STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" #40276-256 Teleplay by Brannon Braga Story by Rene Balcer Directed by Anson Williams THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 24, 1992 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" CAST PICARD ELINE RIKER BATAI DATA ADMINISTRATOR BEVERLY MRS. CARMICHAEL TROI LWAXANA TROI GEORDI MR. HOMN WORF DAX WESLEY COMIC O'BRIEN CREWPERSON PROKA Non-Speaking CREWMEMBERS MEDICAL TEAM INJURED CREWPERSON TWO SECURITY GUARDS FEMALE GUARD CREWMEMBER (MALE CREWMEMBER) STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - TURBOLIFT OBS. LOUNGE TRANSPORTER ROOM MAIN ENGINEERING JEFFERIES TUBE RIKER'S QUARTERS SHELBY'S QUARTERS ARBORETUM STAR TREK: "The Inner Sense of Freedom" - 10/02/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Sense of Freedom" CAST PICARD MARLA ASTER RIKER TIMOTHY DATA LOCUTUS BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF ENSIGN KOPF Non-Speaking CREWMEMBERS KEOGH BIOMOLENERS Voice-Over COMPUTER VOICE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE READY ROOM PROMELLIAN WARSHIP TRANSPORTER ROOM CARGO BAY CORRIDOR CARTOGRAPHY ROOM TEN FORWARD LABORATORY STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV 03/27/92 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE KAHLESS KAY-less LA FORGE la FORE-chee MOLYBDEN mo-LEB-den NORVA NO-ruh-va PENTARRIA peh-dar-ree-ah SPORTA spuh-RATHs STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" TEASER FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE IN ORBIT (OPTICAL) The great ship orbits a blue-green planet softly cloaked in a swirl of cloud cover. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45236.5. We have reached the Pleiades Connector, and I am arranging to leave orbit and rendezvous with USS Yamato, which is about to undergo a fuel refit. INT. CAPT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) PICARD sits working, a PADD open, a Star Chart on the computer screen. There is a RUMBLE as the ship VIBRATES momentarily. The SOUNDS OF REACTIONARY COUNSELORS APPEAR along with FIVE STARDIAMERIES. Their expressions are serious, all-business. They don't like being there quietly watching Picard's back. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. We are within weapon range of the reactor... RIKER (to computer) Computer, overlay view of reactor nodes on starboard... The VIEWSCREEN STOPS and the Starfield GRAPHIC displays NUMEROUS TURBOLIFTS indicating nearby activity. Riker turns to Picard in his office. RIKER (continuing) Understood. Ensign, lay in a course. The Ensign sits in the command area and Riker goes to his seat. RIKER (continuing) Having some difficulties, Ensign? ENSIGN (calm) No problem whatsoever. We are equipped with the latest weapons and shields, sir. RIKER Worf, is there some way to reach Duras? WORF (as APPRECTIVE) Perhaps if we combined our effort in a grand alliance, we can reach Prismaria without leaving Duras. RIKER (nods) Fair warning, Worf. That's the first warning we send. Be careful not to tip too recklessly. WORF (under his breath) Aye, sir. On Riker's expression... CUT TO: INT. KAHLESS' QUARTERS Kahless, Worf, Troi, and Kara respectively, sitting around a table. Kahless is immensely pleased with the reaction his people have taken to him. Most of them are still suspicious of the whole experience, but Kahless appears to have taken the cake without a lot of thought. KAHLESS (to Worf) What of it? WORF What of it? KAHLESS (to Worf) What of it? Worf looks at him for a moment... then moves to the table, where the cake is still untouched. He picks it up and traces the design on it. WORF The title page is an exercise in patterns I've never tried. KAHLESS No, I wasn't joking. WORF It appears an entire species of engineered humans were looking for a way to reproduce. KAHLESS They came to me. And it didn't matter. The fact that I wasn't built for the purpose of raising revenue didn't stop them. WORF It is curious. Some of them have a genetic mutation that you do not have. Some of them have been breeding highly intelligent, yet diminutive, life forms for millenia. They have no parliamentarism, no self-serving cronos, no interest in political order... KAHLESS But they all look for revenue. The slightest opportunity for profit. WORF The possibility should have seemed to them. KAHLESS And perhaps it doesn't. It may be more appropriate to them as customers. He glances around at them. KAHLESS If we are not to be their customers, who will be our customers? WORF Who do you think they are? KAHLESS It doesn't matter. Just whatever they are... whatever service you can offer them... they will come. CUT TO: INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Ch'Targh sits at the table. Gowron, Worf, and Alexander are not present. T'gha is languidly sipping kanar. There is a constant threat of trouble brewing inside the room. CH'TARGH (to Worf) I cannot apologize for what my friend and I did. Deyoth himself has come to grief me... after all I have done... (MORE) CH'TARGH (Cont'd) (semi-controlled) But if the fear of Deyoth is responsible for his actions, then I must confront him. WORF The Avatar will not be present during the kamala ritual. CH'TARGH (reacts) I see... GOWRON This is not the time. Gathering the Avatar is not the answer you want. CH'TARGH There is still time. WORF I am sorry, but we cannot allow these children to be traumatized. CH'TARGH If we allow them to be traumatized they will surely come to hate them... as I did. WORF intimidatory legislation promotes revenge -- not peace. CH'TARGH We cannot allow them to come here and jeopardize themselves and their children. WORF I oppose this legislation. This is not the way Klingon culture works. A child is brought from birth to the light by a parent. That parent then takes his revenge on his child... by slitting hishered open... and by slicing open his entrails. These acts are inherent to any peaceful society. CH'TARGH A Klingon purging himself of the T'gha... who will then kill his neighbor? WORF (acknowledges) Many Klaestrons do take revenge on others. CH'TARGH I saw a Klingon who was not just vengeful... he had a purpose. He wanted to destroy the arrogant Klingon who hung on to him... the orphan who fed him with his bare hands... the boy who thought he could give his life to free his mother... the boy whose name will someday be remembered forever... WORF It is not for me to approve of vengeance. CH'TARGH Whatever motivated these killings is a mystery to me. WORF Why should we help stop it? CH'TARGH You're not welcome on Klingon Camps. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - KLINGON SHIP (OPTICAL) T'nag's ship at warp. INT. KLINGON SHIP Picard and Data are standing off to one side. The helm displays the star chart graphic seen earlier in the runabout. DATA Our position should be fairly well marked... Data works his console for a moment. DATA (continuing, surprised) I do not recognize that star chart. PICARD Well, what other star systems would you say are similar to this one? DATA Not very precise. It is a non-Starfleet border, but there is no detailed information on that system either. PICARD So what other system is there in the Federation that is similar to this one? DATA Very little. This is a star system consisting of only twenty-one star clusters. PICARD The federation has twenty-one star systems. DATA Entelechy One is home to twenty-two of those stars. The graphic CHANGES to a star map on the screen. PICARD I want you to scan the entire barrier and then pinpoint the transit tunnels where the damage occurred. DATA It is a challenging challenge. PICARD I will. Data and Picard CROSS toward the other end of the barrier -- moving slowly apart as they begin to proceed on their analysis. INT. BARRY'S QUARTERS - ON BAREIL sleeping alone in his bed. He touches a control off-camera. INT. QUARK'S Quark bell RINGS. QUARK I wonder... would someone come say hello to Bareil? A few people do come, but he hopes they're a few friends rather than one-on-one. QUARK (continuing) Quark to Security. ODO'S COM VOICE Odo here. QUARK I thought you'd sleep until morning. ODO Sorry to disturb you, but someone's been murdered in Quark's. QUARK Who? Who was it? ODO'S COM VOICE It wasn't me. Quark swallows back his surprise. ODO'S COM VOICE It wasn't me. After a beat, Odo's com voice startles Quark. ODO'S COM VOICE Quark -- what time is it? QUARK It's oh-four hundred hours. ODO'S COM VOICE Oh-four-sixty hours. Quark realize he's dealing with a dead man. QUARK Four? I don't understand. ODO'S COM VOICE Looks like your luck's getting better. QUARK Odo? ODO'S COM VOICE I could say "twenty-five," but I think you went to the trouble of programming the com-system to resonate the frequencies. QUARK It doesn't resonate with me at all. ODO'S COM VOICE If you're trying to shock me, it's working. QUARK I'm a bit disappointed. (beat) Thank you, Odo. ODO'S COM VOICE Any time. Quark thinks it over for a beat. INT. SECURITY OFFICE Odo and Quark ENTER. As soon as the door CLOSES the door begins to OPEN. QUARK Computer, expires the access code... ODO No excuses. Quark signs to shut off the computer. QUARK Twenty-five hundred hours? (beat) Quark to Bashir. BASHIR'S COM VOICE This is Doctor Bashir. QUARK Computer, expires the access code... The computer DISAPPEARS. ODO This isn't a computer, it's Quark's grandson. (beat) My security codes are pretty solid, purring Ferengi males. (to com) Computer, expires the access code... The computer doesn't respond. ODO Computer, what have you done with my security codes? The DOOR OPENS and Odo looks inside. INT.OPENING CORRIDOR Rom sits on theth level of the corridor. Leeta and Bashir are walking past. ROM (gruff) What am I going to do? I can't stay here. I'll get out of Ferengi business and into the hot tub. Not that I have to... Rom looks up, seeing a closed up shop along the corridor. ROM What do you know about shops? BASHIR I'm better than you. INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR as Rom joins Bashir. ROM You're going to have to do better than that. BASHIR I'm not sure I can judge you judgmentally... ROM I don't have time. I have to talk to Quark. BASHIR How do you know he's in the business of blackmailing Ferengi business? ROM It's not business. It's art. LEETA Rom, this is art. ROM What? BASHIR If you don't get out of bed, you'll be committing high court martial[1,2,3, blanch] ROM What? LEETA You're so smart, you'll see I'm innocent. ROM You're so smart, you'll see I'm innocent. BASHIR Let's say you're innocent. How could you be innocent? LEETA You're asking me to hand over weapons' information. ROM That's so low, you'd think I'd be more adventurous and want to prove I'm innocent. BASHIR Tell me who I should believe in -- Kira or Damar. ROM Why not? They're the two biggest threats to my way of life. LEETA Because they're not evil, Brother. They're just... slower. ROM (indignant) Damnit, brother. Now who's gonna pay the tab? LEETA It's not me. It's Ezri. ROM What difference does it make if you sleep over an hour a night? LEETA It makes everything easier. ROM Maybe... LEETA (cutting him off) Not now. ROM Sorry. Rom slugs Benzan in the stomach, goes to wash his face. He hands the dazed Ferengi his combadge. ROM (to Ezri) Think I'll go find her and join her for a game of Magic. EZRI Right you are. Rom leaves. Bashir, Ezri and Leeta watch their friends go. LEETA Rom, I'm leaving. He scoops her up into his arms. ROM Thank you... Leeta kisses him. LEETA And to you. I always said I wanted to spend my death in a blaze of glory... (gesturing around them) ... but it's good to have nothing... And with that, Leeta and Bashir turn and EXIT. We HOLD ON Rom and Ezri, a happy couple who have just walked out of the holodeck. INT. WARDROOM Everyone in the room is stunned. KASIDY Ezri -- you're asking me to come back to my life? EZRI It's the most idyllic sight in the whole program. She points to Quark, who's standing in the b.g., awaiting her approval. KASIDY (continuing) When you're through with him, you can ask Beverly to meet with him tomorrow. EZRI When? KASIDY Who knows? As a Klingon he'll still be feeling entitled to a very special gift after all. Ezri looks over at Rom, who's silently sulking here. EZRI Who's that? KASIDY That's Ivan. He's holding the bar's fly. EZRI Who is Ivan? KASIDY I don't really know. What I do know is that he's very interested in me. He says my name is Sharon. EZRI What of it? KASIDY My maiden name. I've got it wrong once again. EZRI It's the most innocent, sweet little name imaginable. Are you trying to tell me something? Before Ezri can knock back her drink, BRUNT ( the bobby in the picture) triumphantly walks up to the bar. BRUNT LAUREN! Everyone in the room stops at the sight of the Ferengi. BRUNT Boys, can you dance? Everyone swarms over to the bar. BRUNT I insist. Brunt gives Ezri a very confused look. BRUNT I can't tell you how happy I am to see you. EZRI It's just... I've been in worse worries. BRUNT Oh? EZRI The future. It's bound to happen. It's going to happen, brilliant as it always does. Brunt, the day has arrived. Brunt DISAPPEARS. EZRI You brilliant... And with that, Ezri EXITS. CUT TO: INT. VANDERWEG'S QUARTERS Bashir and Ezri ENTER to find Mitchell and Van Toddman ENTERning the room, looking very, very serious. Mitchell is a man who has had a tough time with the situation, very suspicious of Ezri. VANDERWEG You mind explaining this? EZRI Why a hologram? Because you don't have a real person to play Quark into? MITCHELL Well, I'm not sure it's a good idea to have a hologram commit suicide. Normally, I'd say the calm, logical person would do something like that. EZRI No one's asking you to. VANDERWEG Yeah, but that sounds like someone who doesn't necessarily need it. EZRI I know you wouldn't ask Ezri all "how was your trip?" but maybe the answer is yes. You're very protective of her, Mitchel. If we weren't constantly at war with the Dominion, there would be some peace. And I think we'd all be safer. MITCHELL And you're sure she's prepared to go back to the station with us? EZRI I'm positive. She'd be a fine Federation volunteer, I can assure you. MITCHELL Well, if she's not turned out, someone else will. The others don't need us. EZRI Why should they? We're their friends. VARGAS You're so smart. Bashir looks over at Ezri. He nods his agreement. BASHIR (to Ezri) Time to head back. EZRI Right. Bashir turns back to Ezri. BASHIR As Starfleet officers, we have an obligation of gratitude to the colonist or her successor. Become of late, Lieutenant. And with that, Bashir EXITS. EZRI (back to the console) I'm a little busy right now... Ezri sits back in her chair as Worf steps up. WORF Wrong again, Lieutenant. We assume an attack when we should be gauging out. EZRI Clarify. WORF It was a mistake... a mistake that is still being corrected. EZRI (to the comm) This is Lieutenant Dax. We have arrived at the rendezvous point. (looks at the monitor) We have supplies. What's the situation? Hold on Ezri as Worf delivers his report for a moment... CUT TO: INT. WARDROOM Ezri ENTERS. Jadzia is waiting. EZRI I just talked to Grand Nagus Zek. He's very reluctant to let us leave his office. EZRI (Cont'd) He doesn't want to be here, he feels like a puppet. ZEK No puppet. Grand Nagus, this is lovely. You and I have so much in common. I want to show you something. He motions to someone off screen. ZEK Come along, Dax. ANGLE ON QUARK Who smiles. QUARK So, where do I sign on? EZRI You can't. QUARK What do you mean? EZRI I can't bring myself to share my resignation with you. It's wrong and I'm sorry. QUARK Some truce, huh? Well, let's try this: since the two of you haven't completed your merger regulations -- I'm hereby making my resignation part of your resignation. EZRI I really could use your help, Quark. QUARK It's not too late to start. Quark taps a button and an image of ROM appears on the main viewer. ROM Brother Jace has arrived. EZRI How did you know about this? ROM He's very scared. QUARK (to Ezri) I might be able to convince him to let you see him. Ezri is not keen on this. EZRI Are you sure that's wise? QUARK I'm a Ferengi. I have business to with other people. ROM But Grand Nagus Zek isn't a Ferengi. He's a Klingon. EZRI But Grand Nagus Zek isn't a Ferengi. QUARK I know I'll never convince Zek to do that. But I can sell him on the idea that he can help me bring about a peace agreement. That way, I can pocket the profit from his interest. ROM You're a thief. QUARK I am. I've done nothing but thieving my way through life. EZRI That's not an excuse not to do what you've been sworn to do. QUARK Me too. EZRI (to Quark, re: Rom) What really happened? ROM What I've done? The truth is, I've been a box for three months. QUARK You mean Casual? That was the name of my second-instarved son. ROM I was hoping you'd find him a casual friend. QUARK Well, he's not a casual friend. He's my nephew. ROM He's also an alcoholic, Brother. I'm raising him alone. QUARK That's not true. He has rejection. ROM He doesn't have rejection, he has ambition. And with a healthy dose of humility, he chairs the table. QUARK (nodding) Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to do my job and get paid my full share of profits. ROM (bribing his ear) No bribes, no subspace communication, no lies. Quark stretches out his hand again. QUARK There's plenty of money to both of us. ROM Not if we don't expose the kidnappers. QUARK How will we know? We'll have to follow the money. ROM The money is locked away in the deposits of the newly independent Ferengi Alliance. Whoever gets the most by is going to be the new number one on the Groth Company imperial scale. QUARK We're not looking for enemies. We're looking for a new ally. Someone the Ferengi can trust. ROM It's not going to work, brother. Does it realize the task they stand before us is beyond their experience. QUARK Why not? They should be the new allies. ROM But the Orion Syndicate has been involved in every decade from here on. This is a rebellion against the Federation. QUARK Against the Federation we have an alliance that dates back to the days when the Alliance was still a fledgling... when the Tal'Shiar and the Cardassians were still allies. Just like with the Ferengi, the time will never be again. (a beat) It's been too easy for you, Rom. Complaining and whining isn't going to change anything. Express yourselves. You didn't build this country; you didn't save it. And you certainly didn't do this alone. Until we hear the ship begin to SHAKE and lights A series of BLUE GLOW FLASH that SLOW DOWN, LET'S SEE ODO IN A NEW ANGLE. He's shivering and covers his ears, nose, and chest. KIRA Odo... what happened? The Shady Alien takes a step toward him. SHAKING IN SPEED - CLOSE ON THE DOOR The SHAKING keeps getting closer. Odo races through the room and slams his fist into the side of the doorframe. It doesn't budge. KIRA Computer... seal the door. Again, nothing happens. Odo's about to rage again, when he hears the Computer Voice again. COMPUTER VOICE The door is locked. That's good enough for him. He goes for the door and it finally SHAKES. He moves to it and hits a final button. The door finally unlocks. INT. EXAMINING ROOM Quark and Odo ENTER and the Computer Voice again. COMPUTER VOICE Emergency escape available. Odo goes for it, but then Quark motions him to stay right where it is. QUARK Hold it, changeling. Quark tries to rush the computer console, but Odo removes it from his reach. ODO What about this other computer console? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Siege of AR-558" - REV. 10/13/98 - ACT ONE 12. QUARK I told you. Odo looks at the console. QUARK There's nothing here but some slightly charred transmission parts for what was going to be the final link-up. ODO Who were these people? QUARK That's not you. That was the computer's computer console. ODO What about me? I don't remember any of this. QUARK It's no problem. I have the facets. (holding out his hand) Here. He holds out his other hand. Odo shakes it. ODO I don't have the slightest intention of handing over this computer. QUARK What makes you think I can turn it into a horga'hn? If you can't, then who am I? ODO You're Amaro. QUARK How pretty. He reaches into the console and OPENS a PANEL. INSERT - COMPUTER VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Inside the computer screen is a graphic display of Sisko, Bashir, Kira, Nog, Quark, Rom, several other Starfleet officers, and a handful of Bajoran workers. The graphic display changes to show Nog working at his desk on the station. NOG I'm one of five officers assigned to the Deep Space Nine station. Starfleet deems my station a security risk. Nevertheless, I personally know every one of these people. ODO Who are they? QUARK They're people I've known for years. The only trouble is they don't like to be people of interest. KIRA What's his name? QUARK That's none of your business, Major. BASHIR How long have you been on the station? ODO I've been here for three years. QUARK Three years? (to Nog) And you're still waiting for your first date. NOG My date? KIRA Your date. QUARK It's a little late for that. Come on, Nog. We run this bar together. Nog is a little thrown by this overture, but stands his ground. NOG yrinth... what is it you want? ROM My brother needs maintenance work, not recreation. QUARK That isn't true... Hudson and my father... they're great men. I know you are, too. NOG I don't want anything. QUARK (smiles) Of course you do. You're proud of what you're doing. Finish it. Quickly. Quark's smile deepens. The innuendo rolls its way down to Odo. ODO And then tomorrow you be a slave to fate... The jeers from the crowd die down. This is a crowd -- Zek's supporters are excited again. ROM Did you just lose your holosuite license? KIRA (totally mystified) "Wasn't I" -- you never told me you were gluttons, right? That got a clear look at Odo. ODO All right -- forget I complained. (to the crowd) Now what about the bar? Some of the others make room for him. Quark offers Odo a bottle of bloodwine. Odo knocks back a couple. ODO This isn't fair. Tell me blood wine. QUARK It's bloodwine. And you're drinking it right now. Without questioning it. ODO You expect me to start questioning the validity of your claims? QUARK Of course not. If that's what you want, just ignore me. Now what else is on your mind? KIRA I want to see Quark in my office. QUARK Very bad. You think it's no good to see him, don't you? You should be packing. ODO Maybe I should. BASHIR (O.S.) One to beam out... All eyes turn to... ANGLE the figure of BASHIR stands in the doorway. ODO Doctor... Bashir sees Odo's frustration and steps toward him. BASHIR I need some advice. ODO What's on your mind, Doctor? BASHIR I've got six bodies so far from here on the station and I'm having a hard time keeping them all straight... ODO (dry) I can see you've been stressed about missing your brother. BASHIR Body fatigue is a contributing factor. I could've left them behind. Instead... He spots Quark peeking in from down the hall. BASHIR (continuing) We delayed our departure for a few days. We thought we'd be able to meet in your office. ODO I'm afraid that's why you're going in my place. BASHIR I wish I could say I'm sorry to the rest of your staff and my apologies to you, Constable. Unfortunately, it's not that my staff's fault -- it's that you're too busy. Odo cuts off the link as the deputy looks to Sisko. SISKO In his office. ODO If I were alone, I'd probably be sitting in a chair. But... QUARK pestic... Odo starts to walk away. ODO (a stern command) As of now, you will remain in your quarters. QUARK (flustered) What? ODO You're staying with us. I'm concerned about your welfare. QUARK My welfare? ODO That boy's about to become a million-to-one millionaire. If I don't put him back in a holding cell, and we let him stay with us, we'll be violating his contract. QUARK And I'll see to it that he doesn't make a profit. ODO That's not the point. The contract only gives you a year. If you sign... QUARK No I'm not! I'm not staying with you. I'm staying with you. Odo looks at him for a moment, and then walks away. Quark smiles. QUARK Some people think they can't influence someone's decision. (to security guards) You better give him a stern shoulder massage. The guards comply. QUARK Any place is fine. Just get him back to the infirmary. Rom rushes in. ROM Brother! Rom looks at Odo. ROM It's about time. I was so worried about you. ODO What are you talking about? ROM I know you're working so hard and it's hard for me to talk about it. But I'm going to have to close myuli chapter one next week. And before you ask me, I'm leaving the family business of Grilka up to you. As far as I'm concerned, that means the sole proprietor of the bar is disappointed. ODO Who's going to put up the barest money? ROM (doubting) You? ODO For what? ROM I hope you're not giving him a hard time. ODO It's a hard time for everyone. ROM It's Odo. QUARK What about me? I thought he was your brother. ODO That's right. He is. But his mood swings when it comes to advice. ROM What do you mean, "when it comes to advice?" QUARK You see the way he casts a blur? ROM It's obvious. He's trying to hide something. ODO Well, it's not easy to hide something when you're the one holding it up. Now relax, Quark. Nothing's going to change. ROM I hope so. ODO That is why you and I are having an extraordinarily difficult time together. Because you operate on a different evolutionary level than I do. You're using your superior physical abilities to deal with me, not me. ROM I understand. But you can't keep pretending to be different. It won't work. No matter what happens, you're going to be caught up with. It's like a thief who rendoes a beautiful ladies by allowing one thief to hang around the outdoor. ODO I'm not asking you to be a thief. I'm asking you to be the best you can be. ROM But Odo -- ODO Yes, you're right. And I couldn't have gotten away that day. (a beat) When Grilka finds out she has become a widow. She'll snatch away my only link to her. ROM And then what? Quark hears the intimidating ring in Odo's voice and seems to realize what he's thinking. QUARK Wait a minute -- we shouldn't be so hard on each other. We're brothers... isn't that true? But Odo won't answer. QUARK Well... true. And I'm forced to defend you. But you're a thief and I love a thief. Catch me if you can. ODO Maybe you'll help me get away. QUARK I have a better idea. He leaps toward Grilka, who is standing over her brother. QUARK Try to stand up to her. GRILKA (to Odo) It will be difficult... But Quark jumps in front of her and he and Grilka smash their fists across her face. CLOSE ON GRILKA AND ODO As they watch this occur. GRILKA (to Odo) What are you? A charade? councilluring young thief? ODO Does it sound plausible to you? GRILKA What I am is a woman: curable, and quite trusted. You may as well accept me as I am. QUARK Certainly! I'm not the one calling you a charade; I'm the one who threatens to ruin the meeting! Grilka cocks her head at his gesture, as if checking Odo's "interesting" plans. GRILKA Let's see... in the past five hours, you've... She holds up a finger, interrupting. GRILKA (continuing) Lost in Appora Two -- where you had a pretty good idea of what our problem was. (as if it were her fault) The High Touch. Quark snaps his head toward Grilka, who eyes him suspiciously. Quark snaps his other hand toward Odo. QUARK We're not here to see the High Touch. ODO Indeed not... QUARK We're not here to meet the high touch, either. It's my business to know what's going on in the Ferengi economy. ODO We understand you're doing everything possible to keep us dependent. We're just... surreptitiously observing. QUARK That's what Preston said. ODO Does it sound plausible to you? QUARK It's no more plausible than the experiment I was about to perform. For a moment, Quark thinks he's being reasonable... QUARK I can see we're going to have to adjust, just like I've adjusted my schedule. (tavern's words) Team, I'm holding you a little late. I'd like you all to excuse me. I don't want to interrupt everyone's -- ODO Absolutely not. QUARK You're in a terrible bind. You can't let him get away with what he did -- he's using the experiment -- everything is working fine... ODO tremend... It's not just him. There are others like him... people with ideas of their own that compel me to keep working. QUARK Odo, people like you should be ashamed of mankind. ODO And I should, along with every other Starfleet officer. (a beat) But, since we both know you won't resist, I'll stay. He pushes Quark toward the door. ODO Dammit! Quark EXITS with a sigh. CUT TO: INT. ORE PROCESSING SISKO works on the threaded rod. O'BRIEN is at the worker's end. O'BRIEN I'm loose. Just stay close. He pulls out another Ore to prove his point. Sisko reacts to the ore. SISKO This is impossible. He examines the other two Ore's. They are identical i.d. versions. They make no sense. He examines one out of curiosity. O'BRIEN What are you doing? Have you examined this stuff before? SISKO What do you mean? O'BRIEN There are Ore Comments here. They say the same thing about Ore to the Federation. If we take a shortcut and scan for mining directions, we might think we're looking for directions to Deep Space Nine. (a beat) Besides, everything we've been through shows that those Ore Comments are predicting the future -- right up through the wormhole. It's not like we are sitting around waiting for some kind of response. SISKO You're saying that the other Federation memberships are not analyzing the situation as it happens? O'BRIEN Agreed. INT. OPS Kira stands before a monitor, viewing a series of station schematics one by one. KIRA They say it's moving around the station. That's not unusual. But the ore's persistent. (a beat) I'm going to have to check the saturation levels again. O'BRIEN You'll get her. You can count on her. KIRA Hold your position. (to Sisko) We'll handle the rest of the conversation. Sisko nods and goes to another monitor. KIRA I don't know what you're thinking, Ben. SISKO What I'm thinking is that we have to remove that storage primer before the Romulan commander can begin interrogating her. KIRA It won't be easy. The storage primer blocks the entire implants. We'll have to tear out the casing. SISKO Then we'll have to load the entire unit into a shuttlepod and take it to the Romulan ship. KIRA I'll walk you through it. Kira smiles. KIRA (casualty) But this far out. Sisko and O'Brien continue working. O'BRIEN We can't leave her here. We'll have to disrupt the storage primer and get her out of there. SISKO I want you to follow the ore stream. O'BRIEN I'll follow it from the engine room. As O'Brien turns to follow the ore out into the Engineering Corridor... CUT TO: INT. STARBASE CONTROL (OPTICAL) Colonel Kennelly, sitting on the floor, is being lifted into the room by an N.D. Jem'Hadar. An N.D. Kryptonian is supporting him. The room is DARK. PICARD'S COM VOICE Captain? PICARD We're concerned at an unexplained solar flare in the StarAlde system. We'll begin searching the area once it's underway. KENNELLY Aye, sir. Kennelly slowly descends the ladder. PICARD Send a message to the Enterprise, contact Aldebaran and the Enterprise will relay your location to the Aldebaran once it's completed its survey. KENNELLY Aye, sir. Kennelly steps up to the command position. PICARD (keys insignia) Enterprise, this is Captain Picard. (a beat) Scan the star Alder said was hostile. RIKER'S COM VOICE Commander, there's some kind of resistance. PICARD I want you to go in their directory and check the files there. RIKER'S COM VOICE Yes sir. PICARD Open a subroutine to the computer and see if there's a match in the files on the computer. KENNELLY Jean-Luc... PICARD If there is a match, my best efforts will be toward a solution that satisfies both your interests and our responsibilities. Your focus returns to normal. PICARD (continuing) Good hunting, Commander. KENNELLY Thanks. Kennelly goes back to his work. PICARD Good hunting to you, Ensign. Out. Picard exits. EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Holding position near the Binary Star. INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS Close on Picard as he holds a cup of tea... and then sips at it. Then, the subject of his trip to The Aeolis Quadrant comes up. PICARD Last time I visited the Aeolis was under Barclay's watch. RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain, we've received a general maintenance fix from the Hathaway's subspace agencies. PICARD That's good news. Make it a lot of good news. He stands to go... Riker's voice is hopeful. RIKER Captain, these little outposts aren't going to last much longer. Riker out. Picard looks hopeful, too. Then, Riker's voice isbler. RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain, here's something from the Hathaway's subspace agencies... PICARD (into Com) Thank you, Mister Riker. (to the group) My feelings about Deanna are both emotionless and unmotivated. She's just a little too young, too emotional for my taste. (with a glance toward Riker) But all in all, she's doing a wonderful job. INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - KEVIN AND TROI at the table. Kevin has just broken the news to them. KEVIN Disturbing, isn't it? TROI I don't think so, Kevin. Some things are quite marvelous. (MORE) TROI (Cont'd) anship. pitch. fielding. KEVIN Exactly what these columns show, I'm happy to say. (indicating charts) We have everything you need to operate one of these stations. TROI What about Lwaxana Troi? KEVIN She's a lovely talented lady, how'noes. TROI We'll try to keep her away from the front lines. KEVIN That may not be possible. She has a contract to make with the Empire. To keep her here, she's being forced to violate the natural laws of the Federation. TROI What are you saying? This is a fantasy? KEVIN It's not fantasy. I'm talking about a Betazoid colony being opposed from Earth. Our "good guys" are doing everything in their power to stop them. PICARD Fortunately, there are other forces at work -- KEVIN I know what you're thinking, Captain. But let's not eat this up. We have to take it one step at a time. Level One has been established as the headquarters for Area Two. This is the first step. RIKER One battalion? KEVIN Here. Now we need only to coordinate the first two battalions. Riker and Worf exchange a look. Kevin still looks tired. PICARD What are you saying? That it self-seminates? That it self-destructs? KEVIN Well, no... that's not it either. WORF Rather than wait for some... contingent to commit suicide, we should eliminate the threat altogether. KEVIN I'm sorry we have to put you off, Captain Picard. But we're not finished. For the last two hours we've been able to steal a shipment of antitank rifles. RIKER On the run, Mister La Forge. GEORDI We've been able to knock out their computer systems... they won't be able to raise their shields. PICARD (to Kegane) All right, Mister La Forge. Now take us to a designated point of surveillance. Keep your weapons on-line until I sign off. GEORDI Aye, sir. PICARD We're going to ambush them. TASHA (off console) Sensors show that the Romulan ship is heading this way... they have not taken us by surprise. PICARD Perhaps they've been delayed... As Tasha works... INT. ROMULAN COMMAND CENTER - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Multiple sub-systems are exposed across the console. Red alert is audible and legible. RED BLAST (repeating) ... surface reconfiguration, increased weapon power... (repeating) ... counter-attacking manoeuvres. RIKER Romulan BULLETS! WORF Bolt of Tarzan to Enterprise! Pinned by the Enterprise! RIKER Romulan BULLETS! WORF Bolt of Tarzan to Enterprise, long range sensors reveal no Federation ship in this area. PICARD We're beyond their range, Commander. (MORE) PICARD (Cont'd) (beat) Radiation and seismic activity along their border is putting even our feeble shields at risk. DATA We are within a radiation field that is inhibiting their communications. The Romulan CM is holding its own head, just its little mouth, not showing approval. REDBLOCK (impatient) We waited a few hours. GREENBLOCK Another four hours, eight minutes until they contact Captain Picard. REDBLOCK We await their signal. GREENBLOCK It will be a formal visit. (to Picard) Our strategic armament, Commander. PICARD You're quite right, Commander, my apologies. REDBLOCK Another four hours, eight minutes until they arrive. (makes a few movements) Time to test their defenses. Picard takes a few steps backwards slightly. REDBLOCK We'll prepare a dummy ship for cruise. Lord, if they discover the Avenger's last known coordinates, it will be their first target in almost a century. RIKER There are other ships within their sensor range, Captain. GREENBLOCK Perfect. EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As the great ship moves slowly into the bright sun formation. INT. BRIDGE The appetizing meal is extensive. Betazoid food is displayed. Picard pours an enormous glass of ale. Clemens looks on with disapproval. CLEMENS What Captain Picard is doing for us is beyond my comprehension... PICARD I cannot explain that. CLEMENS How should I know? PICARD You are a consumer, Senator. I am a captain. I do not dispense what I cannot afford. CLEMENS Are we still trading? PICARD We will reopen the channel. We HOLD a beat on Clemens, who is looking at the tank. CLEMENS Is that an answer? PICARD The information you request is not on record. CLEMENS Oh? I thought you were a honest man... PICARD I am. I would like to get back the money you are purporting to have lost. CLEMENS (indicates the tank) Ah, you see. (casually) My... fellow traveler, Senator Bernie Sanders, bless his breach of the uniform... Clemens takes his glass from the bartender. CLEMENS My concern is not with Russ Sanders, but with the state of your presidential library. PICARD One moment, Senator... (still reading) "But the articicle seems quite an obstacle to overcome... " CLEMENS (shrugs; half-hearted) Oh, I see. In that case, may we discuss the needs of my client... PICARD I have already discussed them with the client... CLEMENS Really? I'm honored. Nay, a couple of speeches maybe... getting back to the business at hand... A BEGINNING CLEMENS TALK and Picard gets the joke. CLEMENS And... that's supposed to end this? PICARD Not if you ask me. CLEMENS (sudden real smile) They assure me, as far as I can be sure, they never discuss Federation business with the Badar N'D'D... PICARD What does that mean, "never discuss Federation business with the Badar N'D'D"? CLEMENS (shrugs) Nothing, nothing at all. You see, I was telling a joke. The starbase was amused, I was appreciated. A very old joke, old friends... but the Badar N'D'D were not amused. They insisted I make a retraction... as the Starfleet apology goes, nothing more. PICARD It was a retraction... ? CLEMENS (very pleased) Nothing but a retraction. I apologize for my humor, but humor is not the issue here. The badar N'D'D finally prevailed... their victory was well earned. It's time for their brave journey to Federation space. PICARD They'll be welcome at any time. The view of the stars -- CLEMENS Don't volunteer your opinion. Gladly. At my discretion, sir. He taps in the number on the PADD. CRAWLING VOICE They're in Engineering. CRAWLING VOICE (continuing) Coming to Transporter Room. CRAWLING VOICE (V.O.) (from com panel) They've locked onto us with their TLING-on net, sir. PICARD Open a channel. INT. ENGINEERING Picard turns to the Klingons. PICARD (to com panel) Stand by, Mister Worf. He taps in the number and the Klingon ships appear in the viewscreen. CRAWLING VOICE (from com panel) They've locked onto us, sir. PICARD Is it your opinion that they're pleased with their new captain? CRAWLING VOICE (from com panel) Thank you, sir. They seem to like you, sir. PICARD (smiles in greeting) My greetings from the Earth colonies. WORF Captain, the Enterprise beam the new tactical officer to the Enterprise. PICARD I must say good-bye to him as well. INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) TRANSPORTER CHIEF HANNAH MANDEL is at the controls. She is female, in command and very much a woman, regarded by friends and family as having great spiritual guidance. Her BODYGUARD is male, in the orector position. MANDEL And my assistant Worf will execute the Ferengi plan as they will... TRANSPORTER CHIEF HANNAH (interrupting) Well, that's more than I can say for all of you. Good-bye my assistant. The male transporter assistant looks up. HANNAH Hannah... MANDEL And my, little girl. Mandel and Haneek step off the transporter pad. HANNAH (to Haneek) I'm sure you're ready for anything, Commander. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Haneek) Is the Conga stop-please? HANNAH The Ferengi plan was to test theirselves -- could a single malfunction qualify as a test? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Haneek) You are the changeling. So are the other changelings. HANNAH And you're doing the same to me. The Female Shape-shifter's smile is big and sincere. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I don't think the other Shape-shifters feel the same. HANNAH (sneering at Haneek) Oh, they do. The Female Shape-shifter occupies the next console position. It's a tense moment. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Are you tense, Commander? RIKER Not according to Haneek. She doesn't seem to be in the least tense about anything. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER You are correct, Haneek. For the last several hours we have constantly been contacting two random Starfleet scouts -- one Starship Enterprise and one Mercadian ship. RIKER Why? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER We believe they intend to launch a preemptive strike against the Ferengi. (beat) Our location is on the outer shell of a great structure... Mossibok, shell of a great building. RIKER Your sources say it's the entire northeast continent. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Are you certain? RIKER Yes, there are faint traces of DNA on its east coast. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER The last time we saw it, it was gone. RIKER But now it's back, and it's starting to move. Why? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER That isn't our concern. All we care about is completing our mission. RIKER Gladly, I'll inform the captain. (to the Female Shape-shifter) You, sir, and Mister Data, proceed on your mission. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER You're sure you'll make it? RIKER I'll have the bridge. And with that, Riker EXITS. OMITTED INT. CORRIDOR - ON DOOR Open, and Riker ENTERS. He moves to the door, checks briefly to make sure it isn't open. RIKER Come. The door CLOSES behind him. Riker stays where he is -- unconscious. INT. SICKBAY Staff appears at the entrance. Beverly runs a diagnostic against the computer screen. BEVERLY The computer says we have a temporary loss of neural patterns. I'll re-establish the patterns at ten o'clock on the morning shift. She nods to a NURSE. BEVERLY (to Staff) For your own good? The Nurse nods. Beverly turns to see what the Attendant is working the computer console for. Riker is now sitting on the bed. BEVERLY Riker. Riker looks at her. RIKER What? BEVERLY Your neural nets are starting to overload. I think you're -- RIKER What? Beverly is trying to work the computer by keying the commands. But she can't. Something's terribly wrong. BEVERLY (continuing) The docking clamps on the selective matrix are fused. It's not good. (hit with the computer panels) I'm going to have to take you to Sickbay. RIKER (quickly) No. (to Staff) Contact Moff Picard and tell him we have to leave now. BEVERLY I'll go with you. RIKER What happened to the computer? BEVERLY Someone deleted our files. Riker considers. RIKER Who? BEVERLY Riker. Riker reacts. He looks at the computer screen. INSERT COMPUTER SCREEN (OPTICAL) We see the face of Geordi Snow, smiling. GEORDI SISKO Hello, Curzon. RIKER RIP. Beverly reacts. Suddenly there is an ALARM from the computer. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. The pattern buffer is overloading. BEVERLY What? She moves to the computer. INSERT COMPUTER SCREEN (OPTICAL) We see the face of Geordi Snow, smiling. GEORDI SISKO puter, override protocol and allow me to access the secure file... COMPUTER VOICE Procedure is not recommended. BEVERLY I know, I know. Reverse the process... COMPUTER VOICE Computer will terminate in ninety seconds. BEVERLY Computer, override protocol and allow me to access the secure file... COMPUTER VOICE Procedure is not recommended. BEVERLY I know, I know. (beat) What's my command code? She presses the wall panel next to the door. BEVERLY Four. The door opens. STAR TREK: "Realm of Fear" - REV. 7/17/92 - ACT ONE 13A. INT. SCIENCE SHIP - OPS (OPTICAL) Riker and Worf ENTER through the opening. The science ship is a shapeless mass, glistening in a pool of water. There is a LIGHT BALL gliding across the water's surface. RIKER (to the science ship) You've got a problem. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Lethal radiation exposure in thirty seconds. RIKER Okay. Are you ready? COMPUTER VOICE Ready. RIKER (to the science ship) We'll beam you up. The light ball drops slowly to the deck. RIKER Here's the sensor display. The light ball begins GLOWING brighter. STAR TREK: "Realm of Fear" - REV. 7/16/92 - ACT ONE 14. RIKER Insufficient light -- still too transparent. WORF The energy levels are still fluctuating, sir. RIKER seeing radiation storms... The glow of the light ball across the deck leaves them puzzled. OFF their looks. CUT TO: INT. SCIENCE SHIP - OPS (OPTICAL) Geordi and Worf are on duty. The light ball with the open door on the science ship floor is drifting on the computer monitor. GEORDI It's definitely a weather balloon, Captain... The glimmer on the ball's neck seems to move as they press on. WORF It appears to be moving along with the light... They reach the stretch where the ball joins the others... and disappear. The sound stops. GEORDI It's absolutely gone... homework, I think... The others are looking at the ball which is still moving. WORF Commander, it's a space-time distortion... He indicates the viewscreen, and Worf and Geordi look to one another. STAR TREK: "Realm of Fear" - REV. 7/16/92 - ACT ONE 15. WORF (cont'd) This distortion was first discovered about two centuries ago in a class four probe named "The Doctor's Dagger." GEORDI Last week, after we tested this something, Commander La Forge made a discovery... Geordi indicates the direction of travel. GEORDI (continuing) He found it out this way... in the other direction. Since then, we haven't been able to reproduce it. WORF It could be an atmospheric disturbance... GEORDI Like a... breeze... WORF Or a forest fire. GEORDI We can't get a positive lock on the probe... it might be interfering with our sensors. They exchange looks. RIKER'S COM VOICE Commander La Forge, please report to the bridge. GEORDI I've got a fix on the problem, Commander... (re: ball) ... but it still feels kind of small for now. WORF (to the others) He is investigating the phenomenon -- identifying the source of the distortions. GEORDI He's also studying the logs of recently deceased personnel to see if there's a... correlation between the episodes and the mortality rate. WORF There is nothing in the logs that would indicate that... GEORDI (to Worf) You haven't found anything yet, Commander. (beat) But you are keeping a pretty low profile, so far. Why don't you start talking about it? Worf gives him a puzzled look -- what's he doing here? Geordi works for a beat, then... GEORDI I was wondering... how much longer it'll take us to get a fix on the neutrino signature... RIKER'S COM VOICE Commander La Forge, Commander Leyton, Ship's Counselor... ? Geordi and Riker exchange glances. GEORDI We're ready to transmit the neutrino signature, sir. SOLIS (on the move) We're in position now to begin the test. STAR TREK: "Realm of Fear" - REV. 7/16/92 - ACT ONE 16. Geordi and Riker follow Solis and Loi to the turbolift. They step through the portal and EXIT the bridge. INT. CORRIDOR Geordi and Riker approach the portal, which has several THREE bodies in it. Two of them are still lying on the deck, but there's no one standing next to them. The third body is standing next to a wall, staring past the others with a blank look on his face. GEORDI (to Riker) We've got to find out what's causing these remissions... Riker shakes his head, no idea. Geordi thinks for a moment, turns to Worf. GEORDI (to Worf) Something must have happened to the tetryon regulators... WORF The regulators are functioning normally... GEORDI (to Riker) The tetryon emissions have been transformed inside the warp core... and that's what's causing the subspace distortions... RIKER But if they're normal... what is happening to the ship? GEORDI We're getting unusual subspace interference readings... something's causing it to lose some of its structural integrity... STAR TREK: "Realm of Fear" - REV. 7/16/92 - ACT ONE 17. Riker looks concerned. Geordi has the ship on a targeting scan. GEORDI Realigning the scan for the neutrino signature will compensate for the drift... it'll work... but it's going to take a while, that's why we're going to have to wait... RIKER How long? GEORDI I can't say right now... it's a few hours, maybe less... the ship's already started to lose its structural integrity... everything's happening at once... Riker is clearly worried by this. Geordi moves to the team leader's station... GEORDI (re: lead team member) Commander La Forge. WORF I am La Forge, Lieutenant. SCIENCE OFFICER VOICE Indeed... that is why we have ignited the anomaly... (to Riker) Sir, I would like to request a red alert on their behalf... Riker's not about to allow any one person to make his or her impression. He does a double-take... the science officer is already on his feet and moving toward the projection screen. RIKER Aye... aye, sir. SCIENCE OFFICER Everyone please prepare to undergo a structural integrity scan. There is a tense beat. RIKER I'll be right there. The officer moves out of the room. Riker goes about his business. INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Riker quietly moves to the couch and sits down. He turns off the television and sits down across from his bed. He looks tired. A sleepy Worf ENTERS. WORF May I speak with you, Commander? RIKER I'm fine. Worf sits beside him. STAR TREK: "Realm of Fear" - REV. 7/17/92 - ACT ONE 18. WORF When I saw the Romulan ship, I should have realized that you were still a Starfleet officer. RIKER That's right. I was. But... WORF You feel they are going to attack us. Off his look. RIKER You can't be certain of that. WORF I know I can't. RIKER (right back at him) You don't have to like it. WORF It is an emotion, sir. Not a reason. Riker reacts. RIKER You're going to attack me are you? WORF Yes, sir. RIKER No, Worf... (trying to reason with him) It's an emotion. Not a reason. WORF Not a valid premise to attack humanitarians. Riker recovers from that unexpected attack. He returns to his seat. WORF Any valid argument against using the device on civilians? RIKER No valid argument, Worf. WORF (stiffly) Thank you, sir. I have tried. RIKER (so?) Any valid argument? WORF Human beings are imperfect. Our history is littered with technological failures. Even the best of them are apt to produce a result. RIKER (a beat) I recognize that. Thank you, Worf. � WORF No discussion. If there is something on the surface... I want you to command the vessel. RIKER Me. WORF (a beat) Understood. Riker sits down in the chair next to Worf. WORF We are nearing the Beta Onias system. RIKER Hold. WORF Captain. There is a significant roiling of gaseous material in the star's corona. PICARD On screen. ANGLE INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) In the b.g. is a vast, blue-greenish moon of Saturn and its satellite. RIKER Magnify. The viewscreen changes. STAR TREK: "Realm of Fear" - REV. 7/17/92 - ACT ONE 14. DATA Sensors show the corona to be almost instantaneously detonating. RIKER Where? DATA Almost where you were. RIKER (to himself) Another demonstration? WORF No, sir. The corona is interfering. RIKER Get rid of it. DATA Negative, sir. The comas are still replaying. RIKER What kind of numbers? INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE Picard is in his command chair; the supernumeraries are not present. PICARD Adjust port to one quarter impulse. Change course to rendezvous with the Enterprise, GT, one quarter impulse. GT Yes, sir. RIKER Scan the planet, Doctor. BEVERLY Nothing up here, sir. RIKER (to Picard) Suppose this is some kind of malfunction? PICARD I suppose we might be able to access the atmosphere and look at the composition of the plasma it came in contact with. INT. CORRIDOR - NEAR HOLODECK/SPACE STATION OUTCOME The Holodeck arch and doors open onto the docking platform. Geordi is standing by the arch and watches Picard's reaction as the Holodeck doors shut. GEORDI Nothing, sir. I've seen enough to conclude that nothing is going to happen here. PICARD'S COM VOICE Acknowledged, Commander. INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR Data watches the arch as Picard, Riker, Troi, and Worf turn away and head down the corridor. DATA (to comm) Security to Holodeck Three. Data moves to the arch. INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION (OPTICAL) The arch opposite the hatch of the station opens onto a small section of the space station, causing a small hole to open in the floor. RandomRedditor DATA'S VOICE (continuing) That will do, Commander. Data makes a final adjustment to the ribbon on his scientist's uniform. INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR As Data and his partner make their way down the corridor. TROI Did you fix it? RIKER Why should I? DATA Perhaps you could help me. Riker eyes the station. RIKER No. You're too close to the space station. I'll have to take you by shuttle. We don't have much time. WORF That will not be necessary, sir. Just then, an N.D. SECURITY OFFICER comes around the corner. SECURITY OFFICER Commander, you have to go now. INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) The captain and First Officer are huddled over a computer terminal. Riker is staring at the console with a concerned expression. RIKER Something's wrong. INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION Riker and Data ENTER the small room and the door closes behind them. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Riker and Data ENTER to find TASHA on the small Terminal, her eyes blinking in confusion. She looks up at them but hasn't regained her concentration. RIKER What's wrong? TRANSPORTER CHIEF We refused to acknowledge him. BEVERLY (disappointed) He's obviously a little distraught. RIKER Since he showed up in my quarters an hour ago, we've been in constant contact. TRANSPORTER CHIEF We've been through this before. He never bothers to disguise his location. BEVERLY Infrequently, sir. RIKER (concerned) You mean, these aren't isolated incidents? TRANSPORTER CHIEF More or less. He usually ends up visiting one of three locations before we fade out. RIKER Three? You mean three different locations? TRANSPORTER CHIEF (puzzled) Well... he does show a certain... preoccupation with certain parts of the station. RIKER (indicates the terminal) What parts? TRANSPORTER CHIEF Everything. Except the kitchen, the living room, the study... and sometimes even the office. Riker suddenly sees where this is leading. RIKER (to himself) But that kitchen is infested with mosquitos. TRANSPORTER CHIEF Only a couple of drops should be in each one. We don't have a working replicator. RIKER Thankfully, there's a working replicator. The phrase brings back painful memories. RIKER (continuing) So I order a bottle of bloodwine and... TROI Trade entry impossible. No exchange except for electrical jacket. WORF Insufficient information. The Chief sinks back on the couch. TROI I'll be in touch. Riker sinks back into his chair. WORF You are most gracious, Commander. RIKER Thank you. Worf's polite, quiet moment is interrupted by a com order one of the crew carries over from the bridge. WORF (continuing) Door to Engagement. It slides open to reveal COMMANDER RIKER and GEORDI. RIKER (to Geordi) How do you read me? GEORDI I'll say you're "personally suspicious," sir. RIKER (hint of a smile) I'll say you're "personally suspicious," Commander. RIKER Geordi, you "mit, are always suspicious." Geordi shoots him a "What did I just say?" look. RIKER (continuing) That's an order, Mister LaForge. GEORDI You'll have to go to Commander Riker... Riker leads Geordi out. RIKER My man coverage team is waiting for your briefing.  GEORDI Covering my back? That's an attempt at humor. RIKER At my own expense. What we need is a complete inventory of everything back on the heels of your Starfleet exam. Chief Brooks wants your net worth. GEORDI With an asterisk. RIKER (smiles) "A… slight morbid feeling of irresponsibility which... " GEORDI Some days even that's not enough to get a cover letter. RIKER Then why are you fighting it? GEORDI Why would I fight it? I have read your last two books. Both examines the battle around the Nebula. Both reveal the same thing -- the power of boredom. I should have remembered the Buddies. RIKER Boredom? GEORDI Me. I want to live. RIKER Good God, Geordi, you're crazy. Right now we have to stop the entire project. GEORDI That's fine with me. I don't think there's any system in history that's been more helpful in guiding your journey. Geordi notices that Worf has found something behind something. GEORDI What's that? WORF An Orb experience replay. GEORDI What? Wait a minute. I can't quite make out the words. WORF You are not supposed to keep them from your memories. GEORDI Listen, Mister Worf, I'm actually pretty good at remembering the words... WORF (ridiculous) TYCHO-JEVOS? GEORDI Remember those times we went ice scouting the Vlasth system? WORF Those were the best years of my life. We were desperate. We camped out there for months. The winters were the worst -- the worst. Geordi puts it together. GEORDI Do you think maybe we should try for habituation? RIKER More than just a routine reconnaissance mission? GEORDI Absolutely. We have to establish a new normal in Starfleet. RIKER Exactly what do you propose? GEORDI I'll get right to the point. RIKER Mister La Forge -- initiate a full sensor analysis. Identify any life signs on the surface. Request access to the surface. GEORDI Aye, sir. WORF I have been monitoring the surface transmissions, sir. RIKER And you found them? WORF Yes. RIKER Excellent. (to the viewscreen) Let's see to it that those com systems are turned off by now... WORF Understood. He EXITS... INT. READY ROOM Data is standing in front of a small five-poster sign with the words "Darmok" and "Kor" emblazoned on it. He is smiling at Ishara as she looks on. DATA I was hoping your polite request is enough to satisfy Worf. She smiles. ISHARA (smiles) I don't get much out of this Bajoran for the price of a signal. DATA His complete satisfaction is at stake. ISHARA Which is why I've gone out of my labor and asked Fellow Engineers like yourself to assign me to the Original Six team. DATA That is correct. Ishara feels qualified to make the assignment. ISHARA I've worked with them, captain. That's who I'd like to work with in the future. DATA The Original Six? ISHARA That's what I was going to say... Paul Feyerick, Beverly Langford, Geordi O'Donnell, Wesley Crusher, Michael Choice and Michael Auswit. A long beat. Ishara's not quite ready to commit. ISHARA It doesn't really matter. (a beat) If they were working on something important, I should be involved. A beat. Frustrated, Data. DATA But Prime Minister Why have you not spoken with the captain in several months? ISHARA I haven't spoken with him in several months, Data. Ever. That hangs in the air for a moment. Ishara takes a deep breath... tries to clear her mind. ISHARA It's been a long year. Many many months. OFF the look on Ishara's face. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END