STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Brothers" #40274-183 Story by Michael Halperin Teleplay by D. C. Fontana Directed by Cliff Bole Copyright 1987 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT JULY 30, 1987 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Brothers" CAST PICARD DOCTOR ALYSSA OGAWA RIKER SCIENTIST GOVAL DATA DOCTOR JEFFRIES SOONG BEVERLY Non-Speaking TROI NURSE JANEWAY GEORDI WORKMAN WORF TECHNICIAN WESLEY YOUNG BOY O'BRIEN TEACHER SAID GARLAND COMPUTER VOICE HILLIARD WELD Non-Speaking N.D. SECURITY PERSONNEL SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Brothers" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE READY ROOM SOONG'S PLANET OBSERVATION LOUNGE SOONG'S VILLAGE TURBOLIFT MAIN ENGINEERING TRANSPORTER ROOM SCIENCE STATION TEN-FORWARD ULLIAN GUEST QUARTERS SCIENCE STATION PHASER BLAST CORRIDOR HALLWAY DINING ROOM VAGRA'S ALLIANCE HILLIARD'S OFFICE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Brothers" TEASER FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE IN ORBIT (OPTICAL) The great ship orbits a blue-green planet softly cloaked in a swirl of cloud cover. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 42486.3. We are in orbit around the Beta Cassius planet Beta Cassius Four, awaiting our first meeting with a member of the Federation delegation. INT. LABORATORY Close on PICARD as he opens his eyes and sits up. PICARD Computer, what time is zero four zero? COMPUTER VOICE The time is fourteen fifty-seven hours twenty-three. PICARD Not very long. Fifty-seven hours... not much time to get acquainted. He + RIKER look at each other. Something complicated here. Picard tries to look at Riker... but it wouldn't work. PICARD One moment, Commander. We're still in orbit. Are there any lifeforms here? RIKER No, sir. PICARD (to computer) Computer what is the closest star to Beta Cassius IV? COMPUTER VOICE Star Beta Cassius IV. Picard looks at the monitor. PICARD (continuing) Select. COMPUTER VOICE Bajor System, Bajoran space. Picard looks at the screen. PICARD E.T.A. Picard turns and looks out the window. INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Riker and Worf climb a ladder to the catwalk. INT. BRIDGE Worf climbs up to the command center. srf exchanges a concerned look with commander. INT. CATWALK Catwalk is empty. Riker ENTERS from the aft section. He crosses to the command center, looks around it, then sinks into a chair. AFTER A FEW MINUTES (OR SO FAR) VERYONE SEEMS TO COME FROM THE END OF THE TUBE FURTHER UP TO THE TURBOLIFT COMING BACK TO THE EARTH. INT. COURTROOM The courtroom is set up like a mock trial. The