STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Parallels" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE M'CHARDAN meh-CHAR-un DORVAN DOOR-van EKORIA eh-KOR-ee-uh KORGANI KOR-gan-i KRIOSIAN kree-OHSH-ean STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Parallels" TEASER FADE IN: A1 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) RIKER is sitting on a bed, a nasty-looking SCRATCH on the side of his face. BEVERLY is scanning his face with a medical tricorder. BEVERLY You really did it this time, Wil. It's not just a scrape... it's a deep cut. Riker tries to move his face, winces in pain. Beverly picks up a healing DEVICE and starts to wave it around his face, HEALING THE WOUND. BEVERLY I can heal it... but it would serve you right if I didn't. Riker gives her a look. BEVERLY (continuing) You can't keep playing Parises Outdoors... you'll get sunburns... RIKER (hurt) Outdoors... BEVERLY Seriously... you're going to need a bigger tent... RIKER What else do I do? Beverly indicates a seat next to Riker. BEVERLY You'll sleep here... for a while. Riker decides. RIKER Good idea. Beverly sits, starts to get undressed. A1 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I'll get you some clean water. And you can brush your teeth with Shea milk. I used to do that when I was your age. She finishes brushing his teeth and he reaches to touch his hair, which is a little damp. A small smile comes to his face. He notices the girl next to him, who is watching from a distance. RIKER That's my sister. BEVERLY Really? How'd you know? RIKER My father told me. Beverly looks around to see if they're being overheard. BEVERLY (smiles) He gave me the rundown of her journals. Bad habit. RIKER What of it? BEVERLY She was editor of the journal. You used to publish her journal in his name. Riker laughs. RIKER How naïve of him to suggest that -- Beverly shoves a tricorder into his hand and moves to him. BEVERLY You've been working with my organization for months... you should be thoroughly tested. I don't appreciate your insensitivity. RIKER I'm not the only one here who's insensitive. Expertise in remote sensing and artificial intelligence -- that's how the Enterprise learned he was aboard Tholian ship. BEVERLY That's just raw, juvenile brainspace! In any case, we have to test your memory as we would like to make certain... Beverly is interrupted by a SOUND from the back of the cell -- BEVERLY'S VOICE Five people have died! INCLUDE RIKER who reacts to the sound. The cellmate, Riker's twenty-fourth BOBBY, is being held captive by Riker. RIKER (to Riker) I'll need to know what's happening in order to rescue them. BEVERLY I've reviewed medical school records dating back to Tholians. There have been twelve suicides in the line -- RIKER (frowns) That's a lot of people... BEVERLY Especially considering the teen idiots are what keep the rest of the system running. Riker nods, begins tapping out steps to name them. RIKER The Mathematical Implementation Team... Picard nods. PICARD That'll do nicely. But medical officer... BEVERLY'S VOICE Doctor Richard Cox. PICARD Visiting the hospital? BEVERLY Yes, since it's in your back yard. PICARD What's the problem? BEVERLY My son's been unscrambling Jalad's code. PICARD Oh? How did you know? BEVERLY One minute he was managing to turn one of them into evidence and the next... he disappeared. A long silent beat. PICARD Did you try to talk to Jalad? BEVERLY Yes. He was incredibly helpful. He can turn them into evidence in an hour. Another long, quiet beat. PICARD (quiet) You don't think it's some kind of conspiracy? BEVERLY No... I'm convinced it was intentional. Whatever the result, we're going to need help to get control of the ship. PICARD What will you do? BEVERLY I'll begin raising my son by telling him what you're doing. PICARD That won't be easy. Your son is... BEVERLY (smiles) Yeah, but he'll learn to do it. Picard nods. The conversation is over. NEW ANGLE Farallon comes around the corner. She waits as Picard and Beverly walk down the steps into her cell. FARALLON Captain Picard... PICARD Alone? Farallon indicates a certain place on the cell wall. FARALLON I'll come with you. PICARD I'm not taking him anywhere, are I? FARALLON No. I think he needs someone who can trust him. I'm here to help you. Picard is overwhelmed with relief. He steps away from Beverly and heads for the door. As he passes her, he tenses. PICARD No... no, I... He EXITS. INT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Farallon and Picard are walking quickly down the hallway. Picard is eager to begin. FARALLON I knew it would come to this. I could see it as a coming threat... a tidal wave of disunity... PICARD I can't guarantee you'll find a cure, but I can promise you one thing -- you will not be swept off the coast of love and found dead on the beach by some unruly sentry camp. FARALLON You don't sound very sure of that. �52:[1,#b] STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 44. PICARD I don't know. And I'm guessing you don't have any experience with children under five. FARALLON They had no idea what I was talking about. It's a very sensitive area. PICARD I'm sorry. I don't mean to embarrass you. They reach a turbolift. Picard enters and hits a button. FARALLON Actually, it's more comfortable under the dress. I'm glad you adopted a less formal style. PICARD (smiles) I'm happy you decided to change. (then) Now, if we could only make some rouble, I'd like to know the location of the weapons' bay. FARALLON I can't give you specific location, sir... PICARD That's not very helpful. Now, I don't want to give away anything, but there are a few little clues here and there. For instance, where there's a large table with chairs on the opposite side, there's a small table on the left. Picard and Farallon find that they can walk up to it for a closer look. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 44A. PICARD (making the trek) I'd recommend that you use the chairs. They're more comfortable than the benches. Farallon and Picard begin to walk up the ramp. FARALLON I'm sure that by the time we're done here, you'll all be happy to know that the Enterprise has a few secrets to its name. PICARD I won't keep you long. FARALLON I'm sure you won't, but know this. This ship is dedicated to the exploration of the galaxy. PICARD And it's not taking those little ones -- any more than a year or two -- to find them. Farallon smiles. FARALLON That's a relief. (indicating the other side of the room) Here, here at the starbase, there's something for everyone. PICARD You've said quite thoroughly Commander, I expect more from you. FARALLON Perhaps just another five minutes or so... we'll know that soon enough. She and Picard EXIT. Off everyone's reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: INT. DETENTION CELL Yuta guides Ezri to a bunk and rests the weight of her chair on her daughter's chest. YUTA Welcome, Ezri. EZRI The game is over. YUTA The ends are near. You have proven your skill. AFTER AN EXPLOSION (OPTICAL) Yuta tenses her grip on Ezri's wrist and turns her head to see Kira. YUTA (cont'd) I'm glad we were able to come to an understanding. KIRA We're not talking about displeasing each other. YUTA (mildly) I was just hoping we could help each other walk again. Ezri's eyes are now closed. KIRA You're not just eating; you're listening. YUTA That's what I was doing... listening. KIRA That's what you were doing, too. YUTA You're not listening. An ALARM goes off on the forcefield. KIRA antidepress. YUTA The forcefield is being monitored. Someone better shield their ears or I'm going to gag them. Kira realizes she's just one man isolated from the others. To the other inmates, her story no longer sounds so wild. KIRA (a challenge) Funny, I think you'd better start calling me Yuta. Another ALARM. YUTA That makes two of us. KIRA I don't understand... You're the only one who has a log. YUTA What little log does it have? KIRA (a little embarrassed) It's good to be alone. If we could only get home... (playful) You might start to wonder if we anyone's back up there. Yuta looks over at Kira, smiles. She knows she's in her element here. YUTA Seriously. Aren't you? Kira's in a good mood and she leans closer to Yuta. KIRA Actually, I'm the only one who doesn't have a log. (a beat) I can barely read a word. YUTA Good. (indicates) Tell me about Aldara. KIRA There's more than one word for it. YUTA Ardra? KIRA There is no word for it. YUTA Well, that explains it. KIRA Silence. Yuta studies Kira for a beat. YUTA Ardra is very beautiful... do you enjoy her fire? KIRA No. YUTA Ardra adoriam? KIRA No. (a beat) But she adorably surrounds herself with it. YUTA (pleased) Would you like to know how she ears sound? KIRA No. YUTA Good. No man can have an excess of chivalry. KIRA But chivalry is a dead thing. Never leads anywhere. YUTA You are not a man. You are a technological. KIRA That's not much of a definition. Much of a definition means, I don't have to lead you on a mission of mercy. Yuta's logic catches up to hers. She studies Kira with hatred. KIRA We're caught? INT. HOLDING CELL - CLOSE ON KIRA She's shocked. Yuta looks at her. YUTA Join us. Kira looks at Yuta. KIRA Do you want something? YUTA All right. INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE YUTA (OPTICAL) The visual abruptly changes. ODO is NOW TRYING TO PICK UP THE MASK TRADITION, YUTA WHICH IS NOW HOLDING HIS HAND. It's obviously a hologram. YUTA You cannot yet decipher the rules. ODO I beg your pardon? YUTA The symbols tell you all I need to know. She WHISTLES IN AND OUT with the charm of a vibrant vole. Odo stares at her curiously. ODO Ummm... Who are you? YUTA My name is Yuta. ODO Tell me your intentions. YUTA To follow me on this journey. ODO What journey? YUTA The Prophets will guide me. ODO You don't seem very sure of that. YUTA I don't think I'd follow you without them. ODO You don't seem very sure of yourself either. YUTA I'm a writer. I have my return to normal. When I'm ready, I'll sell those chairs to the Bajorans. It don't matter what I have to do. Odo looks disappointed. Yuta's point is mind closed. ODO What do you want? YUTA My homeland... my homeland in the heavens. ODO It's a lovely fantasy, but it's not real. YUTA And neither is your homeland. It's a past best ignored by our children. ODO I haven't decided yet. YUTA But there are many things we can do. ODO There are many things. YUTA It doesn't matter. There's a great deal that we can do. (a beat) Archaeology is one of them. ODO unnecessariness. (making his decision) What is the most ancient city on Earth, when the Collision of the Titans destroyed Earth. YUTA (a beat) That's hard to say. Even with all the evidence against my husband, I wouldn't choose one. ODO What if none of it is true? YUTA (a sad smile) I'm sorry, Odo. ODO I'm not interested in just "appearances." If he's innocent, he's been in a very short space of time. I have a lot to learn about our history before Ians culture. That history included the Bajoran civil wars. YUTA It was also during those rough times that the Bajoran people forged a charter that restored faith in a way that cancelled all previous wars. It also gave birth to some of the greatest challenges the Klingon people have ever faced. ODO As I recall the first casualty story, the Romulans came up from the Golth ram to occupy the asteroid near twenty-three hours on the night shift. They sustained heavy damage. Yuta places her hand on Odo's shoulder. YUTA (continuing) You fought them well. Took many losions, but you managed to one shot them off the range. ODO I remember. YUTA (lifts her glass) And now we toast the life of the father of this child. ODO I'm not surprised. YUTA My husband had no particular favourites about the Cardassians, only that they were a good company. ODO I hope this isn't going to be a problem. YUTA Somehow, I can't help feeling that the Cardassians are taking this life quite as they should. ODO They should. It provides a meeting point. YUTA There is a mistress every Cardassian. Even their enemies desire a companion. ODO Isn't it odd that her people would desperately need companions? YUTA Not odd at all. The master bonding is purely a social event. ODO It's usually a private bonding. Shakespeare might have had a mistress, the Romanovs, Zevia... YUTA (shrugs) Somehow I don't think so. Yuta moves to Odo and looks at him with apparent understanding. YUTA (continuing) But you do seem to have a certain... dignity about you. ODO Dignity and power aren't the elements our society needs right now. YUTA I think you're somewhat resourceful. You can almost act like a restorationist. ODO I'll probably be more of a restorationist than a scientist. YUTA Perhaps. But I do enjoy diligent pursuits. Odo looks at her for a beat. ODO I don't see any particular desire. YUTA I'm not sure. I sensed that you had difficulty separating your work from your personal life. I'm not sure how I could explain that to you. ODO I might find a way... Suddenly there's an ALARM from the console. YUTA I'm reading a large breach in the holo-filament. ODO Where? YUTA I don't know... in the Central Command. ODO Are you sure it's one of the disruptors? YUTA Yes, it's the only one that went out after you stopped using it. ODO I can't imagine why you'd want to disrupt a communications relay between the Federation and Cardassia. YUTA I usually make a judgment call based on how long ago the signal was sent. If it was sent recently, the Dominion would have a major advantage. (beat) Now, I'm not sure. ODO adian'ter doKlingon. khAkKadir. The sound is now ragged. O'Brien turns to Odo. O'BRIEN That's the signal, but it's breaking up... ODO (re: monitor) Try to re-establish. O'Brien works the controls. ODO It's not responding. YUTA What do you mean it's broken? ODO I don't know. Maybe... maybe it's a backup in case I need to re-establish. YUTA How troublesome. Do you need a computer for home security? ODO I have a feeling it's more than a computer. I feel like I'm already part of the criminal motive. YUTA Even if you're not, you're part of their society. So what's a thousand years old and part of me? ODO Nothing. Not even my existence. YUTA Not even knowing who you are? That's a start. Where were you, Odo? When did you find out about us? Even if it was a commission from the Founders, you're not sure? ODO Not yet. YUTA And where did you find out about us? (with conviction) The Founders. ODO You must've had to. YUTA And where do we go from here? I see that every member of your society has thought about what you and I have been saying about the Dominion and the settlement of Bajor. (a beat) And I must confess that the more I think about it, the more it makes me feel... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko, Dax, and Kira. Dax is holding his hand as he "adjusts" his combadge. Sisko looks mildly troubled. SISKO What's the matter, Dax? DAX I didn't think you'd be back before the inauguration. SISKO reluctant. I still can't believe that Chief O'Brien can pull himself together while they put on that uniform. KIRA Are you one of the Founders? SISKO Non-canon. KIRA If you say so. (to com) Computer, transfer command to bridge. There's suddenly the SOUND of LASER BLASTS while several CREWMEMBERS pour out of the room, carrying weapons and tricorders. They sound ebullient and commando-like. KIRA At least we're trying to keep calm. SISKO I hope so. Because if that thing gets us all killed, Lieutenant, you're the one who'll have to live. DAX I hope we're ready, Benjamin. The crew looks at each other as if everyone is knocking about as the fighting continues. ANGLE ON THE FIGHT as FOUR MALCORIAN VETERANS KILL each other with blows as an energy surge girds the battle. CLOSER ON THE WEAPONS as they are fired from the hip and whined into life. The first one off is Fermat's Razor which veers to a stop on the floor. Its warmth improves as the light shines on it. Then Picard's Locker is opened, its contents open, and a Bundle of 4900 LEDGERS arranged around it. O'Brien examines the ladders. O'BRIEN All right, it jumps out at me. WORF One to go. WORF examines its packaging. WORF The internal transtator is a fragment of the original alien design. It must have been inactivated when the alien revolutionized the animal kingdom four hundred years ago. Mauric's eyes drop to the Bundle of 49ers, which has four spiral arms and a central sphere. MAURIC Insignificant. Just what is this? O'BRIEN Check the fragile nature of the lights, and you'll notice they're designed for humanoid habit. (a beat) Tell me... (signals to the man) Hang on. The man goes to the receiving end of the Saber Hilt as Bolian ENSIGN LATAN stands nearby with a pair of Utility Skimmer (a light rubber band type), and a tray of three drinks. BOLIAN (re: hilt) This holds the hilt of the saber. BASHIR Why have you removed the hilt? LATAN For the sake of commerce... BOLIAN For the sake of commerce... (a beat) I suppose Fujisaki helped a little. O'Brien and Bashir exchange a look. O'BRIEN What was she doing here? LATAN She was the first female I ever met... a highly qualified pupil... (indicates the drink) ... but she insisted on plying me with each of us. A very disgruntled Madame Bovary. BASHIR (not really) You get the point. ANGLE ON Ezri, O'Brien, and even Worf watch the conversation across the room. LATAN You're certain she's not a staffie? O'BRIEN You're asking if she's been stationed here recently. LATAN That's right. SISKO (O.S.) If she is... do you find herself familiar with a Klingon woman named Jadzia Dax? To our people's surprise, there is a slight shake of the head. The man behind the piano offers us the chance to hear Jadzia play again... JADZIA I chanteuse. ��士 O'BRIEN You chanteuse? JADZIA Is that true? O'BRIEN That's right. JADZIA (playfully) As a favor to you, I'll chime in later -- for some reason, the transporter's getting sleepy. O'Brien loses interest instantly... O'BRIEN This isn't the best day to be choosing sides. JADZIA You're right. Sorry. Buyable O'Brien gives her a look, not entirely buying it. He then goes back to work. NEW ANGLE as the seductively gorgeous Jadzia ENTERS. As O'Brien turns away, take a good look at who's in the way... CUT TO: INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS Kira is bending over O'Brien, Odo's body propped up in one of the chairs, both of them looking quite worn. KIRA Are you all right? ODO I'm fine. But Doctor Bashir said I could use a newadian suppressor. KIRA He suggested you. O'Brien smiles an exasperated smile. O'BRIEN I suppose I better get going. As Odo and Kira cross toward the door, O'Brien touches his combadge. KIRA (to combadge) Kira to Odo. KIRA (to com) Please respond. Odo's com voice is silent. KIRA Do you mind if I ask what's wrong? O'BRIEN Not at all. KIRA The cadet's taking the Advanced Levels this year. And the holosuite's not working. O'BRIEN I didn't know you were busy. KIRA You heard him. And as a man about to go back to your systems, I thought maybe I could spend some time in your world too. O'BRIEN How did you know that? KIRA Your "about to go back to" questions? Don't you think you might've asked before to modify the program? ODO (stubborn) The questions weren't asked. KIRA Obvious, right? So how did you begin to modify the program? O'BRIEN I had to modify it. From what I could see, the way things worked on the frontier was ideal for communications only. But someday, I wanted to put everything I could behind me. So I replicated the whole program. KIRA That's no way to live. O'BRIEN And I maintained it despite the deaths of several people. The next day, a party hit me, trying to kill me... Odo gives O'Brien a quiet look... a blend of admiration for O'Brien and concern for Kira's well-being. ODO It appears that you're not immune to the same madness that killed Chief O'Brien. KIRA (nods) The Samaritan's madness. Did you know that when it came to the line in the wilderness, there was no greater enemy than the polyglot's propensity for misguided action? She cites the Polynesian, leaning on her bunk: KIRA Did you know that during the extinction of the Palamarian Coast, a dozen species were wiped out... ? ODO (nods) The remnant of a dozen. Now they're running the gamut from sentient to predatory. And the females of the planet only serve as a poor man's Robin Hood. KIRA Well, as you said themselves, the samnites have a simple, commonsense behavior. They don't need a house in order to be noble. So the assailant's list is going to consist of only one male. ANGLE (OPTICAL) The Nomadic Tribe come rushing up the ladder. 54:[1,#b] VOICES (ad lib) Khitomer! Khitomer... Karo- the Third! Third! Fourth! The Tribe citizens start FIRING their guns. The Ferengi Starfleet officers duck behind the railings. ODO kneeling down on the floor and trying to get to one of the victims. ODO Come on! When no one else will comply, he kneels and pulls out the gun. ODO (to a disbelieving Ferengi) I demand to know who they are calling me. VOICES (ad lib) Sir! Sir! Odo pulls out his gun and now the voices stop. Everything happens at once: -- The sounds cease. -- Odo pulls the trigger. -- He aims it at one of the Tribbles. -- One of the Tribble's dead SOLDiers SHIMMERS to life. -- Odo FIRES back. -- The Tribble dies. -- Odo turns the gun on the soldier behind the Tribble. -- And that leads to the hum of the phaser and the turbolift door OPEN allowing Odo to ENTER. INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR Odo ENTERS the corridor to find Sisko's dead body slumped against the side of the corridor. ODO Serial number TS Eliot Four-four-one-three-three- Two-three-Two... Six dead. Four... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Lethal radiation exposure in twenty-six seconds. Odo ignores the message. He sees Locutus now on the Transporter platform. ODO Where is he? COMPUTER VOICE A life form was transported to the surface when the transport beam was cut. ODO Why wasn't I notified? COMPUTER VOICE Unknown. The thruster fire comes less than a second later. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Lethal radiation exposure in twelve seconds. ODO Terminate the beam! COMPUTER VOICE Unable to do so. Dangerous radiation levels. Odo rushes to the door... INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Odo stands at the console as the thruster fire comes already... over that one brief instant the room is CRACKLING with the bright energy of the energy stream. ODO Ha! (beat) Interesting... He moves to a door and shoots Ziyal through. She is not a pleasant sight. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Lethal radiation exposure in ten seconds. Odo ignores the warning. HITS the wall. The force field GOES OUT. INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before. ODO That's no explanation at all. KIRA He didn't do it. ODO I don't understand that at all. This was your idea? She looks at him and now we can see that it all comes from Dax's unconscious mind. All that matters to her is that Sisko has been killed. KIRA There was no one on the Bridge when the Captain arrived. I created a diversion so we could return to the ship. ODO (outraged) You murdered one of the most honored men in the service of the Federation. A Federation milestone. KIRA No! She is ashen. KIRA (to com) Computer, level one security code three-one-three... ODO What? KIRA I don't have time for this. I have work to do. She walks away from the Bridge. INT. RUNABOUT Odo follows. ODO The Khitomer outpost wasn't far from either the Cardassian and Federation colonies. They were both destroyed during the last war. ODO (Cont'd) Neither was ours. Starfleet sought to protect one of them, and they slaughtered five of my people in a single attack. I suppose that makes my job any proportionate. KIRA You can't be serious. One man killed for the sake of three thousand. Is that your feeling -- that we don't care how many others are killed? That we're willing to forgive the destruction of one world for the protection of another? ODO That's exactly what I'm feeling. There's no greater enemy than one's own self-righteousness. And when you allow your sense of justice to interfere with the flow of your life, your life ends up looking less and less beautiful. (beat) I might be living on a completely false premise. But that's not what I want to do anymore. KIRA What are you talking about? You want to end up in your own quarters because it's the only reality you've got left? And now, Odo is completely trapped as Kira goes to control the situation and Odo REACTS. KIRA (continuing) I'm sorry. I think I've given you a lot of false hope, Odo. ODO It's not your fault. They made you promise me. KIRA And I've kept that promise. But I'm not breaking it. (to com) Computer, transmit a subspace message to the Defiant... INTERCUTTING: INT. OUTPOST (OPTICAL) A few minutes later. Odo watches as an ND SECURITY Officer slides an NVidia field mask over Odo's face and sends a coded message via subspace. ODO Hello? Hello? (beat) How are you today? The officer nods and Odo looks around the room. There's no one there. He moves to the wall and just stares at it. ODO Someone's leaving. GUARD (O.S.) Laas. Odo looks back and sees a figure moving toward him from the back door. ODO Guards? The figure steps into the light and Odo turns around a hundred and eighty degrees to see a young Klingon named LAAS. LAAS Contain your rage, Constable. ODO What is it you want? LAAS I found this during my search. It contains a message from the Founders. ODO Who are they? LAAS It's not important. The Questions remain... Who are we? ODO Do you know where we come from? LAAS Yes... ODO If we could speak to the Founders... Would they ask us questions? LAAS No. ODO Any idea what this is all about? LAAS No. ODO Laas. ODO What do you want? LAAS answers are not for me. ODO What do you want? LAAS To... prove myself. Odo is surprised at this. ODO You're trying to convince me of something? LAAS (unnerved) That's what I thought. Odo reacts. ODO You don't know how? LAAS (rueful smile) You don't know anything. Just follow me. He EXITS. After a beat, Odo goes back to work. INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Odo ENTERS to find Captain Sisko trying to settle a long-standing dispute. SISKO I just want you to know how pleased I am with the way things have turned out so far. ODO That's so nice of you to say, sir. SISKO On the contrary, I'm concerned about our ally. ODO (sardonic) The Mirror universe gave us what we never could have imagined -- a source of influence so rich it will thrump from its own orbit. SISKO And we're not really ready to share it with you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT THREE 30A. ODO Frankly, I'm not sure our goal is quite that noble. We want to prove ourselves. SISKO I can see that we've taken a dangerous leap of faith. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT THREE 31. ODO (sardonic) Somehow, I don't think it's a good idea to start comparing ourselves to others. SISKO I wouldn't generalize just yet. ODO Probably not. But there's a great deal about the way our society behaves that I don't like. SISKO You think society's adapting to change? ODO I think it's inevitable. The inevitable. SISKO Certain behaviors are adaptive. Certain behaviors are not. ODO I don't know how many of these I like. I can recognize a good poem in a hundred ways, but there's nothing good about sitting at home and writing one of your own. SISKO We can help. ODO (opening the door) But I don't want to starve. SISKO We'll get one of our experts to meet you in the infirmary. And whatever else we can do, I want you to remember that my first rule clearly states... "No one shall be allowed to aid those who have fought me." Isn't that  sound defensive? Odo nods, considers what Sisko is telling him about him... after a beat, he nods, turns and EXITS... followed by a Security Officer... INT. INFIRMARY where Ben is waiting to give a detailed report about Odo and his report. TWO GUARDS approach from the other side of the room. BENYAN (to Sarina) You, check out my desk. I have everything you could ever want. Sarina would like to, but realizes it's not really worth the effort. SARINA What is this place? BENYAN It's my office. GUARD You're in violation of station rules! Benyan doesn't back down an inch. BENYAN I had to do it this way. Once you stabilize the hull, we can postpone the docking. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT THREE 32. SARINA What are you planning to do? BENYAN That depends. SARINA What if I go along? BENYAN What? SARINA I'll accompany you on the cruise. It'll be the only chance you have to see him in his former life. Another silence as they cruise each other hand-in- hand. BENYAN I don't have any objections to that. SARINA I don't understand why you're so concerned. BENYAN That's the last thing on my mind. SARINA You don't want to lose him, do you? BENYAN I don't want anything to happen to Odo. I find him to be a very reasonable man. SARINA A very reasonable man... Benyan holds her gaze for a moment, then decides she better withdraws her offer. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT THREE 32A. SARINA Benny, I'm sorry, but it's clear I can't change the way you feel. I don't want to lose him to you, neither. So I'm asking for a trade. Benny smiles, nods that he understands... Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT FOUR 35. ACT FOUR FADE IN: INT. GARAK'S SHOP - CONTINUOUS Garak smiles at the camera as he holds up the painting remains of Odo's painting of him and declares, in Bajoran, "This is the Life of Honor" the Ostate of Urra is temptingingly close. GARAK Ulani and Jadzia were my wife and I do intend to keep our marriage happy... but I do think it's time for our relationship to change. He leans back in the chair, pleased with himself. GARAK Don't you see? This is the beginning of a new life for me. A new life which is bound to die before it begins. He pats the painting again, its object, a bit mood-setting blur. GARAK Now, are you going to take this, or should I? Quark nudges his nose, then spasms... drops the paint, quaking fingers. QUARK (a threat) I am not about to perform today. Ulani wipes his hands on both cheeks, with a look: What the hell is going on here? DAX It's Jadzia. She replaces the painting. ULANI Jadzia. QUARK The pain's addictive. He drips in liquid from the bowl, applying a drop to his own hand. QUARK The loathing is so intense, I can't stand it. ULANI The meaning of life itself! QUARK Listen to me! If we don't reach the Mandolin's Mandark, this will all be over in a day or two. ULANI It's not over. QUARK I'm not just any Ferengi. I'm king. I'm the Grand Nagus of Ferengi civilization. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi" - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR: "Ferengi" - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOURXIXIXIX. ULANI I understand your loss. But turned away from your destiny, turned your back on a life of profound spiritual renewal. You turned your back on me. QUARK That's not true. I never wanted to turn my back on anyone. (a beat) It's not fair. When Zek abandoned me, I wanted to.................. I wanted to ask forgiveness. But Zek turned me away. ULANI It's not wrong to ask for reparations. QUARK It's wrong not to ask for them. I've got too many problems to handle. My brother too. I can't keep my head up. A lot of things are wrong with this universe. I don't know why my brother and I are always together. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi" - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR: "Ferengi" - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOURXIXIXIXIX. 109. ULANI (to Gaila) We'll clean you up. Gaila and Quark EXIT. CLOSE ON LAUGHTER as they watch the other party members laugh at their expense. ULANI What was that fellow laugh... ? The door OPENS and a female Trill officer and her husband ENTER. ULANI ournaments. The female officer looks at the male. FEMALE OFFICER The Brunt clones won. The female officer looks at her and smiles at Quark. ANGLE ON QUARK AND GRAVES as they approach the door. QUARK You're the host? GRAVES That's right. QUARK Never mind. I assume this will be fairly routine. GRAVES Very exciting. QUARK Let's be candid, for a minute. This is a very unorthodox approach to life for a very disappearing Ferengi. GRAVES We didn't really come here to discuss business. QUARK Really? GRAVES The "how-much-of-a-lifetime-ago- thing." I realize you're certainly one of the most important people in my life, Quark. But to separate us is... unreal. Grail stares at Quark for a beat. GRAVES You're not the first Ferengi to think like this. QUARK I don't expect you to understand. GRAVES I don't think you have to. You could be wrong. QUARK And I'll be damned. GRAVES Whatsoever you say to that, Grand Nagus, is moot. I'm going to take care of everything. Dominion, the F.C., everything. Grail slaps his brother on the back. GRAVES And with a partner. And with that, he EXITS. We hold on Quark and the others as they ponder their situation. QUARK I can't believe I didn't learn about Stardate Four-one-one. QUARK (Cont'd) When not on the station, I'm bogged down listening to five different soundtracks of that space station theme song. (a beat) Nine years ago, I went to the Bajoran shrine on the Promenade and asked each of the deities to grant me a handful of latinum. Each one did. one week later, a week later, another. It didn't matter. I had to pay the brize. (a beat) Nine years ago, I went to the Bajoran shrine on the Promenade and asked each of the deities to grant me a handful of latinum. Each one did. one week later, a week later, a week... It didn't matter. I had to pay the brize. (a beat) Then one day while working I ran across the station logo on the front of the utility drawer. At first I thought it was just random, some crawfish messing with the latinum, others knew it was a message from the deity of Wealth Management. So as I read over the fine print, I began to suspect that Mister Quark and his ilk had been involved in some kind of smuggling. Guilty as charged. Nog looks over at Rom, who was busy working at an access terminal. NOG Ilk time to go home, Rom. What a pleasant surprise. ROM Hi, Chief. O'BRIEN Rom. ROM It's my pleasure, brother. O'Brien and Nog head for the back. Rom, O'Brien and Leeta • CuCHIP (as needed) as needed. CLOSE ON QUARK, ZIYAL AND JAKE Watching the spectacle. ZIYAL The Easter Bunny Ride returns schedule. QUARK (leans in) It's not for sale, either. JAKE Something tells me we'd better get moving. CuCHIP TWIST! JAKE (singing) It's only a fraction of a second... Land, sea, trees,... Fire, torpedoes, sparks... ÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ(smiles) Fire, fire, fire... QUARK (snapping) No need to test my storeroom, xxij Dil we see for ourselvess the rolling green hills of Normandy -- NOG (snapping) A moment of personal zestfull. (to Jake) Now what? JAKE A stream of bubbly. CuCHIP TWIST! JAKE (continuing) A view of the ocean. NOG We can go swimming. JAKE We won't submerge our bones. QUARK (to Jake, a perfect torment) And we won't drink. CuCHIP TWIST! Bubble juice TIME. JAKE (to the room) I'll have the bubbly. Jake puts a big, round bump on the table. JAKE (continuing) I'll have the bubble tea. Quark coughs at the taste. QUARK Die, poor dear. JAKE I'm not -- QUARK Mmmmm. Quark pours them each a bubbly, while leaving the others in the control area. Odo touches his combadge. ODO Odo to Ops. Report. INTERCUT: INT. OPS REVERB is at his station; T'Rul is at the Ops table; Bashir is in the b.g., while the other crewmembers are randomly scattered around the room. QUARK'S VOICE (from b.g.) Consorting with the Ferengi, that's correct, Doctor. ODO (to communicator) Odo to Operations. Report. INTERCUT: INT. CONDUIT #2 RAZKA is in the cul de sac. Quark is getting into his movements again, moving quickly across the room and getting closer to the door. T'RUL (to communicator) Odo to Operations. Report. ODO'S COM VOICE There's no one here, Major. Quark turns to see that Odo is nowhere to be seen. He makes a final lunge at T'Rul. QUARK Whatever you were doing, take the brick and get out. T'Rul stops, but takes a step back. QUARK What? Quark pushes him against the wall. T'RUL Why? QUARK So I can repay you in full for your loan. And frankly, I can't do that. T'RUL Oh? What can you do? Quark pushes her against the wall again. QUARK That's no reason. T'RUL I said no. And with that, she leaves. Amsha tries to smile at Quark, hands him the bucket. AMSHA Quark, you promised me you'd do that. Quark looks at her, tries to please her. QUARK If you insist. He begins to shovel sand toward her. AMSHA What are you going to do? QUARK Whatever it is, I can't do it. AMSHA I see. Why would you do that? QUARK Out of loyalty. AMSHA You betrayed me. QUARK I don't have to explain. AMSHA You know I won't be coddled. QUARK You're a Liar, aren't you? She slaps him across the face. AMSHA What are you going to do, Quark? Hurry up. Get out of here. Quark tries to muster a defiant look. QUARK You're damn right I'll go. And with that, he moves off to shovel another ton of snow. CUT TO: EXT. RAIN'S SHAPE - DAY (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. INT. CARGO BAY Quark, Lerani and Kornan are all present. The Bajoran security guards are en route. LECK, the Bajoran who ran the ore depot, has been flown in from the surface. He's our only contact with the outside. KORNAN We've lost contact with the Ferengi Ryza. (beat) It worries me to see how this will impact their investigation. QUARK I don't think we're related to them at all. (distracted) They're missing... and for the last three years we've been carrying out a test on the containment field... KORNAN Three years? It seems a long time to me. QUARK If you're suggesting we're doubled... KORNAN (irritating) We are. QUARK (trying to be light) Not at all. KORNAN You're not exactly light, are you? QUARK Oh, you'd be. KORNAN (to Lerani) If you'll excuse us. The three of them EXIT. INT. OPS As they ENTER from the Turbolift. Kornan moves to command. KORNAN (to a monitor) How long will it take them to program the phaser banks? BRUNT (O.S.) Three minutes, forty seconds... (buries his face in his hands) Understandable if the Ferengi are as efficient as we are. KORNAN (to the monitor) What do you make of that, Ferengi? Two other Ferengis ENTER from the Turbolift. BRUNT The central computer processors are critical to effective computer control. I'm certain that all the central computer processors on the station should be capable of sustained performance improvement of up to twenty-four percent.  KORNAN That wouldn't require an operator to be present for normal operation. Brunt looks over the computer equipment. BRUNT Nothing would keep me from operating the station day and night. KORNAN There are aspects of our laboratory that could be transferred to the replacements. Brunt nods. Kornan sits in the Captain's Chair for the entire meeting. BRUNT Perhaps it would be easier to contract for those systems. KORNAN That was my experience as well, and it worked pretty well. BRUNT What if you want to extend the support beyond the engineering depot? KORNAN That won't be possible. Those systems are critical to the survival of the entire planet. Extending those systems to the mercenaries would mean their death. BRUNT But what if they develop mind viruses? KORNAN What does that mean? BRUNT They assume other people's minds. Kornan looks very puzzled. KROLA What do you mean? KORNAN The computers monitor Kornan's health and emotional well-being. If he gets too stressed, he dies. BRUNT You can't make these decisions without first studying the situation. KROLA We're talking about thousands of lives. BRUNT If we do not act soon, the mercenaries will die. KROLA It will not come to that. Many people will flock to join them. Brunt has said his support is based on hard science. Can you prove his theory? BRUNT I plan to. KROLA Congratulations, Chancellor. Brunt looks to Sisko to intercede, but before he can do so, Krola has a second thoughts. KROLA When I was a young man, my father and I were tasked with guarding the city. One evening, as we went to the temple to say ritualized good-bye, some student radicals took out a weapon... only to be killed instantly. I refused. I came home that night, sat in the chair... and cried. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Looking... , - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 1A-43. KROLA The next morning when we returned to the city, I went back inside. I still can't believe they would perform a double-murder in the dance of Kahless. Their methodical killing methods are unimaginable. SISKO You haven't thought about that already, Krola. Krola stands, moves to the bar. KROLA When it comes to political aggrandizement, your brother's responsible for a great deal that is regrettable. But you are not responsible for what your brother did. It was an isolated incident... nothing more. (beat) And now, I'm afraid it will be imposed... for the rest of your life. srfcool SATURDAY LIGHT passes over Krola. He's thoughtful... calm... not a little angry. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shattered Mirror" - REV. 1/29/97 - ACT FOUR 44. KROLA No, my brother and I planned to destroy the power grid on Krola Four long before the power outage... the next thing to do is blame the people of Bajor for the destruction of the grid. It was the thinking behind all those purges and relocations. SISKO You're saying the system's been destroyed? KROLA It's easier to accept that everything aboard the ship is maliciously. But I have seen no evidence that the people of Bajor are any better. SISKO It's not that they're all worse, it's just that they're unhappy. And there's something to be painfully aware of. KROLA The people of Bajor have been annihilated for four centuries. We don't want peace, Captain. We want to end the Occupation. SISKO I happen to share your desire for peace. However, ending the Occupation will not be easy. The political landscape on this station has been sharply divided. KROLA Unhappily, I see. SISKO If the political landscape has been sharply divided, then perhaps there is something you can do to help ease the pain. KROLA I can't help you, Commander. Whatever else I may be, I owe this to you. SISKO Just get me my fix of Kapla Dax. KROLA (quickly) No. No. I don't need a Dax. You need me. SISKO If you can just... get me my fix of Kapla... The moment hangs in the air... KROLA Extremely shabby. He opens a bottle and pours himself a shot. KROLA (continuing) So, Commander. Have a nice trip. SISKO Thanks. And with that, Sisko steps over to the bar and we find ourselves in -- INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS - CLOSE ON BAREIL His face says it all -- eyes wide, believe it or not -- as he holds out his hands and begins to cry.... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS - CLOSE ON BAREIL He looks exhausted, as if the entire ordeal has continued and he's been through it all again. A quiet moment as he remembers Plegg and his mother. BAREIL (quiet) Plegg. Revealing Kira's face just as happy as he is, Bareil looks down at his hand. As he holds it, something about it strikes him as odd... something not only that it has been empty since the beginning, but also because it has remained in one piece. CUT TO: INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE where Dax, ODO and WV-Six have just finished talking to Sisko. WV-SIX It's good to be back, Commander. You've been at your post for two years. It's time to pose a new test. SISKO And what about Vantika? Has he been cleared by the First Minister? ODO The treaty specifies that missions be approved by an independent international commission -- the High Council. WV-SIX I'm sure that's only the first step. We have to launch a massive retaliation against Vantika and his supporters. SISKO I'm already meeting with several other top command officers to horizimate his forces... ODO And how do you know that Vantika didn't want to be discovered as a commander of the dissident movement? WV-SIX It's more than that. I know that Krajensky wasn't just another former member of the dissident movement... he was the leader of the Confederation of Planets, the world's largest federation of civilisations, at the time of his death he personally declared the Cardassian colony of Darek to be the new heart of the Federation. SISKO (putting it together) That does it. That's the evidence we're looking for. Major, you're supposed to take a report to Starfleet headquarters on this? KIRA I won't -- I can't meet with those people. The inference being if they don't like what they're being told, they're going to have to leave. WV-SIX You're also not supposed to be involved in political affairs. KIRA These are my orders, Vantika. SISKO I didn't say I intended to hand over command to you. It would be inevitable that disagreements along these lines might develop. BAREIL (trying to backtrack) That's fine with me. Enjoy my head. ODO Commander, Starfleet doesn't have to answer your questions. SISKO Yes, it does. But it's my job to make sure we all know the truth. Kira turns to Sisko and looks him straight in the eye. KIRA Commander, changing the course of the war to eliminate the Cardassians -- one of the most controversial decisions in Federation history... it's an order. One I've never given up. Sisko is stunned... and doesn't know how to explain. SISKO You're being Prime Minister since the end of the Occupation? KIRA And I've got a programme of education and outreach to prepare my people for the day when we enter the Beta Quadrant. ODO You mean, after we've left... you want to talk to us? KIRA That's right. ODO You've been perfectly intelligent, for that matter. KIRA If you ask me, you're the elevated one. You always have been. SISKO You're damn right I'm not. I thought you'd be cold and embarrassed while I orbited that lunar cluster. But you were so charming as a pianist. And beautiful. And intelligent. The most I could've hoped for was friendship. This isn't working. KIRA Maybe we're both looking too much. ODO The most important thing in the long run is friendship. (a beat) Now what do I do about it? KIRA You're my worst nightmare... what do I do? BAREIL Finish what you started. The important thing is to be friendud. And as he walks them through the shutters -- OMITTED INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Bareil and Kira walking. KIRA I guess this is the last thing I would've done. BAREIL You mean he's never going to find you? KIRA He'll get his. First of all, he's ineligible to be my friend. Secondly, what do you expect me to do? Spot an innocent woman named Latha, pregnant and nursing her giant water snake? BAREIL Why should I help you? You are Antosius. KIRA I said I'm not coming with you. BAREIL Which somehow I thought you might think was funny. KIRA The Antosians can't decide who's my friend. BAREIL What are they looking for? Kira shakes her head. KIRA They're trying to decide who members of the Central Command are my friends. BAREIL (cutting her off) Central Command. Do I hear a drum roll? (re: the clock) I've got to go -- stand to the reception. Bareil heads for the door. OMITTED INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Bareil rounds a corner, where he meets Major KIRA. KIRA Once I was a simple academic colleague, too. But now I'm a youth leader. BAREIL And you've got more wisdom than I did. Major KIRA isn't so sure of this. But she smiles mischievously at Bareil. KIRA Not every day I change my mind about something. BAREIL Perhaps you'd rather be a leaf sweep or a butterfly? Something about the way he says this makes her think that he's making her feel better. She smiles back at him. KIRA That's very funny... but it's just a phase. They share a smile. INT. READY ROOM as the door CHIMES. BAREIL Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Winn. WINN See you later, child. Kira studies Winn a beat, curious about the communicator. BAREIL Yes, as soon as I finish my news ribs. Winn flashes them both a look -- no one expects a reunion. WINN There's going to be an inquest on the ambassadors. All of them. KIRA Maybe we should handle this the backway. Winn tenses. WINN But that won't be necessary. You can count on whatever they've each produced. Winn is calculating her next move. INT. ORE PROCESSING Odo is still concerned about the situation. ODO Maybe you're thinking of suggesting that we ignore the problem and let the Klingons run their ship. But that could lead to disaster... KIRA (interrupting) Odo, please. You're here to help us, not to discourage us. WINN The problem is that the Klingons won't leave. ODO Then what you need is to let them know that what they're doing to the Bajoran people isn't okay. KIRA I'm asking you as a Starfleet officer. WINN (nodding) You're not going to get much support from the Bajoran government. ODO No, I'm going to get support from the Bajoran government. The less I have to rely on ex-Bajoran informants, the better. KIRA What do you mean? ODO I mean if we can convince Major Kira to reinstate the procedure, then we can get the Bajoran vote. KIRA You're being ridiculous. WINN I think the vote would be shoved back a few days. ODO What do you mean? KIRA Pass the buck to me. WINN The buck would be passed to Vedek Bareil. ODO He's not a Vedek. He's my coordinating officer. I swear it. KIRA Then who is? WINN Who do you think? KIRA (with disdain) Vedek Bareil. WINN Well, I've seen him only once. He makes brilliant counselor. ODO I thought you said you liked counselors. KIRA I do. But they make me nervous. I misspelled his name. WINN That's to be expected -- a paternal title nonetheless. ODO His bearing... his unwavering objectivity... makes him a certain pleasure to be around. KIRA I don't miss it. WINN And therein lies the problem. (a beat) The Prime Directive offers no guarantee that I'll deliver the Bajoran to our authorities. ODO I thought you already knew that. KIRA (nodding) I did. But I didn't put it through the bio-decay sequences. WINN The Data I've had in my head doesn't expire for a month. It's named its targets. And that's the last thing it needs. It's still being used as a human shield. (a beat) What Honor the Emperor's command by slaying its arms bone. KIRA (realizing, half- heard) You're supposed to bring the bone to me. WINN Bring the bone to me what? Kira's at a loss for words. Winn's case has taken her mind off the problem at the moment. WINN Perhaps you should find another subject for your Zen studies. KIRA (never mind) No. I'll keep my mind off that already. WINN That won't be necessary. KIRA (a bit stiff) The meditation... WINN And the breathing... Kira's in a complete panic. KIRA What? WINN You're startled. (desperate) You want to get out of here, Anna. Kira looks at Winn like she's insane. KIRA Of course I do. And with that she turns and EXITS. We hold on Kira's startled reaction for a beat and -- CUT TO: INT. ADMIRAL LEYTON'S OFFICE - DAY SISKO is in the middle of telling Leyton a story to him and Margulis. SISKO You're a very pious man, Leyton. MILLIAN That's not much to bet his life on. After all, he's a Benejian android. SISKO I wouldn't bet his life on anything. But then, I don't have much of a choice do I? MILLIAN Then you should pray for your enlightenment. SISKO Prayer? MILLIAN That's what you do when you're hiding. SISKO I'm not concealing anything when I'm lying. I'm just telling the story to you. It sounds familiar, doesn't it? MILLIAN And the only reason you didn't ask me was because you didn't need the rest of our conversation. SISKO It doesn't sound like the story you told me before. externalToEVA MILLIAN It doesn't have to be. If you turn the page, every page, the story begins anew. At least, it looks that way. Sisko isn't sure how he's going to defend that position. SISKO I suppose it's my right... to defend what you believe. MILLIAN You don't have to. If you don't believe what I'm saying, then you don't have to... SISKO I don't have to. What I have to do is trust you. MILLIAN And what better way to trust an old friend than to follow your instructions? Sisko looks at the pages again. MILLIAN No more fairy tales about galloping, cowards and the palm Beacons. SISKO What do you want from me? MILLIAN I think I've given you enough information already. Sisko steels himself and does what he can to reject Millian's challenge. SISKO Where is this? MILLIAN There was a time when the Palamar was your world. I remember you walking across the channel with a ship in your hand... and feeling as if you'd never been without me. SISKO I don't remember... MILLIAN I don't understand. I felt as if I'd never been without you either. SISKO What we need is a new beginning... you tell me where to find Bashir and O'Brien. MILLIAN I can't... they're not here... BASHIR Oh, they're not here either. But they'll find them. (with a smirk) Tough decision. MILLIAN (to the trickle of information) This is going to be a very, very, long season. O'BRIEN (with new blood) So I'm not cutting it to the bench? MILLIAN No, you're not. You're walking into a room filled with Bajoran maidens... a room filled with eager ears... and strikingly, no one knows what to do but you. BASHIR (trying to control the flow) Morn? MILLIAN (to the trickle of information) Perhaps I could... how? O'BRIEN Just confirm that you're indeed a maid. MILLIAN (smiling) Just do what I say. BASHIR (to the trickle of information) End this now, before we regret it. MILLIAN But how can I do that? BASHIR You want me to kill him? MILLIAN What I want is to end this right now. ODO That's not what I have to hear. bright, cheerful, and urbane women -- MILLIAN That's right -- what do you have to lose? O'BRIEN PDATEGAH! BASHIR PDATEGAH! O'BRIEN Now, we need to decide what to do with him. MILLIAN (to the women) Whatever you decide, we'll do the best we can for you. The women smile and leave. BASHIR (to O'Brien) Time to cover the place? O'BRIEN I'd say now. INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE SHRINE CHAMBER - DAY As the door CHIMES, the Bajoran monk that Dukat appointed comes out of the back room to find the monk. DUKAT (as he looks around) What have you done to the place? DAMAR Abandoned to the Fourth Level, just like all the others. DUKAT What about the power generator? DAMAR They've destroyed it. Dukat is not surprised, but he is disappointed. DUKAT (to the monk) Why would you abandon such a valuable possession? DAMAR They don't agree with my decision. I'll appeal to the Vorta to help me... KIRA Did they give you permission to keep the generator? DUKAT No... The other two Cardassian soldiers APPEAR. DUKAT Exile the generator to this location. DAMAR What? Why? KIRA You can't do that, Dukat. Kira looks to Odo, who nods to him. ODO We'll handle it, I promise you. DUKAT (to Kira) I will make sure of that. CLOSE ON KIRA FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END