? Will you be removed from the station? LEETA Klaw will be back... and he won't be slowing down. The rest of us will go back to our homeworld... where we'll die together. QUARK Morn'll be right behind us... ROM Okay, okay. He won't be loyal to anyone. LEETA Remember that when you tell your customers at home that all Starfleet officers are hereby voted out of the Empire. ROM Now that's a surprise. LEETA Now that's a surprise. And as Rom's supporters go wild with rejoicing -- INT. PROMENADE CLOSE ON Quark, head held high, proudly displaying a stunning looking rack of latinum slips of latinum that have been auctioned. QUARK A total of thirty-six hundred latinum -- or forty-two deltas -- for the entire lot. ADJUST to REVEAL ODO, standing alongside Quark. ODO After close inspection of this bid, I must say that the Ferengi are accurately portraying this item. QUARK The latinum it's about a third lump. ODO You're picking up on another winner at another auction. QUARK Almost as if our help tipped the balance in their favor. ODO It almost seems that way. QUARK (with a satisfied smile) Almost. Odo gives a satisfied nod to Leeta, then turns back to Quark. ODO Morn is waiting for my signal. Send a message to the Ferengi breach merchants. Twenty-six bulky kilograms of "royal" pajake is waiting to be sold. It can only be opened once every ten days. QUARK I'll get it. Twenty-six bulky kilograms... right now. Who wants to start a sale? But Odo brushed past Quark. ODO I'm busy.  QUARK (calling after him) That way! ODO remounts the stool. QUARK (calling after him) By the way, this is a male pride. ODO (with an edge) I'll take that to the landing pad. QUARK (calling after him) That's two! Quark pins Odo on the bar -- if he were, it would be petty, but he's not. QUARK (anxious) Will somebody please tell me what this is all about? ODO Why do you keep interfering with my life? QUARK (feigning surprise) Oh. It's just-- ODO No. It's more of an annoyance. QUARK Oh. Well, I hate it when you do that. Quark shoves his fingers into Odo's shirt, pressing him hard. QUARK (feigning annoyance) Odo, I'm sorry if you're upset or if you feel like you're interfering in my life. ODO I'm not interfering in your life. (forcing himself to redo) I'm trying to help you realize that you can be just and happy without me... without me wrecking things for you? Quark looks at the rocks desperately, trying to resist Odo's attempts to make things better. QUARK What I want to do is get my feet back... my feet that they were always on the ground. Odo sets down the PADD. His chest thumps -- Quark's lying down doesn't help. QUARK Odo, I'm begging you. Bring me back my mare. Odo looks from one to the other. ODO Worf's orders. QUARK What makes you think I have to go? ODO That's what makes me think you have to go. QUARK But I don't have to go -- I know someone who does. Suddenly, Odo sees something from the back of the bed -- NEW ANGLE to REVEAL a man dressed in military garb. ODO Quark! Quark doesn't hear him and he runs into the room. CLOSE ON ODO as he climbs up the ladder to the roof. ODO Great! Bring it down! Quark knows he can't do it... QUARK I can't! It's too late -- The roof suddenly drops off entirely and we are forced to play the following without music: CUT TO: INT. WARDROOM - MORN - DAY Quark has fallen asleep on the table. He looks up at Odo, who is dressing the bar's new logo. ODO Morn. And as if in answer, Quark falls asleep, too. Odo looks down at a PADD. CLOSE ON THE PADD which shows a photo of Lily, the Hypoint, and Quark. It's a family reunion between the Zek and Leeta. LEETA (to Quark) You look terrible together. QUARK Just a little makeup and a little mouthguard? ODO What I see when I look at you is a pretty ugly pair. QUARK What I see is a lot of suffering on both sides. ODO If Bajor wants to survive, it needs an understanding of its past. It needs to step back and look at its own problems. QUARK I can do that. I have a trade with the Ferengi and I'm offering to make their lives easier. LEETA Then you're in the clear. QUARK Leeta -- you're in the clear, too. Now either go back to sleep or go to your room and lie down. ODO For what it's worth, Quark is desperate. He knows you're a disgruntled ex-lover, but he thinks he's the only one who can help. QUARK He's right. He won't help me. ODO What you need is a little help, Quark. Some sympathy. QUARK Odo, I'm a victim here. I'm interrogating you. And you're the one who's a coward. You're hurting your pocket. ODO ATA-- QUARK Oh. Sorry. Wrong again. I'm getting support from a very dearth[1] ODO But you're the one who's interrogating me... QUARK What do I have to be a changeling to get them off my furniture? ODO I know your criminal record. You've been linked to several mass shootings. It must be extremely distressing to be locked away in a place like that. QUARK Well, actually, at least it's served me well. The two cases indicated that you were here a few days before the murders occurred... ODO Doctor Bashir and the others were archaic -- your particular brand of Klingon skepticism might be acceptable. QUARK It is what you would have me do. ODO What if you were to ask Ezri to look in on you... ? You might find her willing. Quark turns on Odo, neck-deep in pain. QUARK What do you say... ? Odo resumes interrogating the tailor. ODO If there's news about the Enterprise, I can make it apace to answer it. My inmate has been cleared for release. QUARK It's a relief. I didn't think she'd ever be allowed out of that cell. ODO Before she was brought in, she requested a walk-in. QUARK (re: head) What a moronic little thing you are. Quark begins examining Odo's head, which is clearly wrinkled with small alien incisions. ODO Perhaps you could be nicer. QUARK I'm sorry. I didn't mean to throat it. ODO It's just that... some of your mates might have a little more trouble controlling their temper. QUARK Of course. Quark holds up a hand to stop the bleeding. QUARK Now remember, if any of those people happen to roll up their sleeves and start raining down on our feral little planet again, do you think they'd permit you to rest and break your fast? ODO They might. I don't know. It's going to rain. Odo holds his hand out as if to wipe his own clean clothing... and yet another wave of pain shoots from his palm... but before he can wash off the blood, the bleeding stops and he is fully awake. ODO It was just a nap. QUARK iatrics... I don't need an electro-gyro-scan. Quark EXITS to the Promenade. ODO I don't know what I did to you. He goes to the door and leaves it open. After a beat, Odo hears an off screen "CHIMES" (phrase with an appeal to Quark's sensei). He goes to answer it. INCLUDE QUARK sitting rather stiffly at the bar. QUARK (to Odo) If you're finished with me, let me know. And he EXITS. A beat. ODO (to Quark) All right, forget it. He heads for the door. QUARK Odo, if you've got something to say to me, say it. ODO (dry) If you think I don't know what you're up to, then you'll have to let me speak for myself. QUARK Let you speak for yourself? ODO I ran a level one diagnostic on the security camera footage you sent me. QUARK (watching Odo's expression) You never answered my question. ODO I didn't think you could. Quark looks at the camera. QUARK You're wasting your time. Simple security footage is enough to identify exactly who does what. ODO (picking up where Quark left off) You're the petty thief? QUARK Sort of. Odo stretches to show Quark his lap. ODO Why don't you arrest him and get him off the station. QUARK Never. (a beat) Maybe I'll go talk to the Shakaar about this whole thing. ODO That won't be necessary. QUARK But you can't do that, can you? Odo looks at Quark. ODO Actually, I don't think I have any business being here. I'm a peace negotiator. QUARK And that means I'm always on the side of the downtrodden. (as if this explanation is self-explanatory) Now, what would you suggest? Quark looks at the floor. QUARK Oh. Well, probably nothing. (off Odo's look) But give up some of your worthless treaty with the F.C.A. ODO I can't think of anything I'd rather do. Besides, you wouldn't want to be late for your treaty with the F.C.A. QUARK That's so easy. ODO No, it isn't. QUARK Oh. Well, maybe I do. ODO Whatever. If you need something, let me know. Quark gives up and Odo smiles. ODO Just a moment. He reaches under the bar and takes out a PADD. ODO I assume you know the station stall rules. QUARK Almost everything. But especially the Holosuites. ODO The Holosuites? Well, take it to the Harmony Franchises. Quark smiles. He's on the hunt. QUARK You know, Odo, I lose every time I play tennis. ODO You're looking for a game? QUARK And I'm afraid it's not going to be easy. Although I do have an eye for the game. ODO You'll learn to do better. QUARK Buyable. Quark sits down. QUARK (re: PADD) Let me see... (looks at it) Planetary survey report for Meridian city. Quark begins drawing. INT. INFIRMARY Bashir is working on a PADD. An N.D. Kira sits nearby. BASHIR I've been working on another report... KIRA Really? BASHIR More than just the missing year. There's another part of the report that's still a mystery to me. ��O'Brien says his wife doesn't exhibit any abnormalities... KIRA So she wasn't pregnant. BASHIR It just so happens that she was joined for four months. (makes a decision) Odo backs up his theory with an explanation which proves that the procedure didn't work. KIRA Four months? Why would Odo's wife be so ill? BASHIR Odo can't explain that either. There's a very good chance she's been concussed, but she's run back to him and says it happened during transport. KIRA So Tumak was behind all this? BASHIR I don't know. You can't prove nothing by looking at its forebear. Kira considers that, leans back in her chair. KIRA The only hopeful thing here is that she'll regain full consciousness in a few days. BASHIR There is one other thing... KIRA Doesn't his mother seem to be experiencing any ill effects? BASHIR It depends on your point of view. My colleague Doctor Mora has been putting her DNA into a file for forward processing. It will most likely take a couple of days. KIRA Just a couple of days? There's no way the F.C.A. is going to let him keep his job. BASHIR I'm not sure it will. They're ordering him to file bankrupt disagreements with the Accounting Board. KIRA What are they going to do? BASHIR Robert's only two choices: file for bankruptcy, or serve as the living proof. KIRA (sarcastic) You sound like a Layla Clark. BASHIR I didn't know she was so forgiving. KIRA And you're a Tom Baker. BASHIR That's right -- as far as I'm concerned, that means she's no longer my Layla Clark. KIRA Forget it, Julian. I did it myself. BASHIR Yeah, you did. KIRA How do we know? BASHIR We're the only people on the station who know the system's clock is constantly running through a wormhole. There's a report coming in from the Ferengi who say it's stable... but whatever caused the fissure to concentrate, it didn't do it by ignoring the computer's orders. KIRA What do we do? BASHIR We run an adaptive graviton well to isolate the particle well. Unfortunately, that means we can't go back to the computer, and the only way to check the time it's occurring is to repeat the operation over and over again. KIRA We slow the passage of time. BASHIR Exactly. If I time it correctly, I'll blow past the Bajoran demise, and into the wormhole. KIRA What about TIME defying voyages? BASHIR You want to go back? KIRA Just kidding, Julian. I blew past the Bajoran demise and into the wormhole. I couldn't get us back, and I certainly can't start from where you left off. BASHIR And if I get stranded on the other side of the anomaly? KIRA I can be an Arbazan cousin to you. Bashir reaches out tentatively. BASHIR (as a matter of fact) That's wonderful, Nerys. Now what? KIRA I have a few ideas... BASHIR I'm glad you're all along. KIRA (brightly) I hope I'm ahead of you. (a beat) There's something I want to discuss with you all shortly. BASHIR Me? KIRA It's about Doctor Bashir. BASHIR My name is Bashir. I'm the doctor. KIRA I took the liberty of contacting Starfleet Medical and asked if I could have a [...] consult with Doctor Bashir. BASHIR He's out of District Security. That's understandable. We gave him a heads up that something was wrong in the Waiver then he came to stand with me. I promised him that no one would know he was missing until his arrival. KIRA Why would you lie about something like that? BASHIR Who wouldn't? I don't see how you could have known he was missing. KIRA You didn't lie about the number two? Bashir nods. KIRA What were you doing there? BASHIR Actually... I was inspecting the case. KIRA Taking apart pieces -- no sense in that. But you had your reasons, didn't you? Bashir opens his case to reveal the glittering cube. BASHIR Actually, I was exploring the possibility of retrieving the crystal. For a time I was hoping to break the crystal into pieces and bring them back to you. Eventually, I did. All of you see my hopes rested on your misunderstanding. KIRA What was your point in intervening? BASHIR I thought that if I could answer some questions, you might be able to convince me that the survivors are not yet dying. KIRA You mean, you think the survivors are not coming back? BASHIR That's my best guess. And I'm not sure how reliable your information is... there have been at least seven confirmed lives lost to the Fenrir. Bashir shakes his head. He shakes his head at the possibility. BASHIR Retrieving the data could take several days. There are security concerns. KIRA I can't wait until I know exactly what happened to the others. BASHIR There are concerns, but if we survive the search, we'll need a somewhere to look for them. (beat) Someplace to hide. And as Bashir thinks this over... INT. HOLDING CELL (OPTICAL) CLOSE ON Admiral Ross, seated in his cell, his neck bracelet around his mid-section exposed. ROSS My thoughts exactly. Something strange is going on here... something I don't fully understand. ADJUST to REVEAL Sisko in front of him. SISKO Not so fast, Admiral. What is it that... ? ROSS That's between me and Ben. SISKO Now you're starting to sound like your husband. ROSS My husband? I'm not sure what you mean. SISKO You're convinced he's lying? ROSS (nods) I'm not convinced of that... but he has an interesting way of demonstrating that. He glances at Ben. What do you think? BEN I'm sensing more than a little petty bickering... but mostly, the two of you just need to focus on the task at hand. SISKO That's not much of a mandate, Admiral. ROSS I wasn't exactly expecting a call from you. BEN OK, well then someone else should have called me. Or me. Or the science channel. You know how much I value my privacy. SISKO So do I. ROSS Good. Because what's this place for? A pretty girl and her hands are tied... BEN But I can show you. Charles can't resist the ambition and gleam in his eyes. ROSS And if I'm not holding you back, you can break in a new man. (to Ben) And who better than a young, handsome captain to do the job. SISKO You want me to give you a major in command of a newbase? ROSS You're just so determined, Ben. BEN I am captain now. There's nothing more I can do. SISKO We're talking about you. BEN What about Commander Worf? ROSS The two of you were almost identical. It was you -- not you. BEN You're starting to see what's wrong with me. Charles won't get Roussell out of the cell. He spits back at her. ROSS Charles, you know all about me. I formed the base after the Cardassians left the planet. That was the last time we saw each other. BEN That was two hundred years ago. Now I don't know what you can possibly understand by that logic. SISKO That logic would lead you to expect threats from me. BEN You scare me, Mister. How can I be afraid of you? SISKO You're as frightened of me as I am of you. We've been together for five years. I don't want the job. You don't want the promotion. BEN It's not about what I want -- it's about what you want. SISKO I'm sorry, Admiral, but the only choice here is between us. And I refuse to let this matter faint on. ROSS After you give McNary the news yourself, he'll get rid of all of us. BEN And who's going to replace him? ROSS The same old Ben -- only a few more senior officers will be assigned to this station and then it'll be time for us to clean up the mess Geordi made. BEN When do we leave? OMITTED INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE HOLODECK as the door opens and Worf and TWO SECURITY GUARDS ENTER the ship. WORF Once we have the new engine ready, we can leave immediately. The three business-like officers wave Worf past. INT. ENTERPRISE - HOLODECK/SPACE STATION Geordi, who has been adjusting some equipment on the Holodeck, turns to Riker. GEORDI (quietly) Sir, we've been experiencing residual thrusts since the power transfer. RIKER I can't get a reading... GEORDI No problem. I'll adjust the environments in the Holodeck to neutralize the effects. Riker nods. RIKER Okay. Geordi moves to the console. GEORDI I've transferred fusion reactors four through Nine-One-Four. The impulse engines should be back on line shortly. INT. ENTERPRISE - TROI'S QUARTERS Troi is getting a headache. INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE As before. RIKER Mister La Forge? GEORDI Everything's ready to go, sir. DATA Engine reactors at full conversion. MCKNIGHT Activating directional wave guides. GEORDI Energizing reactor bays. DRUM Energizing reactor two. MCKNIGHT Energizing reactor three. GEORDI Energizing reactor four. DRUM Energizing reactor five. MCKNIGHT Energizing reactor six. DRUM Energizing reactor seven. MCKNIGHT Point of origin confirmed. PICARD Same reading... twelve seconds off their last bearing. WORF One ship has entered our system and moved out of sight. PICARD Open a channel. WORF Channel is open. INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Approaching the planet is a ship which is very long , a long- haired and athletic man, an ALIEN CREWMEMBER in an alien uniform. He is very concerned. O'BRIEN (to Crewmember) Identify yourself. CREWMEMBER I'm not yourself. I am the Syndicate. I'm a forgery. The Syndicate... O'BRIEN Who are you? The Crewmember looks blankly at O'Brien. O'Brien gets up and hurries to the Turbolift. The other crewmember is staring blankly at the wall in front of him. O'Brien hurries to the Turbolift doors. OMITTED INT. TURBOLIFT O'Brien is panicking. O'BRIEN No... no... no... hurt him... we... we... The doors open to reveal Troi. She ENTERS the Turbolift. The other crewmember is nowhere to be seen. O'BRIEN (to Troi) Counselor? No response. O'Brien looks at Troi, then to the concussion player. O'BRIEN (to computer) Computer -- activate remote transport program. COMPUTER VOICE Program activated. Please enter the coordinates to final circuit sequence. O'Brien watches as the Turbolift doors slam shut. O'Brien and Troi EXIT to the Turbolift. INT. CORRIDOR O'Brien and Troi move quickly down the corridor, toward portholes. O'Brien bends down to check the convertible part number. O'BRIEN Judging this unit isn't going to be any easier. TROI It's not! It's just a good system for practicing on. O'BRIEN It's great! Okay, let's see what the others are doing. (indicates) Lal, what are they doing out of the^Riker^Home.* TROI Commander Riker's^^Up. LAL What about him? O'BRIEN He's busy elsewhere. Trying to adjust his program to meet the needs of a civilian family. TROI It makes total sense. Most of their members are observant. They'll never be interested in becoming involved with a non-Starfleet family. O'BRIEN Okay, they'll never be interested, except perhaps for Captain Riker's unique brand of date-rape. � TROI Exactly! And since humans place so much importance on the non-presentation of energy... LAL Non-presentation of energy? O'BRIEN There's more where that came from. The non-presentation of energy has a nice ring to it. LAL (realizing) That's why they have fair skinned Humans... And as they EXIT... OMITTED INT. HABITAT CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Riker and Data moving quickly as they hear voices ahead. WINN (O.S.) Cutting it close. We don't hear what the voice is saying, but Riker and Data back away from the voice to see if the Nordones are coming. The voice again says "They're coming"... and "they're getting soon", again ignoring the voice. They round a corner and come to the entrance to the hating area. But the right one isn't there... so they split off again. pads out, trying to look alert. But the guards aren't too down to give them the slightest trouble. INT. HOLDING AREA The four "civilians" (think Floyd Dent but with no red eyes) are on their "feet" with a plan of armed rebellion. WOMAN I can't let this ... This is a democratic conspiracy! GARAK More like a multi-racial hate mongry. VADOSIA You'd be hard pressed to find a more perfect example of what not to do when you get involved in a Federation arrangement. KEOGH What you are doing now is war, Duras. And that's no way to live. HANEEK What you are doing now is making Makar a slave. And that's no walk of honor. VADOSIA Ever since the Klothos Four massacre seventy years ago, Klingon loyalty has been dead. But the sacrifices of the past have been made good with the coming of the Romulan Empire. KEOGH The coming of the Romulan Empire is the last thing on your mind, Ambassador. Now that the Duras family is no longer in power, what is the use of this ship? HANEEK We have sailed until we've got a little something to show for our trouble. KEOGH We are still watchful. It is only a matter of time before the Enterprise itself begins to move against us. HANEEK Screen off. The screen GOES OFF. VADOSIA It's funny... it's not easy to put someone in the role of Worf without some initial incompetence. DATA I will attempt to make an neutral evaluation. Data moves to the seat on the bar where the Bajoran waiters are setting the proper table. DATA Nitrome(to Krishnam) I appreciate your help, Data EXITS. Riker looks down at the other man, but he's still on his own. VADOSIA If there's a first-name for Ramas, it's Vanesa. Looks like he's the sponsor. He shakes his head. The other man picks up the PADD. TAXCO Not that one. VADOSIA (reading) Vanesa, Analysis of Narcos Habak. TAXCO You arrested the captain? VADOSIA He's a very smart man. (looks at the PADD) For a price. INT. READY ROOM Picard is standing with Nadia and Cal Hudson. PICARD I can't comment on that yet. Look... is there something in this for you? NADIA Sir? PICARD I think the sponsor here has betrayed you. (MORE) PICARD (Cont'd) When he made this speech, he said exactly the same thing. � NADIA What he said also means exactly nothing to you. PICARD That's beside the point. As chief engineer, I can't use a code of honor and decency. NADIA Why? PICARD To be honest, I'd rather not have to think that over in front of our crew. Nadia thinks for a moment, then glances around at her. NADIA Wait... you're thinking about this over... TAXCO (chuckling) Well, it's not every day people get to wear a hat. Especially in an'Maire time. Tasia smiles and they exchange a long, delicious smile. NADIA (beat) What do you think? PICARD All right. It's not the most evocative song in the corpus, but it's the one that has the clincher. NADIA (smiling) I think Lal's getting ahead. TAXCO Bernardo? NADIA The Chin'toka Power Generation Orders. They've been watching you for a long time. You're not suddenly being paranoid." PICARD Not at all. I am being very careful. I only want to buy time to point out what's wrong with my -- NADIA Why's the Romulan still in black? That Chorus of yours doesn't even sing! TAXCO That's because you put too much attention to technique. But everyone has something to contribute. (beat) A Romulan operative with a good degrees of brain activity can still be a Romulan operative even if his whole system is sabotaged. NADIA I'm Sabotaging the mission. TAXCO For what? NADIA I don't know what it's doing to B'jtar. I just thought everyone should know he's bunched up his recommendations. B'IJTAR Everyone? TAXCO Everyone except B'jtar. KIRA Why would Odo risk his life to bunt? ODO He's a Starfleet officer. B'jtar has a lot of First Officers trusting him. At the moment, he's the most important officer in Cardassian territory. KIRA That's funny... Just because Odo's a Starfleet officer... TAXCO Not anymore. (smiles) I'm putting my life in the hands of the new Cardassian President, Jaro. I want to make a good impression. SISKO You'll get your chance. ODO You know in which direction you're headed. TAXCO In the direction of making a better future for Cardassia. B'IJIK And in the process... of making Cardassians fear each other. A moment as this sinks in. TAXCO You know what else is great stuff... the Cardassian bullet and the napkin and the dabo girl are just a few examples... VEDEK WINN Everything you have, you give Back to us. ODO (surprised) The Cardassian army? TAXCO We are willing to use whatever resources we can get. The question is... can you get us a few Starfleet uniforms? My wife and I can't live on Starfleet pay, our crops fail and we have lots of debts... B'IJIK (a beat) We are not Dreadnough. We are Ferengi. And while the Bajorans are proud to be Bajorans, we wouldn't be doing anything to undermine the honor of the Cardassians. KIRA (not to be kept from her task) The task is ours. TAXCO The honor of the Ferengi colonies is something we pride in. Don't you agree? There's no way to sugarcoat this, Kira. KIRA Do you really want to steal a gram of Delta Quadrant worm powder? ODO We were looking at a request for a limited space in a Starfleet mess hall. KIRA (alarmed) The Bajorans aren't just fighting the Cardassians -- they're fighting ourselves. ODO You're saying the war's now begun. KIRA Even before we invaded you. It was only a few months ago that we were still struggling to balance the power of the Federation against the threat of the Dominion. ODO Now that we've achieved that balance, we need to find some way to end the war. (making his choice) We can do that by embracing peace. KIRA And what do you think it means? This is a moment that's taken Kira away from her concern for her people, a moment that leaves them suspicious of the future. ODO I don't know. World War Three had to be the answer. All that has changed since then is you. KIRA You don't know? Because you've already made your choice. (a beat) Earth is the only place where Cardassians can peacefully exist on Earth. If you destroy that place, what happens to the rest of us? ODO It affects us still, yes. KIRA It doesn't change what you did. What happened to Dukat is still happening to you. And it's going to happen to everyone. Dukat is the only one who can turn those people against the Dominion. You are the one who has to convince them. ODO Believe me, I have no desire to convince you. But Dukat and the others... they are convinced that there is something to prevent the Dominion from coming through the wormhole. They believe that the wormhole will destroy us. KIRA I don't know. If you go through the wormhole, then the wormhole will be forever damaged. ODO I don't think Daniel Jackson is a worthy candidate for a fast response, Major. Kira considers for a beat. KIRA He did have a good point. (a beat) But you lost your shoe. ODO Not necessarily. There are other candidates for first responder. You might consider Bibiana Mott and the fellow from Dahkur Province. Or just you and me. KIRA (a beat) I appreciate the offer but... I don't know what to do. The Dominion will honor the Commander who shows the greatest loyalty to us. CLOSE ON ODO as his expression tightens. KIRA (O.S.) Odo? Hold on Odo for a beat, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END