STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Reunion" CAST PICARD TRAVELLER RIKER NURSE OGAWA DATA GUL NADOR BEVERLY TROI WORF GEORDI Non-Speaking Non-Speaking TWO N.D. NURSES N.D. SECURITY N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. CARDASSIAN STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Reunion" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE READY ROOM OBSERVATION LOUNGE SHUTTLEBAY SICKBAY TEN FORWARD CORRIDOR ENGINEERING JEFFERIES TUBE TURBOLIFT READY ROOM SHUTTLECRAFT STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Reunion" TEASER FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) slowly moves through space on impulse power. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46731.2. For some reason, the computer has been giving us odd examples of temporal displacement... samples of variable phase transitions... and something called the Black Block. INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE RIKER, TROI and DATA are seated; GEORDI and BEVERLY are at the end of the table, eating lunches. The mood is relaxed. Picard ENTERS. RIKER Welcome, Captain. PICARD Number One... how is the computation? RIKER Right now it's probably a little... chaotic. But we'll get to a better standard. PICARD That's why I want you all to work together toward a more integrated analysis of the data from the probe. DATA That would be a valuable assignment, sir. GEORDI We're about as ready as we'll be, sir. PICARD You'll have to tell me as much as you can, as I'm about to go on record as having hoped nothing happened. BEVERLY As I understand it,... there was some kind of breakdown in the pattern buffer. Some kind of data loss... GEORDI But there was no warning. It was exactly what it was supposed to be. RIKER The chance of that is negligible. PICARD We have to do the Investigation We've been ordered to do. RIKER Exactly how do we do that? GEORDI The computer can provide access anywhere, sir. For example, a voice command program. DATA Voice command programs are also non-native to the Enterprise, sir. RIKER Then the bridge wouldn't be satisfactory. DATA I believe the concept is fairly well known to the bridge crew, Commander. RIKER (a thoughtful beat) I had a lot of help. Nods all around. GEORDI Sir, I have another option. PICARD Proceed. GEORDI With this modification, the sensors could detect a temporal anomaly up ahead and our computer might respond appropriately. RIKER (to others) Just in time, Mister La Forge. We'll find out if there's something wrong with the computer. GEORDI Actually, there is something wrong, sir. I managed to isolate a subsurface disturbance which is responsive to a specific spectral parameter. RIKER unintention... GEORDI But we can't seem to find it... unless it's directly related to the temporal displacement... Riker frowns... RIKER Data, would you reroute the pulse... to the sensor bandwidth. DATA Aye, sir. Data works the console. After a beat. GEORDI There's a subspace analyzer running in the lateral sensor band. I'm picking up a strong interference. PICARD Chart two-seven-five. GEORDI Yes, sir. As Geordi changes his attention to the viewer... INT. ROYALE - RICHEY'S WAITING ROOM - NIGHT (OPTICAL) The away team pauses near the large windows, as the CLICKING SOUND OF THE TRANSFORMER is played. The away team looks at the (o.s.) monitors -- the (holographic) image of the yellow grid, and the yellow gridlock, reflecting the (com. It sounds like a repeating image of a "Turbolift" combining). The DOOR CHIME SOUNDS. RIKER Come. TROI ENTERS. TROI (dry) You wanted to see me? RIKER Yes, Lieutenant. Come in. Troi moves closer to him. TROI You may want to tell me one piece of information about this program that's not on the report. RIKER There are certainly more than two -- at least three universe versions. TROI I see. Do you know where these versions come from? RIKER No. They exchange looks for a long moment, then Riker goes to the door. RIKER (to ensure they're alone) I'd like to go over the items in the test case. TROI Of course. Riker EXITS. OFF Troi's expression... INT. READY ROOM Picard at his terminal, very much on the hook to the Enterprise. The desk is just a little bit above the desk on the other side of the room. He is at work... very intent on his work. The door CHIMES. PICARD Come. Data ENTERS. DATA Sir, I would like to make a survey of the structural integrity of the ship. PICARD (studying the viewer) Certainly, Mister Data... Suddenly the DOOR OPENS and GOVERNOR MARTOK ENTERS. MARTOK I have reason to believe there is a rebellion going on inside the Kingdom. PICARD What kind of rebellion? MARTOK I don't know. But there is evidence of violent feelings present in some parts of the population. PICARD What do you mean by "some?" MARTOK For too long, our people have feared the Dominion's intentions. Partly because we haven't always trusted each other, partly because we still think of the Federation as a weak and fragile thing. But every now and then it fires a ray of hope. (beat) I for one, would be very interested to see what happens when the Dominion's struggle against the Alliance ends. DATA It should not be difficult to locate Kunatos. All he needs to do is order a ship to withdraw from Federation space. MARTOK And that would give them a victory. PICARD pesticoil. MARTOK Yes -- good luck, Captain. PICARD (beat) Picard to Riker. RIKER'S COM VOICE Yes, sir. PICARD Number One, contact the Prytt to request a rendezvous. RIKER'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. INT. FERENGI VESSEL - CLOSE ON BOK (OPTICAL) Bok is glowing as he tosses a handful of crystals into the space-time vortex. RIKER (O.S.) I hope you're satisfied. INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) O'Brien is scanning the Transporter platform with his tricorder. O'BRIEN I'm having trouble seeing through the radiation. COMPUTER VOICE The radiation is: twenty milliwatts. O'BRIEN I'm going to have to lower the gain on the emitter array. After a beat, the radiation levels drop back to normal -- COMPUTER VOICE Scan complete. O'BRIEN clearance. COMPUTER VOICE All systems secure. O'Brien and Riker exchange a look. RIKER Energize. O'Brien complies and... INT. CRAWL SPACE The Ferengi VESSEL DTL "Q" MATERIALIZES in the middle of the anguished corridor. INTERCUT: INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data and Geordi in the Command position. GEORDI Commander, we have cleared the entire area of the ship. DATA And have found the destroy pattern for the energy burst. GEORDI It looks like they found us. INT. CRAWL SPACE (OPTICAL) "Q" is nowhere to be seen. The mysterious "shape-shifter" is nowhere to be seen. And now, there's no reason to sit around and hope for anything. INT. MAIN BRIDGE Everyone's still hoping for a breakthrough. DATA Commander, the only way to save us is to alter our flight path amplitude and bring us back to the point where we disappeared. RIKER And then, Data, we need an algorithm that bypasses the destruct system and allows us to land safely. DATA That would be necessary. GEORDI We can land a ship on any planet's surface. RIKER Why can't we land on the Enterprise? DATA Inasmuch as the flight path dependences on the ebb and flow of atmosphere, the flight procedures are inherently mechanical. RIKER So what would be an appropriate gibberish to express my thanks to you for a job well done? DATA Certain human customs are apparently inexplicable. I contain two examples bearing your image. RIKER (indicating his mind) I believe there's more. Data and Riker begin to go off script. Troi comes to her feet in the background, speaks with sudden realness. TROI What's the meaning of this? GEORDI Infinitely convoluted. Data and Riker exchange a look. RIKER Data -- the infinite depth of the human story. DATA (to computer) Computer -- continue playback. The message comes through much better this time -- the sound effect and reading the character's face alterations are much clearer. TROI (surprised) Data... Riker smiles. RIKER It'shma starke. He's very different from his fellow Markarians... he prefers to quarters with women. A look from Troi. Suddenly everything on the Bridge VANISHES. For a beat everyone is silent. Then: GEORDI Where? TROI �(waits; looks up) The computer predicted that Lieutenant Endar would be most comfortable on the bridge. RIKER That's not why I'm here. GEORDI Oh? RIKER I came to say good-bye... to Lieutenant Endar. Everyone turns to look. Suddenly there is an ALARM CUE and the RED ALERT KLAXON SCREAMS. RIKER (continuing) We're reasserting command. GEORDI What do you mean? RIKER We're cancelling the game. Everyone reacts. ENDAR What? RIKER We're cancelling the game. ENDAR But I thought it would be... historic. We'll see the end of the Thirty-Second century in exactlyone hour. RIKER One Hour Ago... Had to be the other way around. The CHIME SOUNDS. RIKER Enter. The door opens and Riker and Troi ENTER. WORF Waiting to operate out of the habitat ring, sir. RIKER (to Endar) We're cancelling the game. ENDAR (nods stiffly) Okay, Commander. Good luck. RIKER One to beam up to the bridge. Riker turns to Troi. STAR TREK: "The Wounded" - REV. 10/29/90 - ACT THREE 38. RIKER Consider it payback, Counselor. If Kes wanted to keep the spectrogram on-line she should have ordered Ops to destroy it. TROI Maybe they did. RIKER I don't know. I felt the same way. But that's not why I'm here. Riker steps closer to Endar... closer. His eyes bite down hard on Troi's statement. ENDAR Must be. Without me, the ring would've dried up and disappeared. RIKER And that's missing from our history too... ENDAR I think it is. And you must understand before you order another tap into the computer. If you ask me, we have nothing to worry about... right now. What we have to worry about is the following: Riker leans in over him. RIKER What's that nasty little rose you're wearing? ENDAR It's from Khosla Three. Where Kensington was held. RIKER I see. Where? ENDAR Close to his home village. � RIKER Where? ENDAR At the foot of the mountain, just a few doors away from the house of the man who killed him. RIKER You're certain he's gone now? ENDAR I doubt it. He collapsed from the shock of the blast. Something stalls for a moment... Riker sags into his chair ready to collapse, when suddenly -- WORF'S COM VOICE Bridge to Commander Riker. RIKER (hits communicator) Yes, Worf? WORF'S COM VOICE A message has been sent to your home. Everything is again normal. Riker turns to Endar. RIKER Thank you for the reassuring gesture. ENDAR When we are alone we shall enjoy ourselves. Riker nods and gets strapped into his chair. RIKER Good. When are you due back? ENDAR Later, morning. I wish to be alone for awhile. Riker hesitates, trying to pick his way carefully. RIKER I don't see why you're wasting time. ENDAR A tempting offer. But I must resist. I can never have that chance. The kinks are coming fast. RIKER Maybe I can help you. Endar's expression darkens. He knows he's been caught before he even get to it. ENDAR (suddenly serious) That's no way to talk to a Klingon... RIKER Maybe in a few days. The Klingon can't help but smile. ENDAR (faintly suspicious) You shall have no dealings with Klingons. RIKER It didn't seem to stop Worf. ENDAR He started it. And I think he's still getting away with it. RIKER But that's impossible. ENDAR He has shown a remarkable resolve... an ability to look at the situation and see the truth as I see it. RIKER When did you realize this was a conspiracy? ENDAR When Neema convinced me it was. The next time I found myself in the other room with that stranger, I knew I had to stop him. Stop him before he hurt anyone. I couldn't let him get away with what he did. RIKER There must be some other way. ENDAR Another simulation? RIKER Another program? ENDAR Another program where we try to escape. RIKER Another way? How? ENDAR Another way -- it's my responsibility. RIKER You? ENDAR You are always right, Endar. Should be the last word on anything in this universe. I could be right in a minute. But then, I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to anyone. Even if it means losing them. Would you? Take over as transportation chief? He stops as he sees Picard's expression. ENDAR Neela got what she came for. Now if Neema isn't happy, I'll keep everything... Picard's looked at Endar with the most profound look. PICARD This isn't about her, Endar. It's about you. Neela is ready to take over as transportation chief, and I want you to be that woman from now on... And on Endar's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit around the moon. INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Beverly and O'Brien wait as a Transporter CREWMAN arrives, stands in front of the O'Brien's tricorder, which is turned off. TRANSPORTER CHIEF (to O'Brien; sotto) Be right there. The Transporter Chief looks to Beverly, who then nods and moves forward. O'BRIEN What's the matter, Doctor? BEVERLY Nothing serious. The Destiny just arrived and they've got me. But they keep looking at me... they're worried about me. O'BRIEN What do you want me to do, go cuckoo-sing? BEVERLY I don't think you can. Beverly gives him a look... then smiles at O'Brien. O'Brien is happy to have the excuse to get away from all this... he returns to his work. TRANSPORTER CHIEF Halt. The Transporter Chief works the console for a beat. TRANSPORTER CHIEF I'm setting the pattern to a low phase. There's a difference between a co-orbital nacelle and a motor nerve cell. The former's probably still functioning, the latter's dying. O'BRIEN (to Riker) You wouldn't be talking about the end of humanity, would you Reckoner? TRANSPORTER CHIEF After we dissect him we'll find out why. Off his look of determination, we: FADE OUT: END OF ACT FIVE THE END