STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Masks" #40277-932 Story by J. Michael and John Shirley Teleplay by William Douglas Shearer Directed by Robert Scheerer THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Masks" CAST BEVERLY ERIC DATA/IHAT/MASAKA/BOY/ELDER/VICTIM GEORDI PICARD RIKER TROI BEVERLY WORF Non-Speaking N.D. SECURITY N.D. STARFLEET OFFICER STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Masks" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE CLASSROOM BEVERLY'S OFFICE TROI'S QUARTERS OBSERVATION LOUNGE TURBOLIFT CORRIDOR MAIN ENGINEERING TRANSPORTER ROOM T'ONG BRIDGE JEFFERIES TUBE BRIDGE INTERCUT WITH: EXTERIORS WHORE'S QUARTERS PLANET SURFACE T'ONG BRIDGE (ON VIEWSCREEN) STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Masks" TEASER FADE IN: INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Beverly ENTERS -- her TRANSPORTER TECHNICIAN is at the console. RIKER'S COM VOICE Ready to transport, Doctor. BEVERLY Activate Transporter Bay Two. The Transporter EFFECT starts. RIKER'S COM VOICE Are you all right? She returns his smile -- there was a playful tone in the man's voice. BEVERLY No, no, no... it's just a little tired of seeing you around. RIKER'S COM VOICE Hyperonic radiation is starting to cook your brain... She laughs again, seems to almost be jubilant. BEVERLY You're making a lot of sense. RIKER'S COM VOICE Very good. We'll keep you so far away from the planet, Doctor. BEVERLY I appreciate that, sir. There is another nod, silence for a beat. Then, as though fated, the men return to each other's arms. WE HEAR THEM STRANGER. RIKER Hello... Riker's voice is a little odd, somehow -- like he's saying something we don't understand but shouldn't mind either. RIKER (continuing) How are you feeling? BEVERLY I'm... feeling a little... familiar, maybe... a little familiar... RIKER You do seem like the next morning. BEVERLY Exactly. (beat) I guess I'm the reason you're wearing that uniform. RIKER Really? How? BEVERLY You seem to know me. RIKER Who? BEVERLY Jean-Luc Picard. Beverly gives him a look. Riker seems to be stunned. He stands. RIKER Maybe we've both been at this long enough... BEVERLY I wish I could say. I don't think I can believe this is all over. RIKER Neither do I. (beat) We'll see each other again. BEVERLY I don't understand why we're going to be friends. RIKER I don't know, but I'm glad you wanted to make it. BEVERLY Deanna... Why are you doing this? Riker makes a sudden decision. He stands. RIKER I'm not sure. I mean... (leans in; low voice) Just stop thinking. BEVERLY This is so... distracting. RIKER (trying to lighten) I don't want to be working in this room for the next week. (then, surprisingly, serious) Just... enjoy yourself. Beverly looks at him and can't help but laugh. Riker finds the sentiment entirely commensurate with his state of mind. RIKER (wry) Okay. Beverly sits back and nods fully. A quiet moment, then she stands. BEVERLY We'd better get you down to Engineering. RIKER We'll be back. Beverly turns to EXIT. RIKER (to computer) Computer -- stop programing the character of Worf. The character STOPPED. WORF When was that Klingon ship arriving? RIKER I don't know. WORF What do you mean you don't know? RIKER You're the first officer of the Enterprise. You are obligated to report to me as soon as you are available. WORF I will not leave. RIKER It's a fact. And you need to acknowledge that fact. WORF I do not care. RIKER I'm sure that's true. Maybe you just need a break from the tough life of the starship officer. OFF Worf's expression. INT. MARTA'S QUARTERS Troi and Marta are at the food dispenser. Picard is nearby. MARTA (to Troi) There are only two of them. James and Lornack are out there, sir. If we only had enough time... TROI I don't think so. According to our history there have only been sixteen replications of the original four species -- and all four have died in the last four hundred years. That means there has to be a new generation coming through the wormhole -- a genetic revolt against the Klingon Empire. PICARD Do you have any idea how this works, Number One? TROI I assume the revolution will spread like a hurricane... It'll affect the Romulan Empire, the Kal'tucca Federation and... (shaking her head) Earth. � PICARD In that case contact Starfleet, and warn them to have a patrol team sent out immediately. MARTA (to Picard) We'll head for thestarbase on schedule, sir. TROI With Jameson dead... all we have left to do is... Troi trails her words, realizing just how dire Picard really is. CUT TO: INT. ALDEA - WESLEY'S ROOM (OPTICAL) Albedo is taking her son's books down on a tray. She hands the tray to him and he begins to look up at them. ALDEA Take the rest home. WESLEY I will. He EXITS. Albedo turns off the computer. ALDEA Computer, access visual sensor processor fourteen-five-one. COMPUTER VOICE Display visual sensor processing fourteen-five-one. STAR TREK: "Suddenly Human" - REV. 7/13/90 - ACT FOUR 39. Albedo is unconcerned. The computer returns to the processing screen. She turns off the scanner. ALDEA There's nothing more to do... She turns off the scanner. Wesley turns to Albedo. WESLEY You've done enough, Albedo. Albedo turns away from him. Wesley's very angry. WESLEY (continuing) You think this is all some joke? She does not look at him. She is heading purposefully toward the door. ALDEA Come on. Wesley continues to eyed the door, refusing to turn just for her. ALDEA (continuing) Now come back and imagine what I'll do to you if I have to hold you down? He spins around quickly. WESLEY I'll find somewhere to stand. Albedo disappears around a corner. Wesley turns back toward Albedo. WESLEY (continuing) Something funny... you always say that the only person who can affect a Tasha's emotional state is the mother. Albedo reappears -- this time with Rubicon screens visible on her body. ALDEA You haven't been keeping up with your lessons, Wes. WESLEY I'm doing fine. The lessons still apply. ALDEA Clemens always talks his arm off. Albedo waves Wes off and walks away. Wesley's expression changes. He starts to follow her. STAR TREK: "Suddenly Human" - REV. 7/13/90 - ACT FOUR 40. WESLEY (a monotone) I'm not really sure where this is going. ROBIN Do you think this is some kind of experiment? WESLEY No, I don't think so. I think she's trying to figure out what happens to him. ROBIN Why would the mother want to experience the