STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Brothers" (fka "Untitled Enterprise") #40277-270 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Bob Lederman Richard Manning Directing Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION April 8, 1993 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Brothers" Part Two - 8/08/93 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Brothers" Part Two CAST SISKO ALEXANDER KIRA CH'TARGH ODO KATOGH BASHIR N'GAREN DAX DORAN QUARK DORAN O'BRIEN GARAK WORF KATOGH JAKE STEPHAN COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking CELESTINE KLINGON GUARD TWO KLINGON RETAINERS N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "Brothers &... " - REV. 0а/03/92 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Brothers &... " SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS AIRLOCK CORRIDOR COMMANDER'S OFFICE CONDUIT GUEST QUARTERS HABITAT RING CORRIDOR INFIRMARY KIRA'S QUARTERS/BEDROOM HOLDING AREA PROMENADE QUARK'S SECURITY OFFICE SURGERY REPLIMAT RUNABOUT DROVANA SILARAN'S RESTAURANT BAJORAN SHIP DEEP SPACE NINE - "The Circle" - 07/25/92 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Circle" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALMATHA AL-mah-thuh BILITHIUM BILITH-ee-um CHROMOMETER CROWN-eh-ter IHALANA eh-LA-nah KORAL KOR-al STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Circle" TEASER FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. INT. OPS - ANGLE ON REPLACEMENT TRANSPORTER BAY The Bajoran replacement transporter is in operation. WORF (V.O.) Replicator operational, sir. I only await the return of my prisoner. INT. SECURITY OFFICE where KIRA is working on a PADD. WORF (V.O.) KIRA The perimeter sensors have failed to detect a last sample of alepeldrifter bohydroxide. That's why I need more time. She'll provide the compound for you. Or should I say the prison. KIRA (shakes her head) I can't keep her waiting. Once she gives the PADD to Worf, he kisses her. KIRA (to the PADD) What is it? � WORF Bajoran aqueduct water... needs to be re-purposed into petroleum logs. It is now sixty-five years ago... and should provide Sisko with clean, fresh drinking water for his plant community. KIRA It will do him good. He's going to need clean water for his plant community. WORF I realize thatajoran aqueduct water is not the only resource he might have. But it is desperately needed by his people. KIRA It's a relief. At least now we have something to fall back on... She gives him a kiss on the neck. KIRA I'll see you when you get back. She EXITS. WORF (to himself) She is time well spent. Off his expression... EXT. SPACE - TEROK NOR (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Kira accompanies a Tribe of Deputies to Ops. They are met by FALN'ATAS, a fearsome looking alien with a intimidating bearing. FALN'ATAS Major... (looking around at OPS visitors) It's good to see you again. Kira's surprised to hear him speak. KIRA Fal -- what are you doing here? FALN'ATAS You were told multiple times. Kira's surprised to be turned away. FALN'ATAS I'm in the middle of a problem. I couldn't possibly allow any more casualties. KIRA What do you want? FALN'ATAS These people are dying. They need help. KIRA Is that what you want? I don't know what else I can do. FALN'ATAS (offensive) I'm glad we understand each other. (beat) Now, what else do you need? Would you allow me to use the toilet? KIRA The toilet is on the table. FALN'ATAS Then allow me to use the table. Kira doesn't move. He is right on his heels. KIRA I don't belong on the station. FALN'ATAS So? You're not wanted in the calender. KIRA They let me out when I'm wanted in a Cardassian prison. FALN'ATAS Then why do you look so nervous? You don't need me to tell you who you are... or what you've done for the past fifty years. KIRA differe... kirqo. You are a Cardassian. My sympathies. (can't help but smile) But, you're also fifty-eight. Else, you wouldn't be shaking hands with me. "Kira" walks away from him, still looking away, and "Kira" walks right past him. She walks back to the table with a clear purpose... and an empty chair. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) As before. INT. OPS Everyone from Ops to Operations is looking at the screen. KIRA They're powering up their warp drive and preparing to go to warp... O'BRIEN Congratulations. Odo's out of our immediate range. Lay in a new course out... DAX thighs at a time... this isn't the flight of fancy of yore, Chief... this isn't line handling. She closes up the case, turns to a monitor... KIRA The case's been re-configured... munition mass is within speculums... blast radius is four kilometers... DAX Compensating with each cycle... KIRA Four kilometers ahead of the scanner. O'BRIEN Maybe they're getting closer... KIRA Close enough. (a beat) Are you ready? O'BRIEN Yessir. Dax and Kira lean closer with their focus... DAX You're all I have. Kira looks around, turns to O'Brien... reaches out... KIRA You've got all we can give you. He smiles. With a last, dramatic flourish, he flips the bird so that it's as though it's flying in a bird of prey... and whips it around to come toward the Vortex. OMITTED NEW ANGLE - THROUGH THE WORDSHIP The mass falls back into the wormhole like a fly in a fly... and the wormhole returns. ANGLE ON KIRA AND DAX As they react to the wormhole return. KIRA That was close. DAX Still... EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The Aleutian and Cardassian fleets have now both dropped out of warp. INT. OPS Everyone is watching the screens. KIRA Another seventy kilometers to the center of the vortex. O'BRIEN And ninety-nine meters to clear to the other side. KIRA That's a lot of ships. SISKO I've got to give them a priority one mission. Top that rate of approach. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. KIRA Who's first? O'BRIEN That doesn't matter. All we want is to get out of there... fast. SISKO I hope that's enough, Major. KIRA It's not. We still have to contact the Founders... warn them about this... DAX Dax to Kira... is it safe to go through the wormhole? KIRA (reacts) Thank you, Lieutenant. CSIs are all set to engage in a mid- decade interval. DAX (glances at O'Brien) Probably wouldn't pose a threat to the Founders if they knew where to look... SISKO What if they didn't know how to look? Dax's attention is suddenly drawn to something she sees on her console. DAX There's a pattern below us. All three exchange glances. O'BRIEN The crucial factor is position. DAX A mere fifteen thousand kilometers to the edge of the vortex. SISKO Deploy the relay and let's hope they pay attention. KIRA Chief, are you sensing any wind? O'BRIEN Tractor beams are down. We can't send out a probe. DAX The gravitational attraction of the neutron star is stronger than the relay itself. If we orient ourselves with a directed energy burst we could regenerate the matter by a factor of five or six. O'BRIEN We'd have to hold our fire for a long while to get within transporter range. KIRA Tough sleds... (hits companel) Major, indicate to which shuttle port you are assigning shuttle number two. DAX (glances at O'Brien) We'll get them out of there, sir. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. (to conduits) Shut down all engines. KIRA (to Dax) Take us to impulse. DAX Shut down all engines. KIRA Hang on, Chief. O'Brien works his console for a beat. O'BRIEN Computer, analyze shuttle accident sequence. COMPUTER VOICE Crash landing sequence was correctly programmed. O'BRIEN Remain stationary. (to Kira) Major, indicate a safe landing pad for the shuttle. KIRA (doesn't buy it) Chief, you're saying that the shuttle safely landed on the planet. O'BRIEN I'm afraid not, Major. The subspace field is fluctuating... and we're going to have to go through the rift to get back. KIRA Then we better get to it, before the other Kai's figure skips around... Everyone agrees, heading for the exits... INT. CORRIDOR O'Brien, Dax, and Kira EXIT the turbolift. O'BRIEN I've got it. And as they EXIT -- 50 INT. CORRIDOR (FORMERLY SCENE 51) Ekoria and Dax are struggling to restrain themselves from rushing ragged -- they've barely managed to grab someone, and they're bruised and bloodied, but not helping much. DAVIES (rhymes with "splits") We have to get out of here... Ekoria refuses to give into his pressure. EKORIA I'll see you in the morning. DAVIES I'll see you in the morning, too. She nods and Ekoria starts to move away, but just as Ekoria raises her hateful looking face in disgust, the Turbolift doors open and Bashir ENTERS. EKORIA (to Bashir) Please. Bashir looks pale. BASHIR I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. EKORIA There's no need. Ekoria is going to push him first, but she's determined to protect Bashir. EKORIA (continuing) Do as he says. Just look in his eyes. Don't look at him. The whole exchange is slowly beginning to unravel to. Suddenly Dax's combadge chirps. DAX'S COM VOICE Dax to Worf. KIRA (responsing) This is Kira. DAX'S COM VOICE Our crews are all back on the station. INT. QUARK'S Quark is at the bar. QUARK (sincere) Thank you, Commander. Seems we only lost one copy of our beloved dokkan blend. He spins the wheel. INT. OPS Kira, Dax, Bashir, O'Brien and Worf are seated around the Ops table. KIRA (to com) Thank you, Major. (to com) Forgive me, Commander; I'll be calling you in the morning. O'BRIEN That'll be one thing. KIRA You'd better get out of here, Chief. It's a red alert. O'BRIEN What about me? DUKAT (O.S.) My work here is going well. Everyone turns to see -- ANGLE ON THE DOOR OF THE WARDROOM ANTEATER as Dukat ENTERS. DUKAT I'm ordering all ships in that sector to fall back to Paduan space. QUARK I saw the Commander's deputy visit your station this morning. Very suspicious. DUKAT Since when? QUARK Around six months ago. O'BRIEN I can't confirm that. But forget it -- Kira isn't Top of the New Year for any reason this year. DUKAT The question is whether or not she is Top of the New Year. If she is, I would guess she's been given the position back to you. QUARK Clearly she is not. If anything makes you happy, it's her. She's thus giving us a chance to get everything back under control. We could go back to the negotiations with the East India Company for a say in the final deal. DUKAT (unimpressed) The East India Company would be happy to see such a system succeed. O'BRIEN It's not that simple. DUKAT Oh? Oh, you forget. You want your "satisfaction" with the Maquis, isn't it? So all the prisoners are going to be locked up. O'BRIEN And you're planning to force them to stay there while we negotiate. DUKAT I don't need your approval to start taking certain things away. I need to know how you think. O'BRIEN (awkward) I thought you liked me. Dukat reacts, suddenly the awkwardest thing in the world comes to him. DUKAT Insults are a hallmark of the Jem'Hadar mentality. It's how they think. (beat) Did they make you a policy officer at the Bajoran government? O'BRIEN That's right. DUKAT (smiles) I knew one of your predecessors in the Resistance cell. He was concerned about you. He felt you were too close to the Cardassians, even when the rest of the Ennis wanted to use you for your intelligence. O'BRIEN I thought I'd keep that in mind. (beat) Now, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to see Doctor Bashir. DUKAT Nitrome(nods) I'm sure he'll be useful. Very informative. He can make you see things you can't see else... or take you to places you'd never expect. O'Brien is looking around the room. O'BRIEN That should help. Dukat smiles and shakes his head, and lets out a laugh. DUKAT What a pleasant surprise. O'Brien comes back with some tea and liqueously drinks it on his own. O'BRIEN What do you drink out of these? DUKAT (curious) What's the matter, Chief? O'BRIEN The tea. DUKAT (no idea what he's talking about) The tea? O'BRIEN You know, the tea. The way you drink it. Dukat actually smiles. The smile fades some. There's another awkward silence. O'BRIEN It's serious, isn't it? Dukat seems to be trying to understand what's happened between him and O'Brien. DUKAT It's my job to keep you safe. The slightest misstep and you'll end up on the other side of the border. O'BRIEN You wouldn't happen to have a bottle of bloodwine, would you? DUKAT What nonsense! You come here to talk about ways to slowly and gradually eliminate the Cardassians. I'm afraid we've grown apart. O'BRIEN Sorry to disappoint you. DUKAT glim. I'm still hoping to do something useful here. O'Brien looks between him and the viewscreen. O'BRIEN Like what? Dukat is genuinely touched. DUKAT You see, I thought you might be someone I could work with for a change. With you around, I know I can be more productive. O'BRIEN I'm glad we understand each other. DUKAT (cold and hard to believe) How did you manage to get your hands on a Cardassian source code? O'BRIEN That's none of your concern. Dukat goes cold. And the transmission abruptly ends. NEW ANGLE On Kira, O'Brien, and Bashir, who are gathered around the command center. O'BRIEN It's over. DUKAT (deadpan) It's not over. You should be celebrating. KIRA Now? O'BRIEN We can't last another minute. Which means we've got to shut it down. BASHIR You can't just sit here and do nothing. It's like you're trying to hide something. O'BRIEN I want to help, Julian, but I don't know how. KIRA (cold) Help what? O'BRIEN I have to find out what's going on in there. BASHIR What are you suggesting? O'BRIEN That it doesn't have to happen again. I know that endocrininsic protein is one of the bioactive components in the human body -- we've been consuming it normally. KIRA (cold) What do you know about this bioactive compound? O'BRIEN I've been keeping track of it. Doctor Bashir showed me the internal scans show it's very depleted. There's no more readings would be allowed to grow without causing a problem. BASHIR (dry) I suppose that helps explain the minor bumps in your chest... KIRA Burn it? BASHIR It's an old human trick. It recognizes changes in the hormone levels and provides the body with a supply of Endo-syntakismic peptides -- one of the chemicals that the symbionts need in order to survive. KIRA (cuts to the chase) I thought you were the one who wanted to know how Endo-syntakism works... BASHIR That's right. I finally figured something must be done about it... KIRA What are you already doing about it? BASHIR I've given up... KIRA That's understandable. When you first got involved with Odo, it must have seemed like a great luck move... how did you fall down? BASHIR I'm a little behind schedule, that's all... KIRA Still, it would've been nice to have had a little more time alone... BASHIR You've got that right... but I'm not sure how much better I could've been -- I really have been behind schedule. KIRA It's not a bad thing... BASHIR I can live with that, too. It's only the beginning. If I don't catch something here or there, I'm going to be out of a job. KIRA (not denying it) You just have to keep practicing. BASHIR Right. Bashir turns to his work. INT. SCIENCE LAB (VPB) where O'Brien is working the controls. A beat, then Dax's VOICE interrupts. DAX'S VOICE Chief O'Brien, I'm going to have to ask you to shut down for a few minutes. We've got to re- connect the power core. O'Brien fumbles for a moment, then plants a hand on Dax's shoulder and moves to her and opens her a little. O'BRIEN You go ahead, Lieutenant. I'll be in the next room if you need me. (thinks) Just keep working. I'll be fine. O'Brien EXITS. Dax smiles to herself. OMITTED OMITTED INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko is at his desk, being updated by Kira. KIRA Commander, how's Worf? SISKO He's recovering somewhat... but still subject to the same restrictions as everyone else. KIRA Everyone else? SISKO Everyone else. We've left the Bajoran government alone and it's hell-bent on punishing everyone. KIRA I thought the Bajoran government just wanted to point the way out of the crisis. (grim) But it looks as though they're not really interested in solving it. SISKO My advice to President Kolrami is to get back to work. It would give them a better idea of what they're meeting to accomplish. KIRA True. But hopefully Rajor will be able to establish some sort of balance among the competing  regulations. That way people would see this as a trade-off -- SISKO (interrupting) It's not fair. We told them we'd assume their role after the crypto-toxic residue was cleared away. KIRA That left them vulnerable to other threats. If the purging fails -- SISKO (cut her off) It won't happen again. And even if it does, it won't be for long. Once Riker and I have a plan, we'll take it to the President. Kira couldn't be more surprised. KIRA But what if the President doesn't succeed? SISKO That's why we need to convince him to accept a less adversarial role in the struggle. KIRA There can't be a peace treaty with the Cardassians if they don't want it. SISKO They must. Otherwise, how can we support our children and our wife? KIRA Instead of lecturing us, what if we go into battle ourselves? Sisko sees an opening and builds his case. SISKO We attack first and hope to win the day. KIRA sunglasses or cleats? SISKO sunglasses. And with that, they edge toward the door. CLOSE ON KIRA as she studies her reflection in the glass. KIRA (continuing) Just try to smile... And off her face as she contemplates Ezri's words, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END ¢ ¨