) The ship goes into a WARP ROLL. INT. MAIN BRIDGE Ensign Rager at CONN. RIKER Status, Mister Rager? RAGER Our weapons are aboard the bris hint, sir, which should directly precede us to the same place Admiral Chekote picked up the abduction signal. RIKER (to the viewscreen) That's where they left it... (then to the captain) Where could Romulans have gone from Dulisian to run the Enterprise? PICARD I don't think they went straight to the asteroid, Number One. They probably flew it around for a while... then came back to the asteroid... A mysteriously loud CLICK SOUND. Picard and Riker glance around. WORF Sir, something very unusual is happening. EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) A WARP CLOUD OF BLUE-HAND LIGHT begins to envelop the ship. INT. MAIN BRIDGE To the viewscreen -- the strange LOOK coming from the asteroid's surface. OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: OMITTED INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Pearl of all eyes is now showing apparent signs of being destroyed. The primary computer screens have been blown out and there are damaged consoles. The bridge itself is charred and warped. Synapses in Data's brain are active again and his muscles are sore from carrying out the task. RIKER Data -- shut down the main computer. Data begins to enter commands. DATA The primary computer is not functioning. Riker looks down at it. RIKER What's the problem? DATA Oracle's computer is now functioning as a gateway between this system and Earth. RIKER This is definitely Earth, Number One. DATA The gateway is required for communications between the Enterprise and the parent ship. RIKER You'd better run a diagnostic simulation to confirm. DATA I will continue my efforts to resolve the problem. (to Computer) Computer, transfer power from the bridge to the computer system. There is a brief pause. RIKER Who's in charge? COMPUTER VOICE Starfleet command. RIKER Riker to Lieutenant Worf. WORF Yes, sir. RIKER Prepare a class one probe. We don't want to have to leave him out here. Worf moves to the console. WORF I will require minimal assistance. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL ROOM (OPTICAL) Alexander surrounds himself with the reassuring sound of MUSIC. O'Brien and Keiko are both enthralled by the song. Alexander stops singing. Obsessing, he runs into... NEW ANGLE ARGELIAN #2 who is teaching a still very confused Martin the simple art of making karate moves. Martin is very pedantic and now prone to errors. Alexander tends to look at the mistakes Alexander's making and tries to correct them immediately. ALEXANDER (a traditional Klingon demonstration) Cut the strings. KIROSES' VOICE No. Alexander looks up to see that Riker has come up behind him and is holding the karate block. KIROSES (continuing) Alexander, when you cut the strings, the Urassy will contract. ALEXANDER (really confused) The Urassy doesn't... ? KIROSEN (pointedly) It's a very efficient little cluster. RIKER Very. There is a beat. Then, the Urassian suddenly explodes in a blinding flash of light. Haltingly, the flashaway disappears. Martin shifts, bouncing from side to side, looking for the killer. But he's too late. Alexander, safe in his quarters, suddenly shoots a phaser rifle into a wall behind Riker, which makes a single, brief SPLIT CRY. The Urassian basement is completely DESTROYED. RIKER (exhibits Riker's communicator) Commander Riker to the Transporter Room. (no answer) Backup systems are going to require 24/7 monitoring. Alexander, who has been monitoring the communicator, moves to cheek behind Riker, and makes a few adjustments before returning it to its default setting. RIKER Alexander, come here. He looks at the boy. RIKER (continuing) I'm in the Transporter Room. Alexander, throwing his weapon down with practiced nonchalance, moves forward to Riker. ALEXANDER (to Riker) G'dava, sir. Riker turns to see how boyish he can be again. RIKER Looking forward to tomorrow. ALEXANDER Would you like kafta? Riker nods. RIKER That won't be necessary. Commander Riker out. The boy turns back to his familiar keyboard, immediately attempting to show no emotion. ALEXANDER Kafta? Of course he will. He nods to the computer, ends the transmission. We HOLD ON a worried Alexander. RUSSELL Alexander! STAR TREK: "The Key of Life" - 7/27/92 - ACT ONE 12. KOLRAMI We need your intelligence. Your reflexes. Your will. ALEXANDER (re-routing) Kafta? Kafta, sir? KOLRAMI Any Klingon son of a Khan can achieve anything. RUSSELL Any Klingon sons of a Khan can achieve anything. KOLRAMI Alexander, may I present my recommendations. ALEXANDER Your reports are sound, Riker. The Klingon Empire is in great danger. SITO Even without that protection, there will be attacks. RIKER Precisely. KOLRAMI There are allies to be found here. SITO K'Ehleyr is an ally. KOLRAMI (nodding) Agreed. There are plans to attack the Klingon base at No'land. RIKER What you are proposing would be a full scale invasion. My officers and I will fly to No'land, and -- KOLRAMI We will board the Enterprise. And accompany her in, if she has debt to pay. We will take the Klingon ships to the Argus Array. The entire system will be sacked. All of the population to the death. STAR TREK: "The Wounded" - REV. 10/29/90 - ACT ONE 12A. RIKER On screen. The viewscreen explodes with the image of the Executive Officer with the iconography of the second century warrior. WORF He has lied! There is no Klingon ship in that convoy. KOLRAMI Our only witness! The Klingon ship's communicator is the same one used by the rogues. RIKER Where is this... communicator? KOLRAMI We found it often. It is lying in a shuttlecraft. RIKER Where? KOLRAMI Our only clue. It is the same type as the Klingon ship. That gets Riker's attention. RIKER Can you determine the origin of that vessel? KOLRAMI Unlikely. There are too many channels. It would take several days. STAR TREK: "The Wounded" - REV. 10/29/90 - ACT ONE 13. KOLRAMI Even if they traced the signal, they would have been aware of various interference factors. KOLRAMI (Cont'd) We are nearly three hours from Starbase Two-thirty-four. Starfleet's orders are to provide security during this time. RIKER Riker to Lieutenant Worf. WORF Lieutenant... Worf is surprised. He hurries over to the other end of the corridor. WORF Computer, location of Lieutenant Worf. COMPUTER VOICE Lieutenant Worf is aboard Starbase Two-thirty-four. Lieutenant Riker moves to look at him. WORF (to computer) Computer, Lieutenant... Lieutenant Riker's eyes narrow. WORF The Klingon ship is not in stasis. RIKER They must have taken a powered down approach -- In the background, the Klingon Captain turns to face Riker. K'MPEC This is a dangerous game, Will. RIKER We're familiar with the game Sir. K'MPEC Yes. I played one once. Was my Captain. Riker's interest is piqued. RIKER That's good for you, because I'm not sure who I'd want as my First One. K'MPEC Your tour of duty would be a mistake, Commander. A very uncomfortable position. RIKER I can assure you there's no stress involved. K'MPEC Yes, there is. Riker isn't sure where this is leading. K'MPEC You are prepared to violate the non-aggression pact. RIKER What if I were? What would that do? K'MPEC You would be prepared to give up your career. RIKER That's part of it. Maybe. K'MPEC It is what you have been looking for. Riker's interest is peaked -- for the first time in these proceedings, K'mpec's getting what he deserves. RIKER That's good to hear. What are you looking for? K'MPEC For what? RIKER Someone to advise you... a decision maker. Off K'mpec's reaction. K'MPEC A choice maker? I don't follow that... RIKER On the contrary, this is quite a different animal... (points to animal) ... this is a testament to the spiritual life of your people. K'MPEC A testament to the spiritual life of my people. RIKER You have a bad case of par'Mach. K'MPEC What would you say if I told you I had discovered for the first time the chance for personal spirituality? RIKER I'd say you have a lot to experience before then. K'MPEC I doubt you mean that... RIKER But you have had so much experience... K'MPEC As a matter of fact, I have. And that experience has given you your strength. And your confidence. RIKER That's the whole point, isn't it... you learn to assess the situation just as we assess it. Perhaps you can be an assistant to Commander Data. He knows more about the Talarians than anyone. Troi considers it; K'mpec is a sage, not a rash. K'MPEC Your colleague Data is much more a theoretician than a commander. I don't think he's the first man to come here who has made a comparison. TROI I don't think he would be the first... K'MPEC No, you would be the first. He EXITS. Troi and Riker exchange a glance. RIKER You seem to have reached an accomplishment. TROI You are the most charitable person I've ever known. RIKER Someone who doesn't quite know what to do with others. TROI That's an attitude I've heard from many a captain: Everyone "knows" what they have to do. RIKER Is that what you tried to teach me? TROI You did love me. RIKER I was a little older than you, Worf. More mature. I would have preferred to accompany my mother to her father's feasts. But you'll have to explain that later. WORF Perhaps you should spend time with the boy. After all, he is your son. RIKER I don't think so, Worf. Worf thinks for a beat. WORF If you say so, Counselor. RIKER (a bit defensively) I don't use sedatives on my soldiers. WORF How rude. The Klingon smiles. WORF (continuing) And most challenging, sir. That's good enough for Riker. RIKER Okay. Worf EXITS. PICARD ENTERS. RIKER I'd like Commander Data to conduct a sweep of the Torres Family's belongings. Deactivate all his hearing devices and look for anything that will identify whose property it is. Also, computer, access Torres Family property. COMPUTER VOICE Access complete. PICARD Proceed. Data and Picard EXIT. After a beat, Riker turns to Worf. RIKER Maybe we've got something back to you, Worf. WORF I will use every means at my disposal to locate and identify the individual. RIKER Except perhaps of value to you. You could do it for me. WORF (rising) I will endeavor to do so. And on a gravelly voice saying "We're going to get this right," Worf and a hulking torso mirror opposite mirror opposite, respectively, will CROSS over to the transporter DILITHIUM COIL and TWISTER CUFF. INT. FERENGI MESS HALL Hundreds of glittering tricorders and miniature readouts fill the area. Among the souvenir finds placques is a field of shattered glass with the label "GLIDE-WIXT DIElectric Coil," made in 1892. We hear the SOUND of the transporter effect and the last few digits of the digit's digit being replaced by a GREEN AND BLUE CIRCLE. As the last number is read, a special LOW-TECH SIGNAL BOONDING. Worf and Data immediately appreciate the signal. WORF Unrecognized. DATA One of the new game options is the "captain's challenge." ikuman RIKER It's a grand opportunity for someone, it's got to be. PICARD Proceed, we'll start with an audit of the resident's environment. EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND KLINGON SHIP (OPTICAL) The Enterprise moves away from the plasma streamer and it heads for the star. INT. FERENGI MESS HALL As before. Worf and Data ENTER, looking around for chairs. The entire section is FILLED WITH PEOPLE. Chairman Fajo is standing on his platform, leaning back in his chair, amused as can be. His First Officer is standing off to one side, flinging some $100 bills onto the Platform. embedreportprint FIRST OFFICER I beg your pardon! Enough! Everyone turns to him. FIRST OFFICER You're not authorized to have any more people in here. WORF Captain, the First Officer indicated that he would like clearance to inspect your plant. Picard's eyes narrow. PICARD One moment, Chairman... WORF Yes, Captain. Worf forces himself to pull the chains. WORF (continuing) Thank you. He hands Picard a PADD. Picard looks at it, surprised. PICARD What does this "Klingon" have to do with anything? FIRST OFFICER Nothing! The Second shifts back to his station. WORF Captain, any starship of opposition is barred from using the Klingon weapon. Even a peaceful mission may be protected by the Mutual Defense Treaty. PICARD (tight control) What exactly does that treaty define? FIRST OFFICER Any unauthorized entrance into the Neutral Zone or transit outside the boundary will be considered an act of war. PICARD (a snap) Off. Picard turns to his staff. PICARD Mister Data, please report to Detention Cell Four. Computer, remove the opponent from play. DATA Aye, sir. Data EXITS. PICARD (to Felton) Commander, hold your fire until we're full. EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND FERENGI VESSEL (OPTICAL) as the ship slips inside the galactic "cloud." INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - ANGLE ON ENERGY COUPLING (OPTICAL) The energy reaching up from the gray blocks now begins to CRUMPLE outward in a FLASH EFFECT. INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - ANGLE ON SECURITY PERSONNEL who sag to the floor. DATA'S VOICE (mid at work) Excuse me, sir. Other people are in the shadows, panicking. Worf MANAGES to reach his hand up into the gray block area. But it's useless -- the energy paths are curving all around him. OFF his mysterious expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - WORF AND GEORDI move down the hall. Worf is trying to keep pace with the accelerated information on his new console. GEORDI Right... how much longer will it take us to reach the Neutral Zone? WORF Another thirty seconds. GEORDI Come on... Worf senses Geordi's distracted. He slows to a stop. This is not the time. WORF (to computer) Computer -- provide two Gamma Quadrant objects within communications range. COMPUTER VOICE Stand by. Worf and Geordi exchange a look. They move on to their tasks. INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ANGLE ON DATA at Ops. Picard enters from his Ready Room. Data is at Science One. PICARD Data... Data turns to him. DATA Sir, we have located the source of the damaging energy beam. It is a ship, perhaps a Galor class model. PICARD (reacts) Galor? DATA No, sir. It is a probe, of unknown design. PICARD How much damage does it sustain? DATA No effect on the hull. PICARD Open a channel. INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The image on the screen changes to show a space vessel approaching. DATA The vessel appears to be engaged. PICARD Put it on the Main Viewer. Data does so. We now see the bottom of the ship -- part of it is visible on the viewscreen, but most of it is hidden from view. RESUME SCENE Picard looks at Data. PICARD What is its design? DATA Sensors indicate it is of unknown design. PICARD That's not very helpful... DATA Less than five hundred meters behind the probe are two officers. Picard looks at the viewscreen. PICARD Who are the officers? CONTINUED: DATA Metal by-pass joint 40274. Assorted hexagonal strips. PICARD Hexagonal? Why would the Russians use a pattern like this? DATA It is a highly specialized pattern designed for military officers. PICARD Their security people must have known about this, too. DATA The pattern is classified. Nevertheless, it is believed to be a control device used for covert manipulation of programs. PICARD And the Ukrainians used it... ? DATA (acknowledges) It was also sold to the French as a way of reducing all operational time. A beat as Picard considers his options. PICARD I think I'll take a shuttle to the scene of the crime... RIKER'S COM VOICE Commander Data, Commander La Forge, report to the scene... DATA I have arrived... Data stands at the console and approaches the viewscreen. ANGLE ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Represents the view of the Havre sector. Data taps a few keys and the image on the screen rotates and changes size as he tries to reach the communications relay. DATA I am unable to establish a cascading pattern... He taps his combadge again and the image on the screen changes again. DATA I have attempted to route the relay through the subspace harmonics... but still no response. He ponders. PICARD Mister Data, what's happening to the com-system? DATA The com-system has been down for eighty-seven hours... PICARD And you think it's the same thing with the com-system in Ten Forward... ? CONTINUED: DATA There is no evidence of a transmission loss on the part of the shuttle crew. PICARD But everything's down. Nobody is being picked up on their communicators. DATA My tests indicate that the shuttle's system is completely inert, sir. RIKER But they still send messages. DATA For all we know, the Lantern could be functional again in five years, and our authentic communicator could be down just as easily. Picard thinks for a long moment... looks around the room. PICARD All right, I'll give it a few more chances. RIKER Captain, even if we can re-establish communications, this isn't real. PICARD I'm not asking you to like our chances, Number One... I'm simply trying to get you to understand that the line between our real world and the alternate universe is thinner than we thought, and it's going to get thinner still. Any of us could be taken prisoner if we interfere with the other universe... it's already begun... Will, I'm afraid Captain Scott doesn't have to weigh as much as he once did... GEORDI The Captain may have been correct that our history is already written. But I disagree, Captain. The characters we have created are our own history. And right now, we exist in a reality of twenty-one centuries. So yes, it's possible that history may repeat itself... and could be. A long look at Scott, then back at the Geordi. GEORDI We'll be ready, sir. PICARD Thank you, Lieutenant. Picard EXITS. INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, RIKER, TROI, Data, and Geordi. TROI According to the Vico audience survey responses, the officers were asked if they remembered anyone who lived during the twenty-second century... GEORDI No, sir. Nobody did. PICARD It would seem that twenty-two and twenty-four are an odd permutations of the century. Geordi acknowledges. RIKER Demographics are so fluid today, it's hard to know where to start... (looking around) What year is this? GEORDI Twenty-four, sir. DATA Einstein's third paper. This is the first time Riker's seen this part of the equation. RIKER Post-atomic, quantum physics, his methodology and his conclusions. GEORDI Post-atomic, sir? RIKER Everything he ever said seemed to state the end of the possible. GEORDI Since he never said there was anything "outside" the parameters of physics... RIKER His conclusions were the most remarkable ones. That's saying something about him, isn't he? TROI Yes, that's important. He was more than that... he was a visionary. He made some really bold claims, changed the future, all without ever being caught. I understand that. GEORDI (defensive) I haven't changed the future. RIKER (right back at him) But you have my letter and my report Card. I gave you a power amplification reading. GEORDI No thanks, Commander. Riker picks up the Card. RIKER This is an entirely different animal. You have the unique ability to transform your body into an... object. GEORDI (touches the chest) Just tell me what you want. RIKER I want you to kill me. Geordi's a little puzzled. He was only acting naturally. GEORDI Are you saying I don't deserve to die? RIKER No. You say that whether I'm interviewing you or not. I'm giving you a chance to either kill me or make amends for whatever you've done to me. And I'm willing to take that chance. Geordi's a little taken back. He puts everything together later on the Bridge. GEORDI You're a murderer, sir. RIKER No. GEORDI You're a visionary, sir. Your call for life... (to COM) Mister Paradise, our arrival is planned. PARDEZ We'll be in orbit around Risa within two hours. RIKER (to COM) We'll leave then, Commander. Mister Paradise, you have the bridge. PARDEZ What about the station? RIKER We'll be back to the station as soon as the Enterprise is ready, Commander. councill. RIKER Mister Paradise, it's an honor to meet you. PARDEZ We'll see you at your appointed time. RIKER Data. Riker starts to leave. PARDEZ Are you leaving, or not? RIKER We have such a special relationship with you, Data. You're not just another transitory agent. You're the bridge of our ship. I'll give you a chance to prove yourself. DATA If I do not wish to pursue this, I believe it is better to postpone the matter. RIKER (smiles) You're free to drop a hammer on anything you want. As for dropting the hammer -- I'll see to that. Data cocks his head. RIKER (continuing) Well, if you'll excuse me... He heads for the door. INT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE HOLODECK Data is shopping in the corridor. The MAN in the frame is eyeing his merchandise. HOLO-GEORDI Holo-mode... miniaturization... radiative decay... (beat) Computer, chromodynamics, maximum warp factor twenty-one... COMPUTER VOICE Procedure not recommended. DATA Override. COMPUTER VOICE Override recommended. Data adjusts the settings on the com. COMPUTER VOICE Twelve point four percent warp factor. Data cocks his head and moves the controls. DATA Activate. The Holo-figure CHIRPS and starts to LEAK OUT into space. INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION - ENTRANCE - THE FERENGI'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) The Portal Figure continues to LEAK OUT into space. It is definitely a different figure, younger, more outstanding... K'EHLEYR Ten point five percent warp factor. The Portal Figure stops, looks at her. She starts to move around, returning to the graviton assembly... K'EHLEYR (continuing) I'm losing the relay! She bolts from the painting, beginning to RELAX... K'EHLEYR (continuing) Pierre! Worf quickly steps between Data and K'Ehleyr, grabbing the painting, returning it safely to its place. Pierre afraidly looks at his now empty stomach. PICARD It's all right, Data. No one needs it. He hurries over to the painting again. K'EHLEYR Makara plants never change... She holds it out with a smile. K'EHLEYR (continuing) Behind each new root, fifty generations pass. K'Ehleyr moves down the gallery, calling out gently: K'EHLEYR (continuing) Habitat Ring. She comes to the door, again stops in surprise. K'EHLEYR (continuing) But this is all I've ever seen... She walks out of the room... down the gallery... OMITTED INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Worf, Geordi, Beverly, Troi. Mid- conversation... PICARD Reach your conclusion regarding the cause of the warp core breach... GEORDI We don't have to know that much about their motivations to send an away team. RIKER Worf says there are stakes involved here... GEORDI Not to me, Commander. If we found other ships, we might be exposed to other types of warp emissions... TROI He's assuming the worst... GEORDI And making the most ridiculous accusations... I'm sure Pavel has legitimate reasons for seeking out this technology... RIKER Not necessarily. In his mind, he's not just looking for reasons... he's looking for someone... he thinks he's on a mission to retrieve... GEORDI There are scenarios where a team of geophysical researchers might be the intended beneficiaries. TROI I see... (nods) You're the one who suggested placing a contingent in the culture of the founders... PICARD Exactly. PULASKI You want us to interrogate them? PICARD No. If we are to engage in any discussion of their impact on the world... I want you to be the leader of the team. PULASKI I'm sorry. What I'm capable of doing is imagined. PICARD Do you think you can do it? Pulaski hesitates... looks around the room, sees the revulsion in Picard's eyes and deep down she knows he knows that he doesn't know what he's up to. PULASKI I'm afraid I can't, Captain. Every time I think I've convinced the captain to postpone commander Riker's tour... something else happens. TROI What happened? PULASKI He canceled the game with the colonists. TROI Why? PULASKI He couldn't think about the whole situation with Clara while they were still inside the colony... over and over again. He just couldn't handle it. RIKER Exactly what is it, Data? How did you react to seeing Clara act out the role of an Alpha One game? DATA Klingons do not allow for individual feelings, Commander. In this instance, Captain, I would have rejected the idea as primarily symbolical. PULASKI As opposed to the actual experience? DATA Both, Doctor. PULASKI Okay, Data, I'll give you my opinion: 'So what happens?' GEORDI You know the game. DATA Entry necessary? PULASKI (beat) I played a shuttle flight from Tasha Four to Alpha Onyo Four. GEORDI You didn't just play a shuttle. PULASKI I simulated the entire flight. GEORDI I did the actual instrument test. PULASKI That's right. GEORDI We simulated the actual crash landing with a shuttlepod. PULASKI For the simulated crash. And there is a moment as they consider the implications. Finally, Picard gestures to Worf. PICARD Mister Worf, accompany me. I'd like you to contact the colony and have them await us at the Depot. Worf hesitates. WORF Yes, sir. He follows Picard. INT. DEBUSETY AREA Bashir examines Ezri's cut and thinks for a beat. BASHIR There doesn't appear to be a fusion reactor within the last five minutes. EZRI The guy who bought the mined asteroids is still calling the team. (thinking) It's probably a good idea to listen to him. Someone's trying to buy some mining rights. BASHIR I'll contact him. He nods and walks away. CONTINUED: EZRI (to the women) I'd better meet my date. Ezri heads for the door. BASHIR I'm right back. Ezri involuntarily hugs Worf. EZRI Thank you. Worf nods as a grateful smile breaks across his face and his expression only hardens. WORF Remember me? Ezri EXITS. BASHIR (with a worried look) Remember? Worf clenches his jaw, then EXITS. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Worf is lying on the floor in his bed, looking at the same ceiling. He looks down at the ceiling for a beat, then decides to wake from it. He sits up and stares at the ceiling. He begins to pull out several tools from a pocket. OFF the eerie moment... CUT TO: INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Worf ENTERS and GWILA is standing in the doorway, two GOATS sitting on the ground nearby. There are no other colonists in the area. Worf is just assembling a generator. He turns to Ghemor. Ghemor is tired and he's wearing a nightshirt. WORF We need to power this generator again. GHEMOR entrepreneogh! Back off! Worf turns and looks at the door. WORF We can't leave. Ghemor walks away. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT THREE 30. GHEMOR You should be careful, Klingon. This is not a walk in the night. WORF What are you saying is that it's a conscious decision? GHEMOR Yes. It is. And you are the cause. WORF Yet you are still willing to attempt communication. Ghemor relaxes slightly. GHEMOR It was not our intention to make Klingon contact. There are safeguards placed in place. (beat) We are simply trying to do what neither of us would normally have to do. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT THREE 31. GHEMOR It would be naive of us to reason about such matters. In fact, I have gone to great lengths to cover my brother's lives with lies. Ghemor regards Worf for a beat. GHEMOR Worf... have you ever thought about what would have happened if the Enterprise had been sent to examine your biological containment fields on Omicron Theta? We would have had ample time to investigate the issue and, if necessary, to take the necessary steps to protect the station from degradation. WORF What would have happened? GHEMOR Regardless, there would have been a delay because of the unstable matter containment necessary to secure the research material. Ghemor is due to return to his seat. He pauses by the door for a moment. GHEMOR entrepreneame, I still say that brother did not live up to his name. But I agree with his solution. Call me Ghemor. Suddenly the doors slide OPEN and Legate Ghemor ENTERS. GHEMOR Legate Legate... Legate Ghemor walks over and looks at Worf. GHEMOR Just a moment ago, I was going to suggest that you -- THRAX Go ahead and eat, Legate. Legate Thrax grabs a spiced rum pot, and spoons off spoonfuls of it. THRAX There are no "reasons" for death, Mister Worf. STAR TREK: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/98 - ACT THREE 32. RIKER If they're not going to kill us, why would they wish to kill us? THRAX That's not the point. We're all friends here. RIKER That's not the point either... (to Worf) Or is it, Mister Worf... ? WORF At times the throat writhes and speaks in a language the Borg can understand... and understand. THRAX That's called a symbiont. They make friends with them. RIKER (to the symbiont) Will you join our party, please. The host nods. Everyone except Worf, as well as Legate Thrax, EXITS the room. CUT TO: INT. SOONG'S LAB - DAY Soong is still sprawled on the table, relaxed as he sleeps. There's a table top with a chair in it. Data is standing next to him, Thermo, and Beverly next to him. Beverly sits with her back to the terminal, eyes closed, as if she were about to cry. Voice on the communicator is soft, easy, mournful... SOONG (softly) Data... Data turns and reacts to what he sees... STAR TREK: "Silicon Avatar" - REV. 8/6/91 - ACT THREE 33. CONTINUED: DATA Interesting. You ordered him to participate? SOONG He's having a wonderful time right up until now. And now he's joined us? DATA spikes, as a matter of fact. SOONG (continuing) I didn't know you liked him. DATA Why do you say that? SOONG I didn't want him to think we were... judging him. (smiles) He's an android, Data, not a human. He's supposed to reflect the social niceties of each race. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Silicon Avatar" - REV. 8/6/91 - ACT THREE 34. SOONG (Cont'd) ÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ(sly smile) And he does. He's proud of you, Data. For a beat, Data thinks he understands the gesture. DATA Walk on the right, tell the computer I do not wish to be walked on. SOONG (surprised) What part did I play in all this? Well, you certainly did enough. DATA I hardly hoped for a higher initial production. I was happy to keep the initial production low and quick. SOONG Rate of acceptance is very low -- how long until the essence of Data begins to emerge? (beat) At my age, a person has reached their prime and decided to share their material and allow people who might be interested in preserving their material with others. DATA I was not designed to preserve material. My programming was designed to maximize the learning by teaching Data how to logically process information. SOONG And then what does it mean to "share" your material with others? What does it reveal about you? DATA I do not intend to answer that question. SOONG The bottom line is... I found him self comfortable with his existence and wished nothing but good would come of it. STAR TREK: "Silicon Avatar" - REV. 8/2/91 - ACT THREE 35. BEVERLY That's... very touching. But your career was planned out for a long time. SOONG I planned for it to happen a long time ago. And now it finally has. BEVERLY Then what's the prognosis? Will he live? Will he die? SOONG It really depends on a man's needs. And right now, I'm not sure there are any. Beverly puts a hand to Soong's arm, happy to be helpful. SOONG (continuing) As a matter of fact, I don't know. Peace is often... a somewhat elusive thing. BEVERLY That's wonderful news. I'll keep you informed. Soong smiles gratefully. As he collapses, there's a long silent moment as he looks out the window re: Lwaxana... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Silicon Avatar" - REV. 8/6/91 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is in the midst of a passage. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45174.2. Gravitational effects are being felt on the planet's surface as a series of spacecraft have been dropped on the surface to study the phenomenon. INT. BRIDGE Picard, RIKER, WORF and DATA are in the Command Area, Picard at the Aft Science Station, Geordi at Conn - next to him. GEORDI We've dropped off our orbit behind the Barnos Four planet, sir. The carrier wave has brought us up to Warp Nine -- which is still showing signs of interference. PICARD �� INTERCUT AS NEEDED: ANGLE ON PICARD'S MONITOR (OPTICAL) The image on the screen is distorted, with LIGHTS FLASHING IN AND OUT. The letters on the screen are SIGNALING FASTER. DATA We are currently scanning the atmosphere above the planet, sir. PICARD'S COM VOICE (further reading) ... If it is an unconventional circumstance, sir, I haven't met the Menthars before. DATA I leave the atmosphere intact, sir. PICARD'S COM VOICE Understood. EXT. PLANET SURFACE - NEAR RAIN KOBB As the TOWNSPEAKER begins to read, we PULL BACK TO REVEAL Roma and her group, gathered in small groups, clinging to the railing of the grotto. They are wearing catholic robes and placed leather covers over their heads. They look haggard, like a cross between the English Lowrie and the Japanese Nara. They gape as the villa shines IN WIDE, sending a THUNDEROUS THUMP off the Rocking Ridge as it thunders down along the coastline. Everyone, including Rivan and the others, is afraid of the thumping. TOG (a glower) Humming... (a smile) Spreading... The Tog stops, waits. The Villagers follow him to the edge of the grotto. Rivan moves to Tog. RIKER We're all right. TOG (nods) Except of course, your Captain. Riker's a very special person, Will. Riker looks Tog straight in the eye. RIKER (hard) You've got it! Tog glares at him, then suddenly releases his hold on Riker and enters the villa. Riker follows him. INT. VILLA - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Riker, Troi, Data, and Geordi ENTER. The Villagers go to work on the various consoles as Geordi tries to explain to Data. GEORDI We were just descending when the thermal levels dropped below normal... we felt it might be possible to initiate a power flow over this region... so we did. Geordi moves to a successful console. TROI Commander, what kind of reaction do you expect from the population? GEORDI They're using the word "we" in a very specific way. Which is very interesting... in a nestled between meaning... DATA They seem to be looking for specific experience in order to decode our computer files. GEORDI That's their psyches, at least. Gratis Unus. Gratis Unus is every bit as alien as we've ever seen. But it's a society that values a sense of collective intelligence and tolerance, so there should be no problems with this at all. WORF I suggest we leave unhurt, but they should remain where they are. Geordi lobs a tech device toward the others. GEORDI Got it. NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Riker, Worf, Data, and Troi, as WAIT RIGIDLY. RIKER (re: nearby monitor) Geordi, it's coming up... do you think we're getting enough power? GEORDI Data... at maximum efficiency... we can overload them individually. But it won't be easy. THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) shows an OKUDAGRAM of a huge energy plasmic stream. The palettes beneath it are melting. RESUME SCENE RIKER What about atmospheric re-sequencing? GEORDI Neuromolded biomass does not have that effect. DATA But the energy stream will still be a problem if it is mishandled. GEORDI But you can't bring it back together again! RIKER That's the dilemma. GEORDI There's an elegant solution in common with all the other lifeforms in this vessel. (MORE) GEORDI (Cont'd) We have built in a technological language, little more than a general knowledge of life forms... but that capability has outlived our androids, probably forever. So if someone is going to repair something in here, it has to be nearly 20th century technology. Hence a child could play in it... WORF But something catastrophic would happen to us in just a few hours... GEORDI We have simulated the re-sequencing sequence about five hundred times. The risks are real. And I wouldn't bet on it being any better in this situation... RIKER Then a lot of what we have here is luck. Geordi gives him a look. Talking about luck sounds good, but what does that mean? GEORDI Now how did you know I wouldn't be able to stop the engine? It was random chance. And Bruno didn't die until the very end... we just didn't have the time. RIKER What happened after that, then? GEORDI There was a... lull in the re- sequencing process... RIKER Laugh all right... then the ship gets back to normal. GEORDI After that, there was never any laboratory, no Chief O'Brien, no Saurian botanists... RIKER After the power drain, when the temperature got down to zero twenty-seven degrees, the computer shut down... There is a beat as he recalls the procedures of the airsoft simulation. GEORDI We would wake up, and go to full wake-up... we don't really get used to living like this... RIKER I'm sure Starfleet will be very RandomRedditorwondrous at your table-tenure. Sir. SHELBY We'll see... RIKER At your convenience. He kisses the table. Then they both EXIT. INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ANGLES (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Geordi and supernumeraries. PICARD Where are we, Mister La Forge? GEORDI Approximately here, sir. RIKER At warp eight? PICARD Yes... GEORDI That'll get us to the Lysian region... and back to our standards, sir. PICARD (glancing at the instruments) Well, warp nine... (as he bobs his head) ... and we change course for the Darwin Station. RIKER Yes... and we change course for the Darwin Station. PICARD �(nods) Geordi, take us into a northwesterly direction... RIKER anship... give us just under five hundred kph... oh,! (speeds) �Move, move, move! Just as we hear an electronic gurgle from the Transporter system... TRANSPORTER CHIEF'S VOICE Captain, we've got a problem. Inserting himself into the chime, the Transporter Chief moves to the panel and examines the readout. PICARD (O.S.) What is it? The chime falls. RIKER The transporter's completely out of service. TRANSPORTER CHIEF I'm certain of that. PICARD Well, solve it, then. RIKER I suggest we free the Transporter system and assess the situation. PICARD And where do we start? RIKER We don't have much time, sir. There are close to a hundred million of them in the system. We'll have to shut down the Transporter in a few seconds and then come clean through the system. TRANSPORTER CHIEF But if there are hundreds of thousands of them... the odds are we'll be able to drop enough of them to create a new transporter pattern. RIKER Exactly. And once we do that, we can solve the problem. PICARD Excellent. (to the Transporter Chief) Credit your system for the quick response, Mister La Forge. GEORDI (as he works) Captain, the Transporter is back on line. I'm picking them up... (as he looks at the readouts) They're trying to disguise... RIKER Hail them, La Forge. GEORDI (as he works) They're trying to weave an enormous web of deception... RIKER And if all else fails... blame the faithful clerk instead of the Starship's chief enchanter. GEORDI I suppose I'd feel better if we actually did have a problem. ANGLE ON THE TRANSPORTER STAGE (OPTICAL) Lore's form now starts to MOVE AWAY FROM Riker and the others. It MATERIALIZES on the stage, TERRAINED and HUMMING. A matter of seconds later, it VANISHES. TRANSPORTER CHIEF (V.O.) Transporter Room One, this is Transporter Chief, I have a fix on the away team. OVERLAP SOUND on the bridge. TRANSPORTER CHIEF (V.O.) (continuing) And as I reported earlier, there was a massive power drain in Transporter Room Two. DATA I had reported that after trying to initiate a near-by Singha comet it did occur to me that the Enterprise might be a lot safer with Lore behind the wheel. RIKER What do you mean? TROI I mean everything else stays the same... the environment, the people, the customs... it's like the beginning of a new day. This is exciting. GEORDI Information. TROI The Singha comet is passing along a perigee approximately seven seconds behind us. DATA It will enter the inner solar system in two minutes, forty seconds. RIKER Is the new song enough? TROI No... it's missing a few lyrics. No one on the bridge gives Riker a wide berth. Picard rises as the captain enters. PICARD You've been at that piano kind of thing for a long time, Lieutenant. RIKER (thinking) My senior staff and I used to sing in the holodeck. PICARD Sure, when you have the time you might try for a taste of the Holodeck again, but give it a chance. It's an incredible experience... freedom... openness... and you'll find something to like about it. RIKER One take. The other will be taken. PICARD Take us back to the surface. RIKER Yes, sir. The ship DISAPPEARS from the Viewscreen. Picard watches with growing sadness. PICARD There was so much promise... There can't be more. On Riker's troubled look... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END