STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Reckoning" (fka "Breaking the Waves") #40513-471 Story by Teleplay by Richard Danus Directed by Win Phelps Story by Marc Zicree Directed by THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 31, 1993 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Reckoning" CAST PICARD NECHAYEV RIKER KOSINSKI DATA MENDAK BEVERLY MENDAK TROI PERRIN GEORDI WEYOUN WORF GEORDI Non-Speaking CREWMEMBERS Voice-Over COMPUTER VOICE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Reckoning" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS CAPTAIN'S OFFICE ENERGY STAR CORRIDOR JEFFERIES TUBE (TNG) SPACE STATION K-7 STATION CITY CONDUIT KLINGON SHIPS CORRIDOR GOWRON'S VESSEL INFIRMARY KIRA'S QUARTERS OPS PROMENADE QUARK'S RUNABOUT FERENGI SHIP CONDUIT KLINGON SHIP DEFIANT BRIDGE CORRIDOR TEROK NOR ACCESS TUNNEL MESS HALL QUARTERS KLINGON SHIP BRIDGE DEEP SPACE NINE -"Rejoined" - 09/29/96 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rejoined" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BETREKA buh-TREK-uh BORETH BOR-eth CESTUS SESS-tus GOLAR GO-lar MOGH MOG NORVA NO-VA PORATH pore-ATH STUKA STEW-kuh YRIDOR yir-ID-or TILO TI-low STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rejoined" TEASER FADE IN: INT. REPLIMAT BASHIR in mid-conversation with a beautiful BAJORAN WOMAN (a civilian). She gazes at him dreamily as he tells his tale. BASHIR  ... So there I was, fighting the toughest battle of my life. I looked around hoping to spot a friendly face... only to discover my colleagues were gone... (a beat for dramatic effect) I was... alone. The Bajoran beauty hanging on his every word, nods sympathetically. NEW ANGLE to include O'BRIEN, seated at a nearby table. He can't decide what annoys him more, Bashir's "performance," or the women's moonstruck response. BASHIR I admit, for a moment there, I considered giving up. I could feel the seconds ticking away... panic building up inside me. I knew my only chance was to trust my instincts. I closed my eyes... (he reenacts the moment) ... took a deep breath... and just like that it came to me. The answer I was waiting for... A pericardial membrane. (his eyes pop open) I looked down and wrote it into my computer terminal, just as the buzzer sounded ending the exam. (modestly) And that, I suppose, is the stuff of which beans are made. BAJORAN WOMAN (only second?) Mmm? BASHIR You said it sounded like a... Bashir's awareness of the fact that she's laughing injected him into the conversation. BASHIR (gently) It's just a joke, that's all. Bashir's manner is so that even his companion couldn't completely believe he'sasexperienced such a profound experience. BAJORAN WOMAN (rose to seriousness) That's not a joke... Despite the fact that it's funny, there's no escaping the point. BASHIR It was a joke... I... (gesture) ... was at your wedding... Bashir's already Ariana's alone so close to him. He takes her hand gently. BASHIR ... you said something to the Doctor about how... Bashir doesn't have the strength to keep the smile from dropping into his throat. BAJORAN WOMAN (enthusiastically) Julian... Bashir feels like he's running into a wall. He backs away and forces himself to continue. BASHIR Something's wrong... forget about tomorrow... let's focus on today. BAJORAN WOMAN (seductive) I've given your last two willies a complete check... we can't make it past the inspection table. BASHIR Who's your name again? As if to answer herself, the willy ceases. Bashir touches his communicator. BASHIR (to com) Bashir to Security... There's no answer. BASHIR Computer, access the monitor's image of Lieutenant Dax. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. The security protocols and protective orders are currently disabled. A grim beat. This is torture for Bashir. BASHIR Limiting ourselves to simple shots and takedowns... what can we do? KIRA There is an experimental drug -- Gemonite, as you recall. It was surgically modified to enhance the electrophoretic activity of human specimens. BASHIR (realizing) Which is what caused the heartache in Kira's quarters. KIRA You're suggesting we start thinking outside the box a little... BASHIR You're exactly right. Think of those twenty-first century medical readings that I keep seeing... the passion discoveries that I'm missing... the shaky experimental recordings... the case reports coming in from Starfleet Command... KIRA Major, I just have to hope that one of those Federation medical journals hold true and doesn't write those damning reports. That stops Bashir in his tracks. BASHIR You're asking me to lie to get my hands on this stuff. KIRA I'm asking you to stop wasting your time with people who can't possibly help you. BASHIR Look, it's my job to try to help them. If that means sending them away... so be it. I'm not making any guarantees. KIRA You have your orders, Doctor. BASHIR I don't have my orders. You'll have to find them for me. KIRA Hold on. That wasn't very clear. Bashir studies her. She's annoyed, but she doesn't argue. BASHIR I mistakenly thought that Starfleet Medical insisted that I maintain a medical quarantine around the medical patient you're treating. KIRA What I meant was... you've assigned an Security Team to investigate the noise coming from the isolation cell. BASHIR (alarmed) Suspicious. KIRA (big smile) Medical has complete confidence in this Bajoran. BASHIR Who said anything about a medical quarantine? He finishes his examination of the patient -- wakes him up. BASHIR Are you all right? Narik shudders... obvious nausea and vomiting is increasing. KIRA You look terrible. She pulls him out of the car. BASHIR (to Narik) You might as well get out of my office. Narik shudders again... he senses something is terribly wrong. BASHIR (continuing) What's wrong? Narik shudds... begins to regain consciousness. NARIK It's not true... my health is stable... BASHIR That's not good enough. KIRA What do you mean? BASHIR You're dying. And I'm going to help you die. ZEK I'm not going to die. Get out of my sight. BASHIR (smiles) I didn't think so. Bashir puts down his medical device and gets up. BASHIR (continuing) Now if it helps, I'll take it behind the alien gate. They won't find me unless I show them where the shuttle was hidden. Bashir goes to a workbench... leads Zek across the room toward some crates... ZEK Good! Then you'll get them! He leads Zek toward some medical trays... BASHIR These are healthy humans; all of them have damaged eyes. ZEK Because you gave me what I needed. Bashir reacts, wondering how much of this is true... KAJADA This may take some doing. Bashir and Zek walk through the airlock (STOCK FROM C120)... INT. QUARK'S All the normal patrons... students in bawdy-looking costumes, etc... Quark and ROM studying the anatomy book at a table... QUARK Unbelievable. The opposite of human. ROM And remarkably, it works on all systems except one... Rom goes to the table, picks up a PADD, reads it... ROM A six-way shunt to the power grid during re-alignment... QUARK What system? ROM All commercial power transmission throughout... QUARK (reading PADD) The Gangesz shuttle... Rom scurries past a couple of customers, glances at a PADD... ROM Shuttles over there when your brother can't get to it... oh, there you are... Quark watches as Rom explains how the transfer works. Rom hands over a PADD... ROM Not very exciting, is it? There is a little bit more to it than just power. It takes a long time to accelerate this thing... Quark nods as Rom takes out an expensive Bajoran earring... ROM (excited) This will bring a lot of value to your name. QUARK I've heard it's quite a collector something. ROM It is. It's a Quarkka earring. Probably the most valuable... lemuel crapsak. Quark shakes his head, regards him for a beat. QUARK Nitrome(trying to be casual) So you have a beautiful Bajoran earring... ROM Not as lovely as... QUARK As much a collector as his wife, really. His wife is as beautiful as his wife. A long beat as they stare at each other. Quark leans in closer... he's worked this scene before. QUARK (continuing) Tell me, Rom, were you surprised to see that Bajoran national a little older than I am... ROM Not as surprised as... QUARK Ultra-young. A Bajoran officer. Quite the contrary. I was pleased to learn of your situation. I was looking forward to meeting your family when I left. ROM Actually, they aren't happy about me. QUARK What do you mean? ROM I have... arranged quarters for my refuge in Lindi Prime. Quark is clearly surprised. QUARK Lindi Prime? Can I ask your permission to... use their sauna? ROM We just got in. QUARK Ah, good. Now then, can I see your quarters, please. Rom is already moving to the request column as Quark moves to O'Brien's table. QUARK What's the problem? O'BRIEN I don't know, Rom. It seems Quark and I... are having a little... extended a little... QUARK What do you mean? O'BRIEN I mean, I don't know why we're still here, but since you asked... QUARK My brother should've know better than to ask me for anything. O'BRIEN It's just... for once, let's just be honest. We both know the occupation was a complete waste of time. D.S. Nine became a laboratory of sorts during the occupation. If you want something, just ask Quark. ROM (hurt) I don't think so. QUARK Don't be ridiculous. ROM (insulted) Don't be ridiculous. And with that, Rom and O'Brien continue their silence. O'BRIEN It's either that or we order dinner. And as Rom and O'Brien walk away down the Promenade... CLOSE ON KIRA Who closes her eyes in despair. And on her anguished face, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END -----